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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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              • +3

                @tal15: Pas.

                Nobody who upvoted it is actually going to watch the thing, if they haven't already.

                So you're saying everyone who've upvoted it watched it already, and don't need to watch it again. Precisely.

                • @wisdomtooth: Some might have, I'd bet dollars to donuts that almost none of the upvoters watches it.

                  I mean, why would they? It's only there to "own the Labs", isn't it?

                  Nobody watches anything more than 30 sec these days. In fact, I bet you could post an edited link where after 30 sec it switches to a John Howard deepfake doing goatse to Peter Costello's obvious approval and not a single person would notice; they'd keep boosting it.

                  Yeehah, think that's a plan.

              • +3

                @tal15: Claims presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

                • +1

                  @AustriaBargain: 100% I agree.

                  I'm totally speculating, but I still bet NOBODY went "woohoo, I've been dying to watch this enthralling masterpiece and now it's free!"

                  Like, cheap-as complete Tintin box sets only get about 150 upvotes. Nobody (except brigaders) cares more about 0.00001% of people changing sex, than they do about Tintin.

                  • +5

                    @tal15: I've been meaning to watch it. I've seen Matt Walsh on YouTube and while I think he has some charms, he does sponsored ads in all his videos and he often goes after issues I don't think are worth going after, like TokTokers with just a few hundred followers. I've blocked him from appearing in my feed because he's kinda boring and smug, but I have been meaning to watch this paywalled documentary and haven't been bothered pirating it. I support trans rights myself, I just don't support erasing the concept of sex to do it, which a lot on Reddit and Tumblr would say make some a Terf.

                    • +3

                      @AustriaBargain: Might as well watch it then.

                      I started watching a linked video with him & Jordan Peterson and right from the outset he was all "these people who are promoting and pushing this stuff" which was an immediate "yeah, nah" from me and I switched it off.

                      In another comment I mentioned at least 3 people I can think of who transitioned (there could be more) and in none of those cases was anybody "pushing" it, in fact it was an uphill battle and many years of living in their own dysfunctional personal hell before they were able to convince anyone of what they wanted to do.

                      So anyone who starts out, with their very first words, with a sort of resurrection of a shadowy illuminati pushing an agenda (why?) is an immediate "sorry mate, you're talking BS".

                      IMHO it's merely the latest tired rehash of the Satanic Panic. Now it's Q, adrenochrome, and "THEY are trying to mess with your kids' gender identity!"

                      At the root of it all, some people are shit parents, and those who aren't parents are evolutionary dead-end losers who should butt out and leave the parenting to the pros because they don't have a dog in this fight.

                      • +1

                        @tal15: This paper has some interesting findings on advice pushed on Reddit (https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Example-quotes-of-online…). Such as

                        That if their parents are reluctant to take them for hormones, that they should use the “suicide narrative” to convince them (telling the parents that there is a high rate of suicide in transgender teens.)

                        What to say and what NOT to say to a doctor or therapist in order to convince them to provide hormones

                        The author of the paper speculates that all this online pushing could be the sudden cause of all the "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" cases that we see today.

                        I think in the early days, before trans was even on the mainstream radar, like before the Transamerica TV show, gender dysphoria was bit more clear cut, the patients really were convinced they were the other sex. But today things have spun out of control and there's echo chambers on the likes of Reddit and Tumblr saying that you don't even need gender dysphoria to be trans, and all this tips on how to medically transition ASAP and that if you don't your life will be over, real sense of urgency to do it. If you read the paper it discusses a lot of this and it's very illuminating.

                        Don't get me wrong, I think adults should be able to do what they want. But we can't pretend like transgenderism isn't being pushed on confused children online. Maybe it's fine that it's happening, I don't know, but it is happening and it's pointless to deny it because it's all out there, it's been out there for so long that scientific papers are being written about it.

                        • @AustriaBargain: That's interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if more teenagers were looking into this because of all the publicity.

                          I'm too tired at this point to do too much parallel verification (e.g. journal, institute, funding) but will note that the author is "only" a MD and despite calling herself a "researcher" isn't even a Ph.D or tenured academic, so don't think this article is even reviewed. If I had time I'd check the journal's pedigree but I don't have high hopes tbh.

                  • +4

                    @tal15: Maybe its because lots of people have common sense and don’t agree with woke stupidity. That is a reason enough I think.

                    Also the idea of a man dressing up and displaying it sexually to the world is appalling to the majority. You can only get a fair idea when the platform is neutral such as ozb. This post would have been deleted and likers banned if it was a totalitarian site such as reddit.

                    • +4


                      don’t agree with woke stupidity.

                      I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I suspect your opinion is informed by certain media outlets.

                      Here's what I would describe as what they mean by "woke": And which they deliberately misrepresent.

                      It's being aware that there are, or have been, systemic political / legal / cultural etc factors that in various ways disadvantage some people. And the work to change those things.


                      • In the past it was difficult for people who use wheelchairs to participate in everyday life. Public transport, offices, toilets, lifts, everything made it hard. Even those little ramps on kerbs were the result of a decade of agitation by a guy in San Francisco. Now it's getting better.

                      • In the past, only people who had a formal govt certificate of marriage had certain legal rights, like inheritance, divorce rights or child custody. Then de facto relationships were recognised, now same sex ones.

                      These are both examples of "woke" culture. Realising "hey, the system is being a dick to these people for no valid reason ànd we can fix it"

                      That's all it is. Don't be deceived.

                      And don't be a dick to people for no valid reason.

                      • +1

                        @tal15: See its not so hard to define a term after all.

                        Don’t give me the virtues of woke religion. This deal post has a certain context, stick to it.

                        lets hope that someday you’ll heal your mind to define what a woman is.

                        • +2

                          @dBagDealer: The easy thing is, we all agree on what a woman is, 99.9% of the time.I mean, it's obvious. They're the lumpy ones.

                          Certain kinds of populist media talking heads like to pretend it ends there. Like "whaddya talkin bout, I knows a woman when I sees one".

                          Problem is, when it comes to all kinds of things like the law, taxation, medical care, education, sports, insurance, etc someone needs to be able to adjudicate the edge conditions and "has a vagina" doesn't cut it because that's not even true of everyone you'd think is a woman.

                          So, ya know, everyone needs to come up with a definition.

                          The difference is, some of us are actually trying, while others are pretending that getting it near enough is good enough.

                        • +2

                          @dBagDealer: Sorry, but what does "woke" actually mean to you?

              • +3

                @tal15: One of the most tiresome reply guys on page 1 had never heard of Home and Away.

                • +3

                  @Phanatic: Yeah, I saw that. One of the main reasons I suspected we were being brigaded by seppoe fanboys.

      • +2

        Wrong, i watched it twice, fact is your opinion is unsurprisingly overinflated and you're upset when the quiet majority make it known how fed up we are with the downward spiral of morality being pushed down our throats in a coordinated malicious manner. This moronic woke pronoun culture is a brain plague that has clearly infected many people exactly like you running around wearing face diapers, flying Ukraine flags, throwing paint on priceless art works or tearing down statues of historical figures. The whole thing is just so ludicrous that i find it hilarious that anyone actually goes along with it. Chest Feeders WTF…Get a Grip on reality…FFS. Since the "Plandemic" the whole world has lost it mind.

        • +4

          pushed down our throats


          You guys always use the throat thing when it relates in the slightest to sex, you can't help it.

          • +3

            @tal15: Did you win PERVERT BINGO?

            • +2

              @Abraxsas: No, I don't think you're a pervert, and I'm sorry if you interpreted it that way.

          • +2

            @tal15: Transgender issues don't relate to sexuality, they relate to gender, which relates to the idea of biological sex, not sexuality.

            I think all of these terms and ideas have become so mixed up and conflated and spread around that there is really no hope of it all being properly understood by the mainstream. There's hundreds of videos on YouTube of young people claiming in video essay form why biological sex doesn't exist, they 100% believe it. We've gone past the point of no return.

            • +1

              @AustriaBargain: Sort of. Biological sex is a matter of medical science but gender is 100% cultural performance - play acting a role.

              That's the schism that drag queens probe -! everyone knows they're male but they perform an outrageous tongue in cheek parody of hyperbolic "femininity".

              It's basically to highlight how gender is all performance.

          • +2

            @tal15: “LGBT is not about sexual deviancy”

            Its nothing BUT deviant behaviour as evident from your response.

            • +2

              @dBagDealer: WTF mate?

              Don't put quotes around something I never said, then go full strawman on them.

              All gender is performance.

              Sly himself in Rambo is a performance. ONJ in Grease is a performance. So is Albo, Beyonce, your mum, Joe Punchcloc, you, me, and everybody else.

              It can't be deviant because it's what we all do, act a role.

        • -1

          Friend you really really need to get off the Internet and go down the pub with some friends.

          • @MessyG: Haha, is that for me? I'm just shooting the shit after watching the footy while supervising the kids on the PlayStation.

            But you're right, time for bed all round.

            • @tal15: No for Abraxsas! They read like they've been strapped to a chair and forced to watch Bitchute and Rumble with no breaks 24 hours a day.

          • +2

            @MessyG: You 2 should go get a room rather than trying to control the narrative of a post…You all lost, get over it. I've said my piece.
            Good Night.

        • +2

          Wow. That was an intense read! I can't believe I share a road with people like you.

          • +2

            @youfnc: We unfortunately share a country with people like you. I know its sad.

            • +2

              @dBagDealer: Lol calm down.

              • +1

                @youfnc: Men dressing up like women and claiming to be actual women should be the ones calming down.

                Like gluing feathers to your back does not make you a bird. Calm down.

  • +10

    People can play dress up and make believe all they want but what irritates me and plenty of other people are things like men "Identifying" as a woman and competing against real women in sports. Of being placed in a female prison. Or being allowed to use female changing rooms.

    Bring in seperate sporting categories, prisons and changing rooms etc. You want equal rights? Lets have them.

      • +2

        how is that any different to a lesbian in one anyway, or a gay man in a male changing room?

        The difference is that a lesbian is female, and can more likely be fended off by a female than a male trans. That's why all the focus of the controversy is on female toilets, not male ones.

        • +3

          Yeah I'm much more afraid of a person presenting as a man in a womens toilet than I am from a trans woman or drag queen. Men don't need to dress up to assault women. They just do already.

          • @MessyG: Exactly this. The little picture isn't some sort of talisman.

            Men don't need to dress up to assault women. They just do already.

            This is a fun can of worms for anyone using the bathroom argument. It seems the one of the main issues that people have is… men. Is it just nature? is there a problem that needs to be solved?

      • +3


          • +2

            @AwesomeSaucem: Whataboutism isn't a buzzword.

            Nice attempt to dismiss my point though.

            I'm still correct.

            Again, " whataboutism "

              • +1

                @AwesomeSaucem: Why would I challenge a bunch of nonsense that has nothing to do with the subject at hand?

                Why would I let you intentionally lead my down a pointless path to deflect from the subject?

                Whataboutism :)

        • +3

          One of the key tenants of the woke religion.
          Victim hood, whataboutism and perversion.

      • +2

        When you use the word "woman," it can be confusing. Some people in the LGBTQ+ community finds it exclusive. Some advocates prefer to use language like "pregnant people," "v owner," and "breastfeeder." Your language can be viewed as exclusive to the LGBT community. Can you correct your language before accusing others of being a bigot? Thank you.

        • +4

          OOI, do you actually have people policing your language in real life? or do you only hear about it online?

  • where did the comments go?

  • Not a bargain, you can get this sort of nonsense for free anytime.

    • +1

      What exactly is nonsense about it?

      • It talks about WOMAN and THEY dont like it. Man with man is the idea here - so, it's nonsense ;)

    • This is a paid-for product that's simply being made free for a short period.

      Hence it being listed.

  • +20

    Loved the documentary… thanks for sharing!

  • +18

    Great documentary!! Here is Matt talking to Jordan Peterson about the film https://youtu.be/XYNGHICoAQY

  • Wow.

  • +9

    Watched it - complete waste of time whether you agree, disagree or sit somewhere in-between. Same as a heap of other free content made in that Walsh has a conclusion and sets out to find supporting evidence. It's not at all balanced.

    From some research into him, it seems he has a tendency to exaggerate or, knowingly lie. For example:

    In November 2022, Walsh was challenged as a guest on the podcast The Joe Rogan Experience for suggesting that "maybe millions of kids" had been put onto puberty blockers. Producer Jamie Vernon interjected and stated that only 4,780 children had been put on puberty blockers within the past five years. Walsh lowered his guess to "hundreds of thousands" and said he "could be wrong," adding, "who are you gonna trust when they're telling you the numbers?"

    One thing that it does show is how messed up America is and more proof we don't want their culture wars here.

    • +1

      Did you just watch it?

      • +2

        Yeah and i'd like a refund.

    • +11

      4,780 children is still a lot. 😳 Stay away from the kids.

      • +5

        Jeffrey Marsh wants children to DM him and not trust parents.
        A mentally unstable deviant wants to council children in secret. Not sure why he isn’t in jail yet for attempts to solicit children.

      • +2

        A cursory Google search says that there were about 73.1 million children in the US in 2020

        So we are talking about roughly 0.006% of the population

        There are bigger issues in the world to worry about.

        And when you say “stay away from the kids”, who exactly are you taking to? Do they read Ozbargain?

      • +2

        Only off by a factor of about 420.

      • Is it though? Once you start looking at population wide data in a population as large as the US you end up with large numbers. Less than 1000 uses of puberty blockers per year in a potential population of tens of millions is actually quite trivial. Why so much anger and angst over a statistically insignificant number?

        Gun homicides, sexual assault, malnutrition, homelessness, poverty, illiteracy all occur at rates higher than the use of puberty blockers in the US. Those issues all cause significantly more harm to children; where's the anger? That's the very point of this culture war. It is designed to anger a specific portion of the population to distract them from real issues while the rich continue the upward transfer of wealth from the masses.

        Additionally, that number is at least an order of magnitude less than the rate of intersex births in the US. Without further context of how those drugs have been used at the individual case level, how can you be sure that they aren't being used to medically intervene in intersex children until they are capable of determining their preferred sex?

    • +2

      I truly hope you’re right about his exaggeration, coz if the attitude and perception of those people he interviewed is common in America, then they’re totally screwed up.

    • You obviously didn't watch it.

      • +1

        Lol, that's pure cope.

  • +9

    Calling this a 'documentary' is generous

  • +11

    This ‘documentary’ is just political advertising.

    It’s no more a deal than a link to Ben Shapiro’s YouTube channel is.

    The content is free. Your time is not.

  • +7

    Thanks OP.

  • +14

    …i guess all these attempts at censorship by the 'vocal minority' and cancelling of discussion is having the opposite intended effect….

    ‘Incredible’: Matt Walsh’s ‘What Is a Woman?’ hits 132 MILLION VIEWS on Twitter

    • Great work Franco . I think it stays here because they think it will get 132 mil hits here :)

  • +1


    • +4

      why is it>?

      • +3

        They never say!

        • +1

          Just dont want to expose their little evil inside

        • -1

          I mean, it's been said repeatedly all over the forum.

  • +10

    …is this tolerant and inclusive?

    Posie Parker protest: Police charge man accused of punching elderly woman in the head

    is this what the lgbtiqa+ community mean by 'Love Will Always Win'? ….or was that a case of 'Spread Love, Not Hate'…in action?

    • -3

      Fascinating story!
      I wonder if similar crimes against elderly women have occurred recently by people not from such communities? Like, imagine if a straight person in a job such as, I dunno, law enforcement did something crazy like tasered a vulnerable member of our society? Luckily I know to avoid the LGBTQ+ people so I can feel safe

      • +2

        so….deflection. cool.

        • +6

          You generalised an entire community by one article.

          Imagine applying that same logic in any other aspect of your life.

      • +1

        " whataboutism "

        • That seems to be the only word you know. Ironically you seem to use it as your own form of deflection

    • +3

      Wow they're all class aren't they

      • +2

        The cops?

        • +3

          deflect deflect deflect

          were you equally concerned for this elderly lady when the cops attacked her?

          • +2

            @franco cozzo: What am I deflecting? Violence occurs within every community of people for numerous reasons. I am pointing out the absolute ridiculous lack of logic in targeting an entire community as a result of isolated incidents.

            Are all Rugby League players into beastiality?

            Are all white people school shooters?

            Are all dogs dangerous?

            Are all elderly people racist?

            It's painfully easy to invalidate your perspective here.

          • +3

            @franco cozzo: It's called " whataboutism "

            Google it. Common tactic used by morons that cannot defend their argument of the subject at hand.

            Common tactic used by the woke.

            Also common tactic used by CCP propaganda trolls too, believe it or not

            • @Whomastadon: What even is the argument you're trying to present outside of the false equivalency fallacy you're proposing?

            • -1


              deflect deflect deflect

              were you equally concerned for this elderly lady when the cops attacked her?

              Seems your whataboutism detector only works in one direction btw

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