7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • NAME OF 7/11 STORE


  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

Cheapest prices:

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Further Info/Tips

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Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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        • It's been happening for ages on iOS. I just close the app, re-open it and then it works again.

  • Could it be if the same device is used - more than 2x per day -although with a different pilot?

    • +1

      Could it be if the same device is used - more than 2x per day -although with a different pilot?

      It appears to be triggered when you attempt to lock a second time for the same fuel type (different accounts though)

      Looks like it's there to discourage automatic locking of some sort, though the workaround is to:
      - Toggle fuel types and trigger a search, and toggle back to target fuel type
      - Force close the app and re-open it.

  • Just got a diesel car. Jeeebus the diesel lock ins aren’t that great from what I’ve seen over the past couple of weeks.

    I miss the old U91!

    • +3

      Just got a diesel car.


    • Diesel doesn’t have a fuel cycle like unleaded petrol does.

      • Crap, I didn't know this!

        • likewise :( didn't know this!

          (got a dual cab for work)

    • I just went from E10 to Diesel.

      I locked in for $1.77 last week. Saved $8 on my refuel yd.

      Comparing my stats from my E10 Mazda 3 (date range 2015-2022)
      Avg km/L - 11.7
      Avg Price/km for the Last Tank - $0.103
      All Time Avg Price/Litre - $1.16
      All Time Avg Price/km - $0.095

      to my Diesel golf (date range 2022):
      Avg km/L - 15.1
      Avg Price/km for the Last Tank - $0.129
      All Time Avg Price/Litre - $1.66
      All Time Avg Price/km - $0.112

      Back then the mazda was cheaper as I was consistently able to fill in around the $1.10 to $1.20 mark. Now, that's impossible.

      • +1

        I just went from E10 to Diesel.

        I do not recommend filling an E10 car with Diesel.

        • +1

          duly noted

    • Haha I got a diesel car last year and yes the prices are different to unleaded.

      There was a time when diesel prices were significantly cheaper than unleaded. Sadly, that is no longer the case.

      Patience is a virtue but our diesel cars get better mileage and for me, I have a larger fuel tank.

  • Has anyone had the IOS app log them out and prompt for their email and password? Does the app forget the id and password after a while? Happened to me last week and wasn't sure if that was normal.

    • Did you clear cache or Safari history? I’ve been logged out occasionally but quite rarely. I’m also often logging in and out of two accounts by choice.

      • I didn't do either.

  • +9

    Fuelwatch WA crysal ball reveals the below

    Fuel Price
    U91 161.9
    U95 173.9
    U98 181.9

    Tonight, the next cheapest nationwide are at the below:
    Maryville NSW & Mayfield NSW
    Once these prices are no longer available, the 4th best nationwide is also in NSW (almost a 5c jump)

    Fuel Best Non-WA Price Next Best (Non-WA)
    U91 160.5 165.3
    U95 172.5 177.9
    U98 180.5 185.3

    I recommend all chopper pilots to consider doing a strategic lock today or tomorrow at the latest

    • Prices in Sydney are generally on the way down though. link.

      Edit: Just realised Maryville is in Newcastle, not sure what prices are doing there.

    • no e10?

      • WA doesn't sell E10

    • It happened a couple of days later but you're right, prices have gone up. Cheapest are in Bassendean, WA: U91 164.5, U95 176.5, U98 184.5. I look forward to WA's update tonight.

  • is it just me or ifakelocation is not working with mac this week?

    • Mate I was just flying on it a minute ago and no dramas, occasionally it tells me to update some settings or something. What exactly isn’t working for you ?

      • was working last week on all 3 iphone with different ios. yesterday and today non of them can set the new location. ive tried older version 1.4 and 1.5 . can find idevice, can search new location but still on the last step when you press set fake location it does nothing

        • im using macbook air. and iphones 6 and 7. i read on some reddit that works with windows but not mac anymore

          • @Atmot: Worked for me on Saturday night no problems, about 9pm.

  • Just got my accounts blocked:
    "To help keep our customers’ accounts safe, and to ensure we meet our legal and regulatory obligations, we use a specialist third-party provider to verify customer details.

    Your account appears to have breached the My 7-Eleven App Terms and Conditions. As a consequence, 7-Eleven has terminated your My 7-Eleven App account in accordance with the App terms and conditions."

    I do use three different accounts for three cars

    • Using three accounts on the same device?

      • Yeah. but this occured after I requested support as I couldn't claim my fuel lock in-store (app was down)

        • +1

          Are they still sending you a reimbursement via gift card?

          • +1

            @sween64: I think since they moved away from locking in a pre-paid amount with a credit card, to a much more simpler model of just locking in the rate per litre, 7-11 have no need to send out gift cards anymore.

            Edit: Unless you're talking about 7-11 issuing credits when the lock doesn't work, rather than when they cancel accounts - in which case I don't think they would because of the breach of TOS - but interested to hear.

            • +1

              @b2dz: Since that change, I have received a gift card to account for the discount I missed out on after filling up. That's different to the gift cards they sent out to account for the account credit after closing an account. @MountFranklin appears to have missed out on a discount due to the app not working at the time they filled up.

              • +1

                @sween64: yep see my edit above, I realised what you meant and updated my post, apologies.

                • +1

                  @b2dz: Yes, I'm also interested to hear from MF if they received a credit despite having one of (maybe all three) their accounts terminated.

          • +2

            @sween64: "This means we will not be able to action your Fuel Price lock and subsequent Missed Discount."

            • @MountFranklin: Thank you for the update! Let us know how you go setting up new accounts, interested to hear if you have any issues with it.

            • @MountFranklin: A bit of a bummer, I hope it wasn't a particularly large discount. Don't lament its loss, instead just enjoy the savings you had and the savings you will hopefully continue to have. Long live our choppers!

        • Strange thing is, only two of my three accounts got blocked

    • +4

      New accounts with new emails are a beautiful thing 😉

  • +2

    Petrol prices in Melbourne are jumping from 174.9 -> 215.9

    Lock in while you can.

    • +1

      98 RON is going to be 189.9cpl for WA tomorrow
      95 RON - 181.9cpl
      91 RON - 169.9cpl

    • Prices are meant to be dropping in NSW now.

    • Yes can confirm

  • +10

    Cut fuel excise by 20c… lasted a whole of 30 days before the prices are right back to where they started.

    • exciting times when the excise is added back in ~5 months.

      • +12

        If Liberals are in, nothing will happen.

        If Labor is in office, Murdoch Media will trumpet this as economic mismanagement and rising cost of living.

        Liberals are setting up booby traps in case they lose the election, Fraudenberg handing out as much cash as they possibly can to their mates.

  • Diesel
    Refinery: 198.9
    11-Seven: 196.8

    • +1

      There’s two stores in Ingleburn. Maybe one of them is missing from the @vu database.

      • +2

        Thanks, that's been added. I've updated the stores script interval so it should be better now.

  • +1

    Just had my first fuel lock not go through at the counter…locked in Newcastle at $1.58 and filled up at Coburg East for $1.68. Small car tank so only lost $4.40 but miffed about it. Is it worth chasing up 7-Eleven about it or are they just likely to block my account? I am a relatively frequent "flyer"…

    • +3

      Chase it up, make sure you delink your velocity account first.

      Worst case scenario, make a new account.
      Best case scenario, get your $4.40 back!

      • The fuel lock failure email requires me to give them my mobile number as well as my mailing address…that's more personal information about me than they currently have!

        EDIT - gave them my office address and didn't give them a phone number (don't understand why they need it).

        • The fuel lock failure email requires me to give them my mobile number as well as my mailing address…that's more personal information about me than they currently have!

          Mailing address for gift card reimbursement
          Mobile number - not sure

  • +1

    just filled up and saved 50c/L, remarkable.

  • Anyone had the A02 error? When attempting to sign in. Can't register or sign in on the app. Version 2.4.8. just tried version 2.4.7 as well. android. I have an Asus ROG Phone unrooted.

    Cache clear
    Uninstall reinstall
    Wifi and data
    Restarted phone

    Been happening all day. Can see comments about an A01 error but not A02. Haven't used a lock today or completed a lock in.

  • Anyone on jailbroken idevice able to use shadow?
    I’m on ios 13.5 and latest shadow says only upto 12.x but installed fine. But 7 11 app keep closing.

    I used libertylite and works fine until 11 may, but tried opening 7 11 app today and it keeps closing..

    • Yes. But I’m on iOS 14.8. I’m using Shadow v2.0.20 from the https://ios.jjolano.me/ repo

      Edit: I used to use Liberty Lite (Beta) v0.2.12 from the https://ryleyangus.com/repo/ when I was on iOS 13

      • Thanks.

        It works now after delete and reinstall 7 11 app.. so strange..

  • Anyone know what G09 or GAY error code means? I cannot login to 2 accounts.

    • G09 means your account has gone due to suspicious activity

      Time to create a new one with a new email

      • +1

        Do you have a reference for what the various error codes mean? We should get it added to the OP.

        • No :(

          It appears our collective knowledge is from everyone who posts in OzB, so in a way we rely on crowd sourcing the information from the community

      • +1

        So appears they banned my account when a certain IP logged in to do a fuel lock for me.

        I'd suggest not using any service which offers fuel locks.

        • +1

          Did you pay for the service?

        • +1

          So appears they banned my account when a certain IP logged in to do a fuel lock for me.

          How do you know it was an IP that gave your account away?

          It's so easy to get around this.
          VPNs or use mobile internet/hotspot (turn off and on airplane mode) will give you different IPs every time.

          Anyway, just create a new account under a new email, will take like 5 minutes maximum

          I'd suggest not using any service which offers fuel locks.

          Whose service did you use? Just out of curiosity. Pretty rookie mistake to do copious amounts of fuel locks and not change the IP at all..

          A demonstration of my private fuel lock kiosks that automatically switch IPs every 24 hours
          All of my chopper phones connect to a mobile wifi hotspot (amplified by a Xiaomi Wifi Amplifier)
          The hotspot phone automatically triggers airplane mode at 3am every night which requests a new IP address

          • @cwongtech: Because 3 accounts have now been banned after he logs in. It was a paid service website.

            I don't have any other way of getting fuel locks ☹️

            • +2

              @neofelis: I'd be asking the paid service for your money back.

              A cheap iphone + iFakeLocation is the easiest way to get your own chopper for fuel locks.

              • @sween64: This. Get a smashed iPhone on gumtree and use it exclusively for chopper related activities. Source: myself.

            • +2


              It was a paid service website

              Hope you didn't pay too much.. being IP banned is just amateur from a paid engagement

              How come you don't have your own chopper set up? I've already written a comprehensive guide for those with an older android phone you can use
              iFakeLocation/3utools for iPhone is apparently extremely easy to use, and lots of people here are willing to help with any technical issues

              If you want to try out my kiosks after all your options are exhausted you can PM me for more info
              I don't run off a paid engagement - they're operated as a complimentary side benefit for my Woolies eGift clients

              • @cwongtech: My mate got his account banned too. Same error code after happygo logged in to do a fuel lock.

                It makes sense. Around here U91 is now $2.15.

              • @cwongtech: Woolies eGift clients?

                What is this?

              • @cwongtech: Wow, here it is


                How dirty. They are just re-using work that you, master131 and vu have done for our community and profiting off it.

                Don't support them.

                • +3
                • +3


                  Wow, here it is

                  There are a few people/websites that are doing it, doesn't bother me, some guy on Facebook charging for it as well.
                  $1 per lock is a stupid rate to be doing this at anyway, I've explained my reasoning why I don't do it
                  My time is worth much more.
                  Don't really care about the bottom feeders, I just care about helping others, in a way that doesn't affect me.

                  How dirty. They are just re-using work that you, master131 and vu have done for our community and profiting off it.

                  Master131, Freighter and Vu are the superstar coders

                  I'm just a slightly more experienced user with my own fleet of choppers (nine) that are remotely accessible, so I no longer burn time locking for my friends and a select handful of others. My arrangement allows users to lock as many vouchers as they want without requiring my direct assistance (5 minutes per lock)

  • Anyone still use the Google Apps Script to receive email notification when target price is met?
    Mine stopped working and not sure how to debug (0 coding experience and non IT background)

    • Anyone still use the Google Apps Script to receive email notification when target price is met?

      I do, I have a dedicated Gmail account to send and a dedicate Outlook account to receive (so it doesn't clutter my main inbox)
      From memory the way it's been set up is it will fire alerts IF there are price movements below a price threshold, not when a "target price" is met.

      • That's what I meant. I had one set up too but it suddenly stopped working, could you pm your script to me?

        • PM'ing my script doesn't do anything though, it has my email as the destination email

          The way I resolved it was to delete all the scripts and start again

          Check if your gmail (where that script has been hosted) will actually send emails.

          I used to offer to add people's emails (there were 3-4 target emails) and my scripts (Master131's P03) would automatically send emails out. But then my gmail got flagged for spamming people's inboxes one day, so that's why I don't offer it to my friends anymore, and just have:
          - One dedicated gmail account for sending
          - One outlook account for receiving

        • +2
  • Anyone know the cause of an A02 error? Its nothing to do with my account cause I can still log in on my other phone. Just bought a new one and it's showing this error android 11

    • Exact same boat as me. I'm on Android 11 on my Asus ROG Phone 3. A02 error when signing in. Heaps of troubleshooting above. But not sure the solution. My accounts are fine. It's like the seven eleven app isn't able to open the browser?

      • +1

        Actually I just found the problem. It was the default browser (opera browser in this case), changed to chrome and no issues. The app uses your default browser to log in rather then being in app.

        • +2

          Mine must have some other issue. I've tried chrome edge opera and still get A02.

  • +2

    So reading the thread. The only way to do this now is either a rooted Android…or an iPhone?
    Can I just purchase any old iPhone or does it have to be a specific version of iOS?

    Last time I did this you could spoof on Android so pardon the stupid questions.

    • +1

      I use utools linked to my iphone 5S (!!!) to run the chopper. Android seems a little more tedious so I just fallback to iOS.

    • +4

      7-Eleven Fuel app requires iOS 12 or later, which has been the case for awhile. iPhone 5S is the oldest generation that can be updated to iOS 12 or higher, anything older will only run iOS 10 or lower. I believe iFakeLocation will work on iOS 12. Otherwise it can be jailbroken with unc0ver or checkra1n.

      • What's the cheapest iPhone 5s or iPhone 6 currently? I have an Android and just want a cheap iPhone for this hack, thanks.

        • +1

          Look on gumtree or facebook marketplace

  • Petrol seems to be more expensive. 98 is $1.90 now.

    91 is $.170

  • +1

    Noticed strange behaviour on petrol today.
    During a day, prices are going up per hour, then down, then up again!
    Is there any reason behind this madness on Australia's petrol pricing?

  • -4

    sunnybank hill's


    supreme+ 98

    • +4

      Advice for the future, when 91 and 98 are 20c apart, it's regular pricing.

  • Is anyone having issues with their app? the app logged me out and I can't seem to log back in. Receiving the same error on apple and android. 'There's been a problem logging you in. Please try again or view our FAQs for help. Error G09'

    • Just called them up, the rep tried to reset my password and the system wouldn't let him. Mentioned the account is blocked due to suspicious activity.

      • Yep, time for a new account. G09 means the account has been terminated

        How many accounts do you log in to on the one device?

        • +2

          Three. I think it raised a flag when I asked for reimbursement when my code didn't scan at the store. A few days later, my account got blocked.

            • @sween64: Same thing happened to my chopper. I did get the reimbursement after 2 weeks (normally takes 2 days) but I lock in within the same state. Possibly accounts are getting flagged for investigation if they are locking in at the location listed at p03 consistently?

              • @skid: I think if someone contacts support they will investigate the account and any other accounts using the same IP. That appears to be how neofelis had some of their accounts terminated.

                Edit: I might starting using a VPN whenever I use the 7-eleven app.

                • @sween64: Yes, it does seem like a co-incidence that all of these logging out issues have occurred in the past few weeks. What happens is that when you claim your fuel lock at the station, the system takes ages and the station owner says that there is a system problem and charges you the bowser price. Checking your app, you'll see that you are suddenly logged out. You log back in, and use the inbuilt support to claim the gift card. At this point, 7-11 starts the detailed investigation. I reckon there is some new flag where the system knows not to instantly grant the fuel lock.

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