7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • NAME OF 7/11 STORE


  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

Cheapest prices:

Other Useful Resources:

Further Info/Tips

Working Methods



Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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      • Figured it out.
        rootAVD.sh is looking for the ramdisk path as $ANDROIDHOME/$1 and $ANDROIDHOME is set as /Users/cooni/Library/Android/sdk so instead of

        ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

        You should be using

        ./rootAVD.sh /system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

  • +11

    Just updated the guide to simplify the process a bit more - we can now use a LSPosed module called GPS Setter to handle all the GPS spoofing. It cuts down on the install time and eliminates the need to delve into Developer Options and use Mock Location. It also lets you control what apps have their location spoofed - this could be useful if you are using this guide on a rooted phone that you use day to day - you'll be able to spoof your location in My 7-Eleven without it changing your location (and location history) in Maps/Waze/etc. Thanks goes to @exa for discovering this easier method.

    I also updated the macOS Apple Silicon instructions as these were wrong in the original version of the guide.

  • +1

    I have had all the accounts I lock in for blocked/cancelled recently. Even one account I had only logged into once before and not even locked in a price. Can anyone confirm how they knew all the accounts were being locked in by me? And better still, how to avoid them figuring this out again?

    • I've been getting this too. Locked in once using petrol bargain and then I get session signed out or whatever it is. Then I have to create another account.

    • how they knew all the accounts were being locked in by me?

      same device ?
      same IP address ?

    • curious whats your method of locking? android/ios?

      • Ios. So maybe I should connect my apple device and laptop to the internet using hotspot on my phone, using a vpn? I've successfully set up and used a few more accounts. Any info on this topic would be appreciated!

  • Struggling with the latest version of Nox, trying to use 7/11 app keeps telling me to turn on device location, but for the life of me I can't find any option within nox to do so. i think i can set the chopper location ok, but the app wont search at all

    • +2

      use android studio as per instruction above, haven't had any issues so far.

    • Forget Nox. The Android Studio Guide is now the best way to set up a chopper on your PC. Easy to follow guide, much simpler install method and GPS spoofing, no bloat or spamware.

      • +1

        copy that, will have a go

      • @dontpanic I am stuck on PART 2C - Windows (Intel/AMD), I am running windows 11 and have followed the guide but no matter what I try it wont install magisk.

        Any chance u can msg me please

        • Can you tell me what virtual device you set up? Did the script run successfully? The instructions are specifically for Pixel 4 Android Tiramasu with Play Store (should be API 33 and x86_64) When you go into your Android Studio device manager, what API level is the device using, and what does it say underneath the device name (i.e. x86 or x86_64)? You may have the wrong setup for the script… If so, you can follow Part 2D to find the right script commands, or just start over again with a new device set up as Pixel 4 + Tiramasu (Play Store).

          • @dontpanic: Hi I am using Pixel 4 Android Tiramasu with Play Store API 33 and x86_64, Ive downloaded rootAVD script and run the cmd rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img at the location of the bat file.

            But don't see
            You will probably get an output like this:

            [ * ] Set Directorys
            [ - ] Test if ADB SHELL is working
            [ ! ] ADB is not in your Path, try to
            Set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\sdk\platform-tools;%PATH%


            • @matty_g_8: I'm off on holidays and I only have mac with me so I can't check the windows commands, but just confirming that you changed directory (CD command) to the directory with the rootAVD.bat file?

              • @dontpanic: yeah I have set as rootAVD.bat directory, enjoy ya holiday and ill see how I go

                • @matty_g_8: Having the same issue on Windows 10. Using Pixel 4 on API 33 x86_64. Running the command just brings up the the rootAVD help prompt. All the file locations line up.

                  Did you have any luck @matty_g_8?

                  • @ShrimpDuck: Nah I didnt, ended up giving up

                    • @matty_g_8: Did anyone else have issues on Windows? Not sure if this is a specific isolated problem, or if there's something wrong with the guide.

                      • +2

                        @dontpanic: @matty_g_8 had the same problem. I just typed rootAVD.bat system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img . without %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\

  • -1

    Same email address? Same device fingerprint?

  • +2

    Anyone else having issues with 3uTools and the latest IOS 16.2 update?

    I get error 16.

    I believe it has to do with the IOS 16.2 update.

    Anyway, I have a old iPhone somewhere so will try again when I find it. At least there's a good use for an old iPhone.

    edit. Played around with iFakeLocation and it works.. much easier to 3uTools.

    • +2

      yes, it was noted in earlier comments.
      not fixed yet.
      might have to wait for 16.3

      • You're right, didn't see the post the first time I trawled through the posts.

    • yes, same

    • what did you do to get it works? i tried Ifakelocation doesnt work for me


      • +1

        you need to unlock your screen

      • It's very straight forward, much easier to use than 3uTools

        As JV said, perhaps unlock your screen?

        I just used it again for the second time.

  • anyone having issues with ifakemessage image not loading? With the latest IOS?

    • Yes same here

      *Master31- is everything ok- that Mate

      • Do you mean the map is blank? It might be a block on your IP or something. Have you tried the "use alternative map tile server" option?

        • Yes map is blank
          tried on my other mac- no success

          Will try alternate option
          Thx mate

        • all sorted master131

          share your coffee link
          Thank you

        • +1

          Mount failed with status: N/A and error: ImageMountFailed

          • @PT8483: Have you tried restarting your device?

            • @master131: Yes i did. Same error

              • @PT8483: Are you using iFakeLocation v1.7.0? That version is required for anything iOS 16 or newer. Otherwise I am not sure :/

  • Help please…
    getting this error from 3utools repeatedly even after I have restarted both my iphone as well as my windows laptop many times.

    "Failed to modify location (Error code 16), Restart the device and try again.

    • You'll need to wait for iOS 16.3


      • thanks jv… been using 3utools on windows and locking on iphone all these days and been smooth..
        can I have download link for ifakelocation for windows please? and instructions for setting up? I remember trying it previously with no success so appreciate your help

        • +1

          it's pretty easy.

          read the description for this thread for all the links.

          • +1

            @jv: Got it, all good… thanks mate

            • @dcomo: just make sure your screen is unlocked when you try and set the location, otherwise you get an error.

              • @jv: I did it, locked the price but unable to reset to my original location… having a look now on how to do

              • +1

                @jv: unplugged and re-connected and able to reset now… lol..
                I should go to bed now I guess.

                • +1

                  @dcomo: resetting back seems to be a bit slower with ifakelocation. turning locations services off and on fixes it if you need it done quickly.

                  • +1

                    @jv: good to know.
                    this sure is quicker than 3u so I'm ok with this one.. just first time hiccups

  • Anyone’s accounts working? All my accounts having G09 error, even the ones I don’t use often. System outage? Or are all the accounts banned?

    • +1

      Mine is fine

      • guess mine is banned lmao. let’s create more accs :))

    • +1

      Just locked on 2 accounts. No issues.

      PS U91, U95 and U98 all going up by 2 cents tomorrow. TGP is also on the way up.

  • I've previously used ifakelocation on Ipad to lock in but claim discount on Android phone. Sometimes locked in for 2 accounts.

    Was always careful to only lock in reasonably local and allow driving time. Nothing interstate.

    My account is still working. I'm unclear what currently triggers a G09 error. Would it be any use of ifakelocation?

    • Probably people really pushing it, and in your case staying local is likely the big thing. Like, someone pricelocks in WA, then 30 minutes later claims in QLD?

      • +1

        I often (especially lately) lock in WA prices and claim in Vic. Sometimes days apart sometimes minutes apart. I haven’t had an account banned.

        I only have two accounts. We have two cars. I fill up each car maximum once a week.

        Both accounts are locked and used from my phone. I use a jailbreak method.

        I think it’s my low volume of locks that means I haven’t been banned. I also avoided the 0.1c/L price error.

        • I’m thinking it’s multiple accounts called from a Single mac address.

  • -1

    Open the LSPosed Manager (that was just placed on your Home Screen), go to the modules tab and select Hide Mock Location, enable it and select My 7-Eleven.
    I dont see any modules on LSPosed Manager? it says 0 module any idea why?

  • Has anyone lost the ability to turn on developer mode in iOS 16.2?

    It's not appearing in privacy and security.

  • I had an account banned recently, after locking/using it once, which was in the same state even allowing 3-4 days between lock and use.

    I suspect using a screenshot of the barcode and not actually opening the app itself could be the reason for the ban.

    If 7-11 are able to see and record the fingerprint of our iPhones, is it game over?

    • +1

      i use screenshots most of the time and my accounts are still alive. i haven't read the full t&c's but are screenshots really cause for bans?

      • No idea, but could be a combination of red flags that gets the account banned.

        • this thread is now 22 pages long but sadly we are not getting any closer to determining what actually triggers a ban.

          i use a combo of locking in from same/different states and have on occasion used it within a few hours of locking. usually it's a few days later.

          i don't really lock in regularly as 117 are very seldom cheaper than other servos after various discounts.

    • I can’t imagine how the scanner would know if it’s the app or a screenshot. Unless the app pings and server and they cross reference that with the purchase time. But I doubt they’d bother…

      How many accounts do you have?

      • Unless the app pings and server and they cross reference that with the purchase time. But I doubt they’d bother…

        It’s possible that this flags the account?

        I have multiple accounts, I have an iPhone for locking and it never leaves home, sadly any account created on that phone gets banned.

        3 so far, the last one was used once, I was careful to lock/use in the same state and after few days. The only thing I should’ve done was take the bloody phone with me instead of a screenshot.

    • All my accounts on my iphone (at least 10, including my friends accounts) were all suddenly banned a few days ago. Even accounts that have never been used for a fuel lock. I also never use screenshots. I think I just got shut down lmao

      • Switching accounts on the same phone is probably a reason.

  • anyone else have issues logging on (but no error message etc) ?

    • Negative mate, when was your last lock?

    • +1

      The system went down about 1-2 hours ago, i was at 7/11 and the system shutdown and he couldnt turn on the pump for few mins and the app was not loading

      • ah ok

        Message says

        That didn't work quite as planned.
        There seems to be an error
        completely you sign in. View our
        FAQs for some help

        • Getting the same. Can login but can't lock in due to a time out.

  • Managed to create an account after numerous attempts, locked the bloody price in, went to 711, filled the tank up just to be told at the register that the app was not working. Had to pay the full price instead. Bummer. What a pain. I wonder if we should check if everything is OK beforehand now?

    • Contact customer service. They will send the price difference in a gift card.

      • +1

        Thanks for advice, but the difference was like $10-12 or so, I don't want to reveal myself - an experienced chopper pilot.

    • +1

      Careful, I did that late last year and they banned my account and locking phone afterwards. I would guess they investigate it before giving away a gift card. Best you remove your velocity number from the account first to be safe as ymmv.

      • I claimed with a new account last year and got a gift card without a problem.

        • I claimed two accounts, one got a $6 gift card, one got denied.
          Both banned shortly after haha

          • @cwongtech: were they on the same device?

  • The bloke at the store said that the fuel lock prices were currently not accepting and didn't honor the price. Another store already had the notice on the fuel pumps. Anyone else have this issue and is it resolved now?

    • Not working for me right now. Gave an error of approx 64 characters long after the polite note

    • Yep the clerk said it’s not working and to claim later. Probably won’t though don’t wanna get banned

      • +1

        Defeats the purpose of chopper then? Looks like most have multiple accounts, or create new ones when banned.

    • It definitely seems to be behaving funny atm. Even my fuel locks don't look the same, normally I get a red screen with the locked price but not atm.

      • The app appears to have changed, instead of the red screen, there's a small red lock and the locked price is still displayed.

        I had no issues redeeming a lock at approx 6:30pm AEDT yesterday.

  • I just updated my Ipad to IPadOS 16.2 and now when i open IFakeLocation and click 'Set Fake Location' the button greys out but it does not successfully change my location like normal. There is no error message provided. Anyone else experiencing this?

    • What's in DeveloperImages?

      • Not sure what caused the issue since it's never happened before. But i managed to fix it with a restart and running IFakeLocation in admin mode

  • Has anyone got a G09 error and able to log back in later or does this mean the account is suspended?

    • +1

      G09 = Account suspended

      Make a new one.

      • Is it correct the velocity card attached to the suspended account can't be used on another account now?

        • +2

          Yes, that is correct.

          I believe there have been previous posts giving the community the heads up, NOT to link your card if you are planning to manipulate your location.

        • +9

          You won't be able to link your velocity account to the new 7/11 account but you can still show your digital membership card on your phone screen and the operator will either scan the membership QR code or type in your Velocity number during the transaction.

          My whole family had their VFF linked accounts G09'd so we've just been doing this now.

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