This was posted 2 years 6 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Prime, SUBS] Lord of The Rings - Rings of Power @ Prime Video


This is unlike other SUB deals posted here, because this show is the biggest thing coming to streaming this year! And like 90% of Ozbargain has PRIME so no one should complain about having to pay to watch this!

Beginning in a time of relative peace, we follow an ensemble cast of characters as they confront the re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.

LOTR haters can stay away from this post please :)

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  • +14

    LOTR haters can stay away from this post please :)

    What is this lord of the rings thing you speak of?

    • +33

      I think it’s Shang-Chi from the Marvel Universe but I’m not sure.

      • +14

        Sounds like a pr0n title to me.

        Edit: just did a quick google. Can confirm. It's a pr0n title. Be back in 15.

        • +13

          15 minutes? Wow look at this guy!

          • +18

            @kc7: My bad. It was 4.

            • +1

              @MS Paint: Bro try to get it down to 60 seconds then we will talk

              Sometimes I can even speedrun at 30 seconds but need a day to recover from the pain and friction

            • +1

              @MS Paint: Looks like 2hrs 13mins to me, you're an energizer bunny.

            • +1

              @MS Paint: 4? Wow look at this guy!

    • +27

      You sound like their target demographic.

      It's the LOTR lovers that are going to want to stay well away from this expensive, slow motion, car crash.

  • +11

    House of the Dragon says Hi……..

    • -1

      House of dragons said Hi weeks ago, time to let others have the spotlight

      • +4

        Weeks…. As in 9 days ago

        Was more in reference to "because this show is the biggest thing coming to streaming this year! "

          • +6

            @kamykazi: Ms Marvel struggles to compete with the rest of the Marvel TV shows, let alone HoTD lol. Didn't even crack 1 million viewers in the first 5 days, compared to HoTDs 10 million on the first episode, and another 10 after the release of the second..

            • +1

              @justarandyleak: I feel like that's more indicative of how weak the previous shows were, along with bad advertising which made it look like a kids show or something. In the end Ms Marvel blew the others out of the water for actually feeling like a proper show instead of a rejected movie script stretched out over six weeks.

              • +1

                @CodeExplode: As a Marvel fan, I found Ms Marvel mediocre; it has a weak start, a strong mid, and an ultra weak ending.

            • +2

              @justarandyleak: I should have added an /s, I thought the sarcasm was obvious lol

          • +4

            @kamykazi: Ms Marvel? What a joke. The kids were literally falling asleep.

      • +1

        Not going to happen, it turns out HoD is actually very good, it basically picks up where mid season GoT left off in terms of quality and pacing. RoP now has to be at least as good as GoT was to not be seen as a billion dollar joke. Amazon should probably have bought HBO off Warner Bros so they could stagger the releases properly.

    • +2

      Warhammer says Hi…

      Dragons you say, well we have many kinds to offer.

      Hurry up GW and allow some to do this with these kinds of budgets.

      • +8

        I would watch the shit out of a series of the Horus heresy. They gonna need some big FX budgets tho.

        • +6

          It's the current year. You'll probably have to deal with wokefied versions of a space marine…

        • I cant up vote this enough. An aamzing yet tragic story. Bit too brutal for prime time but I would settle for a really well done animated series.

    • +6

      Is it any good?

      I'm really hoping both these series are great, but honestly if they are I'll be slightly surprised.

      They have huge budgets, sure, but that never guarantees a good show, and neither are adapting proven stories - just proven franchises (which helps less than you'd think).

      • Neither good or bad, but plain and mediocre. A few good scenes here and there; it's a solid 5/10 so far.

        • Set design is better than the original trilogy, quite a lot of hidden details in plain sight and the world feels somewhat grand; nice eye candy. But the camera angles doesn't bring out the set's full potential.
        • Acting so far has been bland, and I found only the hobbit scenes to be somewhat fun. But the pacing is completely off — too many characters, and they all feel one dimensional. A lot of cliche tropes are used too, and the end result I got is it feels more like a DnD session set in the LoTR universe instead of a genuine adaptation.

        Imo, this series is likely going to trigger a lot of the people who has read or heard about the Silmarillion as there's a lot of lore details that's outright destroyed in this adaptation. Make sure to throw out all assumptions and knowledge of Noldor elves before watching.

    • +9

      Oh I love How to Train your Dragon!

    • +1

      Enjoyed Alchemy of Souls with english subs so much more that HOTD so far. Slightly over rated show.

  • +98

    Not a bargain.

      • +29

        I've already followed the guidelines to block these pointless "subs" posts…. but they still seem to pop up.

        • -1

          I followed the rules and even tagged as subs maybe something is wrong with my post. Can the mods check this please?

          • @Iwantthebestprice: You didn't tag it with "Streaming Service Addition".

            • +4

              @scrimshaw: Ah thanks for letting me know! I tagged as subs and didn’t see that option come up. Cheers

            • @scrimshaw: Isn’t saying “not a deal” with your neg, an invalid reason to neg? Why are mods letting it slip?

              • +2

                @Pricebeat: Cause the mods like to grab popcorn and read these comments. I know I do

        • -6

          Sounds like your issue is more with the Ozbargain system than with this post. Not worthy of a Neg in that case.

    • +5

      Neither are the PS5 posts that keep popping up.

    • +22

      Bezos paid a billion dollars for a season of this show, and all he's asking for is a humble $6.99 a month to watch it. That's a saving of approximately one billion dollars.

    • +6

      Yep, part of a subscription service that is expected to be updated with new content. No deal.

      • +4


        I'm keen to watch the show, but this isn't a deal by any means and barely a PSA considering how much marketing there is around this already.

        I would downvote this, but I accidentally upvoted it.

    • +3

      It will be, this will save everyone 5.99 a month when it gets released and people unsub from it.

    • +5

      Agreed. Are we supposed to post “bargains” about every new show to come to streaming?

  • -4

    This will be quality.

    The total cost for the upcoming The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power TV show is predicted to pass a staggering $1 billion, according to reports

    • +5

      I think that was marketing. It still ended up around half a billion.

      • +1

        Half a BILLION??? Geez!!

      • +22

        Must have used cashback

      • +6

        Well it doesn’t look like half a billion. Looks cheaper than the original LOTR movies. My bet is most of the money didn’t end up IN the show.

    • +30

      I somehow don't think so….

      The writers and producers don't seem to be fans of Tolkien at all, they just want a GoT equivalent.
      They're trying to twist the narrative to be edgier to compete.
      And gaslighting the fans who asked for transparency and reassurance, trying to call them all the 'ists'.

      It definitely won't be as good as the movie trilogy.

      • +9

        I am getting The Hobbit vibes from the trailers which is concerning.

        • +9

          Check out 'The Critical Drinker' for an author's takes on the trailers etc.
          It's not looking positive….

          • +4

            @Muten-Roshi: I've been watching a bit too much Nerdrotic as well lately. He's definitely not to everyone's taste but his Rings of Power takedowns just amuse me.

          • +1

            @Muten-Roshi: I love the drinker's videos but having read some of his books, he's guilty of a lot of the things he calls out.

            In any case his take on this show will probably hold up, this seems miserable.

        • I believe there is an heavy internet edit into one movie called something like “A Hobbit’s tale: there and back again, as it should have been.”

          • +3

            @entropysbane: There's the Hobbit Cardinal Cut which compacts the trilogy into a 3:48 hour movie.
            Haven't seen it but if I decide I want to rewatch the Hobbit, I'll watch this version which cuts a lot of the added contents and makes it more like the original novel

            • +1

              @FireRunner: Huge LOTR fan here having watched the EE multiple times, but I've only ever watched the 1st and 2nd Hobbit films once and never watched #3… I think I'll follow the same path if I do have the inkling…

      • +2

        It is possible to be a good story in its own and not be consistent with the Tolkien middle earth.
        However, in that case I hope they do not trash the nature of the various characters and the themes of sacrifice, duty and honour.

        • +5

          I hate to break it to you but they've already trashed the themes.
          They believe the universe should be diverse just because it should reflect the real world.
          It's a fantasy world.

          (I hope I'm wrong, but given the track record…)

          • +2

            @Muten-Roshi: I only glanced over the full middle earth history eons ago, but afaik this takes place long before Lord of the Rings before everybody split up and some island sank or something. There were black people in lord of the rings to the south, though none of them featured heavily and Tolkein quite possibly wrote them very racistly given the time.

            The movies buffed up Arwen's and Eowyn's roles to make up for the lack of any female characters in the original books, and it was awesome for it. Not everything Tolkein wrote was perfect, all those damn songs. Galadriel was given more scenes as a kind of memory at times while her husband was nearly entirely cut, for probably the same reason.

            • +1

              @CodeExplode: Nah, Tolkien didn't even mention black people very much in the main trilogy, so how could he be writing them racistly? The studios just like to hype up that angle to get people outraged, both for and against. It's marketing.

              It's a war story. It was a metaphor for going on a suicide mission behind enemy lines, because that's what Tolkien's generation experienced in WW2. Not everything has to have women prominent, it would be inappropriate. Just like not everything has to have men in it. It needs to complement the story.

              Yes Jackson did try to highlight Arwen and Eowyn back then, Hollywood has been doing it for many decades since the 80s.
              The difference is they are doing it badly today. Writers today can't write good scripts, and believable characters. Women are all Mary Sue perfection incarnate type characters.

              People are fine with female stars in action roles and have been fine with it for years. The difference is sometime in the past 10 years these "activists" have been pretending that society is suddenly so sexist, racist etc. that it's equivalent to living in the 50/60's somehow.

              • -1

                @Muten-Roshi: I wasn't talking about any manufactured outage from the studios, I was just guessing by putting the dots together.

                Tbh you sound like you've been trained to be angry about this by some manufactured outage pushers, and I don't really care. I loved Tolkien's writing but none of it was perfect or beyond changes. The movie trilogies both made an enormous number of changes and many of them were much better than the originals.

                • +1

                  @CodeExplode: Nah I'm not outraged, just disappointed and jaded. I'm not a megafan of LotR. Only watched Star Wars in 2015.
                  From Star Wars, to Cowboy Bebop, to Bond and Marvel Phase 4. I just can't be bothered to watch anything new from a big studio now.
                  It's just a conveyor belt of content to them. No art and creativity, just soulless corporate media and pandering to diverse audiences. It's hollow.
                  I think there will be a renaissance in the coming years.

                  I'll probably end up checking out an episode at some point, but really don't want to give a company like Amazon good metrics upon opening week.

          • @Muten-Roshi: i love the way they try to put in the compulsory diversity on movies now, and then they need script it to reinforce the diversity e.g black and white same sex intimacy, it’s like a tick the box from marketing to sell to wider audience or stop protest …..

            • @garage sale: Well, often times they are obvious twofers. The gay best friend in those horrible teen movies who is for some reason is also the only black in the school. Budget constraints and script tightening while still ticking the boxes I suppose.

              Sounds like the fairy godmother in the upcoming live action Pinocchio will be a threefer.

        • +4

          In that case they should just write their own story instead of bastardizing stuff they don't have the talent to write themselves.

      • +1

        I'll be giving it a chance. Thus far, we have only seen trailers that are inconclusive. They sure look bombastic, but do seem to pander to being "diverse". That's disappointing given the fact that the LOTR mythology is anchored in northern European mythology. Also, Amazon Prime doesn't have a great track record when it comes to fantasy. The "Wheel of Time" series was boring and didn't get me hooked. And a LOTR show has to be great fan service for Tolkien fans. Failing that, they have to find a new audience that doesn't just tune in because its true to the LOTR setting.

        We'll know soon enough.

    • +10

      Bezos paid a ridiculous $250US million just for the rights to the IP, that money does not show up on screen.

      LOTR has a huge fan base in its favour but if this production is anything like the lacklustre aggressively diverse Wheel of Time it will be a failure.

      • +3

        Yes wheel of time was a disappointment indeed.

      • What wheel of time suppose to be white washed? cause it seemed ok
        Does every white written book need to be white washed? Why the f#ck they white wash Dragon ball z!?

      • +5

        Aggressive diversity wasn't what was wrong with the WoT adaptation. All the actors were excellent and suited their characters well.

        It had plenty of other problems, though. Hopefully it can improve in Season 2.

        • +5

          how?, the plot is all over the place…seems like they made things up as they went along and it only bears a passing semblance to the actual WOT storyline…totally butchered it so far.

          • +2

            @souths123: Like they did with the Witcher?

            • +4

              @EightImmortals: as I have never read or seen any of the Witcher stories or games, I can't comment, but at least the Witcher is good to watch. WOT was just bad and a huge disappointment.

              • +1

                @souths123: Same here, I didn't read any WOT books so I had nothing to compare it to so I guess both our reactions are valid. :)

                The Witcher was white-washed and characters subbed in to meet diversity quotas rather than being true to the story and the location it was set in. Other characters were just mutilated or killed off for no good reason. The first season was OK once you got used to the time-jumpy stuff but the second was was boring and pointless. The only 'new' show I've enjoyed so far this year is Star Trek Strange New worlds.

                Some original shows have been OK even though suffering the same wokisms, I guess because they aren't prostituting established IP they are a bit more bearable.

                • +1

                  @EightImmortals: Still, if you don’t know the Witcher stories it is watchable, unlike WOT. And I like Rosamunde Pike.

                  That is the big risk here, Tolkien fans have…expectations. And Hollywood do not cater for this group very well.

      • I would also point to the trashing of the Jack Ryan series by Amazon. Season 1 was OK, season 2 the only thing common with the character created by Tom Clancy was the name Jack Ryan. No Cathy, uptight Catholic Ryan a bit of a lethario, even to the government in Venezuela being a right wing government!

        • Yes I loved the first series could not finish the second.

          Third season should be out soon, judging by Hollywood now it will be an abomination.

      • brigerton …saw the trailer on TV , the aggressive diversity casting seems to not be true to period ….. tropical thunder with robert downey jnr playing a black soldier took it to an extreme, not sure how they got away with it.

        • +1

          There was still a tiny sliver of humour left in Hollywood at the time I guess? I thought RDJ did a great job in that movie.

    • +4

      Throwing lots of money at a project doesn't mean the final product will be good.
      There's been plenty of flops which had an incredible budget.
      I'm sure the visuals will be impressive but will the writing be any good?

    • +11

      You obvioulsy have not been following the lead up to this show. Major controversy and issues people have with it already.

      • +5

        issues people have with it already

        But nobody has seen it. How silly would you have to be to object to something you don't know anything about yet, besides a 30 second trailer?

        • +5

          There is a lot more than just that. They made a hardcore fan behind the scenes video that got removed because the 'hardcore fans' they had didn't know hardly anything about LotR and the whole thing was extremely cringeworthy. There is also all the media pieces that people involved in the show have put out through articles and interviews for months now with various publications.

        • +6

          Because it's not coming out of the blue.
          We have abominations like Star Wars, The Wheel of Time, Marvel Phase 4, Cowboy Bebop etc.
          We have evidence that studios are pushing 'The Message' over telling a good story.
          (And initial critic reviews are out, so many are bad)

          • @Muten-Roshi: lol, "the message"

            If your masculinity is under threat because of imaginary characters you're beyond hope

            • +6

              @GrueHunter: a.Who said I'm a man? That's exactly the sort of shallow attacks the whole world is sick of. 'Oh you don't agree with me, you must be racist, sexist, homophobic, yadda yadda yadda.' We know you don't have an actual rebuttal, and we'll be proven right when the show comes out, flops and the audience gets gaslit as usual.

              b. It's called having integrity, and writing talent and knowing there's a time and a place.
              There's a way to promote a message like diversity or inclusiveness without preaching and pandering and being condescending to the viewing audience.
              A good writer will find more subtle ways to weave those ideas into the narrative. Amazon is just hiring a token cast and acting like thats all the effort they have to put into it.
              And even an amateur writer will recognise that it doesn't belong in every kind of film if it doesn't support the plot, themes etc.

              • +3

                @Muten-Roshi: Indeed. And a good time to remember Lt Uhura. She didn't have to beat the audience to death with her agenda every week, she wasn't pushing 'the political narrative', 'the message' whatever you want to call it. She wasn't a Mary-Sue. She was just 'there'. (Along with Russians and Japanese), just being people, just doing their jobs as part of a larger story and people loved it. Compare that to the prolefeed agenda=programming we have to sit though these days, I'd turn most of it off if I didn't have to keep the mob amused every night. :)

              • -1


                We know you don't have an actual rebuttal, and we'll be proven right when the show comes out, flops and the audience gets gaslit as usual.

                You mean when I get to watch an awesome show and a super rich dude who made it doesn't bat an eyelid if it doesn't make a cent? Oh noes

                Enjoy the show, I know I will!

          • +3


            We have evidence that studios are pushing 'The Message' over telling a good story.

            Do we? What is the message? (genuinely not across this)

            Fwiw, amongst the Christian community - most see LOTR as a metaphor for religion and the almighty God - especially seeing as Tolkien was devout. So to many LOTR has always been about a message



            • @isthisreallife22: This is what i'm referring to as 'The Message'. I find it amusing way to refer to it in the same way. (It's sort of an 'in-joke' for his channel)

              This isn't the first rodeo. It's a cycle that's been going on for 7 years now. Studios vs Fans. Why is every fan suddenly 'toxic' all of a sudden? Is it a coincidence? Or is it deliberate slander?

              Now the problem isn't that there is a message. But surely it's better to be woven into the story more artfully rather than hitting you on the head with simplistic preachy lines? I wouldn't have known Tolkien had Christian influences until I googled it and found it by chance. He was subtle, and didn't treat his audience as idiots.
              I had thought it was the opposite given the immense backlash against him and D&D back in the Satanic panic of the 70's.

              We deserve to have better quality films and tv shows.

              Ps. Here's another (unreleated) video just to end on an uplifting note.

              • @Muten-Roshi: Interesting ok. Need to find some time to listen.

                Btw do fans hate the Mandalorian and Obi Wan?

                • @isthisreallife22: I think they really liked the Mandalorian from what I've seen online. But didn't like how someone got fired in later seasons I think?

                  There's no strong sentiment towards Obi Wan. I think it was viewed as content for content's sake. The reviews I watched said the real main character was some woman, but they had to name it Obi Wan instead to try and get people to watch it. And the story ends up being pointless because it was a prequel to the main trilogy or something?
                  Star Wars fans have already given up on the franchise after the Disney Films.

                  • @Muten-Roshi: I really enjoyed Obi Wan. It was mainly the origin story of Princess Leia though that's right

    • +2

      Pretty sure that number was based on it costing $250m for the rights and two seasons were green lit straight away.

      Money doesn't make a good show though. The final season of GoT was the most expensive and look where that got us. The budget of the Hobbit films was almost triple that of the LOTR films too.

    • +1

      We shall see. Money does not imply the story will be well done, look at the shit show Wheel of Time became with the terrible TV adaptation.

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