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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Great watch, thanks for sharing

    • +4

      The biggest thought it provoked in me is why wasn't this discussion had by a group of women, but I guess Ozbargainers aren't that discerning…

      • +2

        It was, but a bunch of blokes dressed like women screeched as loud and hard as they could to try and censor the women, shut the women up and get them cancelled.

        • +1

          pseudo-women cancelling females

        • -1

          I don't think we watched the same documentary.

          • @MessyG: No one is debating that you clearly didn't watch this documentary.

            • -1

              @infinite: Just keep saying it to make it true for yourself there buddy. It was comedy gold.

  • +7

    Oh no, now we’re getting infect with American politics.

    • +4

      It is so irritating, fortunately I think Aussies have a way better bullshit detector than the yanks.

      • +2

        I think we really do, makes me proud to be an Aussie. I do worry a little about our children getting this stuff constantly in their social feeds though.

        • +1

          It's such a dance isn't it. The way this crowd uses images and videos of kids to push their points is really disturbing to me as a parent.

    • +2

      been creeping it's way into our schools already

      it's a global topic eventually and has ramped up lately

      you really believe genderism is exclusively Nth American? cmon

      • +1

        Not really, trans people have existed forever, some other cultures don’t pearl clutch because they exist. Something like 00.001% of the population is trans in Australia. Yet it’s like 90% of the American politics air time. Let’s focus on the real issues like rent and home prices and not let the politicians that don’t want to deal with the hard issues use trans people to defect any actual work they should do to make this country better.

        • +2

          there's a different agenda with certain groups under the guise of modern trans movement, unlike the harmless trans of past

          be aware if you tapped in. it's these silent ones where the population can also be cautious of pandora's box

          • +1

            @capslock janitor: Yeah okay mate, you’ve gone and drank the American coolaid.

            • +1

              @whuts: exactly you dont know about it mate

              and did you have to post the same reply twice

              • +1

                @capslock janitor: Yes I did reply twice, I thought OZB had me replying to your previous comment. Calm down on the paranoia mate.

                The boogie man argument isn’t going to work. They said the same thing about Gay people, brown people, the Irish, Italians, black people, Asians, women being allowed to vote and have jobs, Jewish people. It’s always “they’re trying to destroy us!” “They’re secretly trying to do X and Y”. You’re falling for the same propaganda that’s literally hundreds of years old.

                I think we’ve come to the end of the discussion, you have a good one mate, and try to remember we’re all just humans trying to live our lives. There’s no plot to get you.

  • +6

    Why is it only transgender women talked about. Is it just an extension of homophobia/misogyny??

    • Women discuss the issue at length in the documentary.

      Seems weird you would pretend that didn't happen.

  • +14

    Woman here, I watched the video. Should note, comfortable in my womanhood, no issues with people wanting to refer to themselves as pregnant people or whatever, I'm happy to use this term, was happy to refer to myself as a pregnant woman. Whatever floats your boat.

    First thought is - starts off with an American flag. Automatic 'what seppo shit is this' moment.
    Second thought, jeez that's a lot of dudes talking about womens bodies. Lots of focus on 'men can't get pregnant' like being a woman is all about your ability to carry a fetus and not at all about who you are.
    Third thought, fear mongering dressed up as dudes once again convincing themselves they're the only rational ones.
    Fourth thought, more dudes.
    Fifth thought, oh look a woman having an opinion! But mainly dudes interviewing random women.
    Sixth thought, is this bitchute or rumble or what.
    Seventh though, eff me people need to get out more.
    Eight…yeah no bored now.

    This is not a bargain. This will cost you precious time out of your life. And time is money. Unless you're into seppo comedy then it's a gold star for a laugh.

    And as a woman with kids, as one of many women with kids, this style of video makes us laugh behind closed doors. Mainly at the people making it. They're so visibly constipated over this issue, when if you're a woman you know you're a woman and really don't need a bunch of dudes explaining it or trying to define it. We're all quite disinterested in this topic but find the pearl clutching and flag waving amusing and sad.

    Oh and before anyone starts up about pedos, sorry, but we all know who the pedophiles are. It's a case of methinks certain groups doth protest too much, given how closely aligned to the clergy they are…

    • +5

      Woman here

      What makes you so sure

      • +2

        Shania Twain said it better than I can:

        The girls need a break, tonight we're gonna take
        The chance to get out on the town
        We don't need romance, we only wanna dance
        We're gonna let our hair hang down
        The best thing about bein' a woman
        Is the prerogative to have a little fun and
        Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy, forget I'm a lady
        Men's shirts, short skirts
        Oh, oh, oh, really go wild, yeah, doin' it in style
        Oh, oh, oh, get in the action, feel the attraction
        Color my hair, do what I dare
        Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free, yeah, to feel the way I feel
        Man, I feel like a woman

        • Man, I feel like a woman

          The punch line… sounds like a hermaphroditic revelation

          • +1

            @tharlow: That line is a revelation to be sure. I don't think it's genital dependent!

    • +1

      Rainbow relationship?

      • Weird question but no. Boring vanilla hetero nuclear family here. Who live and let live and don't fall for outrage porn.

    • +1

      Thanks for your perspective. In ~18 pages of comments it's one that's been sorely lacking.

  • +3

    Not a deal. Actually cost me brain cells reading about it

    • +1

      I’m sorry to hear about that. This sort of thing can happen if you don’t take them for a regular servicing

  • +9

    If you don't like the post fine, but if you report it solely because you don't like it, and you want it taken down, sorry to break this to you, but the imaginary Yazis living in your head, you're a lot closer to them than the people you call Yazis. Free speech is a right, not a privilege given by the loudest minority.

    • +3

      Oh FFS this isn't about free speech this is about clogging up Ozbargain with links to free videos. People can start linking concerts and movies on Youtube with 'bargain' posted all over it, leaving the real bargains to be missed. The video is freely available online, removing the post from Ozbargain isn't censorship, it's just sensible content moderation.

      • +2

        and if the rest of ozbargain agreed with you then it would have been negative voted into oblivion and disappeared.
        When I searched this movie, it came up on the daily wire and required a membership which is charged. If you have videos that are behind a paywall then why not post them and see what happens?

        • +1

          Because their attempting to censor the movie and the free discussion about it.

          • @infinite: I think that's a bit self-important. No one cares enough to want to censor it, it's just annoying.

            I'll be interested to see if it goes back to being paywalled, I suspect there will be a magnanimous moment in which they decide to make it free for all because of the 'concern' around censorship.

            It's not controversial if they haven't even bothered to fact check their experts, it's just kinda sad.

      • +1

        The mods allow weekly and monthly updates of rental catalogues to be posted here as bargains, that's a way lower bar that's been set than by anything your currently complaining about.

      • +1

        No this is political. I'd rather not see any politics at all, but there always seems to be a much louder voice in the left vs right political landscape, and I'd rather not have one drown the other out completely, even if they are both full of toxic a$$holes.

        • Left is louder? This post is overwhelmingly upvoted by people very much not identifying as left.

  • +2

    Who really cares what a woman is? Maybe we should just understand that everyone is a person and should be able to be whoever the hell they want to be.

    PS by the end he said it's an adult female…. you can follow the turtles all the way down

    1 star.

    • everyone is a person

      I’ve been called worse

    • +3

      Women certainly care.

      • +1

        And yet men are overrepresented in the protest space on this, curious.

    • +2

      For example: women, men, parents and society. Peole who are not women but want to be viewed as women. They all seem to care.

      • Those people who "are not women who want to be viewed as women" are women. Why not. It doesn't harm anyone and if it makes their lives better to use a bathroom why not.

        Show some compassion for another person who is clearly just trying to live their lives and going through some shit.

    • +1

      Moral relativism, slippery slope mate!

  • +4

    It would be nice to browse bargains on one of my favourite websites without being told how perverted and morally wrong I am for being transgender

    • +1

      Sounds like you identify as being cheeky, which is just fine with me

    • +4

      No one said that.

      • There are multiple comments here that have claimed trans people/their supporters are pedophiles

    • +1

      Talk about playing the victim, no one’s even remotely said anything like that.

      But its a good thing, coz your life must be so good that you have to create fictional problems to complain about.

  • +1

    Do the numbers lie in terms of the percentage of people that think this should remain as a deal? I think that they may.
    In order to upvote you don’t have to comment, in order to downvote you must make a comment and leave yourself open to responses.

    • +3

      You can’t vote someone off the island if they want to stay — that’s not how it works

    • +4

      Are people really upvoting because they think it's a legitimate ozbargain deal or because it aligns with their values? Suspect it's the latter.

      How about we do a poll - do links to free videos on any topic constitute ozbargain deals? Because I have a huge backlog of my favourite concerts on Youtube which would fit the criteria…

      • +1

        Isn't this typically behind a paywall? It's only free for a week.

        What about you why are you downvoting it?

  • +4

    If you think this is just about the USA, you are wrong, it's infiltrating our schools in Aus and we have to fight back for our kids. Link to latest incident below:


    • +7

      Yeah I have two kids in primary school. There's no 'infiltration' other than yank paranoia infecting our newsmedia and good Aussie citizens. This is absolutely not a concern for the vast majority of parents. If kids want to identify as non binary or another gender then thats fine. No one is encouraging it, just accepting it and not forcing them into anything. In fact the whole point is not forcing them. This kind of divisive and paranoid bullshit is really harmful to kids and shielding them from it is a full time f***ing job. Sure sells a lot of newspapers and clicks though doesn't it.

      • +6

        There's no such thing as trans kids in primary schools, just children having mental illness projected on them, or being sexually groomed/abused.

        If an 8 year old is having open discussions about their sexuality, it's an enormous red flag that they are being sexually abused or the victim of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy & the matter should be investigated as such.

        • +3

          My kids are in a public state school. There is no way any teacher at this school would ever encourage children to hide things from their parents and if they did it would trigger a complaint to the education department. I hope your friend made a complaint to the department too because the escalation process is very clear.

      • +3

        @MessyG I see this as infiltration.

        Pride Month: Rainbow Story Time 2-5yo
        A Pride Month event celebrating Rainbow families, friends and allies. By Penrith City Library


        No need to drag in sexuality into children story time. We don't need this promoted to children, leave them alone.

        • -1

          What is sexual about including rainbow families? There are kids with lesbian mums and gay dads who feel very isolated in the wider community and seeing families like theirs is a good thing. What on earth does it have to do with sex? Those kids didn't get to choose what families they were born into and they deserve to connect with other kids who have a similar life.

          • +4

            @MessyG: I don't see any hetro parents story time do you? What does the parent's sexual preference have to do with kids story time?

            Kids story time is for children, whose parents' sexual preference is irrelevant. Nobody are isolating lesbian mums or gay dads to story time except these events.

            • +1

              @sintro: Because the vast majority of kids have hetero parents and have mothers day, fathers day, parents day etc. The kids with same sex parents are a minority in the school system and feel very out of place. These events are just to show them there are a lot of families like theirs and they can feel seen. This isn't rocket science.

              • +1

                @MessyG: How would they not feel seen?

                I mean yes, they will not be as likely to succeed in life as they don't have a balanced parenting input from a mother and father, but children of of single parents have one less parent than those form same-sex families and I don't see you or anyone else advocating for a sexually themed reading time for kids of single parent families.

                Why do not care at all about an even smaller minority who is clearly at an even greater level of need for support, but care so deep and hard about one other specific type of family structure, you want to host sexually themed reading session for them?

  • -1

    was this ever not free?

    • +1

      Until now, no.

      It's always been a paid for product, or could only be accessed via a private paid-for streaming service.

    • +1

      Nup, only free this week. I paid to watch it several months ago.

  • Not a bargain. Plenty of free transphobia elsewhere on the internet.

    • But it's only free for a week!

  • +14

    Great watch. Informative and insightful. It does not espouse hate as some comments suggest. It's clear that neg comments are politically motivated - and I'd guess most didn't watch it. This does constitute as a deal, regardless of your alignment. Watch it for yourself and make up your own mind. But the votes should be on whether it's a deal, not on your politics.

    • So all free videos constitute a deal? This place is going to get clogged with videos fast.

      I'm a woman and I watched it. My mind was very made up. And I suspect all the positive votes are more aligned with peoples values than they are on whether or not its a good deal.

      • +7

        No not all. But this one is free for 24hrs. And judging by the upvotes - valuable to a lot of people.
        I'm glad you're a woman. My mum is a woman. She's the best. Perhaps you're right RE values=votes. But I think it's good value and worth sharing for those interested.

        • +2

          Sure but again this comes back to whether or not sharing free videos constitutes a valid ozbargain deal. I believe that's called Youtube. Why not put it in the forums?

          Also the lack of fact-checking in the entire thing was such a red flag, I can't believe people missed that. Everyone upvoting it and saying if you disagree you didn't watch it…I watched it and there was some outright wrong statements made and everyone just accepts it unquestioning? Particularly that line of 'if a kid wants gender affirming care then it's straight to surgery + hormones and there's no other path'…completely and categorically untrue and can be confirmed with a quick google. I thought Ozbargainers were more discerning than this, but if you disagree you're called an extreme lefty and politically motivated?

          Anyway it's good it was shared, I can show it to my kids and break it down and fact check it with them, it's just quite exhausting having to do that, I wish they'd do it in the videos.

          • +4

            @MessyG: I appreciate your thoughts. But consider this. If the content was something you liked, or perhaps something you were indifferent to - would you complain about it being posted for the same reason? If it was a 24hr only window to watch Antique Roadshow Bloopers for free you might think, meh not for me, but good for you scallywags

            • +1

              @Philosemite: Yes! I don't want to links to free videos in my ozbargain feed when they are easily findable. I'm here for Eneloops dude, not free videos. It makes no sense to me.

              • +3

                @MessyG: I want to believe you. And love an eneloop as much as the next woman. But why didn't you downvote this? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/779113
                Or what about free games?
                Any digital content that isn't usually free

                • @Philosemite: Didn't see that one but I take your point. Unless of course the video stays free…

              • +1

                @MessyG: This isn't a free video normally.

                The documentary until today has been a paid for product and you clearly know it. Stop trying to censor things just because you don't like it.

                • +1

                  @infinite: Yeah to censor something you have to have power to do so which I do not, I'm just disagreeing. I find people who find disagreement to equate to censorship so interesting though. Do you have difficulty telling the difference?

                • +1

                  @infinite: I have no power to censor anything so I think you are curiously mistaking disagreement for censorship. I suspect it will stay free…

  • +3

    The Sky News-heads will love this documentary. They aren't concerned with the quality of sources, as long as their beliefs are being reaffirmed. Trash doco.

  • +3

    Lots of articles online on how the Alphabet is infiltrating our schools, drag stories at libraries etc.., join us at protesting and protecting our kids against these groomers otherwise we will end up like this Dad in Canada.


    • +7

      Again, parent of two kids here. Can you please keep this yank bullshit out of here? Go to America and join the Q cult but our kids are not exposed to any of what you're talking about, what they ARE exposed to is people like you sharing videos and pictures of children. It's really harmful and you need to stop.

      As for that 'article' you linked, we heard lots and lots from the Dad and their opinions and their rights and their needs…and absolutely nothing from the child involved. Not a bit of their voice. Which should tell you all you need to know but you're not seeing it.

      Parents will walk through hellfire to keep their kids safe. Again, that a group of men are raging about this, fed by large US groups that are very closely aligned to the clergy is not the message you think it is. We know who pedophiles are, and it's not a guy in makeup, it's not a trans person. It's men in black frocks and men aligned with them who protest just a little bit too loudly about tiny minorities.

      • +3

        It's Canada, learn to read, stop being ignorant and continue drinking avo lattes.

        • +1

          We all know where it's coming from and what the actual **** is an avo latte. Straight black coffee all the way.

      • +7

        Actual responsible parent here.

        There's no such thing as trans kids in primary schools, just children having mental illness projected on them, or being sexually groomed/abused.

        If an 8 year old is having open discussions about their sexuality, it's an enormous red flag that they are being sexually abused or the victim of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy & the matter should be investigated as such.

        • +6

          Totally agree, parent with 3 kids, oldest being 10 yrs old, has never been exposed to anything sexual, they are kids, no need for that yet.
          Once old enough they will be taught and exposed, how evil do you need to be to be discussing intimate subjects with kids under 16….
          They are slowly introducing us to paedophilia, soon enough they will consider it as part of the Alphabet, they've already re-branded it to 'Minor - Attracted persons…evil stuff

          • @adamm12: The pedophiles have rebranded themselves to that. Not the LGTBIQ+ community.

            Pedophiles are more likely to. be sport coaches, clergy and family members - this is held up in statistics. The massive campaign to distract from that is what concerns me, especially as those instigating this campaign are so closely aligned to the clergy. My kids haven't been exposed to anything sexual in nature and wont be - I do not understand this beat up about the queer community. They are not who I'm afraid of by any stretch. I grew up in a Catholic family - we know who to watch out for and it's concerning that others don't. Teaching your kids to be afraid of the gays to avoid pedophilia leaves them wide open for abuse.

          • +1


            how evil do you need to be to be discussing intimate subjects with kids under 16

            I remember back in primary school, some kids in my year level (year 6/7…so maybe 11-12yo I think) were already 'dating'. Several girls in year 10 (so ~15yo) had already experimented sexually. This was before Facebook, Insta. Given how sexualised everything is these days, from music videos to tic toc etc, kids will be exposed to intimate subjects before they hit 16. Question is where and who you want them to learn from first, their friends, boyfriend, teacher, parent? Keeping your head in the sand doesn't mean the problem doesnt exist.

        • I don't know what kind of school you've got your kids in but kids aren't having open discussions about their sexuality at our primary school. Are you sure you're a responsibile parent if you've got your kids in that kind of school?

          Some of the older kids we've learned unfortunately HAVE been exposed to porn by their fathers which is a whole other issue that people are strangely silent about.

          • +3

            @MessyG: In a Catholic school, as an atheist I've had to enroll them into a religious school to avoid this type of BS.
            These are the type of people that are reading to our kids, loads of stories such as these.
            Bringing father's into a Parenting issue is what is wrong with this world and you seem to be that type of woman.

            • +1

              @adamm12: What rock are you living under that you don't know about the high levels of pornography exposure to kids? Hope you've got safe search on.

              • +4

                @MessyG: I don't know what your kids are watching but I can guarantee mine haven't been exposed, we actually spend time with our kids, talk to them and monitor all the communication channels.
                Don't associate with parents or kids that are exposed to that kind of stuff.

            • +3


              In a Catholic school,

              Scared of people sexualising kids.
              Puts them in a catholic school.

              We got a real deep thinker here.

            • +3

              @tubsy222: Exactly why we send them to the Catholic school, none of that BS there, poster about respect, diversity etc..but no rainbows no gender fluidity etc..

              • +1

                @adamm12: You obviously haven't been paying attention to what's going on at the parramatta diocese which has a new pro-transgender policy impacting the school curriculum in the Parramatta Diocese schools.

                • +2

                  @sintro: Catholic turned atheist here - mystified as to why anyone would put their kids in a Catholic school at all given the history.

                  • +1

                    @MessyG: You can actually believe in GOD without being a Catholic. So there is no need to be an atheist.

                  • @MessyG: No one school system is perfect, but their history is a glowing example of education done right compared to the public system. In comparison, it still is, too.

                    That's primarily because the standard of private school teachers, leaders and the quality of it's principles are so much better. The rates of toxic feminism are so low in the private system, it's almost non-existent in comparison. Combined with vastly superior physical education programs which keep the kids physically and mentally healthier, it becomes an absolute obvious choice if you've worked hard and smart enough to afford it.

                    As a parent, outside of providing a loving relationship from both a mother and father, investing in your child's education is one of the most important factors in their chances of developing into a happy healthy and successful person. You'd be mad not to invest into them in that way.

      • +6

        No, mate is in Penrith. Also plenty of drag queen story time in Victoria.

        Pride Month: Rainbow Story Time 2-5yo
        A Pride Month event celebrating Rainbow families, friends and allies.

        By Penrith City Library

        Leave sexuality out of children story time.

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