7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • NAME OF 7/11 STORE


  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

Cheapest prices:

Other Useful Resources:

Further Info/Tips

Working Methods



Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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              • +1

                @ple103: Finally got around to doing my receipts for the end of the month and while I can't remember for every one of my receipts whether they asked for the number or scanned the barcode, I was able to compare 2 receipts where I know it was scanned vs manual and the acknowledgement is obvious. You can see in the picture below that the "Velocity member" line is present on the receipt where I know I was asked for manual entry. On the other receipt I scanned QR code at the register and there's no "Velocity member" line. Beyond that, there's nothing that would indicate if it was a scanned vs manual entry of the VFF number.


                I don't know if the operator has to have the cursor in the correct field when they scan the barcode for that method to work or if there's been a system change but I will be ensuring the number is manually entered from now on.

                Obviously you won't know until you see the receipt if it's been added on correctly regardless of method but I don't know if you can add the number after the transaction has been completed. I haven't been back to any of these stations to try since I looked at the receipts properly and I figure you'd have to check and call it out there and then, if at all anyway let alone 2 or 3 weeks later on.

                • @daanish: U can login to your Velocity account which will show the transaction history. There will be a line item for each time you scanned at 7 eleven petrol and how many points you earned and the date…. Should be able to cross check against your receipts

                  • @SmiTTy: I've already done this. It's clear that the receipts which show the "Velocity member" line are the ones where I've been paid the points.

                    The discussion is whether scanning your QR code from the Velocity app or manually having the operator enter your VFF number makes a difference to your purchase being tracked to your Velocity account and displaying the Velocity member line.

      • Thanks, have done this

    • That's weird - if it scanned, why was no discount given?

      If it's a technical error (i.e. get refunded by gift card) it should have said so. And the attendant should know about technical issues. But in those cases I don't think they take the device ID details etc. - the attendant just says no can do, and it's for you to follow up with customer service with the receipt.

      So this sounds different?

  • receiving 'uh oh… F08 error' after selecting LOCK. anyone else?

    • +1

      That's not a ban, it's a timeout error due to first launch.
      When you attempt to perform a fuel lock on first launch, it'll go "Are you sure you want to lock this price?"
      If that message fails to display, then F08 gets displayed.

      - Force close and relaunch 7/11
      - Sign out and sign in
      - Clear app storage and relaunch 7/11

      • Thank you, tried all that except clearing app storage. Will do shortly!

        • +1

          Thanks, it worked!

  • I think all my account banned
    'There's been a problem logging you in' for all 4 accounts.

    • What’s the error code?

      • Error G09

        • +1

          Welcome to the club.

          If you are using these accounts under one or multiple devices, assume any new accounts to be banned.

          Find a way to get a new device ID.

          • @HardQuiz: What does the new device ID?

            Should I buy new Iphone or IPad?

            • @KpopOppa: I installed a new ROM on my phone and it changed the device ID.

              I think a factory reset should be able to change device ID too.

              • @CodeXD: Factory reset sounds easier. Thanks for advice TA

              • +1

                @CodeXD: ROM… Android?
                Android there's much easier ways to change Device ID than factory reset LOL

                • @cwongtech: and what are the easier ways…?

                • @cwongtech: I have IPAD what should I do?

                  • @KpopOppa: Upgrade to a superior chopper, or you can try factory reset/re-install device and check if it changes.

                    You can verify your UUID by signing into a non-banned account, using the contact us form (don't actually send it)
                    The UUID (device ID) is generated in the template

                    Compare before and after I suppose..

                    • @cwongtech: Thanks I will try it

                    • @cwongtech: Sorry, I have one more question.

                      I use my IPAD for fuel lock at home.

                      My actually phone is android. Should I try factory reset for both of my devices?

                      • @KpopOppa:

                        My actually phone is android. Should I try factory reset for both of my devices?

                        You only need to address the one that's carrying out the lock itself
                        I can't confirm or deny whether IPAD will have a new device ID after Factory Reset - I can only give you instructions (above) for how to check it

                        • +3

                          @cwongtech: iDevices generate a new device ID after a factory reset.

                          For others, try to do this on a spare, cos doing it often for your personal would be a PITA if you have a lot of data to transfer.

                    • +2

                      @cwongtech: A note for anyone else who is comparing before and after UUIDs after a Device ID refresh on Android. You need to clear the data on your 7 Eleven app (App Info > Storage> Clear Data) otherwise the app will continue to pull your old UUID when you generate a Contact Us report to check.

                • @cwongtech: Hi, are you able to DM me the process pls. The apps below didnt work.
                  Edit: NVM, have it sorted.

  • Anyone having issues with iFakelocation where your iphone doesnt show up? even after refresh?

    • Locked in this morning for me no issues. iOS 16.3.1

    • Had issues on Mac, updated the .net package

  • +5

    Seems like 7-11 fuel prices are becoming more standardised across the country when it comes to the lowest?

    Past few weeks I've noticed maybe 1c difference across the major states.

    • Yeah I haven't needed to lock in WA as much. I was able to lock in my state. Previously WA was always a lot cheaper.

  • Redeemed a price lock last night and came home to find all my accounts G09

    I had only locked in my own state.
    My accounts were only ever associated with one device.

    I think it's too many accounts related to the one chopper. I had 5 accounts on the one device.

    I've found that my accounts are usually G09 after I redeem a price lock. It must trigger something in their system which bans all my accounts.

    Anyone have 5 or more accounts on the one device and haven't been banned?

    • My accounts were only ever associated with one device.

      That might be the problem…

      • I wonder what the maximum allowed accounts on one device is

        • Probably one.

        • I’ve had no issues with two accounts on the one device.

    • Anyone have 5 or more accounts on the one device and haven't been banned?

      I found the one I last used for redemption last Sunday has now been banned (G09). The other logins still working for now but I’m expecting the worst

      • I have about 5 accounts. Using an old iphone 5 to lock using 3utools. I generally only lock two accounts every couple of weeks. One for me and one for the wife. I log out on the iphone and log in on my android and todate have not been banned.

  • Looks like refinery stopped updating at 0800?

    • Probably closed down for the Easter break.

    • Mine is showing last updated at 21:03 AEST 04 April. It's also showing tomorrow's WA prices.

    • +1

      Update time is at the bottom. Time at the top is in the future and that’s because WA releases their prices the day before.

  • And there I thought that DST had not changed!
    Thanks for the clarification.

  • So i went with the guide everything was working well until the location spoof didn't work out. After few looks here and there seems like the emulation has its own location spoof thing built in. TO access that there is a three dot option menu location on the bottom of emulator tool bar. So, basically i didn't need gps setter I could just use the provided gps spoofer. Worked on me.

  • Is anyone else having problems logging in? I was booted out after refilling last night, and can’t even login to lock…

    Never spoofed my location, only ever had one account on this phone.

    • What’s the error code?

      • No error code, I just get this error every time I sign in - https://i.imgur.com/k5LZMFc.jpg

        • Try reset your password

        • I got the same error message last week but my error code is A01. Reinstall the app solved my problem.

          • @tinselnoel: Thanks I tried this and cleared my Safari data. No fix, weird! I sent them an email, will wait and see what they say.

    • So it turns out I was banned (why??? I have never used multiple accounts, devices nor any fake locations). To explain it they just referred me to the Terms and conditions.

      I asked to contest. Ridiculous!

      • Try to remember, you may have given your login details to someone to help you lock in.

        Your account may have been associated with a banned device, but that doesn’t explain the error!

        • But that’s the thing, I haven’t. The only thing I can think of is another family member also uses the app, but they use it only when I tell them to.

          • @JSONBourne: So the family member is using your device to login with their account?

            • @HardQuiz: Nope a seperate account. But I'm thinking that might have 2 accounts showing under the same IP. But I would think that's fairly typical.

              • @JSONBourne: unfortunately, that might be enough to earn a ban. stupid, i know, since there are many legitimate reasons for one device to be used by 2 different accounts.

      • +1

        If you've been using it legitimately… Give them a call and ask why. You could argue that if haven't violated anything…. Altho it might be easier just to make a new one

  • Finally got blocked by 7-Eleven! It was nice while it lasted, now I can finally use BP which is within 1 km of my home instead of travelling 10km just for 7-Eleven.

    • +3

      I can finally use BP which is within 1 km of my home instead of travelling 10km just for 7-Eleven.

      Why don't you move closer to 7-Eleven?

  • I feel this will be a common post now.

    My usual account got banned.
    Do we know what and how theyre flagging accounts?

    I currently have an old iPhone hooked up permanently for ifakelocation spoofing.

    Will new emails/accounts on the same phone/laptop spoof set up still work for at least one lock?

    • Do we know what and how theyre flagging accounts?

      Multiple accounts on the same device.

      • Thanks.
        So as above, attempt to format the old iPhone and have just one new account logged in and just send screenshots?

        • probably…

          I just use an old iphone 7 for a second account.

  • Looks like either multiple accounts on same device or one account used on mnultiple devices.

    After my accounts got banned, created a new one 2 days ago and today that is banned too

    • Once a device ID is blacklisted, all new accounts will be banned.

      Get a new device ID (discussed here in this thread) and try creating a new account.

      • thanks @HardQuiz - device reset and new id created. lets see if they ban this one

        So, what was it afterall - 2 ids on same device or 1 id on 2 device?

        The reason I ask is that we have 2 cars but only 1 iOS device - can I use 2 ids but on the same phone to lock and use?

        • +1

          Stick to one account on one device.

          The other person/car can use a screenshot of the barcode.

          Just make sure to allow few hours between locking/redeeming if same state lock, or few days if locking from a different state.

          I avoid locking from WA but otherwise flying and locking with no issues at all.

        • Let me know how you go with this.

          My new account was banned too.
          I’ve formatted an old iPhone. Ready to create a new account for the next lock

          • @Owgasm: Locked fuel on 11th after device reset and new id created. Redeemed today.

            Did not use this login on another device - redeemed through the same device I locked from

  • Anyone have any issues with android studio not remembering the state of the device?? I managed to lock in a 7 eleven price using the "2023 preferred method" in android studio on M2 macbook. But when I reboot the AVD I get a solid blank screen. And a cold boot wipes everything. Just don't want to go through all the steps every time I want a lock in.

    • +1

      Can't say I've had that issue. Just got a new MacBook myself, so I'll see if the issue replicates on mine.

  • +4

    So I got G09 in Jan 2023 on all of my accounts.
    Using a Jailbroken iPhone with spoof location tweak. Been using it for years. All I've done so far is delete the app and reinstall, no factory resets.
    Since G09 I created 1 account on the same device and have been running it for 3 months now no issues so far.
    I also lock fuel within 5 mins and anywhere in aus.
    The same account is used on atleast 5 different devices. (1 lock fuel device + 4 iphone/android user devices)

    I think its best to stick 1-2 accounts per device, 1 to be safe, 2 to push it and not more after that.

    • Curious about why would you need to use same account on 5 different devices? Since each price lock is single use.

      • +1

        I lock in price, then either myself, wife, daughter or son will fill the car when needed. ok, that's 4 not 5.

        • -1

          Why don't they just lock the price themselves?

          • @jv: because i've already done it? as I'm the one passing the cheaper petrol stations…

            • +3


              as I'm the one passing the cheaper petrol stations…

              Sounds like you're in the wrong thread…

        • Makes sense.

      • Let's speculate.

        Four drivers.
        Four devices.
        One account.
        One (or 4) cars.

        (sounds like an intro for a Hollywood movie)

        The 5th jailbroken iCraphone is probably just used for fuel locks and lives in a drawer.

      • It's on an iCraphone as it's scripted via (Autotouch) to find the cheapest price and to lock it in automatically every 5 mins (if price isn’t locked).

        Saves me from manually locking and I don’t have to do anything.

        4 devices? Well I share it with friends and family. So I don't have to manually lock in for anyone and I get to sit back and reap in all the velocity points.

        • Any chance you could share this? Manually locking is a chore that'd I'd rather avoid :)

          • @dealz4all: You would first need Autotouch installed which is up to ios 14.

            If you can get that running then you can even record your own script on repeat.

            Happy to help but I can't give you my script as it won't work on your phone.

            • @danielxleet: So in broad terms, it seems the process is:
              1. Get an icraphone
              2. Jailbreak the icraphone and make sure its ios version is v14 or lower
              3. Install Autotouch
              4. Record script and run.

              Is that right?

              Also, is there a way to make it so it doesn't lock in "bad" prices, but only "good prices"? i.e. if the prices are all abnormally high at a point in time, it will wait until they're back to "normal" or "good" before locking in.

              • @dealz4all: yeah that's right, just run and ensure the phone is charged 24/7.
                i also set it to auto-respring daily as I've run into issues with looping the script for too long

                as for locking it will only lock the first price on the refinery page.

                process of script
                1. open refinery page
                2. taps on selected fuel (which copies coordinates to clipboard)
                3. switches to location spoofing app, pastes location in
                4. launch 7/11 and go through process of locking in and exit app
                5. restarts script

    • I think bans could be due to a sustained pattern of locking a price on one device and claiming on another, more so if claimed quickly on a second device running a different OS to the locking device.

      I ran 3 long-standing accounts (2 work emails and 1 personal email) for years, but only my personal account was blocked. I reckon the reason is because it was the only account with a pattern of back to back logins, firstly through an android app to lock the price, then through an iOS app for a fuel lock redemption on the next login. There were definitely plenty of times where I pushed the time needed to travel from the servo with the locked price to the one I immediately fill up at. How many people have a sustained habit of changing phones mid-drive to the local servo, before filling up the entire tank?

      Interestingly enough, both my work accounts weren’t banned, despite doing a tonne of interstate ‘flying’ after discovering iFakeLocation. I probably was most reckless with my work accounts and flew back to back SYD-PER return trips, twice a week, and ‘driving’ from Thornton back to a 7/11 in Sydney in 40 min. However, this was all done using iFakeLocation on the same device.

  • +1

    anyone ever had a 3utools error called: failed to modify location (error code: -16), restart device and try again

    Tried on a Iphone11 and also a new ipad air 2022 model

    work fine on my ancient ipad from 2015 but

    • +1

      3utools isn't currently working if you have the latest iOS installed.
      Use iFakeLocation instead.

      I currently have 16.4.1 installed and it doesn't work.
      On my older iphone 7, it works fine.

      • +2

        This. Had to change over to iFakeLocation as well and problem solved.

  • Was Unable to log in and got blocked -

    Thank you for contacting 7-Eleven Customer Service.
    Your account appears to have breached the App Terms and Conditions. As a consequence, 7-Eleven has made the decision to block your My 7-Eleven App account in accordance with our terms and conditions.

  • For those of you with banned accounts, are you running the latest OS on your iPhone/android?

  • +5

    Finally getting a BYD folks. No more fuel lock

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