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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

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  • +20

    Damn, so many people outing themselves and caring so much for children’s genitals. Really shows how much of a sheltered life they’ve had to worry about others business. It was never about biology. Whats so hard about addressing someone the way they want. There were priests grooming children and those weird pagents but never a right wing documentary on ‘What is a priest? Dont have to agree with “idealogies” but maybe be a little kinder and stop projecting?

    • +9

      Actually I'd be very happy with a documentary pointing out the inconsistencies and negative aspects of the Catholic Church and religion in general.

      • +5

        It's still not a bargain.

        • +5

          But it's free and apparently normally costs money. Do we need to get into the even more controversial "What Is A Bargain?" topic again…

          • +4

            @AustriaBargain: So I'll create a video of something tonight and charge $100. On Sunday, I'll make it free! But only for OzBargain…

            What a deal, hey?

            Who cares what the content is, bUt iTS FrEE!

          • @AustriaBargain: A bargain is something that is less than RRP. Unless it’s a transbargain where the retailer identifies above RRP like Jack at an eBay sale.

      • +1

        Yeah I’d want one too

      • +2

        Oh yeah - there's never been any of those movies.
        If only someone could do the very first expose of child sexual crimes by the Catholic Church = it would be groundbreaking…

    • +4

      Whats so hard about addressing someone the way they want.

      I would like to be addressed as 'King Bobbified', thanks!

      • +3

        Sure why not

    • +8

      Actually it's ALL about biology.

      Female = Two X chromosomes (XX)
      Male = One X and one Y chromosome (XY)

      Rest is just pure nonsense.

      • +4

        Yeah and that matters to you how?

        • +9

          It's called reality.

          • +2

            @dins: Yeah but it affects you how and why do you give a sh:t

            • +8

              @SkyFinance: You must be one of those special people I take it.

              • +7

                @dins: No I just don’t spend my energy thinking about others genitals and “chromosomes” when they’re just people. I find bargains a lot sexier.

                • +4

                  @SkyFinance: You obviously think about it and have an opinion to get so worked up over it.

      • +1

        It's sad when a man thinks that having an xy chromosone is all that it takes to be a man.

        • +3


        • +1

          Plenty of XYs on here but I don't see many men, just lots of jokes.

      • +2

        Actually, reality is a bit more nuanced than your high school biology lesson from decades ago.

        In humans, the presence of the Y chromosome is responsible for triggering male development; in the absence of the Y chromosome, the fetus will undergo female development. There are various exceptions, such as individuals with Klinefelter syndrome (who have XXY chromosomes), Swyer syndrome (women with XY chromosomes), and XX male syndrome (men with XX chromosomes), however these exceptions are rare. In some instances, a seemingly normal female with a vagina, cervix, and ovaries has XY chromosomes, but the SRY gene has been shut down.[2] In most species with XY sex determination, an organism must have at least one X chromosome in order to survive.[3][4]>


  • +23

    Bigotry is not a deal. Just let people live ffs

    • +6

      Precisely. Let the people have their video. No need for left wing extremists to try and censor them

      • +4

        Though you're absolutely licking your lips at the thought of getting under people's skin, aren't you?

  • +13

    Mislabeled as entertainment.

  • +10

    The cabal that runs the world wants to divide us. Divide and conquer as they've always done.
    Don't let them.

    • +1

      if you sit on the fence you'll end up with splinters in your behind

      • +1

        Is this how you justify your stubbornness, closed-mindedness to new experience and lack of empathy?

  • +8

    Product of a self-proclaimed fascist.

  • +5

    When you make a "documentary" about gender identity and yet still have no idea about facts.


    Only off by 3 decimal places. Ouch.

  • +10

    Thanks for clogging up ozbargain with nonsense designed to create outrage and political infighting. This is exactly what a website designed for saving money and deal hunting is all about.

  • Just to blur the lines further and add some fuel to the local culture war fire

    Here's a public funded ABC produced Courtney Act asking the question

    "Are private schools better than public schools?"


    • +4

      Define "better". Better at covering up abuse? Better at making students not care about science? Better at making gay students feel unwelcome?

    • +1

      Politics of envy. Incitement.

      • some might think you're talking bout those pectoral 'muscle' inserts Courtney got lol

  • +18

    After reading through some earlier comments, I would like to say one final thing.

    There's Matt Walsh the extremely cruel American right winger, and then theres the same Matt Walsh in this documentary, minus the right wing cruelty. He exists in the context of this film simply for the purpose of asking questions. From memory, he doesn't drag his politics into it at all, which I found suprising.

    Its a bloody ripper :)

    • +8

      he crually and purposely misgenders multiple people in this . The guy is biggot and a grifter.

      • +13

        Reality is a bummer, isn’t it. If only we could indulge everybody’s fantasies

        • +11

          It costs nothing to address someone the way they wish to be addressed.

          • +11

            @mrmark1970: Just our integrity

            • +4

              @tharlow: How exactly does being respectful to other human beings cost your integrity?

              • +11

                @VictoriousBboy: Humouring someone’s mental illness engenders a loss of self-respect

                • +6

                  @tharlow: That's okay, self-respect is a measure determined by each individual. Mental illness isn't diagnosed by you, very obviously. Stick to your own lane, but I know that must be hard when you're chronically online.

                  • +6

                    @VictoriousBboy: I identify as chronically offline, thankyouverymuch

                    • +7

                      @tharlow: Yeah, that's why you've commented like 800 times on this single post. Must be wild having so much free time!

                      • +4

                        @VictoriousBboy: What part of chronically offline did you not comprehend. Be respectful.

                    • +2

                      @tharlow: Ooohhh helicopter joke i get it

          • +8

            @mrmark1970: irreversible child sex change surgeries, males raping women in female prisons, erasure of women in sports to name a few that have already happened many times

            • +7

              @rilebags: How often are you speaking on men raping women in general though?

              • +1

                @VictoriousBboy: dunno what thats supposed to mean but making light of male rapists being admitted to female prisons is a horrible sentiment

  • +9

    Unsure why this post remains up - not relevant to the deals section of OzBargain

    • +11

      You've casted your vote on the post.

      If you don't want to watch it, you don't have to. Let other people who want to watch it, watch it.

      • +3

        But it's not a bargain. A bargain is when something is cheaper than it usually is, maybe on sale or price error.

        If you want videos, go to Reddit, Bitchute, 4chan, or anywhere else.

        • +6

          wHy Do PeOpLe PoSt DiScOuNtEd ItEmS oN hErE wHeN yOu CaN JuSt StEaL tHeM fOr FrEe

  • +3

    What's the point of this….a woman has boobies and a vagina

    • +3

      So are you implying that women belong in the kitchen.

    • +2

      What is a vagina?

      • +1

        Far out, don’t tell me someone tried to actually answer the question!

        • +1

          It’s pretty clear that a lot of people in this discussion identify as dicks

        • Never heard of it sounds like something I need to add to my to-do list.

  • +8

    Oh my goodness, this is amazing OP. Thank you so much for linking this amazing, masterpiece of a film - can't wait to watch this with my baby Matt Walsh plushie (https://store.dailywire.com/products/sweet-baby-plushie)!

    • +3

      Seriously wtf is that?
      Makes Chuckie seem less terrifying.

      • +1

        grifters gonna grift…

  • +20

    Subjecting yourself to transphobic far-right propaganda doesn't seem like a deal when it costs you your soul.

    • +7

      Reddit is that way ——>

  • +7

    why is this even a deal?

  • +10

    No deal here, belongs on another website that isn’t OzBargain.

    • +10

      Tonight, OzBargain is identifying as another website that isn’t OzBargain

      • +3

        Think we have a winner here! 🤣🤣

  • +4

    Outside forces are trying to destroy our society through various means including infighting and destruction of families.

    For example, tiktok Australia shows kids mindless crap. Tiktok China shows kids maths competitions, latest science breakthroughs and successful business models etc etc.

    Why would this be the case would you say? Be specific.

    • +6

      Culture wars have been a tool to create domestic division, by creating an "other" within your own country, for decades. Largely, but not exclusively, they've been initiated by the reactionary elements of the political right. Is it then also possible that the division is then further amplified by outside forces, absolutely.

      • +5

        They want to distract people with outrage porn like this to distract from the fact that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

        • +4

          Exactly. Why bother trying to improve the conditions of the working class when you can trick them into fighting a war with each other rather than a class war.

  • +13

    Good bargain, gave it a watch. Pleasantly surprised to see a sane view on gender depicted. Well balanced and let both sides have their say, which is rare to see these days.

    • +5

      Well balanced? I guess we should censor it, then. I mean, a debate might trigger some poor, innocent person with a delusion, after all…

  • +6

    You know what the best thing about posting a comment this late is?

    By now, most libs have already run out of all their neg votes 🤣

    Saying that, I know they’ll be coming back for me tomorrow 😨😨

    • +5

      It's ok the ring wing have not run out of guns there will be another mass shooting before I even finish writing this comment

      • +10

        You seem tense mate. Do you need another booster?

        • +7

          he probably has tattoos with the date of each booster

      • +4

        You keep harping about gun control, okay.

        The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world. (Chilling and sad)
        But If you remove
        2- Detroit
        3-Washington DC
        4-St Louis
        5-New Orleans
        United States is then 189th out of 193 countries in the entire world.
        PS- All 5x Cities are basically Dem and have very very STRICT Gun control laws.

    • +13

      Have a neg for using lib in a way that implies you're basic. It's also a stupid term in Australia given the Liberals is the mainstream right wing party.

      • +1

        I am basic? Hahahah
        lol atleast you’re funny


        Yeah I can’t vote and not really have any political affiliations per se.
        But sure, go ahead and keep pretending that you know me better than I know myself
        I have noticed that you libs have a knack of doing just that

        • +4

          Thanks for building the body of evidence.

          • @ihfree: That’s it?

            I thought you were going to incorrectly tell me more things about me

            • @Gervais fanboy: One thing that genuinely confuses me is your willingness to attack left-wing people yet your username (if I'm not mistaken) is in support of Rocky Gervais - someone who devotes a lot of his time to left-wing ideals like animal rights

              • @Ninternet: You are soo amazingly ignorant, it’s just …. Wow

                Asking you for a third time now btw
                Cite me precisely when was I hateful towards you or someone else here.
                You keep running from it.
                If you can’t cite anything, Atleast apologise for your slander.

                devotes a lot of his time to left-wing ideals like animal rights

                So caring about animals is a left wing virtue?
                Have you completely lost your mind?

                Second, I am a libertarian,
                I objected to libs and so does Gervais.
                He hates people like you who lie and slander others and then keep digressing.

                Having said that, I am not obligated to design my whole life after someone just coz I am a fan of theirs. I am a fan of his artistry and not for literally everything he says and does. This post is political but not everything in life is…
                Why do so many brainless libs ask me this same braindead question

                • @Gervais fanboy: Your empathy is off the charts, my man

                  • @Ninternet: You lie, you manipulate
                    I put effort in deconstructing your rubbish, you head out with a snarky response.

                    This same thing’s happened 3 times now. Just out of curiosity, how do you justify your behaviour in your own mind??

    • Seems quite prophetic given the latest comments this morning 😂

  • +4

    You can't pay me enough to watch Matt Walsh 🤢

    • +6

      This is OzBargain… I’ll just turn the sound down if the cashback is tracked

    • +2

      on your mouse there is this little wheel between the two buttons. you can spin that and it will show you the next deal (y)

      • +4

        on your mouse there is this little wheel between the two buttons. you can spin that and it will show you the next comment

        • Well, to be fair your were the one that was complaining and not him.

          But nice try though, very very original

  • +10

    A woman is a female adult with a vagina.

    Obvious I know, but apparently in 2023, some believe otherwise.

    Bizarre I know but there it is.

    • +4

      No one wants you speaking or thinking about their vagina buddy, regardless of how they identify.

      • +2

        What a bizarre response

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