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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      White knighting is second nature to the tofu-eating wokerati

    • most likely from men?

      Most likely born from women. And…?

  • +12

    Why do right wing nut jobs care so much about the stupidest things? Is it really fun to spend the day hating?

    • +14

      right wing nut jobs

      this says a lot more about you than your intended 'targets'

      • -2

        You just type out words and think they mean things, huh?

        • +4

          monky upset…why poor monky sad?

    • Because the far left lunatics are shoving their disgusting ideology in people's faces. You want to be LGBT or whatever you want to identify as? Go ahead, I honestly can't give a shit. But no, they have to shove it in our faces with their pride month, pride parade, pride everything.

      • +2

        See that just tells me you spend way too much time online. I don't see any LGBTI stuff around but I also don't live on a screen 24/7.

    • We need to ban science books as they cointain the same hate. Truth is hate.

  • +15

    Why is this nonsense being posted on here?

    • +2

      Because my momma said life is like a box of chocolates… at least I think she was my momma. Maybe she was trying to tell me that the box is an empty vessel of non-binary containment

    • +11

      OzBargainers want a deal so bad they will gobble up hate speech just because it's "free"

      • +4

        They want to be yanks so bad it's embarrassing.

  • +9

    Was any paying for this bs in the first place? Not a deal.

    • +3

      Only echo chamber aficionados

    • They make money from subs, advertising, and merchandise. I don't think anyone was paying for this specific very pixelated video, but they do pay in general, yes.

  • +4

    I believe a woman is an individual who gets paid 15%-20% less than a man for doing the same work.
    One wonders why all businesses don't employ only women and get an instant 15%-20% increase in profit. What are these CFO's doing?

    • interestin take

    • +1

      Because they don't want women there and they operate under the false belief that men need to earn more as 'breadwinners' when it doesn't work like that anymore.

  • +13

    Just watched the documentary, excellent and recommended.

    How evil are these humans pushing these gender theories, this is going to definitely escalate.

  • +1

    ngl i also came for political drama llama

  • +9

    Thanks for sharing. Fascinating watch which makes some very good points.

  • +8

    Moderation on certain comments on this post has been insufficient, and there has been inconsistency between allowing this deal to stay up.
    I have started a site discussion post - please be civil.

    • +12

      attempts at censorship is how you lot operate. level the playing field and you realise most Australians do not wish to be part of the alphabet delusion.

    • +3

      Which ones exactly?

      • +2

        I linked an example in the post and gave an example of a type of comment which is littered through this thread. I am specifically only talking about the most hateful ones, not ones I disagree with (of which there are many).

        I also speak on the fact there is inconsistency on allowing this post to remain as a deal in the first place, and not be at the very least moved to the forums.

        • +4

          I could agree with you on some level regarding the Mr Beast video, but I also don’t know exactly why it was taken down. I trust the OzB process as they are usually very fair and abide by their rules quite well. The rest of your post boils down to ‘I don’t like it, and I want it removed’. That kind of view is just toxic. Have your say and make your arguments, but trying to shut something down because it triggers you is never, ever the right thing to do. Whether you like it or not, there are a large amount of people who have opposing views to yourself. Listen and argue respectfully and see if you can find common ground or just move on.

          • @zubzub: Good comment, and this goes for everyone not just lefties or RWNJs.

          • @zubzub: Nope, that's not at all the rest of my post.

            In regards to comment moderation, I was very clear I was specifically speaking about hate speech, not the many comments I disagree with. I don't disagree with the broader point you're making however that's not at all what is talked about in my post.

            In regards to the post being here as a "deal" and not in the forums or removed, I am specifically speaking about the fact that there have been no serious comparisons for such a deal in the past until I found my documentary deal which is seemingly identical - and there is inconsistency in moderation there.

            • @snoopydoop: The ‘inflammatory’ comments have been removed to be fair. It is a manual process that can take some time.

              As for the Mr Beast doco. You could have a point there… I don’t know all the circumstances regarding it.

              • +1

                @zubzub: Hateful comments have been staying up for many, many hours, while in the same time I've seen other less harmful comments have been removed. I do make the point that if they don't have the resources to moderate such an inflammatory post, then they should either pause comments while they catch up since it's a manual process, or not allow discussions if they really don't have the resources to moderate.

                For instance, this one, while not as blatant as the one I posted in my post, is rooted in the same neo-Nazi conspiracy theory I described and linked a resource for in my post (the conspiracy that "all LGBTQI+ people are grooming children/pedos"):

                Definitely going to be a better example in there somewhere but I don't really feel like reading through the comments again.

                RE MrBeast docco, me too, and I have not yet seen a true suggestion as to why it was any different to this post other than not being political from mods or ozbargain.

                • @snoopydoop: Without you mentioning it, I wouldn’t know what a Neonazi comment even looks like. Maybe moderators are in the same boat. I think as long as it’s not a direct attack/insult then it’s fine. People are going to have to manage their emotions and understand not everyone shares the same views.

                  I am not 100% sure on how the OzB mechanics work, but if you open a discussion with a moderator and ask explicitly why your post was moved to the forums and this one wasnt, you may get your answer or at least a better understanding.

                  • +1

                    @zubzub: Yep, I have done that, and also opened a site discussion post above as they suggested. No answers or clarification.

                    Maybe - but then perhaps they need to be given adequate resources in order to identify these sorts of comments. Ignorance isn't an excuse, something needs to change here to prevent this from happening.

                    The silence seems to be a condoning of all rhetoric here, and the only reason I can think of that this post is any different to mine is political reasons. I don't think very highly of the way the site has managed this. I can see others share similar sentiment in the site discussion thread.

                    • @snoopydoop: What you find offensive can be subjective. I think OzB view on moderation comes down to things like flat out insults or personal attacks. What is considered inflammatory or controversial may not be moderated, necessarily and I agree with that, as long as it’s done fairly and I think it is for the most part. It’s never going to be a perfect system. A bit of heated debate is a good thing if done with respect.

                      • +1

                        @zubzub: There's nothing respectful about the two comments I have given as examples. Claiming an entire group of people are pedos is pretty cruel. Not sure how one could possibly argue that sort of rhetoric is respectful.

                        We're not talking about borderline comments here, or comments I don't agree with, I'm talking specifically about pretty undeniably hateful things.

        • You can report those comments.

          not ones I disagree with

          You sure? Maybe they are ones that you disagree are "hate speech"

  • +6

    Must be burdensome to live with so much hate in your heart. Matt Walsh does it for profit, but you do it for free.

    • +8

      Kids must have a lot of hate in their hearts — they’re constantly asking questions

      • +1

        Do you think you could make a doco out of a kid asking questions? You could even have a free weekend which would be a great Ozbargain.

        • +2

          Interesting idea. Kids are such innocent souls… oblivious to how fcuking annoying they can be. Lucky I have the patience to ignore them for as long as is necessary

  • +13

    I quit twitter because it had increasingly become filled with these culture hate wars. Don’t let it spill over to ozbargain. People aren’t going to change their minds on a topic as divisive as this so it’s just shouting and super dull.

    Also not a bargain.

    • Well it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that controversial posts get the most hits.
      Maybe OZB want some of the juice.

      • Judging by this still being up I’d have to agree with you. I have low tolerance for this kind of pointless debate. If this was to become the norm I’d definitely visit less.

  • +3

    you can play dressup all you want but at the end of the day you are a atritifcal women not a women.

  • +5

    "they don't want you to see"
    "Doctors hate this simple trick"
    "You won't believe what happens next"
    "Big-insert industry"
    "You're a shill"
    All red flags for bullshit.

    • +1

      138 people here don't want you to see it. They want to slip this movie into the memory hole.

      • +1

        I only need to see the preview to know it's just another circle jerk - preaching to the choir. The makers clearly have no interest in changing the minds of people who don't already rabidly agree with them.

        • I think the makers think of it as inoculation against what they see as a psychological epidemic.

  • +18

    wow, we now live in a world where saying a woman is a woman and a man is a man is now right wing propaganda. What in the actual f. Apparently hateful too.

    The left wing extremists have now taken over common sense that in even your regular left wing are cancelled or silenced for having a difference in opinion. Even people
    like Jeffrey Star big advocate for the community getting cancelled by his own community.

    • +13

      they’re the moral police now and they want access to your children. Clearly the whole alphabet movement is anti the institution of family.

    • +1

      By silenced you mean…disagreed with? Seriously go outside into the fresh air, somehow you'll all be okay.

      • +1

        By silenced i mean that people within the own community can’t even speak up if opinions differ with the fear of being ripped apart or cancelled by their own community hence my point about Jeffree star.

        And yes thank you for your concern i am OK, i’m not the one up in arms about this doco, try telling that to those on the other side of the fence :)

        • Ripped apart - you mean disagreed with? There's a really good quote 'decide where you stand - and stand there'. If you can't stand where you stand in the face of disagreement, then what exactly is your position? I'm on here, knowing full well that hundreds and hundreds of people disagree with my position but this is just where I stand. You have to ask yourself why disagreement feels like silencing and censorship when it's just loud disagreement.

      • +2

        No, they mean silenced as in how people like you are trying to censor this deal and have it removed because you just personally don't like it.

        • Again I have no power to censor it so not silencing, just disagreeing. I just think it should be in the forums otherwise free videos on peoples pet topics are going to clog up the feed.

          It's just so self important to think something like this is even worth censoring. It will just slip into oblivion like every video like this on Rumble etc over the last 3 years.

          • +1

            @MessyG: Thankfully the mod's know better than to cave in to screechy cancel-culture types though, here.

  • +6

    I know a woman makes roughly 50% more money on onlyfans than a male.

    • Do tell more

  • +1

    I was wondering why Matt carries on like this but then I saw he's 5'8" and it made so much sense lmao

    • +6

      your ideal Dylan Mulvaney the degenerate creep thinks he should hand out tampons in womens bathrooms.

      • +1


    • +8

      Little ironic to attack a person on an attribute they cannot change, wouldn’t you think?

      • +11

        The irony will be lost on many.

        What if he identifies as 6'3"?

        • +5

          Lol. That’s a drop mic moment right there. Hilarious and accurate. You may cop a lot of negs but there will not be a single counter-argument.

  • +2

    I have no idea what this is about but I don't like the topic unless it's Pro women. With a vagina. From birth.

    • +1

      You should probably watch it, or at least the first 25 minutes of it.

    • +1

      That's literally what the documentary is.

      • +1

        Works for me then.

  • +5

    Half way through it.

    So, this would've been a lot better with a different host, like Louis Theroux.

    There is a lot of fun watching activists perform mental gymnastics and act silly, but at the same time some of them are giving genuine answers and the host is kind of a dick.

    Would've been better with a better host that allowed the activists to make themselves look silly, but also just be nice and genuine to the others who were doing their best to honestly answer his questions.

    The shit about John Money is genuinely (profanity) though….

    • Love louis!

  • +4

    Not a deal, please remove this.

    • +10

      the +'s show you are in the minority

      • -1

        It’s not legitimate, it’s being used to promote hatred and bigotry, it does not belong here.

        • +10

          no it doesnt….what a silly comment

          have you even watched it?

        • +2

          Can you give an example of this hate and bigotry?

        • +2

          You should watch it, because it doesn't do that at all.

      • Come on, links to free videos regardless of content aren't deals. If this stays up everyone is going to link free videos of their pet topics and we wont get any real bargains.

    • +2

      What is a ‘deal’?

  • +15

    Why are mods letting this stay up? It’s clearly a troll post. Also the film was readily accessible for a long time for at least year, if I recall it was already free a while ago when it first came out. Also interesting how it’s almost all the same guys replying that try to pick fights in any negative or critical comments of this post - what has happened to OzBaragin?

    • +1


      • I already watched it for free when Matt Walsh first released it. Have you?

    • what has happened to OzBaragin?

      Is today your first day here ?

  • +18

    Not a deal….the price is deceptive, the true cost of this is the loss of rights for people in our community and the promotion of hate and bigotry.

    This is a bargain site, this has no place here.

    Happy to debate the issue elsewhere but it has no place here.

    • +5

      The true cost of transgenderism is the loss of the male and female identity, the dissolution of language and meaning, the rejection of truth, intolerance and hate. Trans people have no right to be trans. Trans is just made up bs.

      • +5

        Calm down mate, you’ve left this page open on your browser for 15 hours, maybe it’s time to step away and just have a break?

      • +10

        Utter bull, my father was trans (and transitioned in the 80's), my niece is trans (and before you go there, they never met). It has had NO impact on my identity, other than maybe a greater understanding that these issues are complex and require tolerance. You have no idea how difficult a trans persons life is, no-one would choose that path.

        If you are worried about your identity, you better have a deep look at yourself and stop telling others how they must conform to your ideals.

        I did not want to be dragged into the specifics of this debate but I am sick to death of the intolerance on display here.

        • +1

          Sounds like mental illness runs in your family.

          • @Whomastadon: Ahh anything you don't agree with is mental illness. I thought you people didn't care about mental health.

            • +2

              @skidexa: At this point we should classify transphobia as mental illness. This kind of hatred can't be rational.

        • +1

          This is pure r/thathappened material if I've ever read it.

        • Utter bull, my father was trans

          Did your father claim to be an actual woman though?

      • You lost your male identity?! Bwahaha

      • +2

        Trans people have been around for centuries friend, this is just the first time in history when they haven't been incarcerated for it and they're celebrating.

        People have every right to be who they want to be, maybe get your nose out of their crotches and you'll be ok.

        • +1

          I strongly encourage you to go read a history book.

          The ancient Romans and Greeks had blokes who loved dressing up as women in their societies and they didn't incarcerate them for it.

          • @infinite: Should have written recent history then. And they weren't pedophiles.

            • @MessyG:

              Should have written recent history then. And they weren't pedophiles.

              Why did you just associate pedophiles with Trans people and men who have a sexual fetish of dressing as women ?

    • +1

      Can you point to me examples of hate and bigotry?

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