• long running

[iOS] YouTube Premium Monthly: Single INR₹195 (~A$3.55), Family INR₹389 (~A$7.09) @ Apple App (Req India Apple ID & Amazon)


Read previous comments before asking a question, most likely it's answered already

Apple India ID required. Buy gift cards from Amazon India

  1. Set up an Indian Apple ID using your AU mobile number to verify.

  2. Login into an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, using an Indian Apple ID by going to settings > Your name > Media and purchases.

  3. Buy Apple gift cards from Amazon India using your AU amazon account. Enter an Indian address (make sure indian address is selected) and use an international fee free card. Then load gift cards to your Apple ID.

  4. Open up Youtube app - head to account (right bottom corner) > settings (right top corner gear icon) > purchases and memberships

  5. Choose a plan of your liking

Set up google family before signing up to family account https://families.google/families/

Mod Note: Proceed at your own risk as Apple Account may be banned/locked.

Related Stores

Apple App Store
Apple App Store
Amazon India
Amazon India


  • no indian issued card needed?

    • don't need

    • +1

      I use revolut and wise.

      • Hi @Pricebeat will that count as Indian credit card? cause I've got the email that I need to use India issued credit card

        • +1

          Are you currently paying using Apple India gift cards? or did you sign up using VPN on youtube direct?

          These don't count as India issued cards.

          • @Pricebeat: Thanks, I'm using the VPN on youtube direct, they gave me the notice to change my payment by 5th of December, so I'm waiting to see what will happen :)

            • @NTS83: Yep, all that is coming to an end sooner or later. Using Apple gift cards is the way for now.

              • @Pricebeat: It seems the weak link in this chain is using an AU mobile number.

                I'm in the huge group of current users coming to an end, so I'll try any new method. YouTube Music has been amazing for my family. Revanced isn't the only answer

                • +1

                  @Ulysses31: Exactly. YouTube music has replaced Spotify for me, so essentially it's that rather than the added YouTube functionality.

            • @NTS83: What happened in the end? I'm looking at switching from full price premium to this method :)

        • Yeah it will. Indian Apple Gift Cards is a local payment method!

      • What's the benefit of using revolut and wise for this YouTube deal?

  • Does the google account need to be set to India as well for this to work?

    • -2


    • +2

      I use my Australian account. Only reason you would set up new account is, if you want to keep your primary account separate from these activities.

      • +6

        I've started doing more & more splitting, over the last few years. Billions of us being naive, with how much we merge ALL of our activities into one "free" email address that's become the key to our online identity.

        Forget the tinfoil stuff, just the fact if that email goes wonky, out life gets instantly REAL complicated.

        • +1

          I've enjoyed moving to alias email addresses using fastmail. While it isn't a free option I can see exactly what companies are selling my data and easily nuke any compromised email alias to avoid spam.

        • +2

          Email segregation is the only way forward as far as I'm concerned. I've got over a dozen email accounts, each with a specific intent or purpose for them. While it's not as convenient as using the same email, if anything does go wrong, nothing else is impacted.

          • @KangaDrew: Where are some of these from?

            I have Gmail, Hotmail and a personal one I keep from an isp.

            Or are they multiple Gmails etc?

            • +1

              @WhyAmICommenting: Gmail, Apple and Firefox Relay have the ability to use an alias (or mask) over your primary email address. I just run everything through Outlook though. So they're dedicated email addresses all added to my Outlook app and I can view all emails at any time without needing to go and log into other apps or via a browser. They're a mix of Live, Hotmail and Outlook domains. Keeping them separate from one another also means there's no link between them whereas an alias is still linked to the primary email address.

            • +1

              @WhyAmICommenting: I would recommend SimpleLogin or ProtonPass.

            • +1

              @WhyAmICommenting: Personally, unmoved to Proton. One day, I'll get the family package. But free has been plenty for the last couple of years

        • A little known but far easier method to use your single Gmail address for multiple subs etc is simply by adding +(and a new number for a new subscription). So if your email was [email protected] to subscribe to something your already subscribed to you can sign up as [email protected] and it will work as a new sub. email will get sent to your jack email and you can do it limitless jack+2 etc

          • @Tokingit: I think it's known by a lot of people. But it's still google. The more I detach from them & similar, the more they streamline and/or insist on using them for every possible aspect of or life.

            Having been hacked, and also have young kids, was the accelerant for us

            • @Ulysses31: Ahhh I see different priorities… I just don't want to remember more logins

  • +4

    If you encounter errors while creating an India Apple ID, try creating the india account on https://music.apple.com/. Click on the red "Sign In" button in the top right corner.

    • I have difficulty in getting apple id for India. After enter all the information, it said it could be do it now.
      Then I went to music.apple.com, a bit better. But when I gave answers to 3 security questions, it said the data could not be saved?
      IF I log out and log in again, password is OK but then it goes to 3 security questions, and then failed after I gave it the answer.
      What did I miss and how to correct it now?
      Should need to factory reset my iphone (old iphone6) to try again?
      not even try the Amazon apple gift card.
      I can use PIA VPN on my PC and iphone.

      Thank you.

      • You can try to create india apple ID on a PC instead of an iphone.

      • +49

        Because this is OzBargain and we're here to share deals with each other, not gate keep deals from others so individuals can reap the rewards. If something gets shut because of a loop hole, that is on the company and not the individual sharing.

          • +19

            @motion2082: Thats so ironic, with you being here looking for deals

    • +10

      This technique is widely known and has likely millions of views on similar threads on places like reddit
      I doubt this post would be the threshold/tipping point to make Google close it down.

    • +7

      That’s the whole point of this website: to share good deals with each other.

  • +7

    I ask my cousin in India to login to my google account, signup/renew every year. Have been using from last 5 years. 😊

    • +67

      Can you post a deal on indian cousins then?

    • +3

      If i were you, i’d post this service on classifieds. Not sure if your cousin can be bothered enough to make extra money on the side though. I’d happily pay $20 extra for a yearly plan signup.

      • -1

        Yeah nah. Nah yeah?

    • +21

      Translation: I'm on OzB but happy with RRP. Thought I'd let you know.

    • +3

      Ouch….. compared to this deal you are paying $120 a year more. I'd rather that in my bank account than in Googles hands.

      • -4

        Have been doing the India VPN trick for a while now, there just seems like too much risk in losing money on this. Would rather not potentially wind up with money I can't use sitting in an account I can't use otherwise.

  • +1

    YT Premium family subscription on iOS app costs ₹389, on browser or android devices it is ₹299. Individual Plan is ₹195 on iOS app and ₹149 elsewhere. Any workarounds to get it cheaper without having to use the app? I have my Indian address, Credit Card however when trying the browser, I get ip recognised and doesn't let me complete the purchase in Rupees.

    • +3

      Amazon India sells Google India gift cards. Try your luck with a new google account and use gift cards from Amazon India. Method will be similar but on Android.

      • Excellent tip! I'll be using this soon.

        • +1

          Let me know how you go. It has been in plans for me to make it work and post here. But I don't have an Android device

          • +1

            @Pricebeat: Bought a google play gift card from amazon. Tried to redeem into my google play account, after entering the code I get error message that this code can be applied only from India. My account address, google play country and all other places wherever I needed to enter address is all showing up my India home address, still the error. I think I need a proper India VPN to be able to succeed.

            • @ozshuttler: May be one of Andoid methods listed here will make Google think you are actually there.

              • @Pricebeat: Thanks for this, I was able to get the account although I'm having issues with inviting/accepting family invites because not in the same country…. Any ideas? I could change my account to india, but don't really want to wait a year to change it back…

            • @ozshuttler: You need to set up an Indian payment profile in Google and switch to it. Google the implications first.

              • +1

                @gadgetguy: it is set to my Indian Payment Profile, still the error. I think the error is location based. like @Pricebeat mentioned, I will have to spoof the geo location or get my family in India to login for me.

            • @ozshuttler: I believe you need to change your android Play store to India as well as the Payment Profile….

              I tried this and I Also got an error…. from my interwebz reading you need to change the Android Play Store as well….

              one catch is you can only do it "ONCE" every 12 months…..

              mine was set to Turkey for Google One…. and I had to deal with a Turkish Play store…. (Some apps are region locked eg 7plus, abc etc…)… once the year was up I changed my play store back to Oz…. but now I cant change it to india…..


              • @noogaz: Thanks for this, I was able to get the account although I'm having issues with inviting/accepting family invites because not in the same country…. Any ideas? I could change my account to india, but don't really want to wait a year to change it back…

      • I bought some google gift card using the above links from Amazon India but unfortunately it not letting me reedem it in Australia I think they are Geo location based , i have also checked my google account is Indian account. Any steps how to reedeem the google gift card ?

        • How are you redeeming them? Via play store? Also do you have any payment profiles set up?

          • @Pricebeat: Reedeming them via play store and as well as youtube account and yes payment profile setup in india

          • @Pricebeat: Gives us the below error when redeeming the got card
            “Couldn't redeem this code. This code can only be used in India. See gift card Terms of Service.
            By clicking Redeem, you agree to the Gift Card & Promotional Code Terms and Conditions, as applicable.

            Unsure if it can be redeemed via VPN ?

        • I tried applying to a Gmail account I had for a while that had no history, adding the code on web, it asked for the address, I set an Indian one, but then it threw an error saying I have to contact Google with a link. On the link there was a form that said it could take a few weeks to review the request 🥱
          Will update here if it doesn't

        • From memory, Google Play cards can't be used for YT premium. It's just to buy apps via the Google Play store and in-app purchases. That's probably why it's error'ing.

    • +1

      The price difference you’re describing is negligible. Your time is worth more than going down this rabbit hole (I would hope). Enjoy the already amazing discount / deal and call it a day

      • It's a 23% discount… Or $1.64 AUD

      • I'm looking at it a bit differently, in addition to being cheaper it may also be a solution for me.

        I, quite happily, do not own any apple device and all these recent deals seem to require it.

        I haven't scrutinised every little detail to see if there is already a work around but seems some people are testing it.

        • -1

          Also keen for and Android method. Steve Jobs can suck it

        • quite happily

          Good to know.

  • Do we nee vpn to use YouTube premium for it

  • I'm doing this for the first time.

    When I try to set up the family account I am directed to the app store to enter an address but tapping on select state causes the form to disappear. How did everyone else get through this?

    • Try on a non Apple device, like a laptop. I did all that on a desktop and then signed in.

  • I purchased Apple gift card India using Australian Address. It worked.

  • So cheap!

  • +1

    Is this possible to do without an apple device through the apple website? I have all android

  • Is it possible that Google could ban your Gmail account if it finds you in breach of ToS?

    • IMHO they want your money than banning you. The little money you benefit from this is probably not worth them heavily handle the situation

      Can always create a separate gmail accounts

  • +1

    Wondering on community knowledge/opinion on other services to be run from Indian Apple ID balance? Netflix, Microsoft 365, google drive, Disney etc? The nice thing you can preload balance for years.

    • Some / most are cheaper via Turkiye account. You will have to compare between both. Unless you don't mind a bit of difference for convenience.

      See this link for Apple India deals.

      • Thanks for the link.

        I liked the Indian Apple GC purchase experience from Amazon India. Safe and usual experience, so I wanted more :D

        Sad Amazon Turkey doesn’t have Apple GCs.

    • how does one preload for years? I did it 2 years ago but can't seem to figure out now. Thanks.

  • I'm in an infinite loop when trying to log into my new apple account on iphone where it wants me to 2FA and use my phone number - I enter the verification code via email and loop continues over and over. Anyone resolved this?

    • Had the same. Created secondary local acc on my MacBook and when in that account logged in full ICloud login, it requires few more details entered and you’ll be fine on iOS. I also logged in in App Store on that Mac account and redeemed GC there.

  • +1

    Excellent post op

  • I've got 500 Turkisk lira to get through first. I'll try this in a few months.

  • so this is the same as the Turkish method just cheaper?

  • Didn’t work for me.

    Register India account at apple music and it didn’t ask for mobile. Tried to login on iOS and it asked for mobile verification. Tried different mobile number and apple said it encountered error. Tried multiple times.

    • Are you still logged in on Apple music page where you created account? Try to edit settings and see if you can enter a mobile number there. I am surprised they let you create account without a number.

      • Now it’s working. Thanks

        I tried to login with another apple device, it worked this time. Cancelled my current membership and resubscribed through apple.

  • +1

    having trouble creating an indian address ass the phone number entered keeps getting rejected

    • Same, did you figure it out?

      • I added a random indian number I found online and it finally worked

    • +1

      I had the same issue. Managed to get through by signing in through the Apple music page, then putting a 0 before my number (e.g. +61 0400 000 000). It would not let me make an account if I used the same number that I have used previously with my existing AU Apple account. (e.g. +61 400 000 000).

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