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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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closed Comments

            • +2

              @sintro: seems like they arent kidding when they say 'drag your kids to pride…'

            • +1

              @sintro: Let me correct that by saying parents brought a kid to an adult event. The problem isnt' the drag performers, its the parents bringing their child to an adult event.

              • +2

                @MessyG: Great that you acknowledge that there is an issue here. I would ask, who and where are the kid's parents?

                It is also an issue when a child at an adult venue is being encouraged to shake their “ass everywhere” by a drag.

    • -1

      Great outcome in the case of that Canadian Dad.
      Trans youth are at strong risk to themselves if their family environment is hostile to their gender identity. That Dad was held in contempt after disobeying orders to stop mis-gendering/dead-naming as well as trying to go public.
      Court clearly acted in the best interest of the child.

  • Would be interesting to find out who puts up the money for this daily wire, it would be a cack if it was the same mob who is steering the debate in the affirmative.

    Don't tell me the same hand is controlling both puppets!

    • Lots of money to be made from outrage!

      • +1

        Why are you fueling the fire then ?

        • How am I doing that? Not protesting or raging about anything. Although I suppose it is disappointing that Ozbargainers just accept interviews at face value with no follow up or fact checking by the journalist.

          • @MessyG: That's some intense rage.

            I suggest you go outside and get some fresh air if this content is too triggering for you.

  • +6

    Hey guys, new deal, https://www.youtube.com/ has free videos.

    • +7

      Try posting it, just watch the free doco and learn something factual.

    • +3

      What a great deal have 540 upvotes.

    • +2

      How do you turn off the ads? Or are the ads the best part? Once again, the real deal is in the comments

      • +2

        uBlock Origin browser extension or YouTube Premium sign-up via Turkish VPN.

        • +3

          Sounds kind of technical — I think I’ll stick to Twitter documentaries for the time being

    • +4

      Love Scottie, a normal person at last, trying to protect our kids!

    • +3

      Be careful or he might beam you up

  • +10

    if u got boy bits, then u dont belong in the girls' restroom

    • +3

      Thanks for getting the ball rolling

    • We'll get you on the door checking

  • +3

    Not a deal

    • +2

      But it's only free for a week!

  • +7

    someone should post this to matt's twitter….seems he has a few fans at ozb!

    • +1

      I don’t think there’s many fans of Matt around here

      Just fans of this particular research piece.

  • +3

    Getting something with no value for free is not a deal, this should be in the forums not here. The moderation here is inconsistent and the mods are clearly supporting this kind of content.

    • +1

      Are you sure you wouldn't like more tweets as deals, I've got a good one with a meme picture, it's free.

    • +8

      Value is in the eye of the beholder

    • +3

      are you saying theyre 'right wing nut jobs'? if so then state it…..

      • I know a few nut jobs and these documentaries are pretty vanilla. I'm very confused by Matt Walsh's beard. Is it real or is it not?

        • +4

          What is a beard?

          • @djsweet: In this limited context the extraordinarily thick hair on his face.

    • +5

      It feels valuable to people because it's that dopamine enhancing ACA style documentary with loads of experts sounding so convincing, complete with soundtrack, that it distracts everyone from the fact that the journalist did absolutely zero work to check if what they were saying was actually true.

      • +2

        Perhaps you could suggest a source for more responsible criticism of the current performative obsessions with transgenderism?

        • +3

          The performative obsession with transgenderism is coming straight from the mainstream media that knows that this sells a lot of clicks and bandwidth. Transgender people have been around since at least Shakespeares time. If the media chose not to amplify the conflict, it wouldn't be a conflict. But here everyone is, freaking out that the porn they're watching might make them gay.

          • +2

            @MessyG: It's not so much people having historically funny ideas that is the problem as it is the prospect of marginalised people being fed a cornucopia of drugs to enable the hacking away at their genitals that upsets people. As it should, the response of horror to ugliness and tragedy is humane.

            • +3

              @Donmega123: You know this is a complex, traumatic area and I cannot imagine how a trans person reading your post there (and there are a few on Ozb) would feel reading what you've just written there.

              Please have a read of this far more balanced article on the current state of play in the medical community over this, and consider expressing your concern in a more compassionate way.


              • +1

                @MessyG: Did you even watch the documentary?

                And can you even tell me what a trans person is?

                • +1

                  @Rabbitsfoot: I sure did.
                  1. Lots of men with Opinions.
                  2. Experts making truthful statements, which when fact-checked were wrong. But I did the fact-checking, not anyone in the documentary which is a big fail. The bigger fail of course is that no one noticed the lack of fact-checking.
                  3. Didn't see anything of a spectrum of women included in the question. Not hetero, not childbearing, not unable to childbear, not mothers, not child-free, not women who've lost their breasts or uteruses, not older women, and so on.
                  4. Lots of videos of kids from tiktok, which as a parent I found pretty awful that these adults were using for their documentary. Kids unlikely paid, parents unlikely unaware. Voyeuristic and exploitative.

                  Biggest disappointment is how much the majority ate it up, but whatever, it is the Internet.

                  • +1

                    @MessyG: 1) so men can't have opinions? That's rather sexist.

                    2) can you tell me one statement that was wrong?

                    3) what question are you referring to?

                    4) this was a small minority of the whole documentary. Which I honestly don't think was inappropriate. But helpful to show context of the world.

    • +3

      outrage at pretty much any attempt at decency is a central tenant of the woke religion.

  • +6

    Adult human FEMALE.
    There you go. Saved you the time to watch it.

    Also, if you were born with male bits, you will be a MAN till the day you die and NOTHING you will EVER do will change that.

  • joke pst

  • +4

    Watching this garbage wasted valuable time I could have spent gaming..

  • +2

    Not a deal.

  • +2

    Whatttttt ? What is a Woman ?

    • +3

      A state of self-acceptance? Most of us like dicks, which is admittedly our weakness

      • This. Women are living proof that sexuality is not a choice.

  • +4

    Created just to cause more people to dislike/distrust transgender folk, watched bits of it and the "transgender" person they present is heavily bias based on their own experiences. Let people piss in peace, piss cops. Not exactly a deal either, isn't it free elsewhere and always has been? Sorry downvote.

    • +2

      Piss cops made me laugh, have an upvote.

      • +4

        Honestly, it’s not such a bad idea. Might improve their aim?

        • +2

          You have a point, but really no one should be standing and peeing. Be they identify as male or female. I understand it can be convenient for some people, but just….. ewwwww… :P

    • +7

      What part of the movie did you watch?
      What is your criticism with evidence and reference to the specfiic scene? Let me guess, you never watched it but you were told to hate it on twittter and have no power to think for yourself.
      Quick, google a scene so you can appear unignorant

      • +1

        I watched it. There was a statement made that the only path for people with gender dysphoria was surgery + medication and that there was no other way. Not fact checked. Lots of statements like this.

        Quick, google that so you can find that it is completely untrue.

        • +1

          This statement doesn't clearly state who this was said by "There was a statement made that the only path for people with gender dysphoria was surgery + medication and that there was no other way." I've watched this and don't remember a part where someone said this. While i believe surgery and medication can help people with gender dysphoria, from what i have looked at and what has been said is overall it does not assist with stopping the majority of self harm and in most cases it is best that people get mental support and assistance in dealing with such a transition and for them to understand and be more comfortable in their own bodies.

          Physical transition may help or may be a temporary relief but i think psychological help is more beneficial.

          • @Aarent: Look I'm not sitting through that again just to fish that statement out. That's what was claimed and it stood out because I thought that can't be right. And it wasn't. Not even close.

            The medical community have released a lot of position papers on gender-affirming care and they are nothing like what this video was claiming. They are well researched and well referenced but everyone is eating up what a guy on Twitter is saying and it's (profanity) weird.

      • -1

        The part which contained the person who chose detransition, regardless, in what world do I need to prove, to you, that I watched the documentary? You can either take my word for it, or leave. Also, who uses Twitter? It's a cesspool! At least that's my experience from using it. Anyway, I support transgender people, obviously I would be considered bias due to being transgender myself, but really, why should other people dictate people's lives?

    • +10

      Even the gays against groomers are pointing this out…

      It may be the first day of pride month, but there is NO PRIDE in the sexualization, indoctrination, and mutilation of children.

      The rainbow has been hijacked by activists who are using it as a shield to push a dangerous agenda onto your kids.

      This June, we have some issues we need to talk about. We’re fighting back from inside the community. Join us.

      Visit http://gaysagainstgroomers.com for ways to help and get involved.


      • +2

        Mate I've got two kids in primary school and you are so off-base with this it's coming off as nuts.

        Here's a tough question for you. Why is it that you think groups so closely aligned with the clergy are pushing this so hard? Especially given the clergy's history on pedophilia? Most parents know who to be afraid of. We're not going to teach our kids that gay or trans people are the ones to be afraid of when the true pedophiles are everywhere. One only needs to look at the demographic imprisoned for pedophila to know who they are.

        • +9

          You are missing the point, no one mentioned we should teach kids to be afraid of gays or trans. Only you did.


          Gays Against Groomers Frequently Asked Questions

          Our organization faces many of the same questions on a regular basis. We hear you! Sadly, it’s just not possible to answer every single one of you. We would have to have members dedicated to replying to comments day in and day out! Instead, we’ve taken a more practical approach. Here are some of the top questions we are most frequently asked about our stance on issues orbiting our mission to end the sexualization, medicalization and indoctrination of children:

          Why is GAG so against education on LGBTQ+ subjects?

          School is not the place for underage children to be bombarded with information that could exacerbate their natural inner turmoil. Growing up is hard enough as it is. We do not believe they should be exposed to and pressured into contemplating ideologies that prioritize sexuality and identity above real world skills. Children need to be focused on learning pragmatic skills like math, how to be a good friend, setting boundaries, basic communication and how to be a team player. Queer theory and gender ideology are not necessary for development or self discovery; they certainly weren't necessary for ours. When children are exposed to overly sexual material too soon, it can cause behavioral issues that lead them to dangerous situations.

          Why is GAG so against youth having access to puberty blockers and gender affirming surgeries?

          In order to become healthy critically thinking adults, normal puberty is essential. Puberty blockers are a risky and unnatural way of teaching a child to deal with something every human being naturally goes through. The risks include loss of bone density, slowed or stunted brain development, stunted sexual development, and sterility. Removing body parts of healthy children before they’ve grown into them is child abuse, plain and simple. Rather than enabling children to wage war on their own bodies, we believe they should be taught how to love themselves as they are until they can make a clear and informed decision as an adult. Even chest binding is a destructive behavior that damages breast tissue in a way that could lead to mandatory surgery. We are against these practices because they have the potential to do more harm than good.

          What is GAG’s stance on gender vs. sex?

          We believe biology matters. The two terms have been used interchangeably to refer to biological sex until recent years. Gender ideology is not universally accepted, and the majority of the world sees two genders, with a neutral space frequently provided for trans individuals. Sex is not assigned, but observed and recorded by doctors who understand the differences between male and female. Separating the two and introducing advanced concepts to children at a young age while they’re still learning to navigate the world is both overwhelming and confusing. Additionally, people with intersex conditions are frequently used as a bait to misconstrue the dual nature (and reality) of biological sex, and this has been further used to promote gender ideology as well. We do not support such politicization of scientific definitions and realities that in turn misinform children and harm their growth.

          What is GAG’s stance on “the bathroom issue”?

          While we understand there is an ongoing discussion regarding trans adults and which spaces are most appropriate for them, our mission is focused on children. There are nuances to consider when it comes to adults in public spaces, like needing to use an empty male restroom as a pregnant female because the need is too strong to think about any potential dangers. Many passing trans adults have used the restroom they externally identify with in peace without confrontation. There are risks present for all using public spaces. Predators exist in every scenario, and children should be supervised and safeguarded while in their most vulnerable state. Several countries have had gender neutral bathrooms for some time. When it comes to trans adults, gender neutral single stalls are usually available and preferable when possible. We believe public spaces like schools should maintain the binary bathroom model to reduce possible harm to minors, and provide separate single stalls for safety.

          Why won’t GAG denounce the T entirely?

          Being gay is not the same as being transgender, or transsexual. Who you love is not the same as how you choose to present yourself. That being said, trans people are still human beings deserving of compassion, and their voices are vital in exposing how transitioning can affect a child. They have first hand experience with the medications and procedures that we as gay people do not. We must work together to end the transing of children being done in our names. The protection of children comes first. It is not realistic to wage war on transgenderism as a whole, nor is it fair to accuse all trans people of being predators. We are focused on protecting children from these mature concepts until they are consenting adults who are free to make their own choices, and we welcome trans voices that align with our mission.

          Why is GAG so against drag queens?

          We don’t hate drag queens! We hate children being exposed to raunchy and erotic behavior, things drag queens are notorious for. We’re all for adults attending drag shows for fun on their own time. It is common sense to preserve the innocence of children by keeping them out of adult spaces like strip clubs, gay bars, and drag shows. Once again, predators can be found anywhere at any time. No group is exempt from scrutiny. There are so many ways to teach children kindness, self expression and acceptance without relying on a man dressed as a woman. In addition to being age-inappropriate and highly sexualized, are also inherently one-sided as there isn’t enough (or hardly any) representation of drag kings. Drag, as seen in 2023, is innately misogynistic and completely adult-oriented in its essence. This is why we think it’s totally inappropriate for children, and we believe that all sorts of drag performance let alone ‘story-hours’ could easily promote harmful stereotypes in these young minds. This is not age appropriate education. We suggest sticking to hiring princesses, story characters, puppet shows, musicians and clowns. The recent bill passed in Tennessee is a great example of classifying drag as adult cabaret entertainment to keep minors separated from the experience. Well done Tennessee!

          What is GAG’s stance on religion?

          We are a non-partisan group of LGB and T individuals from all walks of life. We don’t let our personal spiritual beliefs get in the way of our mission to work together to end the indoctrination, sexualization and medicalization of children. Not only is this a non-partisan issue, it is something everyone should care about regardless of spiritual beliefs. We respect religious freedom and the rights of parents everywhere to decide what their children are exposed to. Not all parents want their kids to learn about queer ideology and gender theory, nor do all parents have the time or ability to homeschool their children. While we find the erasure of gay people an impossible notion, we respect religious rights to believe homosexuality is wrong. You don’t have to like us, just know that we don’t like the LGBTQ+ agenda being pushed onto children, either.

          • +4

            @sintro: Why don't they also protest against children going to church?

            I'm a Christian, but if we follow this "bombarded with information that could exacerbate their natural inner turmoil" logic… then perhaps discussions regarding eternal damnation, Satan, people being crucified, etc also fit that category.

            Also, there's much, MUCH more evidence to show abuse of children from priests than there is from the trans community.

            • +4

              @colblair: So why are you christian

              • -1

                @capslock janitor: I'll answer that if you address my point above first.
                Why the outrage, threats of protest at trans events - but nothing similar against churches?

          • +1

            @sintro: This is the most obviously stupid setup of gay people I've seen.

            Why aren't there 'straight people against groomers'?

      • +1

        Why aren't they reading to old people in retirement homes? Why exclusively children?

  • +5

    XX chromosomes.

    • +1

      And I thought advanced genetics was Levi’s 501s

    • Please appreciate genotype vs phenotype.

    • +7

      What part of the movie did you watch?
      What is your criticism with evidence and reference to the specfiic scene? Let me guess, you never watched it but you were told to hate it on twittter and have no power to think for yourself.
      Quick, google a scene so you can appear unignorant

      • +4

        I watched the whole thing. I'm a mother. I'm a woman.

        Here's some critique for you:

        1. The question was not asked of women. Sure there were some women. But there was not a consistent set of women who were hetero, women who were gay, women who had kids, women without kids, women who could not have kids, women born intersex, trans women, women who'd had mastectomies, older women, and so on. How can you ask that question without including the full spectrum of the subject?

        2. They interviewed a lot of people…but didn't fact check them. That's a pretty massive fail. I posted above an example where a statement was made that was just…completely wrong. And is easily provable with a quick google search.

        3. Including kids tikoks where they are naked and showing off surgery scars was awful. These are children. The fact that they've posted these videos in the public sphere does not make it okay to use them in this way. It was so off and as a parent I was appalled.

        I could go on. But the blind acceptance of this by the majority on here given the lack of women involved, the lack of fact checking is just disappointing. I would love to see this remade with women across the spectrum of their experience and their lifespan answering the question because the answers are beautiful and complicated.

        • +2

          I have seen several comments from you @MessyG, so just to confirm, what is a woman for you?

          • @nomekop: There's been several comments from quite a few people, so what makes you ask me specifically? I've already said who I think should be answering that question and why.

            • +2

              @MessyG: based on how you have answered a simple question, I have sympathy for your children.

              I have children too and to me a woman is an adult human female.
              No whataboutisms about exceptions necessary whatsoever.

              We couldn’t be more different.

              Therefore, this documentary doesn’t create a divide, there IS a divide alreadyx

  • +13

    A woman is awesome. Grandmothers. Mothers. Sisters. Daughters.

    Sorry but chicks with dicks is not a woman. We can accept, tolerate and embrace those people even, but they are not woman. Not even close.

  • +15

    With 164 negatives due to this literally being a free tweet as a deal, the reports have been cleared, it's obvious that OzBargains moderator is allowing a literal tweet to be considered a deal.

    Tomorrow I might as well post a meme as a deal, because that's the same thing as this post.

    For the brigadiers, OzBargain isn't Reddit, nor does it have the same voting system. We have unlimited upvotes and only 5 downvotes per day. We are required to comment before downvoting a post because it's not a counter vote.

    A downvote is similar to a report for a deal not being a deal, or against the rules like undisclosed self promotion. Upvotes alone determine the ranking and downvotes are for a post to be removed.

    We're just a deal pin board with a culture around buying stuff we don't need, because it was on sale. It's light hearted and we generally only talk about how to save the most money and be frugal.

    This is not a politics forum, we have a forum section but it's generally for talking about things pertaining to commerce.

    I'm very disappointed that OzBargain has chosen to allow a tweet to remain as a deal posting, when normally the quality of posts are enforced to a point that if a store posts their own deal without disclosure they are banned.

    Many of us don't enjoy the toxic American political culture war, where people get excited by 'owning' eachother like they are in a schoolyard.

    This is a deals bulletin board. A post on social media alone is is no way a deal, no matter how much you might value it.

    • +9

      Paid content available for free = deal

      • -1

        You do realise this originally wasn’t even paid content? Matt Walsh released this a while ago for free as it was part of his ongoing reporting, before it got popularised and eventually put on DailyWire+ (where it’s paid content to access this now). Having a film accessible for 24 hours in which you don’t maintain any ownership or streaming licensing hardly warrants a deal considering it will be removed from view. It was literally FREE before (I watched it), so it’s not even a deal in the first place, rather hyperbole advertising for DailyWire+. Also, the ‘sauce’ is that I have a subscription for Jordan Peterson and when it came out it wasn’t on DailyWire+.

    • +5

      You've hit the nail on the head. We just want cheap Eneloops and Dell monitors. There are other forums available for political discourse. If Ozbargain don't remove this post, then they need to accept that any political issue that is available for free or at a discount is fair game unless they change their rules.

        • +4

          Horse shit in a park is free and can be used as manure - if we apply a binary lens without any nuance then I agree that free horse shit is technically a deal. What I'm saying is that Ozbargain (that is, bargains for Australia) should not allow political content masquerading as a deal because it is free. It's a place that people should be discussing how to save money, which is especially relevant in these times and I don't want to see this site ruined. There are plenty of other forums or Twitter for these imported USA left-right internet battles.

          For the avoidance of doubt - if this was a deal for a free documentary reaching the conclusion that gender is a social construct I would have exactly the same view. I want to keep politics off Ozbargain.

          • +1

            @Helldog: Well see I did save money. ‘Cause I’d heard about this doco, but didn’t want to give Matt Walsh or Ben Shapiro money to watch it.

            Edit: you made a decent point in your last paragraph though, that I missed ‘cause I was cooking dinner. I would also be grateful I could watch a polar opposite doco for free.

            That political tag suggestion below is pretty good too.

      • +2

        I suggest that they make rules so that the deal is tagged [POLITICAL] and comments are automatically closed.

        There are some legitimate bargains that shouldn't be banned just because they don't appeal to everyone.

        • +1

          Good suggestion. We could also apply the filters like for [SUBS].

    • +1

      so just to be clear are you really disappointed in ozb?

    • +2

      Very well said. This post has unloaded the ugliest comments I've ever seen here, and is so wildly off-purpose. The numbers stink and the comments stink.

  • +6

    Will we be seeing the "journalists" reporting on ozbargain tomorrow? Some random 21k+ follower twit is trying to get the activist journalists involved: https://twitter.com/stilgherrian/status/1664794582624911360

    Usually the way it works is the media writes a few articles making ozbargain look bad, then the ozbargain admin will capitulate to the demands for censorship and remove this deal and then the leftists win.

    If you positively upvoted this deal and have publicly identifiable information, be prepared to get doxxed too.

    • +2

      OTOH the alternative-and-just-as-bad media will be all over the overwhelmingly positive upvotes.

      I don't want this censored. Moved to the forum would be more sensible but I want all of these comments on this thread and the other one, out in public in all their glory for posterity. My favourite was the one in the other thread where I was told that women shouldn't be involved in deciding what a woman is.

      • +1

        I don't care if the Matt Walsh doco is a deal or a forum thread but if Rings of Power and any deal like it: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/722279 is a deal then the doco has just as much a right to be a deal.

      • +1

        How about taking a break from the supposedly insignificant and waste of time culture war (according to leftists) and spending time with your 2 children? In a few hours, you've made 65 posts in this thread alone.

        • I love that you counted and I love that I can and I want it all here for posterity.

          Kids are watching a movie, thanks for caring.

    • +1

      Some random 21k+ follower twit is trying to get the activist journalists involved

      As of when I clicked on it (13h later, according to Twitter), he's stuck at 1000 total views, 14 Likes and exactly one retweet.

      Putting aside my incredulity that this guy gets to call himself a journalist with those sorts of numbers (particularly given his apparent follower count), as a fan of shitstorms I'm also just disappointed. He needs to try harder and be better. We all need him to try harder and just be better than he is.

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