7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • NAME OF 7/11 STORE


  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

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Further Info/Tips

Working Methods



Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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          • @sween64: Have they done that before? Might be worth doing even if I used a chopper.

            • +1

              @theguyrules: unlink your velocity card before you contact them. I contacted them about not being able to use a lock during their system wide update and they banned my account (G09)…so YMMV.

            • @theguyrules: Yep. It’s even written in to their T&C’s.

            • @theguyrules: I had one station that I had two failed fuel locks at in the same day (another family member filled their car) and submitted claims for both.

              One got given a gift card, the other got banned (not that I care haha)

              You win some, you lose some

              Might as well try :)

  • Does anyone know how the G17 error is different to the G09 error? The G17 error had come up after I had tried to reset a password for an account, which in hindsight is probably banned. It still lets me do the reset password function on the account though. Just wandering if anyone knows if it is an error specific to trying to reset the password of a banned account or something different.

    • +2

      I just tried to password reset a G09'd account.
      It lets you click on the reset link, and enter a password, but once you attempt to do it, G17 error comes up

      When I attempt to login with old password, it says invalid password, but when I attempt to use new password, G09 comes up, this indicates the password reset function still works, despite the G17 error that comes up when you attempt to change the pass, but I suspect it is due to being a banned account

  • Does anyone have issues with ifakelocation iOS? Everything is showing up correctly but the location on my phone is still where I’m actually at. Tried on 2 phones and still doesn’t work.

  • Chiming in to say that I know of 16 accounts that have been G09'd.
    It has definitely happened in the last week as I just made a new account to lock for another friend and that one has been hit too.

    It seems that every account I have ever locked into with my chopper phone has been tainted. Some of the accounts I checked haven't been locked/used in probably 6 months (people have moved to non 7/11 locations) but still the accounts have been banned.

    I have created a new account on the chopper phone and just taken a screenshot of the barcode so I'll share that to my main phone instead of logging in and out. Let's see how long this account lasts.

    • Can you report back on your findings? I've been got with the same issue and have been trying to figure out what triggers it.

    • Both my fuel locks have dropped off as well. Going to relock now and see what happens.

    • I had a bunch of accounts G09'd out of nowhere a week ago.

      Not sure what set them all off, but it is a big bummer because I had a really good workflow going.

  • +2

    I locked in at 1:30pm today and just used it, saving $34!

  • Helped a few people on here - checked my accounts just now and realized I've also been banned

  • +1

    In one of the recent app updates they added a bunch of account & settings features under profile. A useful addition might be adding a transaction history, lock history and $ saved history, by event and yearly and all time total.
    /just a thought

  • Help required to fly the chopper.
    I've followed all the steps and installed the Android Studio in my Windows laptop.
    Problem is that i'm not able to use it due to Android Studio is significantly slow. Does anyone know how to optimize the PC or Android studio to get this working ? I've attached the photos of my [CPU Performance] (https://imgur.com/a/e5sxnf7) while AS is running and machine specs.

    • Emulation can be resource intensive, so make sure you're not running too much in the background - try running it after a fresh restart of your machine.

  • Carlingford Diesel @ 190.9 on Project03 & Refinery.

    But NSW Fuel Check says 189.9

    @1/2 tank, I'm wondering if I should wait for prices to drop, or use the 190.9 lock.

    • If you're only talking 1c/L, it's hardly going to make a difference. If you need to fill up now, use your 190 lock, but if you don't, just wait and see if it drops. Those are your options.

      • +1

        User name checks out. Lol

    • Just take the hose off the bouser, insert the hose into your tank and lift the hose.

      There shoud be around 45c worth of fuel from the previous fill.

      Then proceed to fill your tank and remeber to lift the hose after your fill!

      • Will try this for sure next time, unless it has evapourated!

  • +2

    Wow. I got two refunds on both my accounts eventhough i only asked for one 😉

  • Thank you so much @dontpanic you are a legend, very easy to follow tutorial, will save me heaps of money.

    Sorry if my question sound stupid, I'm not very familiarised with all these technologies, does anyone know if it is possible to copy all the apps and settings from the emulated mobile on android studio to my mobile? This way I could use an old mobile and have it with me all the time

    • +1

      Not really. But if you can root your old device and get magisk running on it, you can probably follow the guide from part 3 to get it up and running. I don't have an old device to test it on, but it should be theoretically possible.

  • +9

    ANDROID STUDIO CHOPPER GUIDE v1.1 (macOS/Linux/Windows)

    OK, first off, these instructions may look really long and daunting, but I promise it’s actually quite easy and simple. Once you have all the tools downloaded, the whole process takes about 5-10 minutes.

    This is basically an update to my previous Nox guide, but rather than using that horrible bloated software and all the spammy crap that comes along with it, we can now use a clean, cross platform solution that should remain functional for as long as this Magisk/Zygisk/LSposed method remains viable on normal rooted phones. Yay.

    I don't have a rooted phone to be able to test this on, but I would assume that if you were able to root your phone and install Magisk, you could follow the instructions at PART 3 to get it working - it would be a lot simpler than the Smali Patcher route. If it works for your rooted phone, please let us know the details by replying to this post.

    PART 1 - Setting Up Android Studio

    • Download Android Studio
    • Install it.
    • When running it for the first time, select the Standard Install option. (If you have a previous install, you might want to check that you've installed ADB by following the instructions in Additional Notes at the end of this guide.)
    • Open Android Studio.
    • On the Welcome Screen, click on “More Actions” under the “New Project/Open” buttons.
    • Select “Virtual Device Manager”.
    • In the new Device Manager window, click on “Create Device”.
    • For our purposes here, we will use a Pixel 4 because it is the most recent phone that includes the Google Play Store (for those who might want it) - but if you have no need for it, or don't want to download another 1GB, or if this guide gets old and you need to use a newer device//Android Version for My 7-Eleven app compatibility) feel free to choose something newer, or just use the preloaded Pixel 3a. But please note that if you choose to use a different device, you will have to modify some of the script commands later in the guide - refer to PART 2D for instructions.
    • On the next screen you can choose the version of Android you want to use - I have successfully tested both R (API 30) and Tiramasu (API 33). For our purposes we will use Tiramasu (API 33) because it is the most recent and should give us longer compatibility with the My 7-Eleven app. If you’re going off-guide and use a different phone and version, pay attention to whether your version is x86 or X86_64 or arm64-v8a, and whether it includes Play Store or not, as you will need this info a bit later on.
    • Hit the download button next to the version you want and once the download is finished (about 1GB) hit “Next”.
    • Confirm your configuration and hit “Finish”.
    • Your device should now be listed in the Device Manager.
    • Launch your device by hitting the “Play” icon next to it. You will need to have your new device up and running as we go through the next steps.
    • With your device now running, we’re going to install Magisk via a nifty little script from Github called RootAVD
    • Download the script (the link is currently on the GitHub page where it says "Click" under "Install Magisk | Download rootAVD via")
    • We're now going to move on to PART 2.
    • If you're using macOS or Linux on an Intel/AMD based machine, use PART 2A.
    • If you're using macOS on a Mac with an M1 or M2 processor use PART 2B.
    • If you're using Windows with an Intel/AMD processor, use PART 2C.
    • If you're using something else, you're on your own and you'll have to work it out for yourself.

    PART 2A - macOS (Intel) / Linux (Intel/AMD)

    (If any of the following instructions confuse you, I suggest watching the video on the Github link so you have a clearer idea of what we’re doing)

    • Open Terminal

    • Type:

      cd [location of rootAVD-master directory] <—— You can just drag the folder on to terminal to get the location

    • If you are following the guide and using the Pixel 4 + Tiramasu combo, you can use the commands below (if not, please refer to PART 2D).

    • Paste the following command and hit Enter:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img

    • You will probably get an output like this:

      [ ! ] and we are NOT in an emulator shell
      [ * ] Set Directorys
      [ - ] Test if ADB SHELL is working
      [ ! ] ADB is not in your Path, try to
      export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH

    • Copy the last line of your output (i.e. export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH), paste it and hit Enter.

    • Then enter this command again:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img

    • Once the script finishes successfully, your device should shutdown after a few seconds. We will now progress to PART 3.

    PART 2B - macOS (Apple Silicon)

    (If any of the following instructions confuse you, I suggest watching the video on the Github link so you have a clearer idea of what we’re doing)

    • Open Terminal

    • Type:

      cd [location of rootAVD-master directory] <—— You can just drag the folder on to terminal to get the location

    • If you are following the guide and using the Pixel 4 + Tiramasu combo, you can use the commands below (if not, please refer to PART 2D).

    • Paste the following command and hit Enter:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

    • You will probably get an output like this:

      [ ! ] and we are NOT in an emulator shell
      [ * ] Set Directorys
      [ - ] Test if ADB SHELL is working
      [ ! ] ADB is not in your Path, try to
      export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH

    • Copy the last line of your output (i.e. export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH), paste it and hit Enter.

    • Then enter this command again:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

    • Once the script finishes successfully, your device should shutdown after a few seconds. We will now progress to PART 3.

    PART 2C - Windows (Intel/AMD)

    (If any of the following instructions confuse you, I suggest watching the video on the Github link so you have a clearer idea of what we’re doing)

    • Open CMD

    • Type:

      cd [location of rootAVD-master directory]

    • If you are following the guide and using the Pixel 4 + Tiramasu combo, you can use the commands below (if not, please refer to PART 2D).

    • Paste the following command and hit Enter:

      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img

    • You will probably get an output like this:

      [ * ] Set Directorys
      [ - ] Test if ADB SHELL is working
      [ ! ] ADB is not in your Path, try to
      Set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\sdk\platform-tools;%PATH%

    • Copy the last line (i.e. Set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\sdk\platform-tools;%PATH%), paste it and run it.

    • Enter this command again:

      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img

    • Once the script finishes successfully, your device should shutdown after a few seconds. We will now progress to PART 3.

    PART 2D - Choosing a Different Device

    Now if you’ve chosen a different Phone/Version of Android, the above instructions will be the same, BUT your ramdisk.img file may be different. You’ll need to select the proper command for your version.

    We are assuming that you have followed the PART 2A/B/C steps up until the point that it told you to come here

    • In macOS, type:

      ./rootAVD.sh ListAllAVDs

    • In Windows, type:

      rootAVD.bat ListAllAVDs

    • In macOS you will get you an output like this:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img
      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img DEBUG PATCHFSTAB GetUSBHPmodZ
      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img restore
      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img InstallKernelModules
      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img InstallPrebuiltKernelModules
      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img InstallPrebuiltKernelModules GetUSBHPmodZ PATCHFSTAB DEBUG
      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img AddRCscripts

    • In Windows you will get you an output like this:

      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img
      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img DEBUG PATCHFSTAB GetUSBHPmodZ
      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img restore
      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img InstallKernelModules
      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img InstallPrebuiltKernelModules
      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img InstallPrebuiltKernelModules GetUSBHPmodZ PATCHFSTAB DEBUG

    • There may be more than one set of these, depending on how many Android versions you’ve downloaded.

      To know which one to use, you will need to know the Android API version number you are running, whether your install is x86 or x86_64 or arm64-v8a, and whether or not your install includes Play Store.

      The structure will look something like this and you will need to choose the options in the parentheses that match your install:

      Android/sdk/system-images/[Android API Version]/google_apis[Play Store]/[Installed Processor Architecture]/ramdisk.img

      For instance, a Pixel 6 Pro install of Android Tiramasu (API 33) WITHOUT Play Store on an Intel/AMD based machine (x86_64) will look like:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis/x86_64/ramdisk.img

      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis\x86_64\ramdisk.img

      Whereas the install for a Pixel 4 with Android Tiramasu (API 33) WITH Play Store on an Intel/AMD based machine (x86_64) will look like:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ramdisk.img

      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img

      An install for a Pixel 4 with Android R (API 30) WITH Play Store on an Intel/AMD based machine (x86) will look like:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-30/google_apis_playstore/x86/ramdisk.img

      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-30\google_apis_playstore\x86\ramdisk.img

      And an install for a Pixel 4 with Android Tiramasu (API 33) WITH Play Store on an Apple Silicon Mac (arm64-v8a) will look like:

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

    • Once you have found the correct command for your device, copy it and resume the relevant PART 2 instructions above, swapping out the ramdisk.img commands in the instructions for the one you just copied.

    PART 3 - Installing Apps

    • In Android Studio Device Manager, click on the three dot menu button next to your device and select "Cold Boot Now".
    • Once booted, click, hold and drag up anywhere on the device Home Screen to reaveal the App Drawer.
    • If you're NOT using a Mac with Apple Silicon, skip to the next step. If you ARE, you will probably have an app called Alpha with the Magisk logo and an app called Magisk with a generic system logo. Select Magisk and you will be prompted to "Upgrade to full Magisk". Hit "OK". You will prompted to allow the app to install apps. Click on "Settings" on the prompt and then enable "Allow from Source". A new prompt will ask you if you want to update - click "Update". If it's successful, your Magisk app will now have a proper logo.
    • Open Magisk.
    • A popup will tell you that it "Requires Additional Setup" - hit "OK" and let the device reboot.
    • Once rebooted, go back into Magisk, hit the Settings cog icon, and enable Zygisk.
    • Exit the Settings page and hit the circular arrow next to the Settings icon and select Reboot.
    • On your computer, download LSPosed Zygisk (note: you want the Zygisk release, not Riru)
    • Drag the downloaded ZIP to your Android device - it will copy the file to the device storage.
    • In Magisk, go to the modules tab and select "Install from storage".
    • Select the ZIP file from your "Downloads" folder (accessible from the Hamburger menu top left).
    • After the install, reboot.
    • When the phone boots up again it should prompt to place a LSPosed icon on your Home Screen - hit OK (if you cancel this popup or delete the shortcut, just restart the device and you will be prompted to place it back).
    • On your computer, download GPS Setter and install by dragging the APK to your device. (Thanks to exa for discovering this easier method)
    • On your computer, download My 7-Eleven and install by dragging the APK to your device (you can also do this via the Play store on the device if you prefer)
    • Open the LSPosed Manager (that was just placed on your Home Screen), go to the modules tab and select GPS Setter, enable it and select either System Framework (to change location system wide) or My 7-Eleven (to only change location for My 7-Eleven, which may be useful if you are doing this on a rooted phone and still want to use Maps/Waze/etc). If you choose System Framework you will need to reboot the device for the change to take effect.
    • In your emulated Android Device, open up Chrome and go to Refinery.fyi (for future ease of use, add it to your Home Screen by clicking on the 3-dot menu icon and selecting "Add To Home Screen")
    • Click on the fuel type you want and it should copy the co-ordinates.
    • Open GPS Setter and paste the GPS co-ordinates into the search option (you can bring up the paste dialog by long pressing/clicking in the text field) and hit the green button (bottom left) to start your mock location.
    • Open My 7-Eleven, login, and lock your price in.

    PART 4 - I Want a Squadron of Choppers!

    Need more than one chopper? Feel like locking in a price every day of the week? Easy peasy.

    • First, fire up some Wangner
    • Secondly, get your device set up exactly how you want it, so you won't have to set it up again multiple times for each new device.
    • Now, go to Device Manager in Android Studio, click on the three dots next to your device and select "Duplicate".
    • That's it. All done. Just start up the new device, set your fake location, and log in to 7/11 with a new account
    • Just a quick note if you're setting up new accounts - there's no need to set up new emails for each new account - you can create a new account with just one Gmail account by inserting a full stop into the email address - i.e. [email protected] can be registered again and again by changing it to [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected], etc, etc). Don't know if this works with other providers, but honestly, you should be using a throwaway Gmail for this anyway.
    • Repeat as many times as needed.
    • For ease of use I've labeled each of my devices in the Device Manager with the email account that I'm using in My 7-Eleven on that particular device.


    • If you're using a newer Pixel device, it probably will have Gesture Navigation as default. The Back, Home and App Switcher buttons should be in the tool panel next to your device. Or you can change the navigation to "3 Button" in the settings (search "Gestures")
    • Scrolling with a mouse is a bit buggy (it seems to click on things when scrolling) - best to click and drag instead.
    • The My 7-Eleven app is buggy as hell. If it doesn't load or doesn't show your spoofed location, close the app (use the app switcher and drag the app off screen to close it) and restart it. Or just restart the device.
    • These are the files that work currently for this guide (I can't guarantee that future versions will work):

    Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1
    Magisk 25.2 (25200) (33)
    GPS Setter v1.2.8
    My 7-Eleven 2.17.4

    • If for whatever reason you don't have ADB installed, do the following:

    On the Android Studio Welcome Screen, click on “More Actions” under the “New Project/Open” buttons.
    Select "SDK Manager".
    Click on the "SDK Tools" tab (note: it’s not in the side panel, it’s in the top middle of the window next to “SDK Platforms”)
    If “Android SDK Platform-Tools” isn’t installed, tick the box next to it and hit “Apply”, this will install ADB which is needed for our script later.

    • Thanks for the help setting this up, it works! GPS Setter didn't set the location for me if I selected System Framework in this step. If I changed it to My 7-Eleven only, then it worked

      Open the LSPosed Manager (that was just placed on your Home Screen), go to the modules tab and select GPS Setter, enable it and select either System Framework (to change location system wide) or My 7-Eleven

      • Interesting. I swear it worked for me, but I'll have to go back and double check. Anyone else have issues?

      • Did you make sure you rebooted the device after setting System Framework? It needs to reboot after that change.

        • Yep, rebooted after that step and multiple times afterwards trying to get it to work

          • @rocketrocket: Hmmm… dunno then. All I know is it worked for me. Maybe try a fresh install if you need it? Otherwise, just target the module at 7Eleven if that's working.

    • Please add the bit about

      Vulkan = off
      GLDirectMem = on

      from WebWombat's comment - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/12985450/redir

      This helped me fix my set up where it would hang after a minute or so when opening up Chrome or the My7-Eleven app.

      • +1

        I can't edit the post once someone replies to it unfortunately. Hopefully anyone who has the issue will see the fix in the comments. I'm guessing it's a iGPU related issue…

    • Hi all,

      I can't seem to drag the zip for LSPosed Zygisk onto the device, any ideas why?


      • Not sure. It definitely works on macOS, but it's been a while since I've tested it on Windows. Anyine else having issues?

        But if it doesn't work, just download the file via Chrome on the device.

      • I had this issue but closing the emulator and restarting android studio fixed it.

    • Is it worth maintaining the guide elsewhere, like a Github document or Pastebin etc? So the guide can be one simple link and edited whenever needed?

      • +1

        Not a bad idea, I'll look into it when I have some time.

    • +1

      I managed to get this working on a real phone. A Pixel 3a XL with Lineageos 19.2. I am yet to lock in the fuel but the chopper works.

      • Yeah, in theory it should work on any phone with root access. I just didn't have one to test it out on. Thanks for confirming!

        • Yeah it has root access. I tried to follow the other Android but it didn't work (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/724933225557786644/96…). It went into a boot loop when the smalipatch part(attempted it few times maybe latest version Android isn't compatible). This was a lot simpler and worked. It only took me 15 mins as the phones was already rooted with Lineageos already installed.

          I found the virtual version very slow but it did work. My PC might be too old computer.

          • +2

            @Laoma42: Yeah I could never get the smalipatch method to work on the emulators, which is what inspired me to find the new, simpler workaround.

      • +1

        Similar to Laoma42, your guide has helped me with a real Pixel 3 XL.
        Thank you.

        Shame I can't +1 your original post because it was 30 days ago, so I've randomly +1 all your recent comments instead! 😆

    • +2

      After struggling for an hour or so, it seems that there is an issue with the current version of rootAVD. I get a "file not found" error when running the rootavd.bat command. An old version of the software works ok though. Here's a link to it:


      also, if you can't get the lsposed icon on your desktop, try this:

      dial ##5776733##

      • +1

        FYI LSposed is now accessible via the notification shade.

        Thanks for linking the older version of rootAVD.

        I should also have some old versions lying around if that link ever goes down.

        • Thanks for your reply

          So I'm still struggling to get everything working (I've done it previously - but can't make it happen this time). One thing that's different is that when I install gpsetter it prompts me to go to lsposed and enable the module. Whether I do this or not I get the following issue. I install my7eleven and run it. It runs correctly. After a reboot of the emulator, the my7eleven app crashes every time I try to run it. Any ideas?

          (the other difference is that it's now the Giraffe version of Android Studio, not Flamingo)

        • what got it working eventually was:

          • sign into google play
          • install my7eleven app from google play

          Let me know if you want me to create a google account so we can document this procedure in a docs file in google drive. I'd be happy to send you the login details of the account

          • @nnnev2: Sounds like it might have just been a dodgy APK for 7-Eleven. As you discovered, the workaround is to install the app via official means.

            I only really suggest the sideloading of APKs instead of using Google Play because it's quicker and can be done on installs without Google Play Services installed.

            Hopefully this helps anyone who runs into similar issues.

            I don't think we need to deal with this in a Google Doc - if you have any other helpful bits of information, just post it here :)

        • FYI LSposed is now accessible via the notification shade.

          this helped heaps thank you.

          In the current version of LSPosed 1.9.1 I did not get prompted to place the icon on the Home Screen

          • +1

            @ysco: Yeah, unfortunately a few things have changed since I wrote the guide and I haven't had the time to go through and fix things up. Most of the solutions are here in the comments.

            • @dontpanic: You did amazing creating the guide you’ve helped save people here hundreds if not thousands! You deserve a beer 🍺 shout more than anyone

      • +2

        To avoid the file not found error, guide should be updated to "rootAVD.bat system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img" - basically just need to omit the "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\" from the command.

        • Thank you for this :-)

      • +1

        Thanks, was just pulling my hair out going WTF your pointed right at it and everything is correct Why da F can't you see it.
        searched not found and found this, Cheers.

      • +1

        Thank you! This one comment saved my frustration. And also thank you for @dontpanic for the detailed instructions

    • Thank you so much for your hard work, even a first timer like me got it working. Much appreciated

      • No worries!

    • Just finished setting up this whole thing, on Windows 11 with Pixel 7 Pro Android 13.

      Verified that the GPS spoofing works.

      Can't lock any of the fuels at any location - 7 eleven app says "No Local Price Available - Your selected fuel type is not available near your current location".

      • change locations.

        • i've tried a few, all the same. i think something's wrong with my magisk - says something about needs reflash, and 'direct install' just reboots the device without doing anything.

      • Try starting over and following the guide exactly. It should work.

        • Tried again with the Pixel 5, no more magisk issues but GPS setter doesn't seem to be working. I first enabled it for System Framework, restarted, didn't work. Then enabled for all 3 (+Magisk +7 eleven app), restarted, still doesn't work.

          It says "Location Set", but clicking the "current location" button in either GPS Setter or Maps still finds the virtual device in San Fran. I also tried panning around and clicking on a random location instead of using the Search function. Still the same, does not take effect.

          Update: Tried again on a physical pre-rooted phone, already had Magisk, so added LSPosed and GPS Setter. Same thing. GPS Setter says "Location set in…." but it's not fooling anyone, not even itself. I think GPS Setter is just cooked.

          Update 2: Went back to the old method - Smali Patcher + GPS Joystick on the physical phone, worked on first try. Would be cool if this could be done on Virtual Device (I have no idea how to do the Smali ADB install with Virtual Device) too as an alternative.

          • @xrailgun: Just did a fresh install. It works. Nothing wrong with current versions of GPS Setter, LSposed or Magisk. You must have missed a step somewhere along the way.

            I suggest going back and following the guide EXACTLY - this means following the Pixel 4 + Tiramasu instructions provided (instead of Pixel 7 Pro or Pixel 5), and making sure you follow each step carefully. If you do that, it should work.

            • @dontpanic: Thank you for the guide. I followed your guide to the T besides using.

              "rootAVD.bat system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img" credits to @VehemenceThePhoenix

              to complete Part 2C but GPS still pointed to CA USA. Any advise what should I do next?

              • +1

                @momo1337: same as me, i found you can just set the location in the AVD location setting. and it works straight away , check google map.

                • +1

                  @callmejj11: Did that and it worked. I did that earlier but was getting an error A02 after the app update.

                  • @momo1337: The Set Location button is greyed out for me. I cannot set a location in the AVD location setting.

      • Go to LSPosed, modules and choose both system framework and 7-eleven app

      • I am also having this issue, whenever I click the current location button it just takes me to San Francisco. I already tried a few times

    • After following all previous steps, installing Tiramisu 33 on google pixel 4 on my M1 MacBook. I got the virtual emulator running perfect. But when I try and install the magisk and put in the command of ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

      Below is what I get:

      rootAVD A Script to root AVD by NewBit XDA

      Usage: rootAVD [DIR/ramdisk.img] [OPTIONS] | [EXTRA ARGUMENTS]
      or: rootAVD [ARGUMENTS]

      ListAllAVDs Lists Command Examples for ALL installed AVDs

      InstallApps         Just install all APKs placed in the Apps folder

      Main operation mode:
      DIR a path to an AVD system-image
      - must always be the 1st Argument after rootAVD

      ADB Path | Ramdisk DIR | ANDROID_HOME:
      [M]ac/Darwin: export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH
      export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH

      [L]inux:            export PATH=~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools:$PATH
                      export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
      [W]indows:          set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\platform-tools;%PATH%
                      set PATH=%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools;%PATH%
      ANDROID_HOME:           By default, the script uses ~/Library/Android/sdk, to set its Android Home
                      directory, search for AVD system-images and ADB binarys. This behaviour
                      can be overwritten by setting the ANDROID_HOME variable.
                      e.g. export ANDROID_HOME=~/Downloads/sdk
      $API:               25,29,30,31,32,33,34,UpsideDownCake,etc.

      restore restore all existing .backup files, but doesn't delete them
      - the AVD doesn't need to be running
      - no other Argument after will be processed

      InstallKernelModules        install custom build kernel and its modules into ramdisk.img
                      - kernel (bzImage) and its modules (initramfs.img) are inside rootAVD
                      - both files will be deleted after installation
      InstallPrebuiltKernelModules    download and install an AOSP prebuilt kernel and its modules into ramdisk.img
                      - similar to InstallKernelModules, but the AVD needs to be online
      AddRCscripts            install all custom *.rc scripts, placed in the rootAVD folder, into ramdisk.img/overlay.d/sbin

      Options are exclusive, only one at the time will be processed.

      Extra Arguments:
      DEBUG Debugging Mode, prevents rootAVD to pull back any patched file

      PATCHFSTAB          fstab.ranchu will get patched to automount Block Devices like /dev/block/sda1
                      - other entries can be added in the script as well
                      - a custom build Kernel might be necessary
      GetUSBHPmodZ            The USB HOST Permissions Module Zip will be downloaded into /sdcard/Download
      FAKEBOOTIMG         Creates a fake Boot.img file that can directly be patched from the Magisk APP
                      - Magisk will be launched to patch the fake Boot.img within 60s
                      - the fake Boot.img will be placed under /sdcard/Download/fakeboot.img

      Extra Commands can be combined, there is no particular order.

      Notes: rootAVD will
      - always create .backup files of ramdisk.img and kernel-ranchu
      - replace both when done patching
      - show a Menu, to choose the Magisk Version (Stable || Canary || Alpha), if the AVD is online
      - make the choosen Magisk Version to its local
      - install all APKs placed in the Apps folder
      - use ~/Library/Android/sdk to search for AVD system images

      Command Examples:
      ./rootAVD.sh ListAllAVDs
      ./rootAVD.sh InstallApps

      ./rootAVD.sh system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img
      ./rootAVD.sh system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img FAKEBOOTIMG
      ./rootAVD.sh system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img DEBUG PATCHFSTAB GetUSBHPmodZ
      ./rootAVD.sh system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img restore
      ./rootAVD.sh system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img InstallKernelModules
      ./rootAVD.sh system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img InstallPrebuiltKernelModules
      ./rootAVD.sh system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img InstallPrebuiltKernelModules GetUSBHPmodZ PATCHFSTAB DEBUG
      ./rootAVD.sh system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img AddRCscripts

      • Just checking to see if you followed the guide fully.

        After entering the command…

        ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

        …you will then need to enter this line:

        export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH

        …then run the command again:

        ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

    • Could you take a screenshot of the mycard on 7 eleven on android studio, send that to your main phone and then when showing the cashier your card, use the screenshotted one. This way it prevents error g09 by bypassing the need to log onto 2 phones ?

      • Only one way to find out. The only way I could imagine it not working is if the barcode expires and changes after a set period of time.

        • No it doesn't expire in my experience. I've been using the same screenshot for months

    • Installed successfully, but when I close the virtual device emulator and reopen it (play button), it loads the virtual device but remains on a blank screen. It doesn't boot (no google startup logo). If I do cold reboot, I have to set up everything all over again. Help?

      • yeah I am also getting the same problem. Did you find a solution?

        • Yes, scroll to the last page/comment (as of today), I covered it.

          • @freelife: thank you for the information.

            I found that everything was working correctly, as in auto save and restart, until I started Chrome for the first time. Chrome had trouble starting up and then when I quit the virtual device emulator after this step the auto save stopped working. I am guessing this is why prevoiusly the black screen was all that would show before.

            This will still work for me because I can use refinery.fyi from macOS instead and copy the GPS coordinates into the emulator

            Posting here as information for others if they don't find your work around on page 34

    • ive been trying for the last 2 hours to get this to work for android. via Android Studio.

      i keep getting this message on CMD - the system cannot find the path specified.

      i believe i have downloaded Magisk correctly.
      but yeah any help would be great

      • Go back and follow Step 2 very carefully.

        You may have missed the step about entering:

        Set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\sdk\platform-tools;%PATH%

    • quick question, why cannot just use AVD to set location in location setting but have to use GpsSetter??

      • +1

        Hmmmm… I feel like I tried that first and it didn't work, hence the long, convoluted guide.

        ….BUT I just tried it again and it seems to work (WTF!!) - even without root! All you need to do is set up a new virtual device, install 7Eleven, set your location using the VDs settings (click on the three dots on the toolbar to the side of the VD window), and away you go.

        Perhaps something changed on the new Android Studio version, or perhaps I just stuffed up…. apologies to everyone if it was the latter LOL

        I will note one thing - I've found it can be a bit tricky getting the new location to reset - you often need to close down 7/11 (swipe it away in app switching view) and go into Google Maps to make it refresh. Also, you can't just paste co-ordinates from Refinery into the location search bar - you need to search for the actual location name.

        Also, if you need to change device ID or anything like that, you'll need to root as per the guide. And if you're doing it on an actual rooted phone, you'll still need to follow the GPS Setter instructions.

        Now I'm really going to have to update the guide! Thankfully it'll be a much shorter write up.

        • Regarding the pasting the co-ordinates from Refinery. You can still use the coordinates but in a GPX file.

          Like this:

          <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <gpx version="1.1" creator="YourName">
          <wpt lat="-33.956970" lon="150.882904">
          <name>Your Location</name>

          Then click on it after import and click SET LOCATION. Issue with just using VD settings to change location is getting the A02 error.

          I cannot find the location manually for some reason, the search does not react at all.

    • Hi dontpanic, I've followed your instructions to a tee up to 2C. I get Magisk installed but when I press onto the app, it prompts me to "upgrade" and does nothing. Do you know why this could happen?

      Thanks in advance

    • Part 2B isn't working for me. When I run rootAVD it just displays the instructions each time, regardless of what arguments etc I include.

      The AVDs are in the right directory, etc.

      Perhaps it's an issue with my OS version (Sonoma)

    • Thanks for the guide! I was having different issues but what finally worked for me was setting up a Pixel 4 with API 30 (newer APIs with x86_64 were showing visual glitches that made it impossible to use the virtual device, apparently it's a known issue with AMD CPUs or Nvidia GPUs, not sure and couldn't find a solution for this)

    • finally found time to flash a fresh copy of lineage 20 on my xiaomi - can confirm zygisk + gps setter works as expected. much more straight forward and easier than the smallipatcher and dodgy gps stick method. cheers.

    • At Part 2C for Windows

      Paste the following command and hit Enter:

      rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img

      I get this error:

      %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img not found

      Where "%LOCALAPPDATA%" is my actual file path.

      But I've navigated to that file path via Windows Explorer and I can see it.. so it definitely exists.

      I also tried the first step in 2D:

      rootAVD.bat ListAllAVDs

      To see if it would work (i.e. to see if it was picking up the commands and the right files), and it worked fine.

      Not really sure what's going on. Any ideas?

      • +1

        I think that is the same issue I hit when getting started and I found a solution to this in the comments of this thread, I'll try and find that comment, gimme 10mins.

        • Daym that worked so much… thanks so much!!

      • Encountering another issue, although probably small..

        I can't load refinery.fyi or any webpages on Chrome for some reason on my Virtual Pixel 4. I can see the internet is definitely working because other internet-dependent tasks work, and when I load soccernet.com, the address bar automatically redirects to espn.xxxx which is the correct and expected behaviour.

        Seems like such a small issue but it would just mean throwing in the GPS coordinates would be a bit more manual lol

        • Ok possibly false alarm. You can copy and paste stuff on the clipboard from your PC environment over to AVD so it's really not that big an issue.

          edit: Maybe it is still an issue lol. It appears that any webpages aren't loading in the same way I described above. For that reason, I can't even login to my 7-Eleven account as the login process is such that you get redirected to a webpage.. and that webpage isn't loading for me

          edit 2: Ok from reading comments, it looks like it's a browser issue. Probably need to install another browser and set that as default.

          • @illumination: Yep. Just installed a Vivaldi Browser apk from apkmirror. Set that to be the default browser and then the 7-Eleven app was able to load the login browser. Cool - all is good

    • I followed your Android Studio method exactly. It worked no problem for the first two virtual device and when I duplicate the third device. It continuously getting G09 error every time I create a new account using a new email address.

      How to solve this issue? Thanks

    • I've had this working on a couple of different PCs. But a Gigabyte G5 laptop I got recently has been challenging. The only version of Android Studio I can find online is Hedgehog, and I have had constant problems with it crashing. Eventually I found a copy of the Giraffe version installation file and voila, success. So in case anyone else has issues with Hedgehog, here is the Giraffe installer


    • Thanks for the awesome guide!

      I tried the latest LSPosed version but that didn't work, as it wouldn't add the app icon.

      However installing the ver you specified worked fine.

      Thanks again!

      • +1

        Latest versions of LSPosed can be accessed by dropping down the notification shade.

    • Just letting everyone know that this method still works, as long as you run your VPN to the correct state when trying to lock.

    • I'm following instructions for a Mac with Apple Silicon.
      On Part 2B when I run

      ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

      It just prints out the usage instructions again. Actually even

      ./rootAVD.sh ListAllAVDs

      does the same thing - like I'm not passing any arguments at all but obviously I am. All the paths are correct.

      It looks like this guy was having the same problem but didn't follow up.

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