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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    I look forward to seeing how humanity answers the question "What is sentience" as we approach AGI. Should only be slightly more difficult than this question.

    • But first you need to string a coherent sentience together…

  • +11

    Next we're going to get video from the wife beater Avi, wow free!11!!1!1!

    • +7

      Pairs well with deals on chopping boards.

  • God created us Man and Woman. Period. There are no other genders besides these two. People can claim what ever they want in their delusional minds.

    • +7

      Bruh, Eve was created from Adam's rib.

      When God took Adams rib out, it was still a male rib. God transitioned the rib from male to female. If it's good enough for God then it's good enough for us

      • +1

        Woman was created distinct to man. He didn't create another man from Adam's rib. So whats your point. Now you are also curating words to your liking "God transitioned" - no where in the Bible there is a term like that. Please explain.

        • +2

          "For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God." - 1 Corinthians

          Woman was not distinct to man, she was created from him. Just as every man since has been created from a woman.

          If God wanted women to be distinct from man, then he would have fashioned Eve from dust like he did Adam.

          If you cloned Adam from a rib bone, then the clone would be male. Ergo, God turned male DNA into female DNA, how could he have not?

          • +1

            @Jolakot: God did not "clone" a being into another. He created a new being from his first human creation called Adam(meaning Man). A clone is an exact replica of an existing thing. Your war with words is peppered by the VR you live in. Why don't you quote the context which is the book of Genesis Ch 2.
            18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for[e] him.” But for Adam[g] there was not found a helper fit for him. 21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made[h] into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said,

            “This at last is bone of my bones
            and flesh of my flesh;
            she shall be called Woman,
            because she was taken out of Man.”[i]
            In in God's punishment

            In Gen 3 : God even punishes Adam and Eve distinctly - there is not similarity as they have been created distinctly as follows -

            16 To the woman he said,

            “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing;
            in pain you shall bring forth children.
            Your desire shall be contrary to[f] your husband,
            but he shall rule over you.”

            And to Adam he said,

            “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife
            and have eaten of the tree
            of which I commanded you,
            ‘You shall not eat of it,’
            cursed is the ground because of you;
            in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;
            18 thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you;
            and you shall eat the plants of the field.
            19 By the sweat of your face
            you shall eat bread,

            God did not even name the woman, it was Adam who named her Eve
            20 The man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.

            Hope this clears your confusion.

  • +17

    Please keep US identity politics off OzBargain. Thank you.

    • +12

      Aussies drinking the 'koolaid' (Ribena?) meant for the crazy and uneducated Americans and bringing all their garbage here is straight up un-Australian. We have no need for a culture, identity, race war here.

      • +10

        Precisely this. The creep of US tipping culture is enough for me.

      • +5

        Yup keep the alphabet mafia in America. We don't need their rainbow flags and pride rounds.

        • +5

          Username checks out

  • +17

    Do we really need the toxic shit from Twitter on this forum?

    • +2

      Things that you don't like is all toxic? Guess that's why you don't eat veggies

      • I’m thinking of a quote from Billy Madison about breakfast, but can’t share it here 😗😂

    • +1

      Poo transplants work!

    • +1

      Sure but the pedo drag garbage is much worse

  • -1

    This is the most emotionally damaging post ever on Ozbargain, I wonder if the mods will be forced to remove it.

    • +1

      Yes, the mods have no free will…

    • +3

      If it's so emotional damaging, scroll down to the next deal

  • +1

    oz bargain pro tip, a woman doesn't have balls

  • +19

    Reading these comments and seeing just how many people are completely brainwashed by this sort of bigoted American content is so deeply disheartening.

    • It takes one smooth-brained argument to know another

    • +8

      From my point of view it's the Jedi who are evil.

    • +9

      Yeah, its the fascist, white, cis gendered, straight, male, patriarchy, Nazi, alt right, bigots, xenophobes that are using systemic, institutional racism.

      Did I miss any of the words people like you use to bully and insult others that have differing opinions?

      • +8

        please don't vote or reproduce. im begging you. for the good of society, please

        • The reproducing thing I'm sure won't be a possibility for them regardless of choice, but the voting part, well that's just the unfortunate part of a fair democracy I suppose.

        • +1

          Bruh no reproduction if you chemically castrate yourself because of the woke mind virus. We don’t even need to ask you to not reproduce, you can’t, its guranteed.

  • +12

    Where's the bargain. Also stuff reactionaries. Sad to see OzB fall down this hole, I was so disheartened seeing this on the front page. Infighting driven by bigotry is the absolute last thing we need.

    But who am I to think we were better, we're 70% male on this website.

    • +2

      70% dicks sounds about right. How did you know?

      • +3

        Just smarter than you, tharlow.

    • +1

      Nothing wrong with being a male. Keep your sexism in your check and keep worshipping the woke god.

      • +3

        Do you ever look back on the garbage you write and perhaps think "where did things go so wrong for me that I'm unironically writing this".

        • +2

          Not if I identify as someone who has nothing wrong with them.

          Your own stupidity will make you trip.

  • +11

    This is not a bargain.

  • +9

    the daily wire lol

    • +3

      CNN says it’s illegal to watch that fact-based misdisinformation!

  • man can be a woman

    • +6

      But what is a noman?

    • +5

      a tomato can be a potato

  • +12

    Fake outrage cash-in, hopefully people can see this is just an endless cycle of rubbish

    • +2

      OzBargain is an endless cycle of landfill. But only the best landfill, and at a new all-time low!

  • +13

    US culture war propaganda. Not a deal.

    • +2

      Kind of makes it embarrassing to be America’s lapdog… but at least Julian Assange can fight for transparency without being incarcerated

      • +2

        … because he is incarcerated?

        • +2

          At least the UK will stand up to America. Or is that bend over?

          • +1

            @tharlow: With AUKUS, I think there's a bit of an Eiffel Tower situation going on with Australia in the middle.

            • +2

              @ihfree: I think the sound of Paul Keating got drowned out by the Voice

  • +21

    We're here for bargains, not fearmongering propaganda. Not sure why people can't just stay in their own lanes and work to better their own lives/situations instead of being Nosy Nancys obsessed with what everyone else has or doesn't have in their pants.

    • Because they've got nothing better to do. They live for this type of drama. It might be the only time they actually feel anything.

  • +9

    I’m waiting for the logical argument from those who don’t think men should wear dresses that women should not wear trousers.

    Women in trousers!! Or no.. think of the children!

    Yes, it sounds like a nonsense.

    It all is.

    • no such thing as man in a dress that's a woman bigot

      • +3

        Someone's never watched a drag show, can absolutely be a man in a dress. Gendered clothing is literally just made up, high heels were invented for men by men

        • yep

        • Invented for Putin

    • +1

      It must be so tiring making up what your pretend opponent has said before you even write your comment containing the comeback.

  • +8

    You guys remember how every November OzBargain runs a suicide prevention awareness campaign to combat depression and bullying and all that good stuff?

    But when there's outright hatespeech, racism and bigotry apparently it's not against deal guidelines. R U OK? walking without a spine, OzBargain moderators and admins?

    • +21

      So a documentary asking a basic question is hate speech now?
      This fascist woke mindset needs to go.

      • +6

        fascist woke mindset

        Wow look ma, he used the word fascist! Maybe he needs a mirror?

        • +5

          maybe you should join your 'antifa' buddies in shutting down the free expression of ideas with violence

        • +1

          Welldone see this doesn’t offend me so I won’t ask you to be sent to the gallows. Help your woke buddies with simple explanation of things similar to the one in the doco.

      • Define woke

    • +1

      It's just a documentary for mental illness awareness?

    • +11

      You should have seen the musilm deal, or the aboriginal deal. Some of the most vile shit I have ever seen on this site with people showing their true colours.

      • +1

        What was the Muslim deal?

        • +2


      • You spout your false drivel, the mindless libs like it without any evidence

        Anyways, what is this ‘vile shit’ you refer to

        About time you lot actually cite something to back your lies,

    • +12

      Admins are complicit in promoting this by leaving these posts up, the lack of moderation can only be explained by their support this bigoted fringe conspiracy garbage. (This and other right wing culture war nonsense like it)

      • +15

        They are afraid they will lose users if they are too heavy handed on politics which is why they let it happen.

        So I'm going to let them in on an industry secret, and they can have this one for free - no politics on a website about instore/online deals is how it's supposed to be. You aren't going to drive users away if you literally enforce the rules and just keep it about deals.

        Holy crap what are we doing here

        • +7

          Yeah and they strongly enforce their turning of a blind eye.


          No one forced you to visit the deal post in question or click through to the Twitter post. You did it entirely on your own volition. You being upset by the video does not entitle you to force us to censor the post.

          There being no error in our decision to not remove the post, this discussion is concluded.

          Oh I'm so upset about trans erasure Alvian, so upset.

      • +1

        Ya führer we must act swiftly and ban these people.

        They do not bow to the woke god.

        • I enjoy no brained comments like this, the fact you took the effort to write it (probably with only one hand above the table) makes me laugh.

          Nazi Germany systematically murdered persons who didn't conform to their strict traditional gender/sexuality ideals, so the irony of you writing that is pretty funny. If only you were clever enough to be joking.

          • +2

            @sovereign01: except the only murdering and mutilation is now done by alphabet lot. mass scale abortions and chemical castrations of healthy humans are just one aspect.

            supressing free speech, science and bombarding the masses with alphabet propaganda. The list of alphabet lot commanalities with populist way of thinking goes on.

            • @dBagDealer: lol. and you doubled down on the stupidity.

            • @dBagDealer: bro is unironically against abortion. crazy stuff

              • +1

                @daltron8484: bro is unironically against the killing of babies as a contraception measure (99% of cases), post unprotected sex.

                I know, ‘bro’ is moving mad with this one.

                • @Gervais fanboy: Sure, let's just make people that do not want these kids to give birth, truly will not have any wider impacts on society. Historically babies that were not wanted only went on to do good things. Galaxy brain stuff

                  • +1

                    @daltron8484: So what’s the alternative?
                    Taking lives?

                    Firstly, regardless of the circumstances do you guys even care about the taking of a life?
                    If yes, have about you lot ever make a conscious effort to raise a voice against this degeneracy that’s set in our culture where kids as young as 12 are having sex and getting pregnant?
                    You lot celebrate this madness in the name of modernism and empowerment
                    Why not ever care to drive the society back to some normalcy where people weren’t having to abort these many unwanted pregnancies.
                    We are at a point where abortion has become a contraceptive measure, which is absolutely wild. And you seem to be okay with all of that. Wow

                    Historically babies that were not wanted only went on to do good things.

                    I see your point but maybe just maybe, people should be taking responsibility for their actions?
                    Everyone wants to have fun but at zero accountability.
                    If there was some concept of accountability still left, people would actually care about not having unprotected sex or atleast make the bleeding effort to take an effin pill the next day because they would know they can’t just keep getting away with killing a life to absolve them of their daftness.

                    Btw I am not in the favour of banning abortions. As imo it’s too late in the day now because people like yourself now aren't just a minority anymore and you would ever never care about doing what’s actually right. It was meant to be a collective effort

    • +6

      My understanding is OZB is, or tries to be, a neutral platform where all opinions are respected as long as they are civil. And there’s no conflict with supporting and raising awareness to good causes.

      If someone feels hurt by a post or a comment, they can choose to hide it. The only missing piece I guess is the ability to completely block a user.

      If they chose to remove this “deal” (I haven’t watched the movie and have no idea what it’s about, just jumped straight to the comments), they would get the same reaction from the other side, with similar accusations I guess.

      We all know there’s no perfect solution that can satisfy everyone, and imho, as a community, the mods here have done a much better job compared to other communities or Facebook or Twitter.

    • +4

      What do these righties call that? Oh that's right, "virtue signalling", I think the mods may be "virtue signalling" and truly don't give a (profanity) about the horseshite spewed all over this deal and who it harms.

  • +12

    I was deeply disturbed by the experiment John Money did.

    • +3

      He is the inventor of the social construct idea…

      People should learn about what this guy did… His ideas are still spread as fact… It was a massive lie

    • +4

      Prime candidate for woke god position.

      Also satan a close second.

    • +2

      Questions like these are the Libs kryptonite, they wouldn’t even come close to responding to them.

      But would still keep believing the garbage that they believe

  • +6

    It's interesting that people believe in gender fluidity and the necessity to classify gender in binary terms. 'Back in my day' there was masculine women and feminine men. Considering the amount of children and adolescents going through serious medical procedures, it's worrying that people think this is not an issue to be discussed, civilly…

    • +1

      Modern-day heroes are the ones who seek the most attention

    • +9

      Because its a culture war distraction, how many people out of the almost 8 billion on this planet are actually going through this?

      You say "Considering the amount" as if its some massive number. Reading the odd headline on a tabloid does not create a trend.

      • +3

        Royal Children's Hospital data, 2003-2017 seems to show a trend. However, I'd like to see more recent data.

        Even if children are not on medication or have surgery, do we know the effects of validating the belief they have a body that is not 'right' for them, compared to accepting the body you are born into, like every modern human has had to accept for the last 10,000 years or so? Nothing wrong with cross dressing, identifying as masculine or feminine, but needing surgery to confirm your identity seems exploitative to me.

        • +1

          Every human had to accept the possibility of dying from a scratch before penicillin was invented, same for all cancers, are we supposed to reject that progress to keep inline with distant societal norms?

          Humans expand into available possibilities, geographic, cultural, economic. To me this (carefully controlled and subject to peer review) is just humanity expanding into possibilities.

          Imagine being born decades ago and feeling you were in the wrong gender, no real options back then, now there are, allowing individuals to find the version of themselves they identify as.

          I don’t see how this hurts anyone to the degree it receives such hate, the numbers involved are so small and they impact most people’s lives in no material way. I felt they should receive kindness not hate.

          • +2

            @revmacca: No hate here my friend. I am concerned for young people making severely risky health choices. Puberty blockers are not penicillin, as they cause bodily harm for the hope of mental relief. Maybe we should look at how people were able to accept it previously instead of test running strong medications on kids.

            'To find the version of themselves they identify as', body modifications have been around a long time and adults can make whatever decision they want as long as it hurts no-one else. However, would you allow your child to undergo extreme body modifications e.g., split their tongue to look more like a snake if it made them feel more like themselves? Considering the health impacts are much safer than puberty blockers.

            Keep in mind that many regret the surgery and kill themselves in the years following. This is why I care about this issue, as I've worked with young people that identify as different to the gender they were born It's sad hearing how they feel economically trapped by not being able to afford such surgeries. I worry about the impact this has on adolescents, who normally feel uncomfortable with bodily changes to having that exacerbated.

    • +2

      The number of children going through surgery is Far less the number going through surgery due to gun violence. Where are his documentaries on that ?

      • +5

        How many children even are going through surgery for this? I've literally never heard of anyone under the age of 16 being given anything close to surgury

  • +1

    Not a deal. How is this different to a documentary being broadcast on TV (ABC, SBS etc)?

    • +1

      Were they paid for docs or free to air?

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