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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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closed Comments

    • +2

      "What is a woman? " is extremist?

    • -1

      If you post the video that isn't usually free.. then sure why not?

  • +1

    The amount of direction brains in here is disheartening. The goal of politics is to build a better society for all, not pointless tribalism. Sports were invented to contain that, since it has a notion of 'sportsmanship' that your endless bickering lacks.

    • +7

      The goal of politics is to distract you from the issues that really matter

  • +2

    Matt Walsh seems like a quite an unlikeable douchebag, but DAMN! this documentary really nailed its goal of stirring up controversy and feeding our societies desire to get angry at anyone with a different opinion and attacking them from behind our keyboards!
    For me the documentary is average at best, however, the reactions that it elicits are the really interesting thing to observe! 800+ comments here so far and not a single bit of unbiased, objective, emotion free debate. Just a bunch of people shouting their opinions at each other. Very interesting.

  • -1

    No comment about the material of the movie, but objectively this isn't a bargain.

  • Where are all the Andrew Tate, Whatever, Fresh and Fit haters?

  • Not a deal there are countless free documentarues out there no need to single out this one.

    • +1

      It's about the discount, not about the price

  • Person Woman Man Camera TV

  • +3

    why would you post this?

  • +1

    I have never seen any OzBargain post blow up so fast so soon. This may be a record

    • Nah.. the Tesla ones are bigger imho

    • +5

      People be mad about other points of view, funnily enough it's the ones that preach tolerance being the most intolerant.

  • +1

    If you don't think that there is any difference between biological sex and gender identity you'll think this is important and true. I watched it, didnt take anything new away that would change my views on this. If you're looking for an alternative voice Contrapoints on YouTube does a good job IMO.

    • +5

      What is a wife?

    • +3

      Yeah ok, Weedlord420.

      • +2

        When they go low, we get high?

  • +7

    Free bigotry isn't a bargain, though judging by the frequent posters here there's at least two or three devotees

    • +3

      Do you realise the irony. The downvoters are showing true bigotry.
      Atatcking based on politics and having never even watching the video, just what the group told them to think on twitter.
      The literal defintion of bigotry.

      "obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."

      • +2

        You just described the group this video was made for.

  • +6

    Good watch, thanks

  • +5

    Yes you too can become completely un-****able by adopting this backwards ass mindset. For free! What a bargain.

    • +2

      I don’t think anal sex is entirely relevant to this discussion

      • +3

        Never mentioned it. That’s on you my guy.

  • +14

    The ratio of up votes and actual click through is very telling. People are voting for what they agree with rather than actually believing this is a bargain.

    Whilst this is not the first time we've had massive culture war posts, I still think this is a blow to the spirit of community here.

  • +4

    What I find interesting is that the American Republican party has decided to scapegoat a minority of their population to get a different minority of the population frothing at the mouth. Then that hatred seeps in to social media (the worlds toilet), bubbles around like flat earth theory and pops up in websites that are nothing more than an eneloop support society. Now WE get exposed to this nonsense.
    Honestly Mods, this 'deal' is nothing more than political fuel for the dumpster fire that is US politics. It is not meant to be anything other than divisive and illicit the exact response you see in the comments. So why should it be allowed on this site?

  • +10

    this is just inappropriate rage baiting and clearly wasn't posted as a genuine deal

  • +4

    I watched the whole documentary, and my observation is that the documentary is flawed in that it does not adequately present the many faceted views of reality.

    • +2

      ChatGPT would probably agree

    • so you have multiple versions of the truth! Wow. You must be in virtual reality lol.

      • I certainly am in Oculus VR at the moment, playing PCARS 2 with Logitech G929 wheel, racing chair, pedals, shifter etc., all sourced off Ozb.

        • Yep - thats your reality, mindset controlled by virtuality

    • You're talking about "reality" here. lol

  • +3

    With the emergence of this ideology, what solutions do individuals who advocate for it propose?

    1) How can we effectively promote fairness in women's sports?

    2) What measures can be implemented to ensure privacy and comfort for women, for example when using restrooms? It has been widely expressed that many women feel uncomfortable sharing restrooms with individuals assigned male at birth.

    3) And what are the parental rights regarding their child's gender identity?

    I am genuinely interested in learning about the solutions put forth to address the challenges associated with this ideology.

    • +2

      1) Case-by-case evaluations, transparent guidelines and policies that take into account individual physiological considerations and established research.

      2) Advocate for gender-neutral and private use facilities: We already have this at many NSW train stations but again, more advocacy is needed.

      3) Informed parenting: Provide resources, counselling and mental health services for both the parent and the child, incorporated into gender-affirming care if required.

      Just for future reference, if you want to remain respectable when trying to have level discussion on these topics; the use of the term "Gender Ideology" is generally considered to be a dogwhistle for right-wing reactionary and hate groups, which may undermine how legitimate your 'genuine' interest is with a level of inherent bias.

      • +2

        1) It is unclear how this "solution" will effectively address the issue, as there is a significant advantage for biological males over biological females in certain sports.

        2) If biological males are unable to use female restrooms, it implies that they are not considered genuine women by society.

        3) what if the parent continues to dismiss concepts that contradict biological evidence?

        • +1

          1) not every biological male has an advantage over biological females. Especially if the (trans) person is able to seek gender affirming care early on.
          There are plenty of biological females in sports that could outplay the average male in their chosen sport.

          2) I don't even know why you mentioned this in response. They literally said gender-neutral facilities, which do and have existed for a long time. They're just not as common right now.

          3) biological evidence? You'd have to expand on that as the wording just sounds like you think any supportive parent of a potentially trans child is somehow brainwashing them and "denying biological evidence"

          • @[Deactivated]: I did not claim that every biological male has an advantage over a biological female. However, in certain sports, males tend to have a performance edge. Even after two years of hormone therapy aimed at reducing testosterone levels, transgender athletes still retain a 12% advantage in running tests. It seems that finding a fair solution to address this issue is still actively pursued.

            It appears that you doubt their female identity. If your proposed solution involves changing restrooms, and if they can't use existing female restrooms, they are not considered real females. It surprises me to hear it from you. If you genuinely believe that these individuals are not truly female, it would be more honest to say you do not consider them to be women.

            • +1


              If your proposed solution involves changing restrooms, and if they can't use existing female restrooms, they are not considered real females.

              You tried so hard to have a "gotcha" moment there, but your comment was in regards to biological women "not feeling safe sharing bathrooms" with biological men and you asked for a solution.

              I said that this is mostly due to fearmongering and that if someone really wanted to commit a crime in a womens bathroom, they wouldn't need to put on a dress to do so.
              At no point did I state that trans women aren't women. Though I do use man and woman as umbrella terms. E.g. Woman contains Trans and Cis women.

              Also, specifically in the comment you're replying to, I merely pointed out that @monky presented the fact that gender-neutral bathrooms have and continue to be a thing.

              You're fighting your own mind right now.

              • @[Deactivated]: He wants more gender-neutral facilities.

                They can simply use the female toilet if they are biologically female. Since you agree with him, it indicates you distinguish between trans and biological females.

                I am genuinely taken aback by your comments.

                I did not think you would be anti-LGBTQ+.

                • +1

                  @gto21: God you are actually terrible at gaslighting and gotcha moments.
                  You're basically schizo arguing.

        • 1) Perhaps doing your own research on this might help you draw a conclusion? There's not a lot of research in this field, which is why I suggested case-by-case evaluations.

          2) Unable? Implies? Consideration? Genuine? I can assure you the toilet doesn't think differently about you either way. Do some research on the difference between biological sex and gender identity: Private, unisex restrooms adequately solve this particular issue without having to address ideology, biology, mental health, etc: It's just a toilet after all.

          3) Again this only is under the assumption that those parents are unable to separate gender identity and biological sex: There's more than enough research for both lines of thought, so I suggest doing your own and coming to your own conclusion. Regardless; parents dismissive of the mental health of their children is generally not a good thing, and will probably lead to resentment and other bonding issues later on in life.

          • @monky: There is no need to solve an issue if they are indeed real females, as existing restrooms would suffice. Proposing unisex toilets to address the situation seems to indicate a lack of recognition of their true gender by you. The LGBTQ+ community strongly opposes individuals who deny or dismiss their identities.

            Interestingly, I have heard of children identifying as cats or dogs. If the parents oppose it, would it be considered as "parents dismissive of the mental health of their children is generally not a good thing, and will probably lead to resentment and other bonding issues later on in life." too?

    • +1

      1) Trans inclusive sports leagues maybe? It's a difficult topic because the other solution is to allow trans women that meet certain requirements (E.g. Hormone levels) but also acknowledging that there is still a fairly large amount of things that can vary from biological female to biological female. This variation is the reason that some (biological female) women dominate their sports field (obviously when combined with hard work)

      2) When certain groups fearmonger and constantly accuse ALL trans people of being things that just simply aren't true (e.g. rpists, pdos etc) then there will obviously be fear instilled in people who believe such statements to be true. Especially when they use the "men will just wear dresses and get into womens bathrooms".
      Pdos and Rpists don't have a specific age, gender, race or sexual orientation.

      Reality is, if a person wants to commit such crimes, they don't need to put on a dress to do it. They would wait till the potential victim is alone and no-one is around to hear them.

      3) None. I do not believe a parent should have any rights regarding their childs gender identity.
      But I do want to say, I believe any child who thinks they may be trans, should undergo care that includes observation by psychiatrists/psychologists to ensure there is nothing that may indicate there is something else influencing the "identity issues". (e.g. Peer pressure, mental disabilities) etc.

  • +10

    This is a bargain forum not one for culture war crap. Let me know when watching this gives me some everyday reward points.

    • +6

      And mods should really delete this .

      • +1

        Yes, censorship is the way forward. Resistance is futile

        • +1

          It's not censorship when it's clearly been posted to be inflammatory. This kind of debate doesn't belong on a site that is about cheap TVs and rice cookers.

          • +1

            @klonky: You being upset does not make it inflammatory. Stop being mad about nothing, no one is forcing you to watch it.

            You know what normal people do when they see something they don't like on the internet? Hint, they don't go into a deep dive on it and tell everyone else they shouldn't watch it and get mad about it in the comments section.

  • +6

    Sone people are way too invested in American culture war garbage

    • Including you clearly, why go out of the effort to click on and downvote a post otherwise?

      • 10 replies to this garbage post. Lol. Go away. Not interested in the crap you're selling

  • +13

    OzBargain kicking off Pride Month by promoting a thinly veiled transphobic "documentary" from a genuine right-wing lunatic. Good job, mods.

    Looking forward to Avi Yemini's next YouTube video being listed as a deal because it's free to watch.

    • +1

      As long as it's discounted compared to the usual price, why not?

  • +9

    Hateful propaganda. Downvoted

    • +7

      Agreed. Commenting to vote.

      • +5

        Piggybacking to neg also.

  • +5

    Not sure I want to watch a movie made by a self-described "Theocratic Fascist"

  • +4

    Complete rubbish “deal”

  • +9

    America is a joke. A woman last year nominated to sit on the countries highest court couldn't define what a woman was. She said she wasn't a biologist.

  • +3

    How is being able to watch a “movie” that was previously banned a deal? Who would pay to see this? How much am I saving?

    • +9

      it's just culture war bullshit being peddled down under. whoever posted this is the same sort of guy who worked for one nation who wanted to sell the country out to the NRA. they wanna import American culture war crap to make us like them, a failing empire

      • +1

        The culture war was imported by leftists here pushing gender ideology

        • +1

          This issue is being debated all around the Western world, from North and Latin America to Europe and Australia; it's not a US thing.

  • +2

    Culture war nonsense.

  • +6

    yo mods either delete this post or delete my account. anyone who wants to promote Matt Walsh can go (profanity) themselves and I have no interest in being a part of a community like that.

    • +11

      See yah

    • +8

      Bye, Felicia.

    • +2

      why don't you actually do something proactive rather than take on the Karen role, and delete your account yourself then?

      100% the mods have had discussions about this post, and have left it for the ozbargain community to vote into success or oblivion. Take your outrage out on the rest of the community here who have voted this up, not the moderators.

      • because I'd rather let the mod team draw that line in the sand

        maybe you could do something productive with your life instead of watching and promoting American right wind propaganda but here we are, what (profanity) losers this website has. I knew it was bad but this is beyond pathetic

        imagine actively promoting the work of admitted fascists. dumb (profanity)

        • +4

          Am I promoting this? I commented on it saying it was interesting to view, but obviously it has an agenda. Personally, I feel it is disingenuous to comment on something that I haven't even watched. Have you seen it? I guess since you're associated with The Daily Wire you have?

          And it looks like the mods have drawn the line in the sand as to whether this is an acceptable post, and since it is still here why not stand up for your beliefs and delete your account? Or do you just want to be able to blame ozbargain for bigotry and then censoring you?

          • +2


            I guess since you're associated with The Daily Wire you have?

            Course he isn't. Yet another case of identity fraud.

    • Press F for noodles.

      On a more serious note, if you delete your account, you lose influence here. Maybe not as big a deal online as most posters have their mind made up.

      Translate that to real life where you unfriend people with these views, you're losing much more of an opportunity to change minds.

      • +2

        I think anyone who can look at the current state of the world and still have conservative views is too far gone to have their mind changed

        • +1

          We all live in bubbles and exposure to what's outside the bubble often comes as a shock to some people as evidenced here. You cut contact, you lose influence and in part contribute to the division in society.

          Obviously, there are good reasons to cut off contact but it is worth considering using what influence you have and putting your point of view forward.

    • +4

      Deactivated. Well, I gotta respect standing up for your beliefs.

      • +1

        What's the bet that user has probably just created another account because he'd get shit for not following through with his shitty threat.

    • +1

      Don't this woke Antifa crowd loooooove the smell of authority up their arse in the morning!

    • +2

      see yah later! we wont miss ya!

  • +5

    @Gervais fanboy

    Bravo!! Nailed it every time! You have far more patience than I to remain polite and civil (and correct) for so long with the god awful insanity on here. Thanks for helping try to save what precious little is left of our society’s moral compass.

    • +3

      Hey sup, do you know what that donut replied with??
      Could use a laugh rn.

      • +4

        A completely incoherent yet entirely predictable savage attack. A hate crime if I had said it.

    • Just wondering if you were born in 1988 champ

      • +3

        Confirming neggers here a litter of floppy, amorphous, coloured haired, pale IT "specialists" fresh off school.

  • +4

    If you truly think this is a deal I have some magic beans I would like to sell you.

    • +8

      literal right wing propaganda outlet, the daily wire, led by an informed and uneducated self proclaimed "theocratic fascist", what kind of brain injury is required to be an Australian who says "oh yes good content" - I really wish I understood

      • +2

        Have you been drinking this morning mate?

  • +9

    Libertarians are only about freedoms that they agree with. Trans kids face endless challenges in life. Nobody wants to endure the misery of gender dysphoria.

    Three cheers for the (profanity) that spend their lives making it worse. Top marks for making trans kids kill themselves.


    • +2

      In a compassionate society we don’t enable compulsive gamblers, we try to get them the help and support they need

      • +6

        Comparing trans kids to compulsive gamblers shows how little you know about the condition of dysphoria.

        You've got blood on your hands mate. Punching down your usual thing or just something you save for gender identity?

        • +4

          this is the only way conservatives know how to be.

  • +15

    These threads just make me sad honestly. It's exhausting having to deal with these bigots all day everyday in every online space. Even OzB isn't safe anymore. I'm glad there are sensible folk here but still.

    • +9

      this is Australia's alt right I guess lol. on a (profanity) deal forum.

    • It must be hard being consistently on the right side of history. Education might be our last hope to brainwash the free thinkers of tomorrow

      • +6

        conservatives have literally NEVER been on the right side of history, how stupid are you people LMAO

        • +3

          Well, I have to disagree there.
          The old conservative party in america were the ones who pushed for womens rights.
          The modern conservatives are nothing like that though.

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