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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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        • +2

          I’ve got to admit that it was a masterstroke to retrospectively rewrite history. Yay for today’s educational assimilation

          • +1

            @tharlow: sorry I shouldn't have expected a conservative to know literally anything about how the world works - reality does have a progressive bias after all

      • +1

        the dude who made this has absolutely no education, you know this right? it's just hot air. but in the direction of minorities he hates.

        since when is the right EVER in favour of education anyway? your comment couldn't be more wrong if you tried

      • +1

        You've been here for 11 hours.
        Get a hobby or something bro.

  • +6

    Proud to be the one to hit 100 nags on crap that shouldn't be here .
    Oops some1 beat me .

  • +6

    didn't know ozbargain promotes bigotry. nice

    • +8

      mods are a big fan of right wing fascism it seems

    • +2

      Bigotry and right wing fascism (add all other name calling here) aside, what is a woman?

  • +5

    Some random piece of crap posts a video and it's a bargain now? Can I link my YouTube channel? That's free and about as entertaining as this garbage.

    1/10 for bait effort.

  • +6

    Free for another 24 hours… Great for those who still don't know what a woman is!

  • Cmon Scotty I need the unsubscribe option to get it out of my live feed , Pls Pls Pls .
    Not just subscribe option for every deal .

  • +7

    Wow this has certainly boiled some piss. Absolutely awful people that get behind this kind of rubbish.

  • +2

    The RWFW brigade is here in force

  • +1

    not a bargain, just PR stunt

  • +8

    I can save you some time. This is what happens:

    1. Matt Walsh visits expert; asks, "What is a woman?"
    2. Expert answers and explains something about gender identity.
    3. Matt walks away either failing to comprehend or pretending to.
    4. Go to 1.
    • +2

      Hey Simon mate, what’s a woman?

    • +2

      To be fair expert using circular definition does not help. So I can't blame him for not understading. I blame the expert.

      • +3

        "A woman is a woman" yes but what is that "someone who identifies as a woman" okay but what are they identifying as "THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER!"

  • +4


  • +15

    So funny how all the downvotes are just deranged ad hominem attacks against the creator and anyone who likes this. You are the real bigots.
    And you are setting womens rights and sports back decades.
    There will be no women rolemodels for young girls to look up to in the future because of you idologically based selfishness.

    • +11


      Yet they still look themselves in the mirror and truly believe they are the tolerant compassionate inclusive love brigade.

      Truth is they hate us and demand we live in their warped world, or else.

    • "Won't somebody please think of the sports?!"

      • +7

        Won't someone think of the men who want to play womens sports and dominate and crush their female opponents for purely financial gain, while also helping get publicity for the billion dollar companies who sponsor them and want free and easy kudos to diostract the masses as they crush workers rights and make them into modern slaves.
        Think about who it really benefits!

    • +4

      Man suddenly cares about womens sport due to culture war bullshit.

      As if your ever gave a shit before it became political. I'll see you at the next aflw game champ.

      • Yawn

        • +1

          Yep. Ya got nothing on that one do ya mate. Suddenly giving a shit about womens sport because it fits your dopey imported yank culture war.

          In the bin.

  • +5

    So, free attendance at a neo-Nazi rally would also be a deal? Get this crap off Ozbargain please.

    • +5

      So then what is a woman?

      • +5

        You're going to be waiting a long time for an answer.

    • +6

      Why would you acuse people who upvote this post as being nazis.
      (A genuine deal as it was paid before and free now)
      A regime that murdered millions and is known for the worst crimes against hummanity. You should seek help, I don't think you would have the courage to put your real name to that comment.
      Take a step back and realise you are going too far. It is sick and twisted you try and use that to further your own ideological beliefs.

      • Someone's already using OzB to promote their ideology. Free 'documentary'. Right. If this so-called bargain stands, there's nothing to stop neo-Nazis from inventing their own spurious 'bargain' to get in on the act. Btw, in case you haven't noticed, the neo-Nazis are heavily into promoting trans hate right now. They're an easy group to get hate beginners started with.

        • +1

          Neo nazis, fascists, <insert anything>phobia, etc. Why so much name calling? It’s getting boring

  • +1

    I just want butter that tastes like butter

  • +4

    Total rubbish

  • +5

    what a deal, a free video on the internet promoting hate, very rare.

    • +8

      So then what is a woman?

      • +1

        damn you got me, i better watch this video now to find out

        • +7

          No don’t, it’s filled with hate I sure of it. So I wanted to get the correct answer from you instead. What is a woman?

          • +1

            @Cusack: You're not edgy or clever. Here's your answer. Under ADULT FEMALE HUMAN you'll find what you're (not) looking for.


            lol what is a woman I am clever and punch down on trans people WHAT A LEGEND!

            • +1

              @krunchymoses: Lol. Punch down on trans people? You do realise a LOT of trans people know the correct answer, and not some mumbo jumbo answer like those in the doco. You do realise that don’t you?

              • @Cusack: See. I gave you a definition and you responded with bullshit because you don't ask questions in good faith. Why would people take you seriously?!?

                • +1

                  @krunchymoses: You didn’t answer my question. Do you realize lots of trans people agree with the correct answer of what is a woman?? So how is it punching down?

                  • @Cusack: Your question is bullshit and I'm not giving you any more of my time. You aren't a serious person and don't deserve the respect that a conversation requires.

                    Nobody finds you edgy, funny or interesting. You're punching down and you're a prick for doing it. I hope you face challenges in your life that are amplified by bigots. Maybe you'll see what a prick you are.

                    • +1

                      @krunchymoses: I wish you could answer my question, but that’s ok. Unlike your toxic wishes for me and anyone with a different opinion, I wish you well and a fulfilling life. I really do. Have a great afternoon :)

  • +12

    Unfortunately the people who are negging this bargain (who obviously haven't seen it) are exactly the people who need to watch it.

    • +7

      People are so easily brainwashed by youtube and twitter that lack any critical ability to think for themselves. It has got to the point they can believe things so obviously untrue it is farcicial. Imagine genuinely believing this to the point government documents are starting to say "people that have babies": and "people that menstruate" and people with "XX chromosomes."
      There is a w word that defines those peple that will soon be considered hate speach. Women!

    • +10

      I watched it when it came out, wasn't impressed.

      I just don't think cherrypicked man-on-the-street gotchas and tricking trans youth into interviews with a fake orgs is qualitative journalism. In fact I think it's lazy, and relies on social normativity far too much: The people who watch this movie don't do it have their minds changed, they watch it to reinforce ideology they already follow.

      • +1

        Feel free to answer the question for them then.

      • +5

        Fair enough abt the cherry picking. Can you then explain what a woman is? Or pls link videos that can help explain it better?

        • +8

          There's no simple answer I can give you that isn't already the butt of a joke in a bad-faith argument made in Walsh's movie.

          Fact of the matter is, this is a deeply philosophical argument which explores different biological and cultural perspectives, the intersectionality of experiences from women, and personal identity, and what that actually means in free society.

          It's simply not my responsibility to break down this wealth of information for people who simply don't wish to have their minds changed.

          Not saying that you don't, but it's tiring trying to please people who lackadaisically consume ideology like it's popcorn, or are willfully ignorant and just trying to waste my time.

          If I could suggest places to start, look to the works of Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler. Subjectivity plays a huge role in this never ending argument, so challenging traditional moral frameworks is essential for understanding why and how gender identity can be perceived as ideology (in bad faith) in the scope of social normativity: You can read on Nietzsche for this; his critique on "good" and "evil" as constructs directly influenced by societal values and power dynamics relate indirectly to notions of womanhood and femininity as something culturally contingent.

          Sorry if this doesn't simply answer your question, but I just don't have the willpower to put in that much effort to change hearts and minds that don't have any interest in it.

          • @monky: I’m trying to understand here. In the 2000’s, 90’s, 60’s, etc how did they define what a woman was back then? Was it as complicated back then?

            • @Cusack: Arguably more: The philosophical underpinnings of contemporary gender theory have been long established before any of the decades you listed, in time periods where persecution of marginalized groups was often much more violent: You can tie much of it in with poststructuralist philosophy or postmodernist theory.

              A great place to start if you're interested in this would be 'Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex' by Judith Butler; I mentioned her in my previous comment. Here's a free pdf copy - https://monoskop.org/images/d/df/Butler_Judith_Bodies_That_M…

              There's a great chapter in there that explores the often unconscious performativity of binary gender roles, and how they're largely dictated by social normativity, not personal autonomy.

              She also explores language as a mechanism to name and categorize, and how this mechanism can be weaponized to erase non-conforming or non-normative experiences, this is ultimately the crutch of Matt's "What is a Woman?" argument that makes it so powerful for the layman who doesn't challenge ideas.

              Again, hope that helps: I'm not here to change your mind, if I even could… And I'd rather be playing Disco Elysium on my day off. cheers.

  • +12

    So, I have a genuine question that hopefully can be engaged with in good faith.

    I've tried to understand this issue (a lot) and I still do not 'get it'. But to keep this simple my question is how is being trans not a mental illness/disorder? I understand that in terms of treatment that experts in the field say that transitioning is the most successful outcome, but it seems like the discussion stops there. To me, that doesn't mean that it isn't a mental illness/disorder. I just frankly don't see any realistic way that someone can be "the wrong sex". Biologically, how could that happen other than something being wrong in the brain? It makes me wonder if in 20 years experts will say that actuallly surgery and hormone therapy isn't right and they push for something like cognitive behavioural therapy.

    Anyway, I'm not trying to upset anyone. Like I said. Ive tried to understand this issue for a long time.

    • -1

      Agree with what you've written. In todays "don't upset anyone's feelings world" people just don't have the balls (ahem) to say it like it is.
      As for the post, I'm negging it purely on the fact is NOT a deal. May as well just walk around Coles and post the price of every item and call it a deal.

      • +5

        It's a deal bc it wasn't free, and now it is (for 24h only!). Or do you watch aaaaaall docos for free? 😑

    • +1

      15 mins into the film I stopped when the Star Wars Dinosaur answer everyone's question with his sign .
      And the poor Dinosaur gets attacked for what most people think ?

    • My understanding from having a trans nephew who has struggled, is it's an identity issue. Our society is set up in a way where we have two camps and you are automatically placed in to one at birth. The problem is as the person gets older they feel more attachment to the other camp as they never really fit in with the one they were assigned.
      Now, perhaps if the current adopted understanding of gender identity wasn't so binary, things may be different. For some, I guess identity, like sexual preference, is more of a spectrum. Hard to comprehend if you don't have exposure to it I guess.

      • +3

        if the current adopted understanding of gender identity wasn't so binary…

        "Current"?? Western societies have abandoned gender stereotypes over 50 years ago!! Nah, this is just a predatory industry — the medical-industrial complex and their petro-pharmaceutic and techno-bureaucratic helpers — bottom feeding on people with mental illnesses and teenagers going through growth pangs.

      • +4

        "The problem is as the person gets older they feel more attachment to the other camp as they never really fit in with the one they were assigned"

        So, without assuming too much, that does sound like a mental illness type of issue. Where someone needs support, involvement, good role models, friends, etc. It just seems so extreme that people take the idea of transitioning.

    • +4

      my question is how is being trans not a mental illness/disorder?

      It is; it's called gender dysphoria.

      I understand that in terms of treatment that experts in the field say that transitioning is the most successful outcome

      It isn't; the most successful outcome is abandoning gender stereotypes, and accepting masculine and feminine proclivities without extrapolating it to "gender identity" or "sexual orientation". That used to be a thing with 2nd wave feminists, but then the medical-industrial complex — and their financiers — realised they could make money out of pumping kids with hormones, and the globalist oligarchy realised they had an excuse to castrate men and boys — chemically, if not physically — before got up in arms against it.

      • +3

        Yeah you might want to see what role gender transition plays in pharma profits. Spoiler alert - not much.

        But yeah everything you disagree with is a conspiracy because you can't stomach the idea of just being wrong. Or admitting you're simply a bigot.

        Trans people exist. It's not a conspiracy.

    • +2

      The whole thing has some very odd mystical/spiritual connotations. 'I have always felt like a woman in a man's body'….but we are our bodies, right? The body and mind are not something that can be seperated. And how can a man know what it 'feels like' to be a woman? We all only live once, sex decided long before consciousness. So it's some kind of intuition, based on what exactly? Sure seems like gender norms/stereotypes that the left/feminists railed against for decades.

  • +13

    You've got to be kidding, we're doing far-right propaganda now?

    Edit: Just look at the upvotes, a huge pile on within minutes, this is coordinated propaganda. Mods, pull your finger out.

    • +4

      Putting aside the very obvious far right propaganda, what is a woman?

      • +2

        Jog on, dude.

        • +4

          Huh? It was a simple question.

          • @Cusack: It's a loaded question and you're not a serious person. Jog on.

          • +6

            @Cusack: It's funny because he squirms at the exact same question the "experts "squrim at and refuse to answer in the documentary. The irony!

          • +1

            @Cusack: Extremely good faith

  • +1

    surprise no mod jump in and say something.

    • I believe the mods don't want to comment on "political" stuff.

      • +3

        Or they're complicit in this.

  • +19

    ahh thinly veiled transphobia but a right wing outfit used to distract everyday people from actual day to day issues.

    the classic right wing grifter ragebait playbook.

    get people angry at an issue that can be sorted out by professionals but instead polalize it into something that people will think will impact them directly.

    • +6

      It's not even thinly veiled.
      They legitimately waited till pride month to do this "free" (re-release?) of the video.

      • +3

        "Pride month"?? Is that a thing now? Wasn't Mardi Gras the big annual "pride" event? Besides… isn't it a bit too cold to "come out" now?

        • Been a thing in the US for 24 years now. (1999)
          Globally, not sure. I think in Australia for about 8 years? (2016ish)

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: Looks like Australia started importing the US culture wars a while ago then?

            • @realJuliusCaesar: We've had similar things since the 70s. E.g. the mardi gras

    • +3

      They desperately need the scaremongering to have any chance in the next election cycle.

    • Pretty much.

    • Ok so if it's just a wedge issue used by the right, why don't the left drop it? Why champion the cause? Think you'll find the neolibs in left wing parties around the western world are pretty happy to use identity politics to divide too.

      • -1

        yes we should let right wing dipshits use equate transpeople to pedos /s.

        • -1

          Sounds like your distracted from day to day issues.

          • -1

            @Chris12345: in other words let us bully gays,lesbians, trans and other minorities for political dog whistling but if you stop us then you are worrying about the wrong thing.

            • @amzinguserman: In other words, let us push our degenerate agenda, and if you bother to push back you are 'distracting from the real issues'.

  • Comedy gold

    It’s not a bargain, so not necessary for this website

    But the pearl clutchers are sure out in force with their shrill claims and derogatory labels that warm their own sense of self righteousness

  • +9

    Not a bargain, posted to stir up controversy. Leave the politics at home.

    • +2

      How is this politics? Men are men, women are women…..

      • +1

        How is this a bargain?

        • +6

          It's a paid film freely available for 24h, that's how.

  • +2

    Are people negging because it's not a deal or because they are triggered? Hard to tell..

  • +5

    Funny how during my childhood in the 90s and 00s, women have XX chromosomes but today it's competely different…

  • +17

    I watch a good portion of it to see why so many people angry about it. The guy may not have a good intention but it is strange that a harmless question (at least for me) can end up a tricky one to be answered. None of the supposed expert can give convincing answer. All gave a long winded answer but with no real meaning.

    • +9

      Typical postmodern babblery.

    • +2

      Because he edited the content so it looks that way. That’s pretty well known.

  • +7

    Culture wars trash

  • This comment section reeks

    • +1

      I am thoroughly entertained and I haven’t even read it.

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