7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

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Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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    • I downloaded another program called ianygo then let it connect to the iPhone but still set the location in 3u

  • Anyone notice refinery.fyi hasn't updated for a while? Since 3 Mar

    • @vu

      • +7

        Thanks, had issues with a server update, should be working now.

        • Thanks!

  • anyone got kicked and logged out of 7-11 app? tried like 6 accounts right now all got G09 account banned. :(

    • +1

      yup. They went on a banning spree.

  • +2

    The accounts to BAN are being 'detected' by the cashiers,
    if they find the fuel lock suspicious they flag it in the system at payment register.
    Backend IT team then investigates the flag and decides accordingly.

    • +3

      What a bunch of snitches lol
      They get paid the same either way

      • They must hate their job that's why they snitching. Makes them feel good.

      • +1

        Could be an internal memo sent by HO requesting staff to be on the lookout. They are 7-11 employees after all…

    • +6

      How would the cashier have any idea of being able to detect pilots?
      If it is purely based on % discount they can script that on the backend

      • They might be able to know where the fuel is locked to. For example someone in NSW locking in a price from WA.

        • +3

          None of that shows at the cashier and again, can tell in the backend

        • +1

          Lock screen does not show where it was locked. And as far as I know, their cash register machine doesn't have the feature to pull and show this info. I'll check with my mate..

      • If it is purely based on % discount they can script that on the backend

        100% this. This is kinda the stuff my employer would ask me to do. Surprised a large company like 7eleven doesn't have a data engineering or analytics team (onshore or offshore) putting this together already.

    • +7

      I've a friend who owns a station. Lemme check with him :).

      Meanwhile, 711, gimme access to your db and I am sure I can whipup a script to automatically detect the frauds… But nooo, I am sure they will hire fancy ducker consultants from Deloitte… Who will take money and write crap code.. So we shall continue hoisting the black flag!

    • +3

      Is this conjecture or fact? Do you have a source?

    • +7

      Most 7/11 cashiers I have seen barely seem interested.

      • +3

        My local guy always congratulated me on saving at least $20, he keeps telling me I'm killing it.

  • im on that road as well G09 error :(

  • All my previous accounts were banned. I used a new device and made new accounts. Locked prices in and redeemed.

    Now I find all of my new accounts are banned. In the past only some accounts would be banned, but it seems like now 7 11 are just doing a mass ban.

    Last time when I made more accounts, they were all banned within 24 hours even before I did any price locking.

    I just made one new account now. Will see if it gets banned tomorrow.

    • Did any of your accounts use the + or . tricks?

      Multiple accounts on 1 device will result in any account ever used on that device being banned. Even if they haven't been used for months. New account/s on the same device without changing the uuid will almost certainly get you banned as well.

      I don't think they are banning based on IP address given my experience.

      I'm also unclear if using 1 account on multiple devices is resulting in bans. Need more evidence for this one. Play it safe and logout of your non primary devices.

      • +1

        I've used 3 accounts on one device (diff emails) . So far I've been lucky. I've been laying low lately since the crackdown now and don't use the chopper, instead just looking for the cheapest in Sydney and legitimately locking. So far no bans even with the occasional logging out and switching accounts to get a fuel lock.

      • +1

        Multiple accounts on 1 device will result in any account ever used on that device being banned.

        I don't think this is the case at least in my experience
        I believe they're banning all accounts associated with a flagged (fuel lock) requestor device ID, not the phones that are simply logging in to multiple accounts

        • Agree that it doesn't appear to be related to multiple accounts on one device.
          I was managing multiple different accounts and all bar one was banned. Some were used on my phone; some not.
          The sole survivor was a backup personal account which had been logged in on my own phone, along with multiple others.

        • I used a new device and created new accounts. I'd use a new IP address each time for each account. These accounts have only ever been logged in on the one device, ever.

          The only think I can think of is that I have multiple accounts on the same device, or that I'm locking in one state and using the lock in another state. However, the time from locking to redemption has been several days at least.

        • I believe they're banning all accounts associated with a flagged (fuel lock) requestor device ID, not the phones that are simply logging in to multiple accounts

          One time I had forgotten my chopper phone at home and needed to fill up. So I used my non chopper phone to log into an account so I could get the locked price. It could have been coincidence but a day later that account plus several others got banned.

          I then used the chopper phone to make new accounts, but then all of them got banned. That's when I recently used a new device to make more accounts. I made sure only to keep these accounts limited to the one chopper. However, they all got banned as of yesterday.

        • I believe they're banning all accounts associated with a flagged (fuel lock) requestor device ID, not the phones that are simply logging in to multiple accounts

          I don't believe they are flagging accounts manually as suggested by backupper1. The amount of manual labour required to flag, review and ban would far outweight the cost of the fuel locks themselves but its 7/11 so you never know.

          Maybe it is a combination of alerts, but I still think it's system base. Are you thinking this "Fuel lock requestor device ID" is separate from your app/device uuid?

          Reason I ask is because I've had accounts that I haven't touched in months/years banned. I had accounts that have never redeemed a fuel lock banned (unused for months/years). The only common factor was the device itself.

          I suspect multiple account logons using the 1 account from different locations in a short period of time (eg locking in for others who then validate shortly afterwards) gets you flagged. The device ID that did the locking would then be blacklisted and any accounts that have logged on with that ID will be banned. Interestingly, the devices that didn't perform the locking are still ok and any new accounts created on them still work fine.

          • +1


            Are you thinking this "Fuel lock requestor device ID" is separate from your app/device uuid?

            I think @cwongtech is saying that they're banning any accounts related to the choppers.

            Reason I ask is because I've had accounts that I haven't touched in months/years banned. I had accounts that have never redeemed a fuel lock banned (unused for months/years). The only common factor was the device itself.

            This might be why they banned all accounts that have been logged into your chopper device. Once a flag is raised and the device is banned, all accounts that have ever been logged into that device are now banned.

            I've had the same thing where accounts I haven't used for a while were banned. I assume because they were associated with my chopper device, they were banned in a mass banning.

            I suspect multiple account logons using the 1 account from different locations in a short period of time (eg locking in for others who then validate shortly afterwards) gets you flagged. The device ID that did the locking would then be blacklisted and any accounts that have logged on with that ID will be banned.

            I created some new accounts recently and I don't know how my device got flagged. I locked from a different state but they weren't redeemed for several days. All the new accounts got banned yesterday.

            Interestingly, the devices that didn't perform the locking are still ok and any new accounts created on them still work fine.

            It could be coincidence, but one time I had forgotten my chopper phone at home and needed to fill up. So I used my non chopper phone to log into an account so I could get the locked price Then a day later that account plus several others got banned.

            • @warmfruit: There was reports that someone got their accounts banned even though they had never used a chopper. I don't know if the chopper itself is being detected or just a contributing factor in the mass bans.

              • @Obs: I think they said they used multiple accounts on that one device right? They were doing legit locks but they were doing it for several people, such as their parents who didn't know how to do the locks themselves.

                That's what led me to believe it's only one account per device.

          • @Obs:

            Maybe it is a combination of alerts, but I still think it's system base.

            Can you clarify what you mean by "system base"?

            Are you thinking this "Fuel lock requestor device ID" is separate from your app/device uuid?

            A lot of people here lock on one device (chopper phone) and redeem it on a different device, I mentioned that here..

            I suspect multiple account logons using the 1 account from different locations in a short period of time (eg locking in for others who then validate shortly afterwards) gets you flagged

            Cool, you can test it and report back with your findings

            The device ID that did the locking would then be blacklisted and any accounts that have logged on with that ID will be banned.

            Pretty sure this has been happening for a while (at least last 3-4 months), any accounts associated with a chopper phone's device id/uuid will be banned if one of the accounts has been G09'd

            • @cwongtech:

              Can you clarify what you mean by "system base"?

              Someone wrote a script that runs periodically against the user DB to flag and ban accounts!

              Cool, you can test it and report back with your findings

              This is what triggered my ban hammer.

      • Yeah I was using the mail trick where all the emails are the same. I don't think that's an issue though.

        I also think it's multiple accounts on one device but a few people in this comment chain don't seem to think so. I used a new device, created new accounts, only used those accounts on this new device, meaning the accounts were ever only logged in on the one device. I also used new IP addresses each time I'd log into a different account to do a lock.

        If it's only one account per device then I won't be able to lock for family and friends, which is what I've been doing.

  • -2

    I am under the impression that it records your ip address from the fuel lock and compares it to your IP address upon redemption.
    That is the onky i can see how mass bans are taking place. Writing a script for this would be pretty simple

    Im going to test using a non static IP

    • +4

      And then what? If I lock at home on wifi and then redeem on mobile data my IP will be different but I haven’t broken any T&C’s.

    • +3

      Unlikely. Your mobile IP is pretty much refreshed everytime you put your phone into airplane mode and take it out again.

  • IOS .. Try register new account on new device, install 711 app on your ban device, go app setting, disable “allow tracking” before login.

    • Isn’t that for advertisement ID tracking?

      • i think it same, not just for ads.. its form of users tracking i dont think app’s developers allow to ID you any other way. It seem to work so let hope stay that way


        • Has this continued to work for you?

  • +2

    Not sure if I'm the only one in the camp…so my wife and I have an account each and my jailbroken android device. I tried to lock it in over past few days and got G09 error.

    However If i login to my real phone i can still lock in the price…so it seems like my device is blocked but my account isnt?

    Unsure if that is helpful information…

  • +2

    A quick update following this post

    Twice locked/redeemed in different states with no issues. Redeeming is always after few days. Also, I never locked from WA.

    Seems my behaviour hasn’t triggered a ban yet.

  • +1

    Damn it, now when buy second hand phone we have to make sure that its not network lock AND not 711 locked 😂

    • I believe when you factory reset a phone, it will change the device ID.

  • I looked at my accounts it seems that most of the accounts that were banned were ones that I locked for that price error they had. Not a huge surprise that it was a bait tactic to find choppers

    • What price error? (They've been a few, but no recent ones afaik?) Any particular one you're referring to?

      • I assume it’s this one, as it’s the only one that 7-eleven revoked all locks.


        • Yeah that's the one. I base this on the fact they banned a few of my spare accounts that I haven't used since then. Could definately be wrong though

          • @hikaru78: I didn't lock any of my account to that day price at that day. My spare accounts were blocked.

          • @hikaru78: I flew to locked 2 accounts but didn't use it. Both are still fine. I know people who live in the area and did legit locks too.

        • Doubt it. That was a while ago
          I looked 3 accounts and the price lock got revokes. None of them banned (I haven't flown the chopper since the mass banning)

          • +1

            @SmiTTy: I could be wrong, but what I suspect happened is they used all device IDs associated with that specific lock to form a blacklist.

            This means any new accounts created or logged into these blacklisted devices gets banned. They don’t run this matching service live, they do it every few days/weeks.

            Some of us get lucky and manage to lock once before they get banned again, which happened to me. Others will get banned within few hours of creating the account.

            Also something tells me Android users were the first to get banned/blacklisted after that deal, as an iOS user I enjoyed that account before my device was blacklisted and every new account is banned.

            So far, with a new device and only one new account, I’m back flying with no issues including interstate.

  • I have stupidly upgraded my android to version 13. I can't seem to find a way to allow fake locations to work anymore :( any help would be awesome….

    • What did you use previously that worked? Rooted?

      • I used smali patcher which no longer works. I have figured out a workaround! I downloaded lsposed plugin: gps setter, ticked system and 7/11 app and can lock in!

        The reason why i Updated was for google wallet that stopped working 2 days ago but it still didn't work. So i wasted 2 days resetting my phone for no reason lol

        • Cheers! it seems there is a non rooted version of LsPosed that can do this. I'll give it a try

  • Finally hit with the dreaded G09 error. What to do?

    • +2

      Read the thread

    • Make a new account

    • same - maybe they're doing another sweep ?

      • they're doing another sweep ?

        How do we enter?

        What's the prize?

        • +4

          How do we enter?

          You fly

          What's the prize?

          G09 Banhammer

      • But if it's because of the price error as people said earlier, there's nothing to go on for another sweep.

      • How often do they do such “sweep” got banned a couple months ago and basically never locked again. Thought it was just a continuous scan hahaha.

        • How often do they do such “sweep”

          Each new moon.

  • +4

    Much cheaper now to use the AFL app at Shell Express and get 14 cents off per litre (24 cents off if spending $20 instore). Offer expires end of March.


    • I'm currently using 4c edr + 5c eg club + 5% WISH egift at EG ampol

      4c edr spend is from standard $30 woolies in-store spend
      Eg club is still active despite the deal being marked as expired

      That's 9c off pump price then 5% further, which is more than 5c off (really more like 7c off)
      EG Ampol normally cheaper than Shell as well

      $20 instore at Shell.. do gift cards count? :D
      Don't want to do unnecessary spend
      Otherwise unsure what is good value for $20 at Shell Express

      • Do EG ampol do a free coffee like Shell Express?

        • Not that I know of, there's free coffee at Shell Express?

          • +2

            @cwongtech: Yes, the Coles 4 cents off voucher can be used to get a free coffee (instead of fuel)…

            Just need to do 2 separate transactions to use 2 vouchers.

          • +2

            @cwongtech: On top of the free regular coffee for using the voucher.

            It still counts as a coffee purchase, so you get the 6th one free without needing a voucher for it…
            Make sure your 6th one is a large!!

        • Didn't know until I read your comment and searched:

  • I have used ANYGO for ages now, and never had an issue.


    Just find the torrent.

    • That's a paid app though. $10/month

      The ones posted in the description of this thread are free and work fine.

  • I was able to lock today, went to redeem, app scanned, but no discount given. They took my device id, details etc, guessing my account is doomed?

    • Can you see the lock on your account?

      Make sure you locked in the right fuel type for what you filled up.

      • Yes I can. I filled up with the same type of fuel I locked.

        The most expressive servo by far too. Difference was 25c/l

        • Do you have a copy of receipt? You can submit a case on the app to get the difference in gift card

          • @CodeXD: Thanks, I’ve now done this. Let’s see if I get a refund!

            • +1

              @AG_ACT: Now there's a 50/50 chance they don't want to give you a refund and will ban your account.

    • That happened to me one time. I never bothered to follow up as it was only several cents saving.

    • Happened to me and they sent me a gift card with the value I missed out on.

    • If u have velocity account linked, may be best to unlink it in case they ban your account.

      If they don't, then u can re add

      • or if they do, you can also scan it manually in store.

        • We can scan the physical velocity card even if it's associated with a banned account in the past?

        • +3

          My Velocity card is currently linked to a banned 711 account. On two separate occasions, the 711 person tried scanning my Velocity card and it did not work so YMMV. Maybe I will try a few more times at different 711's.

          • +1

            @ple103: I have noticed that some places are happy to scan the QR code from the Velocity app and some places prefer to type the number in manually. I'm sure that in the past, scanning the code has paid out the points but I feel like my last couple of transactions with scanned barcode haven't registered.

            I do a lot of hire car refills with work so I'll have to go through my receipts and see if I can notice any difference on barcode scanned vs manually entered transactions and match it to which fill ups have triggered points.

            • +1

              @daanish: Thanks @daanish, let me know what you can glean from those receipts.

              • +1

                @ple103: Finally got around to doing my receipts for the end of the month and while I can't remember for every one of my receipts whether they asked for the number or scanned the barcode, I was able to compare 2 receipts where I know it was scanned vs manual and the acknowledgement is obvious. You can see in the picture below that the "Velocity member" line is present on the receipt where I know I was asked for manual entry. On the other receipt I scanned QR code at the register and there's no "Velocity member" line. Beyond that, there's nothing that would indicate if it was a scanned vs manual entry of the VFF number.


                I don't know if the operator has to have the cursor in the correct field when they scan the barcode for that method to work or if there's been a system change but I will be ensuring the number is manually entered from now on.

                Obviously you won't know until you see the receipt if it's been added on correctly regardless of method but I don't know if you can add the number after the transaction has been completed. I haven't been back to any of these stations to try since I looked at the receipts properly and I figure you'd have to check and call it out there and then, if at all anyway let alone 2 or 3 weeks later on.

                • @daanish: U can login to your Velocity account which will show the transaction history. There will be a line item for each time you scanned at 7 eleven petrol and how many points you earned and the date…. Should be able to cross check against your receipts

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