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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Why so many negs

    • +5

      People who don’t understand that when something you’d normally pay for is free it’s a deal, regardless of whether it’s Manic Panic hair dye or a documentary.

    • No deal from me as I wouldn't pay to watch it anyway, but it's not a rip off.

  • +5

    This isn't a bargain. You have to pay with 90mins of your life you'll never get back.

  • +4

    This is a 'deal' in the most technical of ways, posted with the worst of intentions.

  • +2

    Hate and bigotry dressed up as 'just asking questions' is always free - not a deal.

  • +2

    Im a woman

    Thread closed

  • Is this the longest ever comments thread on OzB??

  • +1

    Someone tries to make a post about this deal on leftist/green party supporter owned /australia/ subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/13z0l8a/local_ba…

    The post is deleted for whatever reason.

    The person who made that post appears to be centrist to "center left" (tax the rich, anti big corp, anti corruption in govt, pro vaccine mandate, anti abortion) based on post history.

  • +5

    From the people that brought you flat earth.

    Seriously how did any of this become a thing?

    • +2

      Yep! Definitely has the same pseudo-science vibe like flat earth! I would have hoped this did not get imported into Australian media and politics but here we are.

      • So, yor are all for child genital mutilation and removal?


  • +14

    This documentary has now been viewed over 100 million times on Twitter in 24 hours. Elon Musk even tweeted it as a ‘must see for parents.’


    For the minority of you that don’t like it, fine don’t watch it. It’s wrong to try cancel something just because it highlights facts and opinions that you don’t like or are ideologically opposed. The numbers don’t lie, the quiet majority approve of this deal.

    • -5

      This documentary has now been viewed over 100 million times on Twitter in 24 hours. Elon Musk even tweeted it as a ‘must see for parents.’

      Cool, then given that massive exposure it doesn't need to be on an Australian forum about cheap deals.

      For the minority of you that don’t like it

      Twitter has 350M subscribers, so even if we accept 100M views as true, that's still a minority.

      The numbers don’t lie, the quiet majority approve of this deal.

      See above. And viewing something doesn't mean agreeing with it. I watch Roosters games to laugh at them losing, doesn't mean I support them.

    • +5

      Oh, ELON MUSK told parents to see it! Did he?, who gives a crap.

    • +5

      Don’t mind the haters. This is a deal. I hadn’t seen the movie, but because it was free, I watched it. So bargain for me! Brave of you to post this knowing you would be swarmed by a bunch of delusional libs after blood. Well done. I support you and respect you.

      • +2

        Here here.
        This is a free country, and the last time I checked, a documentary film never hurt anyone…

    • +6

      The worlds most divorced Dad and absent father? That Elon Musk?

      • The worlds most divorced Dad and absent father?

        Wow, you hate African Americans so much that you need to bring up that stereotype ?

        That's pretty hateful of you.

  • +8

    Literally nobody who upvoted this cringe is excited about the "bargain".

    They've either seen the vid before or they're virtue signalling, for their version of virtue.

    Given that it's a "special" one day only free watch, it's all about gaming the Twitter algorithms, and without any doubt this place has been brigaded by followers of Walsh and his boosters to upvote a political message.

    • +10

      I had to do a double take as to what could possible have 600 upvotes. Ohhh a pseudo-documentary by some American shock-jock that forces culture wars down everyone's throats and pretends he's doing journalism. But he's just asking questions, right? You're spot on about the voting, no-one is voting this up because it's a great bargain it's a nod to their believes, hence why they are going after people who down voted it.

      • +2

        It's exactly the same as if Michael Moore had a ONE DAY ONLY free video.

      • This. Such a lemming move by the OzB community.

  • +8

    I wanted to know what are the best arguments from the lefties. Unfortunately most comments were ad hominem attacks or try to silence their opponents instead of engaging in constructive conversations.

    • +7

      Either we agree that there is a difference between (biological) sex and gender (identity) or the rest of the conversation is a bit of a moot point. Summary of my… argument? 1. There are definitely loony, projecty trans folks, just like there are loony projecty cis folks. The trans community might be a little less likely to disavow the crazies in their camp because of their history of being treated poorly and a need for solidarity. 2. Trans people know better than anyone that there is a difference between biological sex and their gender identity, that's the point. Thought experiment: You’re a head in a jar, Futurama style. You have no sex organs. How do you identify your gender? You might think like a woman, sound like a woman and even look like one but someone shows you your XY chromosomes. What do you do? 3. Most trans folks I've seen online and the one I know in real life are keen to discuss the challenges of sport once their existence is taken seriously. 4. How do you pratically enforce a biological sex based toilet system? 5. Cross dressing and identifying as trans are not the same thing. They may seem the same thing but they are not. 6. The rate of people who regret medically transitoning is about 1%, which is not something to be proud of and definitely could be made better with better healthcare to ensure its the right choice and better societal attitudes to support decisions either way. 7. The arguments against transgender people are virtually identical to those against gay people from the 70s. Look up Anita Bryant. For a significantly more intellectual and 100% more female set of arguments I'd recommend https://signsjournal.org/exploring-transgender-law-and-polit… by Catherine Mackinnon who is about as pro woman as you will find

      • +2

        If I choose science, biologically, a man is typically characterized as male. However, there are instances where the determination of sex at birth may be uncertain, but these cases are exceptions rather than the norm.

        Some countries tolerate practices such as bestiality and child marriage. Some people argue that pedophiles and rapists are naturally predisposed to engage in such acts. In the future, someone may say that in 2023, people used to debate about transgender issues.

        • +5

          And those people will say that it was a culture war stirred up about something that had already been normal for decades (I remember sex change surgery as a thing 40 years ago)

          Because they lost the fight on gay rights when it turned out that most people knew perfectly fine gay people, so they had to find a new boogeyman instead of, you know, just concentrating on becoming better people themselves.

          Live and let live. Be a better person.

          • +1

            @tal15: I don't believe it's something completely different. It's just evolving. From LGBT to LGBTQ+ and so on. In one sense, it's the same war. Some people argue that pedophiles and rapists are naturally disposed to do so. It seems we can anticipate the next battleground. Different battles, same war.

            • +2


              Some people argue that pedophiles and rapists are naturally disposed to do so.

              And that has precisely zero to do with this issue.

              I think they probably are. They should be castrated and sent to Nauru.

              It has literally nothing to do with a person wanting a sex change. Same as if I got a tattoo, that doesn't make me Charles Manson.

          • +4

            @tal15: It has significant implications for women's sports, the privacy of biological women, and parental rights, among other concerns. It has an impact in other people.

            Some parents are okay with it. Do whatever you want, but leave their children alone. However, some lefties don't want to leave the children alone.

          • @tal15: Live and let live.
            I agree with you.

            However, if that isn't your opinion, then the same principle must apply.

            Ad hominem attacks and character assassination is unjustified.

            This is a debate, and there are two opposing teams, both of whom have their own scientific research to 'prove ' why the other contention is wrong.

            The saddest thing of all is that the information we receive mostly comes from those claiming to have "the science" on their side, usually coupled with the intention of 'destroying' the other team, as opposed to presenting these complex issues as highly nuanced.

            How can both sides of the debate have 'all the facts' on their side?

            This, in essence, has destroyed the social fabric of American society, and will engulf us too unless we realise that the intentions of those usually presenting us with 'their side' of the argument are the ones causing this divisiveness.

            We must learn to accept and tolerate information and opinion with which we disagree and stop reacting as though its a personal attack, because usually it's well paid talking heads who are up on the pedestal.

        • +4

          Even in intersex and ambiguous cases where someone appears to have both sexual organs, they always produce at most only one set of viable gametes, never two. There has never been a true hermaphrodite human who has gotten someone pregnant and become pregnant themselves. Even in the wildest fringe cases sex is still binary. Gender may not be binary, but sex certainly seems to be.

        • +2

          This is the crux of the issue. I don't disagree with your first statement because a reasonable person cannot. The issue at heart is that biological sex and gender identify are distinct and that you appear to be conflating them, in addition to including sexual preference which isn't part of it. The vast majority of medical and psychological institutions around the world acknowledge this difference in a complete and unambiguous way. If we can't agree that they are different there's no room to discuss the genuine details that could use good faith discussion like sport, prison and medical transitioning.

          Moving to your second point which discusses morality combined with what I think is a predilection to criminality, in terms of scientific evidence I'd start with https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle… where a summary would be that transgender and nonbinary youth experienced higher rates of sexual violence but did NOT perpetrate higher rates compared to cisgender youth. Other than feelings, intuition and a misrepresented Swedish study from 2011 I've not seen any evidence of increased criminal behaviour from the trans community other than what would be expected from trans men taking hormones.

          Edit: This is a reply to the top gto21 comment for clarity

      • You might think like a woman.

        I thought "right-wingers" were supposed to be the sexist ones. I see…

    • +5

      I'm not sure what arguments you want.

      I remember sex change surgery being something that existed and that we'd joke about in primary school, and I'm nearly 50.

      It's as much of an issue to me as whether someone gets a tattoo (don't have any) or smokes (used to) or injects heroin (ditto).

      Not my business. People can do wtf they want as long as it doesn't harm others.

      I don't see why it's something people feel they need to police, let alone as a political stance.

      I don't understand it, but I'm not them. But I know a guy whose dad became his 2nd mum, awkward, but they're a great family. Knew another guy who transitioned, he was always very girly. And a giant butch tradie lesbian (brilliant pool player) who went male and instantly lost his/her lesbo mates, like going to the dark side, becoming a guy.

      I don't understand it but I'm not gonna hate on them. They're all really good people. If they wanna be another gender, it's no more unnatural than flying through the sky In a metal tube or talking to people by pressing a piece of glass /plastic something in one's hand.

      • +3

        One concerning matter revolves around the promotion of surgical procedures and pharmaceutical interventions for children, sometimes without sufficient consideration for parental involvement. A major concern is that government entities and individuals with left-leaning ideologies seem to be intruding upon the sphere of children's well-being, potentially disregarding parental rights.

    • +2

      So are you saying that everyone on the right are anti-trans people and everyone on the left aren't?

      You're in for a shock friend.

      • +1

        There is a range of perspectives among individuals on the left regarding the concept of gender, and some of them hold differing opinions rooted in science. It is important to clarify that not all individuals on the left share the same viewpoint on this matter.

        • And not all people on the right do either, they just can't speak up because of death threats from their own kind.

          • +2

            @MessyG: Lefties do that too. For example, recently they attempted to attack a biological female who courageously spoke up against the detrimental impact of biological males participating in female sports.

            • @gto21: Right which just goes to show you that the demographic of violent aggressive behaviour is neither left nor right, but something else entirely…

              • @AwesomeSaucem: I've had a lifetime of men saying 'no one cares about womens sports' and 'no one would watch that' etc etc and suddenly here we are. Curious.

              • +2

                @AwesomeSaucem: what an extremely selfish take. I go to therapy so now let me compete with other women. only a loser would think like that and we have seen that happen multiple times.

                  • +1

                    @AwesomeSaucem: wtf are you on about. adult men dressing up and taking over women sports does affect me. I couldn’t care less how someone wants to identify but you cross a line when you try to force me to change definitions or compete is sports that my daughter would. Remember “gender identity” is a virtue in your woke religion, I think its degenerate behaviour so we objectively disagree on whats really good and whats not.

                      • +1

                        @AwesomeSaucem: So you’re saying me want to compete with women and I shouldn’t have a problem with that. How about you not defend degenerate trans behaviour involving womens toilets and their sports and don’t be a degenerate.

              • +1

                @AwesomeSaucem: The issue at hand is that even individuals who typically do not show much interest in women's sports become unsettled when they witness or hear about certain occurrences. One such example is when biological males are permitted to compete against biological females in combat sports. Regardless of personal preferences regarding women's sports, it is generally met with opposition when a male beat up a female.

                  • +1

                    @AwesomeSaucem: The organization can also say no.

                    Here's an example: If I, as a lightweight, agree to fight a heavyweight, the commission might not approve it.

                    Similarly when it comes to this issue. They should have guidelines that support safer practices and more equitable competitions for athletes.

                    And not allowed a dude to beat up a female.

                      • +1

                        @AwesomeSaucem: The problem is that you have a dude beating up a woman. Men have a significant advantage over women in some combat sports. The problem is that it's disgusting.

                        Some organizations don't want to be called transphobic.

                        If parents give consent for a child marriage? It ok because they gave consent?

                          • +1

                            @AwesomeSaucem: Thank you for admitting that giving consent does not mean it's right. What was your point again? I have to use that kind of example so that even a mind like yours will discover that your argument is flawed.

                              • +1

                                @AwesomeSaucem: What happens if parents consent to change their child's gender? Is it considered consent in this case, or is it not considered consent at all?

                                  • +2

                                    @AwesomeSaucem: In some countries, doctors/therapists will not oppose child marriage. Based on your logic its fine.

                                      • +2

                                        @AwesomeSaucem: If they cannot consent to that, why can they consent to changing their gender?

                                          • +2

                                            @AwesomeSaucem: Your logic is still flawed. Someone can claim to have a high standard for child marriage. What your saying sound very dangerous.

                                              • +2

                                                @AwesomeSaucem: Some women don't want to compete against biological men. Can you respect that and refrain from overriding their consent?

                                                  • +2

                                                    @AwesomeSaucem: We have evidence of women who speak against having to compete against biological males. Can you respect that and refrain from overriding their consent?

  • +14

    Culture war bullshit.

  • +13

    Absolutely despicable that this US culture war (profanity) is having such a reception. Never been more disappointed in the OzBargain community.

    • +10

      😂 Cry harder

    • +2

      Same, so much love for the seppos it's embarrassing.

    • +2

      slimy attempt at making it a US specific issue.
      Women exist everywhere so you really shouldn’t have a problem defining one which is the whole point of the documentary.

  • +2

    Can we or can we not post bargains?

  • +11

    Not a deal. Shouldn't be here. Not even a free Bluetooth speaker.

    What is a woman? Who's asking? Why is it even a question, let alone a mockumentary.

    A better question might be "what is a man?"

    It's definitely not someone who is concerned about their own, or others, sexuality.

    This so called "documentary" is a dog whistle.

    As has already been pointed out, our children are most at risk from pastors and priests and "the man of the house".

    The rainbow alphabet people are the least of our problem's.

    Bluetooth speakers for everyone !

  • +11

    "Free documentary" in this case just means "a YouTube video I want to promote". It's not a "deal" any more than me making a blog post is a "free ebook". The only reason it's getting upvotes is to "own the libs".

    • +4

      Great post! It's interesting how many negative comments are mocking the movie, even when they've not watched it. But the most important thing is that each of them fail to answer the key question: What is a woman?

      • +4

        Because their answer fails facts and logic

        • Please see facts and logic below, and feel free to respond :)

      • In most cases, a woman is somebody who is 100% biologically female from birth and that includes at least a dozen components from sex organs to chromosomes to hormones etc.

        There are a small but not insignificant sample who don't meet that equation completely.

        In the middle there's a real grey area.

        But there's also a difference between sex and gender. Gender is a way of "performing" or acting a role in the world.

        Some would say a woman is defined by physical characteristics, but gender (performance) is a very real part.

        Personally, I don't care. If it comes to legal or medical consequences then I respect other people's right to care how they are treated.

        • +2

          Thank you for replying @tal15
          I appreciate us having these conversations! I'm also relieved to see that you're not advocating for any man to be able to simply declare themselves as a woman.

          Indeed, there are serious medical and legal implications to consider here. This isn't just about individual rights, it's about the broader impact on others too. Can a man, purely on the basis of identifying as a woman, use women's restrooms? Is it acceptable for men to participate in women's sports? These are important questions that require thoughtful discussion.

          • @nomekop: I'd say bathrooms and sports are trivial with a capital T when it comes to lording over how people live their lives.

            1. I'm as likely to be assaulted by a gay guy in a bathroom as a woman by a trans (mod: edited) in hers, which is to say about 0.00000001%. Swallow some (profanity) concrete and learn some self defence and situational awareness. Nowhere ever is totally safe.

            2. The # of trannies who compete in elite sports is tiny. The sporting codes can work it out. This argument is is silly as saying I can't be man because some men abuse steroids or something. It's irrelevant.

            • +2


              I'm as likely to be assaulted by a gay guy in a bathroom as a woman by a trannie in hers

              Except you're male (if you're in the same toilet as a gay guy) defending yourself from another male, and the woman being attacked by a trans (mod: edited) is a female defending herself from a male. Logic fails, yet again.

              Btw, I just noticed you've had this profile for 4 years, and only used it to comment on this post. Ghosting much?

              • +1

                @wisdomtooth: I don't feel the need to comment on "here's a good PS5 price" because I go out and buy it.

                But this garbage stinks of a concerted culture war campaign to elevate a steaming dog turd into something that it isn't, so like they say, "all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to stand back and say nothing".

                I was abused by a man in a bathroom when I was 12 btw. Same sex bathrooms aren't a panacea.

                • @tal15:

                  I was abused by a man in a bathroom when I was 12

                  Sorry to hear it.

                  Btw, the contention of conservatives with trans males in female bathrooms — notice they never highlight trans females in male bathrooms — is not that an actual trans male — one actually suffering gender dysphoria — whose existence conservatives don't deny — will sexually abuse, or attempt to abuse, a girl or a woman, but that it leaves the door open to male rapists pretending to be trans to take advantage of women and girls when they don't have other men around to protect them.

        • +1

          It appears you do care because you bothered posting on this ghosting account…

      • +1

        But people have and they keep telling you that they have and you keep saying they haven't.

        The key question for me is why did they make a documentary asking that question and not asking a broad spectrum of women or fact check any of it?

        • +1

          @MessyG I appreciate your thoughts and critics to the documentary as in your opinion it doesn't captures a wide representation of women.

          But, how do you think that would alter this situation? If we gather opinions from the people you've mentioned, would it shift the definition of a woman? What are you expecting precisely? As I understand it, definitions aren't about canvassing opinions, they're about reflecting an observable truths.

          You've mentioned in a different post that you're a mother, so if you don't mind me asking respectfully, what does being a woman mean to you?

          • @nomekop: If they're not about canvassing opinions then why were those opinions canvassed in the video at all?

            If you're going to ask a select group of women this question, why those women, and not all walks?

            So yeah, if you're going to ask the question then including all women would definitely alter the answer.

            What does being a woman mean to me? Did you know the word woman comes from the word 'wife-man'? It never meant adult female.

            So again, I would say that the opinions of women absolutely do matter especially now, especially given the history of the word. Especially given that so many men have decided they get to define it, that men are overrepresented in these protests.

            Being a woman to me, is about belonging to a sisterhood far, far greater than myself. And in this sisterhood we don't talk about who gets to be a woman. We tend to talk about parenting our kids, our dreams, our aspirations, our hair and makeup, on how to save the planet for generations to come. We don't give a (profanity) about genitalia.

            • +4

              @MessyG: Wrong way around.
              In Old English the term for ‘woman’ was wif, and the term for ‘man’ was wēr. ‘Mann’ referred to “a person” or “someone”. Females were therefore wifmann - “a female person”, while males were wērmann - “a male person”.

              After the Norman Conquest, the word “man” began to replace the Old English wēr as a word for males, while the pronunciation of wifmann gradually altered to become “woman”. Over the same period, wif gradually became a seperate word used to refer to “a married woman”, and then turned into the modern English wife.

              Wēr, the Old English word for “man” is still seen in the word werewolf, although the Old English word for wolf was wulf.

              • @BoltThrower: So over time these terms have been split and redefined haven't they.

            • +1

              @MessyG: @MessyG
              I appreciate your perspective on womanhood as a broad and inclusive "sisterhood," focusing on shared experiences, dreams, and responsibilities. However, I think we're conflating two separate yet interconnected things: the lived experience of being a woman and the basic definition of what a woman is.

              While the 'sisterhood' you describe encapsulates the shared experiences and conversations among women, it doesn't provide a universal definition of womanhood. It's similar to defining a 'citizen' solely based on their participation in community activities and shared interests with other citizens, without acknowledging the legal and societal framework that determines citizenship.

              It's beautiful that you can bond over parenting, aspirations, and shared concerns without focusing on physical attributes, but when discussing issues of identity and representation, we might need a more concrete definition to base the conversation on. This isn't to limit or exclude, but to ensure clarity and understanding.

              And I must say, not everyone's experience of being a woman aligns with the 'sisterhood' you've described. So, are you excluying anyone that doesn't feel the same as you? Or who decides what is the right definition? Thoughts?

              • @nomekop: Look all I know is the word woman is up for redefinition because it's certainly not a wife-man either.

                But hence the need to ask many, many, many women of all experiences the answer to this question.

                So many people fail to appreciate the difference between genotype and phenotypic expression, so many people fail to understand that biology exists across a spectrum and is not fixed. Perhaps women appreciate this more because being a woman is not a fixed state, not to the degree being a man is. Our bodies change over and over throughout our lives, far more than men. Puberty, monthly menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, menopause. Breast cancer. Hysterectomies for bleeding. Ovarian cysts and ovary removal. Endometriosis.

                It is not a fixed state of being at all and all these men arguing that it is, is just silly.

                • +2

                  @MessyG: @MessyG thank you again as I have enjoyed having this chat with you.

                  It seems we actually fully agree!!! All of the examples you have used - puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and health issues like breast cancer or endometriosis- have something in common: They are experiences tied to female biology.

                  And that's exactly the point of the movie. They define woman as an adult female human being.

                  It's important ot point out that while women experience a range of physiological changes over their lives, that doesn't change what they are. Similarly, claiming that being a man is a "fixed state" may oversimplify the matter. Men also undergo physiological changes - puberty, aging, health issues - and face societal expectations and roles that may shift over time.

                  Remember that just because something changes, doesn't mean it cannot be defined. And also as I said before, definitions aren't about asking opinions, they're about describing an observable truths

                  But overall, I am glad to see we agree!

                  • +2

                    @nomekop: So you're missing my point, either wilfully or not I can't tell.

                    At any stage of being a woman, these steps may be missing. You may not be able to have children at all. You may never menstruate. You may never get breast cancer. But what we do tend to know intrinsically, is that nothing is absolute, and everything changes. So if someone who is born with male genitalia at their core feels that they are a woman, it is no skin off our noses because we get it, much more than men seem to. We understand what it is to not feel like ourselves in our own bodies. Especially when our bodies don't do what we're told they are supposed to. Like have children. Or menstruate. Men can get breast cancer fyi, both male and female sexes have breast tissue, there is just more phenotypic expression with one set of sex chromosomes. But remember, both men AND women have an x-chromosome. Both men and women have mitochondria, which are directly passed on from women. It is not as clear cut as everyone needs it to be.

                    The amount of men who are proclaiming themselves experts on this, and the relative silence of women is very telling.

                    • +4

                      @MessyG: Sorry read what you wrote and…What a load of nonsense

                      Your theory of knowledge is competely fvcked. Good luck trying to define anything in real life

                    • +1

                      @MessyG: @MessyG thank you again and apologies I couldn't reply last night.

                      I appreciate your point of view and agree with you that womanhood—and indeed all human experiences—are nuanced and complex. No two individuals are the same, and we all undergo different experiences that shape our understanding of ourselves and our identities. However, I think it's important not to oversimplify the counterpoints you're raising.

                      The concept of biological sex doesn't deny the variability and complexity within male and female bodies. It's well known, for example, that men can develop breast cancer, or that not all women can menstruate or bear children. What biological sex does is provide a general framework for understanding the typical physiological differences between males and females. This framework is vital in many contexts, especially in medicine and biology.

                      Suggesting that women inherently understand identity fluidity more than men due to their physical experiences is quite a sweeping assumption. It seems to imply that all women—or all men—have the same perspectives, which isn't accurate.

                      As for the point about mitochondria, while it's true that mitochondria are passed on from the mother, this doesn't necessarily blur the distinctions between the biological sexes. Both men and women have mitochondria, but this doesn't affect the typical binary nature of sex chromosomes—XY for males, and XX for females—that play a key role in determining biological sex.

                      This has been an enlightening conversation, and I thank you for your thoughts. Here's something I'd like to know: given that we accept a wide range of experiences within the categories of 'man' and 'woman' already, why do you believe that these categories themselves should be redefined rather than expanded? Wouldn't it be more constructive to acknowledge and accept the diversity within each category, rather than insisting that the categories themselves are insufficient?

                      • @nomekop: Sex chromosomes aren't binary, that's a fundamental misunderstanding. Both sexes get an X. Have a think about that, because the X is the same for both genders, hence the fluidity in phenotypic expression.

                        In terms of your question, I do think that if a group of people are saying they don't feel a certain way in their bodies and feel much more happier and comfortable presenting in a different way, and they're not harming anyone, who the hell are we to attempt to define that for them?

                        As far as I'm concerned the transgender community get to set their own definitions and get to work with the medical field privately on what all of this means. So many people outside of the community seem to be making up all these rules to suit their own interpretation of the world and forgetting about the people at the centre of this. And for those groups who are ranting about the children, they seem to have no trouble redistributing videos of children bearing scars for their own interpretations. The whole thing feels off and set up to suit sensibilities that don't reflect the trans community.

        • +2

          and not asking a broad spectrum of women

          Why only women? Can we not ask people what a dog is? Does one need to be a dog to know what it is? And if so, how does one interview dogs? Will they bark at the question?

  • +6

    I think this is the most upvoted deal on OzBargain I've ever seen!

    • -2

      Congratulations! You're the majority!

      • +1

        had to think whether i wanted to, now i have personal indicator and participation medal

    • +3

      Because it's been brigaded, duh.

      Nobody who upvoted it is actually going to watch the thing, if they haven't already.

      It's pure virtue signalling.

      • +4

        Brigaded from where? Users visiting OZB and seeing the front page and clicking the green plus?

        • +4

          Given that this is a global 48h campaign and Elon himself is promoting it, and there would be Matt Walsh fanboys, and who knows where else on the socials this has gone….

          Is it that inconceivable that a few hundred (and that's all it is) determined transphobes or American culture war "useful idiots" decided to upvote this Michael Moore equivalent "documentary"?

          I doubt it.

          Nobody voting for this has even watched it, nor ever will. Maybe 5%.

          • +4

            @tal15: So show me the tweet or other kind of posting directing people to come here and upvote this deal. I can show you the reddit post which indicates disapproval which would brigade people into coming here and downvoting it, but I have yet to see any indication that this has been brigaded for upvotes in any way.

            • +2

              @AustriaBargain: LOL, seriously? It could be anything from the Matt Walsh fanboys group on Boomerbook to the local Hillsong private WeChat.

              The fact that early on we had endless nutjobs with usernames like 1st Amendment crapping on about Biden and Trump and gun rights suggests very strongly that this has been brigaded, n'est pas?

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