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  • +194

    grabs popcorn

    • +22

      Steals some popcorn while DDman7 is distracted

    • +81

      What is a popcorn?

    • +49

      Surprised the neg count is so low for this post on ozb so far 😆

      • +158

        It’s Friday night, libs are busy attending drag shows with their kids.

        • +80

          You guys think about drag shows way too much.

          • +4

            @DogGunn: Yes, the votes show who the people always talking about this actually are.

            • +3

              @fantombloo: It's a handy little bookmark to have, though.

              And of course "always talking" means "after Republicans in America made it a talking point in the culture wars a month or two back".

              A year ago none of them had these concerns about "libs-drag show-family corruption-grooming-pedophiles". But by some strange coincidence, all these free-thinking conservatives with their own ideas suddenly zeroed in on this immediate threat just recently.

              Then again, this threat came from Eurasia, and they've always been at war with Eurasia.

              • +2

                @Crow K: They created this issue once they decided that they were done with "all lives matter".

          • +19

            @DogGunn: Yeah 1000%, I do think for the poor kids that are deliberately being exposed to this sexual degeneracy, robbing them of their magical
            You know who thinks about this all way more than I do?
            Libs, marching to have literal pedophiles reclassified as MAP(minor attracted people) to 'destigmatize' them and have them face reduced sentences so they could get back to….
            Also the Libs, marching to have kids as young as 12 be physically mutilated and castrated in the name of ‘gender confirmation’

            I am saying the quiet parts aloud and I know you’ll hate what I am saying. But it’s all still true.

            • @Gervais fanboy: Would you be in support of banning the method of young male genital mutilation called "circumcision"?

              • +50

                @chepsk8: Yes 100%

                • +5

                  @Gervais fanboy: Honestly, good, I'm glad we could come to an agreement on this point.

                  • +20

                    @chepsk8: You were hoping for an agreement and yet you phrased your question the way you did..

                    “young male genital mutilation” called "circumcision"

                    You could have just asked if I was against circumcision, i know what it means lol

                    Anyways, so do we now both agree that performing ‘gender reassignment’ surgeries on kids is highly immoral and harmful?

                      • +33

                        @mataeka: Looked it up for you, this is the first article that came up

                        Dr. Gallagher, whose unusual embrace of platforms like TikTok has made her one of the most visible gender-affirming surgeons in the country, said she performed 13 top surgeries on minors last year, up from a handful a few years ago. One hospital, Kaiser Permanente Oakland, carried out 70 top surgeries in 2019 on teenagers age 13 to 18, up from five in 2013, according to researchers who led a recent study.


                        “Law in Canada Could Remove Kids From Parents Who Reject Transgender Ideology”


                        copious amounts of psychological evaluations, likely with years of hormone treatment.

                        First, those hormone treatments are quite often conducted during puberty, significantly altering the course of natural puberty.
                        Effects of which are and I repeat - ‘irreversible’

                        Second, this is a very very lucrative industry and not all doctors are the saints you and I would wish them to be.
                        You merely saying ‘extensive psychological evaluations’ doesn’t prove anything
                        I have listened to podcast experiences of a few (I admit) detransitioners which Ofcos doesn’t prove much but Atleast should allow for some scope of scepticism here.
                        The certainty with which you lot are preaching this recent surgical/medical option is almost frightening and comes across as something very radical.

                        • @Gervais fanboy: Ok, so you've found a bunch of American and Overseas data - This is an Aussie site no? So lets talk about Australia - which is the legalities I was searching for since they are directly relevant to us. Probably should have clarified that in my first comment… my bad.

                          I'm not preaching anything beyond in Australia this isn't an issue happening for kids. I know several adults who have made this choice - as adults.

                          You didn't react to the fact we have been surgically mutilating genitalia for decades when children are born with ambiguous genitalia? I can understand surgery if there is functional problems but if we are talking this taboo we need to discuss it in all aspects. Blanket banning it on under 18s means the largest effected populace will not be those people have moral objections to, but it could be affirming the gender of someone who was born with both (where previously they would oggle the parts to work out what they could make to look more believable)


                          • @mataeka: Wokeness started in America and has been infecting other Western countries including Australia.
                            So gender "affirmation" for children will eventually happen in Australia.

                      • -1

                        @mataeka: It's quite a relief that "only" 1/3 of this population have jumped on this bandwagon (30 negs vs 15 upvotes).
                        The media makes me feel that I'm the last sane person.

                        On the other hand, it's a huge concern that 1/3 have been led down this path.

                  • +11

                    @chepsk8: So your against medically required circumcision as well?

                    My mates son had to have a circumcision at the age of 12 due to foreskin completely restricting erection causing him massive pain and mental stress. He is now 25 and so happy he had it done.

                    His mother who is a maternal health nurse was totally against the idea when she had him regrets her choice seeing the pain and stress her boy went through unable to achieve a full erection.

                    My grandfather had to have a circumcision at the age of 70 for medical reasons.

                    There is no comparison between circumcision and removal of genitals. Maybe you actually need to look up what a circumcision actually is.

                    • +19

                      @2esc: 99% of circumcisions are not out of necessity, I couldn’t give less of a sh if your mate’s son needed one for medical reasons, that’s not the issue.

                    • +1

                      @2esc: My grandfather had to have one done at 13 and as a result all his kids were circumcised to avoid the pain he went through. We made the choice not the circumcise keeping this well in mind though.

                      Basically it's more complex than black and white in all situations. I'm not going to begrudge anyone their choice and I think that applies to this whole wider picture too - Does someone elses choice really affect you this much? The number of adults who regret transitioning are smaller than those it helps - so again, that makes it a case by case scenario.

                      I wouldn't consider circumcision child abuse, despite it being done often with ZERO input from the kid. Trans people at least have their say in it.

                      The bigger picture - how would things change if society as a whole had the ability to let other people have their own free choices when it doesn't affect them and it's not hurting anyone? I love seeing kids challenging gender norms - if a little girl wants to dress up in construction gear we usually cheer that, but a boy wearing a pretty sparkling dress will almost always enrage at least some people. Why shouldn't boys be allowed to express that? It doesn't mean they'll grow up to be gay or trans (and if they did, who cares).

                    • +3

                      @2esc: You're referring to extreme cases so I doubt he would be against it if there was a medical requirement. However in general, the male genitalia does not require removal of the foreskin. The proof? 700 million Chinese males for a start, then you may refer to all other countries that do not practice circumcision.
                      If there is no requirement to do so, any form of removal of (or parts of) genitalia would be considered mutilation.

                  • +3

                    @chepsk8: @Gervais fanboy and @chepsk8 are you both aware that there are medical reasons for circumcision. I would say banning it completely is not appropriate.

                    • +7

                      @mango73: I am sorry, I do understand what you are saying. I also did make this same point later on in this thread.

                      Now I had responded to @chepsk8 in the context of I am okay with the banning of circumcisions of babies at birth, for religious purposes only. Ofcos I am aware of the need of it in some cases and Ofcos that’s necessary.

                      • +4

                        @Gervais fanboy: Sorry I missed your comments on this. This thread is quite long.

                        • +3

                          @mango73: Ofcos, na I could have been more clear in my initial response to @chepsk8, my bad.

                    • +2

                      @mango73: Are you aware that i’ve already commented on matter? And for the record again i am perfectly fine with medically necessary circumcisions.

              • +1

                @chepsk8: Sure and add mutilation in operating theatres to the banning list.

                The woke idiots are playing out the movie idiocracy in real life (ab)using subjective morality.

              • -3

                @chepsk8: I am in support of getting rid of all old and religious bound, no longer needed, customs. That includes circumcision, kosher slaughtering of animals, no sex for unmarried couples ( Male-Female n0nn ), priests not allowed to marry, women and girls walking afar from men and boys, not eating meat at Easter, eating only Fish on Friday, and symbolism like crosses, hijabs or kippah

                • +2

                  @cameldownunder: As a Catholic, I observe Fridays as days of penance and abstain from eating meat. You want me to stop doing that?

                  • @[Deactivated]: No, I dont want to stop you, if you want to be chained by some sort of religious customs, go ahead, but for me it does not make sense

                  • @[Deactivated]: whoops he missed a couple. He's more dogmatic with his anti-religion than most are with their religion, but that's pretty common. Deniers of God are more religious in their beliefs than anyone else I've observed.

              • +2

                @p1 ama: Upvoting before this branch is deleted!

              • +23


                You think a gay couple kissing on Home And Away is degeneracy.

                Never said or even suggested anything like that

                You back to lying again son?

                  • +19

                    @AustriaBargain: So I need to deny things to absolve myself of your slanderous statements against myself?

                    Here you go, I have zero problems with gay, straight whatever
                    Everyone’s equal in value for me.

                    Now will you finally apologise for all the times you keep lying about me??

                    Home and away

                    I just looked it up on IMDB
                    Also, what kind of weirdo watches crap like that
                    I mean this does explain a lot about you.

                    • +8

                      @Gervais fanboy:

                      I just looked it up on IMDB
                      Also, what kind of weirdo watches crap like that

                      What kind of weirdo has never heard of Home and Away?

                      • @AustriaBargain: Indeed. I see so many ads about it and I cannot checvk out at whoolies without seing an article about "home and away" actors/actress/atrem/actrey.
                        It's shuch a horrible show, getting drunk is less numming then that show.

                      • +1

                        @AustriaBargain: American, Russian, Korean, Chinese state actors and other NON-AUSTRALIANS

                  • +9

                    @AustriaBargain: I do.
                    It is definitionally degenerate behavior, being abnormal and indicative of moral decline.

                    • +8

                      @Almost Banned: I asked him to apologise for the times he’s deliberately lied about me

                      Good luck getting him to reply to you now. He’s probably gone into hiding again

                      • -5

                        @Gervais fanboy: I'm just updating my blog to point out that Gervais fanboy from OZB fully endorses gay characters and romance storylines on Australian primetime TV.

                        • +6

                          @AustriaBargain: What about @AustriaBargain and his slanderous present and past??

                          You reckon an apology is in order anytime soon?

                    • +2

                      @Almost Banned: Nothing wrong with finding homosexual behaviour problematic.

                      • +4

                        @dBagDealer: Actually you're right. It's just an opinion. Not everyone has to agree and your opinion doesn't have to mean you're hurting someone.

                    • +2

                      @Almost Banned: So just to be clear, you do believe that gay men kissing is “being abnormal and of moral decline”? Or does this need additional context?

                      • +2

                        @chepsk8: Nope. That's it.

                      • -1

                        @chepsk8: Nicely put: is gay man kissing abnormal ? No, of course not, they are gay. Is man kissing man abnormal? yes ! By definition of abnormal/normal. Once gay ( men ) have reached 50% of the male population then it is normal.

                      • +1

                        @chepsk8: You say just to be clear but it's just masking you attacking this persons opinion.
                        So just to be clear, does their opinion hurt you even though it's obviously different to yours?

                  • +9

                    @AustriaBargain: Wait so you think @Gervais fanboy should answer your allegations?….that you pulled out of your arse, fabricated and completely made up?

                    • +8

                      @cookie2: Guilty until proven innocent, don’t you know? It’s the true fascists way..
                      And the most unfortunate thing is, he’s self appointed himself to be the SJW, that’s arguing on the behalf of some ‘marginalised’ groups. lol he’s doing them more harm than good at this point, part of me thinks he’s some far right loon that’s playing double agent to repel centrists away from the left.

                • @Gervais fanboy: Wow, is that what happened to Home and Away? So many shows just had to jump on a bandwagon to try to keep people watching.

                  I banned Home and Away from my household far before they got to that.

              • +27

                @BradH13: then by this logic 12 years old should know right from wrong and thus be sent to jail if criems commited too.

                • @FredAstair: 12 years olds do have a basic knowledge of right from wrong, and if the crime is serious enough, of course they should be sent to jail…

                  • +1

                    @BradH13: If you are considered old and mature enough to make the decision to cut your junk off, then they should be considered old enough to have understood the consequences of the serious crime they committed and be sent to jail

                • +2

                  @FredAstair: When they use to get a kick up the arse for doing bad things yeah they did. Not these days now oh no dont hurt the poor children.

                • -1

                  @FredAstair: Criminal responsibility in Australia is from 10……….But carry on

              • +5

                @BradH13: That is true… If you are of the belief that children can make life changing decisions with 100% accuracy

                • +10

                  @bxy00: Do you live on the same planet as me?

                  Adults can't even do that.

                  I'm not saying free reign. But when it comes to gender identity, some hoops to jump through (a psychologist sign off) should be required but I believe kids should have the right to do it if they are sure.

                  Feeling like you were born into the wrong body is rarely something that passes as you get older. In fact, it probably only gets stronger the more you suppress it.

                  • +11

                    @BradH13: If Bruce Jenner had transitioned early, then Kendall and Kylie, and their kids wouldn't have been born.

                    For me, the risk of having a child transition early and then regretting it later far outweighs the risk of making the kids wait a few more years till they are of an age where they are sure of a decision that will affect their entire adult lives and any future generations.

                    • +3

                      @bxy00: man.. thats a quandrum.
                      as i hate those kardashians

                    • @bxy00: In Australia the regret rate for youth transitioning is around 1-2%. The other 98-99% are happy to be alive.

                      • +1

                        @Elly18: Where did you get this data from and how many years is it based on? I wouldn't imagine many years, given children have not been transitioning for long.

                        • -1

                          @bxy00: Royal Childrens Hospital, Melbourne. Referenced by Michelle Telfer on ABC's Australian Story

                  • +4

                    @BradH13: Life altering decisions
                    - Snipping off body parts related to reproduction

                    Potentially Life Altering Decisions
                    - sex (and or kids) or marriage
                    - driving (depending on experience and recklessness)
                    - Taking drugs
                    - Consuming alcohol (if not taken responsibly) or smoking
                    - Deciding not to ever go to school

                    If a kid has the 'right' to decide if they are sure, what happens when they decide they have the right to do all of the other things?

                    The brain is also a body part. What happens if they discover a way to remove the 'feeling' of being in the body by snipping parts of the brain away,, Are you saying kids should be able to do that too if they are sure? It sounds irresponsible to me.

                    • +8

                      @Aneurism: Its not just snipping body parts off, its the multitude of drugs they have to take for life before and after transition that are life altering and potentially life reducing. Side effects of transitioning drugs and long term hormones include

                      Blood clots in a deep vein or in the lungs.
                      Heart problems
                      High levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in the blood
                      High levels of potassium in the blood
                      High levels of the hormone prolactin in the blood
                      Weight gain

                      • +1

                        @Sammyboy: @Sammyboy I could have mentioned that except I would have then had to spell it out for each of the Potentially Life Altering decisions. I decided to be lazy as they were inherently implied at the snipping statement.

                      • -1

                        @Sammyboy: Multitude of drugs? You mean the hormones, Estrodiol or testosterone. Its a pretty simple process. Some take a tablet others get a buttocks inserted capsule that lasts for up to two years

                  • @BradH13: Do you have kids?

              • +15

                @BradH13: Before I reply to you, I atleast respect you for writing a cohesive respectful argument, you’re probably the only one that’s done that here.

                lefties at large are pushing for the terminology 'minor attracted person' for pedophiles is honestly laughable.

                So if the left’s not pushing it, who else do you think is? The maga lot?
                What you are meaning to say is that not the entire left is behind this madness and i agree with you when you say that.
                But there’s a problem here, you sane ones enable the crazies by staying quiet and still playing buddy-buddy with them.
                You wouldn’t for once hesitate on calling out a right wing nut but when it’s one of your own, you lot stay quiet.
                Libs shamelessly call most non-lefties a Nazi but in reality 99.99% of conservatives would lynch an actual Nazi if they ever saw one.Whereas the Leftisits are too scared to call the extremists on their end and it’s these same extremists that are forming/influencing policy at the moment.

                Back to the argument
                You want examples - Lookup ‘California Da’s reduced sentencing for Pedophiles’

                They are being institutionalised rather than incarcerated and subsequently released early from those mental health institutions and they justify it all by saying that pedophilia is a mental illness and not an inherent sin.
                No MSM, no politicians (left/right) really talk about it like they do with other topics that suits their narratives, so you don’t know and you brazenly write your misinformed piece. I don’t blame you… Questioning the very establishment that you trust is a very bitter pill to swallow, most people would rather lash at me instead. Cool.

                Also, 'kids as young as 12' should be making their own decisions on their healthcare. Ask any gay or trans person how early they knew something was 'up',

                We wouldn’t let a 12 year old to get a tattoo or smoke cigarettes and you are endorsing for…? Why?

                Also, ‘gender affirmation’ surgeries are a very recent phenomenon. There’s isn’t enough data available to measure its long term after-effects for the people that have undergone it.
                Also, the rate of Gay/lesbian kids is going down and the rate of trans kids is skyrocketing.
                Because feminine boys that might grow up to be gay are being diagnosed with a female identity and are being recommended Testosterone blockers, effects of which are irreversible. Many of those boys, if left alone would have probably realised that they were gay and not actually women but people are playing God by letting 12 year olds transition. Also, I’d be sceptical of the medical industry too, they are incentivised for kids to transition, there’s soo much money in all of that. Just me saying this right now, would be reported and taken down if this were Fb. The true libertarians taught us to be sceptical of our own establishment, the big pharma, ensuring free speech etc etc Why did we abandon those principles soo quickly?
                My suggestion is, atleast let the kids be of an adult mind before they make such irreversible decisions.

                • +8

                  @Gervais fanboy: My argument was noone is pushing 'minor attracted people'. It's a made up narrative based on a handful of extremely crazy people making noise about it that people (often right leaning) attribute to an entire political leaning class because it suits their own narrative. It's insane to even think there's enough people thinking pedophilia should be normalised that it can be used as a generalisation toward an entire political class of people.

                  You're doing the narrative thing to me right now because you know I'm a leftie. I call out lefties who are wrong. I always will. It's just our definition of right and wrong are wildly different. But when it comes to pedophiles, I'll always defend kids. Pedophilia is the worst of all crimes. Any leftie starts saying otherwise, I'll say something. The problem is, I haven't encountered someone in the wild who has said anything about it (and I have pretty extreme left friends despite not being fully left myself). In fact, these people I associate with actually make noise about killing pedophiles.

                  I don't think 12 year olds should have free reign on themselves except with specific things. Tattoos are very different to gender identity, but I do think the age for that should be reduced to 16. It's just art at the end of the day. Also, smoking is a legality thing regards to buying. There are plenty of 12 year olds out there smoking (or vaping now). Plenty of 12 year olds drinking too. I was one of them among many others 19 years ago. People often go crazy when they hear about kids having sex at 12 too, but that's when my friends and I lost our virginities, including my gal pals. I'm just saying, 12 year olds brains function alot differently than they did 2+ decades ago and they're not 'dumb kids' who don't know anything. They have access to all the same information as adults do. Do they know everything? Absolutely not, but they know more than many adults give them credit for.

                  They should get to have say over their own body.

                  Just on a side note, where on earth are you getting statistics from for the gay kids going down, trans kids skyrocketing thing you just said? I'm not saying it's untrue because I'm not sure, but surely no one is doing official polls on kids' sexuality. I'm genuinely asking for a source, because I think the concept of an official body doing decades long research on something like kids sexuality is insane. Not everything on the internet you read is true, in fact much of it isn't. Saying 'do research' (assuming here you're someone who says that) to people is useless unless you're pointing to neutral fact based sources, because you can find anything to suit any narrative on the internet, and much of it looks extremely reliable even when it's garbage.

                • @Gervais fanboy: What the heck are you talking about that "gender affirmation’ surgeries are a very recent phenomenon. There’s isn’t enough data available to measure its long term after-effects for the people that have undergone it."

                  The first time that a gender affirming surgery was given was in the 1950s around the same time that panadol hit the market. Are you honestly trying to convince anyone that nearly 75 years of data is not enough data???? Do you genuinely think people are stupid enough to believe someone as utterly ignorant as yourself???

                • +6

                  @Gervais fanboy:

                  Also, the rate of Gay/lesbian kids is going down and the rate of trans kids is skyrocketing

                  Please provide a source on this.

                  • +3

                    @youfnc: Finally my favourite kitty comes out of her hiding, good..
                    You want a source? I’ll give you two..

                    First, you grow a spine and give me the source I asked you for.

                    You literally have threatened people with violence in the past.

                    You lied^^ ( just like rest of your mates in this thread.
                    I asked you for sources to this prove crap of yours.
                    You instead went into hiding, to finally pop up now coz that’s what you lot do.
                    1. You people lie and slander
                    2. Go into hiding when asked to prove yourselves
                    3. Wait for a few months and then do the same thing again.
                    No accountability, no repercussions.

                    So I ask you again, either give me the sources (the ones that don’t exist but okay) or write me an apology.
                    Otherwise you sneaky little kitty cat, it’s time you go back home and stay off that nip.

              • +23

                @BradH13: Your comment - "Also, 'kids as young as 12' should be making their own decisions on their healthcare. Ask any gay or trans person how early they knew something was 'up',"

                Knowing something is up has nothing to do with whether or not you should be making your own healthcare decisions.

                You think a 12 year old should be able to know what gender they want for their whole life? I mean I couldn't even decide what I wanted to do for work or studies because I couldn't comprehend or truely understand the options and implications. But hey, a 12 year old should be able to take the pill, use anti depressants etc, all on their own without parental guidance.

                If the potential future impact can't be reversed then a 12 year old should never be responsible for the decision. This is insane that we're even debating this.

              • +3

                @BradH13: If I had anymore downvotes, there would be one with your name on it. However AustriaBargain some most of them from you.

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