7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

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Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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          • @daanish: Sounds good

            So after you create a new account and do the same lock… How often do they do another G09 sweep?

          • @daanish:

            My whole family had their VFF linked accounts G09'd


    • Me and my entire family just got G09 errors! Must be banning accounts atm

      • Ya I reckon

        Can you confirm if the ones that got banned had velocity cards linked? And they ones with no velocity cards did not get banned?

        • +1

          And they ones with no velocity cards did not get banned

          This doesn't matter, they're not banning based on velocity card linkage.

          • @cwongtech: reason I ask is because all the ones that I had with velocity got banned and the ones without did not and they all get used

            • @Poor Ass: I can tell you for certain that I have many accounts banned without velocity account linkage

              If you care about your velocity points, just scan your card/barcode in-store

              • @cwongtech: had an army collecting points for me now all gone

                • @Poor Ass: Nice, how many points did you rack up?

                  • @knobbs: not too much maybe 3k-6k

                    • -1

                      @Poor Ass: so 3k - 6k points..

                      How many Points will I earn?
                      Earn 2 Points per litre on premium fuel^
                      Earn 1 Point per litre on regular fuel^
                      Earn 2 Points per $1 spent on eligible in-store purchases^

                      From https://experience.velocityfrequentflyer.com/partners-offers…

                      Points will be primarily it will be from fuel, so anywhere from 1500L~4500L of fuel refilled using fuel locks made by you @Poor Ass

                      Most people fill between 30L~ 50L these days so let's call it 40L per refill as an estimate
                      Meaning you carried out anywhere from 37 to 113 fuel locks to gain 3000~6000 velocity points, worth approximately $30~$60 at a 1cpp valuation

                      Was it worth your time?

        • 2 of the 10 had velocity linked but all got banned

          • @juddy90: damn…. now we can't link those velocities

            • +1

              @Poor Ass:

              had an army collecting points for me now all gone

              That's the return/benefit you got for locking for others hey?

  • +5

    I can confirm that fuel price locked were redeemable in store yesterday after the hiccups the day before.

    • Yep worked for me today as well in inner east Melbourne CBD.

  • They're banning quickly now. Made new account, locked then redeemed the next day. Banned the day after

    • Ooo damn maybe they got a bot

    • +3

      You need to find out the reason you got banned in the first place. If you are repeating it, then it will obvious be a red flag to them.

      It could be you are locking in multiple accounts with same IP address, or even device ID.

    • Was this a second/third new account after having been previously G09'd?

  • +1
    • +2

      Should have taken the chopper..

  • Have we got clear reason why accounts got banned anyone know? I haven't got banned yet although I don't lock in often. Maybe once a week or 2 only.

    • Have we got clear reason why accounts got banned anyone know?

      For breaching their T&Cs.

      • +1

        Follow up question:

        Why do some accounts, that breach T&C’s, avoid a ban?

        • Because 7-11 don't have reason to believe they are breaching their T&Cs.

    • +2

      I'm thinking more along the line of finding the method that people had done that causes a detection from 7-11 that got you banned.

      Eg. People locking in interstate and attempting to use in another state straight away (physically impossible)
      people locking in many accounts at once within specific time period from the same IP address.

      Anyway would it be worth if I create an excel and people list of what they did and the reason they possibly got ban?

      I know it's not the solution but may it can be an ozb rule to "not do" if you don't want to be banned lol

      • it can be an ozb rule to "not do"

        Pretty easy to work out what not to do…

        • +2

          Pretty easy to work out what not to do…

          Surprising I agree with JV.

          Hint: Just think about all the information that gets submitted in a fuel lock request and you have your answer, what's common and you have your answer

          • @cwongtech: Been doing this for ages but finally all acc got banned in early May .

            If I only locked price locally (eg only NSW), is it safe ? I usually did 2 lock via 2 accounts at the same time but before always do a remote lock

  • Is anyone having issues logging in? I also tried making a new account but whenever I get to the password section it just gives me the typical "uh oh, something went wrong"

    • Me too. Came up with error A01 around 07:00, could finally log in around 09:30 to claim a freebie but has now stopped working again.

      • I had the same error, then tried logging in again. Now it just says can't log in and there's no error code.

        Could it be their system is down?

      • +2

        The A01 seems to suggest a connection issue with their servers or timeout.

    • +2

      Try now, I had same issue about an hour ago but works now.

      • Yes, it's working now.

        I also found out one of my accounts has been G09'd while the rest were ok. I've had quite a few accounts been banned now.

        • Even those acc which I seldom used got banned too. Unsure why . All banned on same day

  • Is there a system-wide issue going on? Can't log in to any account.

  • hi is the ifakelocation going to be modified to support ios 16.3?

    • +2

      works fine for me on 16.3

      3uTools isn't working though.

    • Would also like to add that it's working fine for me

      • its working ok for you on 16.3 ios? mine said this is not supported. ive iphone 13

        • Works on both my iphone X and ipad 6th gen.

          • @Meg4: Also tried it on my sibling's iphone 14 and it works

        • I'm using an XS Max on 16.3

  • Looks like my accounts got banned & I cant make new ones on either of my phones. Going to need to figure out if they are barring by device ID now.

    • barring by device ID now

      I believe so.

    • How many accounts got banned this time for you?

  • Anyone know what an A01 error is (iphone)


  • Ok they keep banning mine very soon after I lock in. I’m creating new accounts and using vpn to give me a new IP address each time. Looks like the party is over

    • are you using the same device?

      • +1

        If they start banning devices, then I have no idea how I'm going to do these locks.

        • They might ban accounts that use the same device of another banned account.

          • @jv: So we're sharing device hardware details with them too?

            • -1


              Of course.

              They can easily get the MAC ID of the device so know everytime you create an account or even do a price lock that it's on the same device as a suspended account.

              Whether they're actually doing this, I'm not sure… But they could if they wanted to.

              • +4


                They can easily get the MAC ID of the device so know everytime you create an account or even do a price lock that it's on the same device as a suspended account.

                This time I have to disagree with you jv

                MAC ID is used for networks/switches to assign an internal IP address for the purpose of registering a device on your home network (for example). Look up DHCP server, it's normally enabled by default on off-the-shelf routers/modem routers. If you have a second switch/router connected into the primary one (to expand ports) you need to turn off DHCP on the secondary one, or it will cause a conflict on the network (and not work at all)
                Android phones normally randomise (you can turn this off) their MAC IDs in an effort to scramble their identity on a router/switch/network, normally this is important to have the same IP address especially if the computer or device is meant to be shared device/network drive (like a NAS), because you don't want the clients getting confused to which IP address it wants to reach to access files (as an example). Scrambled MAC IDs are good for connecting into public free wifi only.

                Internal IP on a local network is different to the IP sent (IPv4) to a website/server like 7 eleven

                All your phones or devices on the same network that shares the same internet connection will have different internal IPs (only visible within your network) but the exact same IP address when visiting a website

                Home internet services normally have a fixed IP address unless you pay for it

                These are my suspected list of tracked commonalities in relation to account creation:
                - IP address (from your home internet connection, nothing to do with the MAC ID)
                - Device ID
                - Potentially browser cookies (Verification link opens in 7/11 but through the in-app mini-browser which spawns off your phone's default browser)

                • -2


                  This time I have to disagree with you jv

                  What if you are using a Mac?

                  • +2

                    @jv: with cheese

        • +2

          If they start banning devices, then I have no idea how I'm going to do these locks.

          I have some ideas, but I'm not going to post anything until I've tested them and know that they work… first they need to ban me 🤣

          • @dontpanic: Please share with the class if you find a way forward!

  • I had the issues the other day as others have mentioned regarding my account being banned (Couldn't log in etc). However, I seem to be able to log back into my account. I locked in yesterday and redeemed the fuel lock. Anyone else have the same experience?

    • +3

      Did you specifically get an 09 error when you were 'banned'?

  • @dontpanic Is it possible to get the rooted AVD so that others can just import it ?

    • It's possible I think - but it'll end up being a +10GB download, and I don't really want to deal with the issues of hosting it (practical and legal). If anyone else wants to do it, go ahead.

      • I meant without the app. Just root he avd . Rest piece is easier.

        • +2

          It's still a 10GB file that needs hosting somewhere, and I'm still not sure about the legalities of all that, so it's not something that I'm personally keen on doing right now (I'd need to look in to it further and I honestly just don't have the time). The instructions are detailed enough to follow for most people IMHO. But if you or anyone else wants to do it, you're more than welcome to.

  • -1

    Looks like project zero and refineryfyi have incorrect prices for NSW?

    • It aligns with NSW Fuel Check and what's showing in the store locator of the 7-Eleven app.

  • Merged from 7 11 help

    Hey.. i want to lock the price for 7 -11(unleaded 165 cheapest). I m trying to lock but there is an error comes every time . Any one face this issue today?

    • Any one face this issue today?


      Your account has probably been suspended by 7/11 due to breaching their T&C's

      Thread closed

      • +1

        A wild G09 Raptor has appeared!

      • +2

        seems like your chopper faced the same fate as the balloon over in the us

        I wonder if you can contact 7/11 and tell them you were just monitoring the weather?

        • And while you were doing that, conveniently decided to check out the fuel prices and do a lock. I mean, it's only logical.

    • +1

      error code you are getting would help

  • Just on the off-chance, have you tried logging out of the 7-11 account, and logging back in?

  • +1

    3utools now appears to be working again on iOS 16.3

  • Just switched over from jailbreak iphone to android.
    There is no easy nonrooted apps for android?

    • none as far as i know

  • +1

    Last week i locked in at the petrol station from a different state. Just checked and 4 of my accounts are now disabled G09 as well as a few people i lock in for. Damn looks like my phone is blacklisted.

    • Was that the first time you locked from another state? Had you redeemed any of the vouchers before the G09'd your accounts?

      I've locked from other states before and some of my accounts have been G09, but I still have accounts that aren't I have no idea why some accounts get banned while some don't.

      • +1

        I've been locking in interstate for at least 8 years. But they've finally caught onto me!

        • You can just try making new accounts. That's what I did. Some of the new accounts have gotten banned, but some haven't. So I don't know how they do it.

  • +1

    G09'd only same state locks :/

    • Was it a short time between lock and redemption?

      • Nope usually lock and wait 5-6 days before using. Also hadn't even used my account for 1 month or so. The g09 is totally out of the blue tbh

        And 7 eleven had been sending me the usual spam emails up until a week ago :o

  • +3

    If people who have had accounts banned would mind answering this poll it might be a start in working out how they are detecting our "activites".

    I'm really surprised seeing how many people are getting banned here as I basically do everything everyone says not to do, every single week for years now and I'm still flying under the radar. I lock in the cheapest price in Australia every time without a single F given as to whether it's in Perth and I'm in Brisbane and I'm going to use it in 5 mins, I also lock mine and my dad's account in usually within 5 minutes of each other on the same device every week, neither of us have been banned.


    • Good stuff! I haven't gone through the poll as I haven't been banned (yet) - what are the q's?

    • i was the same, up until this weekend. 2 accounts, had been not caring about location and usage time, no dramas for years and now BANG! both accounts down G09.

      Oh well, off to create some new ones I spose

  • A number of accounts have been banned. I generally lock for my wife and some friends. All banned today. What was interesting was another account of mine that I havn't used for 3 months was also banned. I have a couple of suspicions. Its either by device ID or IP address and association of logins related to a combination of these I'd say.

    • +1

      Its either by device ID or IP address and association of logins related to a combination of these I'd say.

      All easy enough to thwart with a rooted phone. It really should be pretty easy to get back up and running with a few tweaks and a new burner account.

      • I suspect it’s a combination of device ID and IP address.

        I’m testing on a new device now and will follow strict rules. I’ll report back.

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