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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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      • +9

        I don't know a lot of public figures; I had a quick glance at his wiki like any other public figure I don't know. He's not getting any special treatment.

        Are you suggesting that I "do my own research?"

    • +7

      Okay, so the answer to the title of this bargain is "an adult human female", BUT: "Girls between the ages of like 17 and 24 is when they're technically most fertile", and that society had only recently deemed being a teenager "too young to start a family". So also teenage girls. I like that he picked 17 as the minimum to be less creepy, but then follows it up with teenagers being able to start a family.

      Answer should really be "any female of child-bearing age."

      • How many drams has it taken to digest this whole "deal"?

        • About 3 beers. My rainbow crocs post was more fun. This is just dull and making me fall asleep.

          • @rosebank: Mm yeah agree. Paid for my Kilkerran allocation then went to bed.

    • +3


  • +32

    Matt Walsh is a grifter. The fact that this thread is already so extreme/controversial shows exactly how this stuff works. Just imported garbo US politics and fake outrage… But, who cares. At the end of the day he gets to return to his huge mcmanision and the rest of us can return to our boring pleb jobs.

    • +6

      What is extreme about saying that men are not women?

      • +1

        Nothing. It's a failed Jedi mind trick.
        Sanity will prevail.
        Target staryed selling girls bathing suits for little boys that are 'tuck' friendly, so that the little confused boy can tuck his bits away for effect…… Until the state makes it legal for him to have em lopped off.
        Target loses billions off its value as a company.
        People find this utterly sickening, and those who insist that affirmation is the first step in the chain of care are sick people looking for a buck.

      • +2

        Cool, but I didn't say that.

        Extreme refers to the heated 'all or nothing' takes in this thread. Something is either completely right or completely wrong with no shades of grey inbetween.

        Controversial = you can see the +/- disparity on some comments.

        There's also some serious generalisation/association fallacy going on. I voted Albo ((profanity) scomo). I voted left. BUT, like most normal people, I agree on some things and disagree on other things. It's easy to say 'typical lefties' or the reverse but that type of grouping (what, roughly 50% of the voting population either way) doesn't acknowledge the many different viewpoints people have.

        To restate, my opinion is that Matt has no interest in answering what is a woman and only poses this question to farm outrage, clicks, and revenue (ie grifting). As I said, he doesn't care. He stirs the pot, laughs to the bank $$$, and afterwards we plebs get back to the grindstone.

    • +1

      Fake outrage isn’t really fake afterall. The woke mind virus isn’t just limited to US and rapidly spreads through social media.

  • +14

    Since when are links to the equivalent of stupid youtube videos, classified as a deal?

    • +8

      Did you watch the documentary?

      • +15

        You forgot the " " around documentary…

        • +9

          Did you watch it?

  • +8

    I suppose we can start posting any videos available online for free as deals?

    • +2

      Depends on their normal price I guess.

    • +7

      Not normally available for free. 48hrs only. So yeah, it’s a bargain

  • +4

    Lol, who cares, this place is a dump, post vote on actual bargains, not $2 cashback and culture war crap.

  • +17

    Can we keep spam for US culture wars off OzBargain?

    There is no indication of why this is a bargain.

  • +10

    Something as fundamental as sex, which was established at the dawn of biology is now up for debate :s

    • +5

      Good thing we're talking about gender then.

      • +2

        Biological factors influence gender development, societal and cultural 'norms' can shape gender expression.

      • +3

        Oh good.
        So you agree that trans-women are NOT actually women.

        • +1

          Sad attempt at a gotcha, but i'll elaborate, an MTF trans woman is not the same as a cis gendered woman, this isn't an excuse to deny the validity of MTF trans women however, both should be respected and are valid.

          • +4

            @chepsk8: What exactly does 'valid' mean in this context.
            You have just admitted that trans-women are not the same as actual women - so what are they then?

            • +2

              @Almost Banned: They're a trans-women, somebody who has transitioned from identifying as male to identifying as female, that is the entire equation.

              • +6

                @chepsk8: So, they are neither an actual man, nor an actual woman - but stuck in some kind of limbo in between the two?
                Sadly for them - if they are pre-op, then they remain ENTIRELY the sex they were born.
                If they are post-op they remain ENTIRELY the sex they were born, but just have been mutilated.
                They can dress up however they like, they can play at woman-face as much as they want, they can mince and talk effeminately - but they will NEVER be women.
                What a tragically sad way to live - and even more tragic that society not merely permits but encourages such behavior.
                They are doomed to a lifetime of drugs and surgeries all to chase a delusion they will never actually reach.

                • +4

                  @Almost Banned: Why are you talking about sex? We're talking about gender here, sex isn't changeable, your gender is, trans people are not stuck in some sort of "limbo", they are how they identify, and their validity doesn't depend on how YOU feel.

                  • +3

                    @chepsk8: You see what you just did there @chepsk8?
                    You started talking about gender, then sex, then wanted to slip back to gender.
                    This is the game the radical gender theorists always try to pull.
                    They pretend they are seperate, then the same, then seperate again.
                    You said they aren't the same as actual women. I agree.
                    Gender doesn't enter into it.
                    They are not women - simple.
                    They can play act however they want - they are not women.

                    • +6

                      @Almost Banned: I was never talking about sex, you're aware of this fact, and scrambling for a new point of contention here.

                      • @chepsk8: Oh - when you said a man pretending to be a woman is not the same as an actual woman you WEREN'T talking about sex?
                        Well tell me then, how are their genders different???

                        • +3

                          @Almost Banned: One was assigned that gender at birth, one has transitioned, that is the difference between a transgender and a cisgender, notice how the word is "transgender" and not "trans-sex", that's important.

                          • +6

                            @chepsk8: (profanity) me.
                            NO-ONE IS ASSIGNED ANYTHING AT BIRTH!!!
                            There is no coin-toss. There is no random sex generating computer. There is no dartboard.
                            Sex is OBSERVED and REPORTED at birth (and often before). You know how the ultrasound knows what sex the baby is BEFORE its delivered???
                            Also CIS is not a thing. It is a meaningless, made up nonsense prefix.
                            You can call a sheep a horse, but don't bet on it in the Melbourne Cup.

                            • +6

                              @Almost Banned: Clearly you refuse to separate the concepts of sex and gender, so this conversation is just a waste of time for both of us, goodbye.

                              • +2

                                @chepsk8: Much easier to have fun at the drag event than intellectually explain the steaming pile of crap that is woke genderism.

                            • +4

                              @Almost Banned: You are too dumb to understand the difference between sex and gender. It's okay to admit that

                              • +3

                                @Anbaraen: No, I refuse to accept that this is a bona fide answer to the issue.
                                Tell me - do YOU think that a male pretending to be a female IS a female - or do you only accept that they PRESENT as a female but are actually a man???
                                Because that is the difference between sex and gender.

    • +1

      gender to last step before the end of empires

    • +2

      We live in a strange world where mental illness is worshipped and celebrated

    • +13

      I actually used to arrest paedophiles. Zero of them were drag queens. ZERO.

    • Hang on are you George Anthony Devoulder Kitara Santos?

  • +26

    lame, transphobic, miserable, hateful, vile content. pretty sad really trying to incite some sort of culture war discussion on a website like OzBargain but clearly there's a market for it here.

    perhaps there's some argument that this nonsense is a 'deal' but it does surprise me that ozb mods would be keen to have content up that is so obviously divisive and demonstrably. offensive and derogatory. But anyway.

    • +11

      Transphobic? For stating basic biological facts?

      I think you need to read up on the word ‘phobia’.

      • +15

        there is some subjectivity to 'basic biological fact' apparently - so i'm sure you would disagree with me on this - but no matter which major medical/biology/relevant body you ask, they will tell you that sex and gender are distinct concepts. science's contemporary understanding of sex and gender has changed. these terms are no longer used interchangeably. whether you choose to follow the new understanding of what is 'factual' is up to you, i guess.

        • +6

          It’s a biological fact that humans cannot change sex, regardless of mental instability or cosmetic procedures.

          Do you believe that trans women pose no threat to women’s sports?

          • +10

            @[Deactivated]: it is understood that biological sex cannot be changed, but gender can be 'changed' and the legal consideration of one's sex may be changed in accordance with that. that is the science. i'm not concerned with culture war nonsense such as the women's sports argument that all serves as a distraction from far more pressing issues in this world.

            • +5

              @lachlantula: ‘from far more pressing issues in this world.’

              Like Jimmy wanting to use the pronouns they/them?

              • +10

                @[Deactivated]: or perhaps other things such as colonialism, economic inequality, cost of living in general, and so on…

                • +3

                  @lachlantula: Colonialism?

                  The effects of colonialism?

            • +1

              @lachlantula: Exactly you can pretend to be whatever you want.

        • +1

          when you live in an echo chamber and think that the 'science' being pushed by a segment of your population is representative of the science held true by the majority of the world population

          • +4

            @kamelataturd: Lol did you just become self-aware?

            • +1

              @wizza13: @wizza13 Lol did you just post a redundant comment with a lol at that start in the belief it constitutes a witty comeback?

              • @kamelataturd: To be fair, it was a pretty witty comeback considering the irony or your original statement.

      • Gender is not related to biology

        • +4

          They most certainly are. Best you can do is dress and behave like the opposite.

        • It's literally dictated by your biology.

    • +3

      so you watched it or you made your mind up before watching it based on the title - whats your gender? Male or Female?

    • +1

      You rainbows will be cleansed by Allah. Haram!

      • +1

        Isis theme song intensifies

  • +16

    People ITT: "This will totally own the left"
    World: gives zero (profanity), continues to drift further to the left
    People ITT: >:|

    • +5

      pretty ironic post

  • +18

    ITT: people who don't understand the difference between sex and gender

    • +8

      And they always think the science actually backs them up and use sh%t like science>feelings. Bwah ha ha ha. LOL. Morons.

    • +7

      Ummm… they’re synonymous

  • +13

    Matt Walsh!?!? Bwah hahahahahahahahahahahaha. That girl has to be one of the biggest knob heads on the planet. RFLMAO.
    Ever notice how these jerks like debating university kids rather than actual experts? But apparently they always "DESTROY" their opponents? What a (profanity) joke. LOL.

    • +3

      so answer the question

      • +17

        Personally, I'm happy to accept that anyone who tells me they're a woman, is a woman. I don't feel a burning desire to check what's in their pants like some people seem to. It's creepy AF.

        • +1

          And this is the smartest thing I have seen on the internet today. Good answer!

        • +9

          If someone claiming to be a woman wants a hospital to admit them to the maternity ward - do you?
          If someone claiming to be a woman wants to hang out in the girls' change rooms at the local pool - is that cool too?
          If someone claiming to be a woman wants to compete in high school girls sports, still fine?
          Some of us actually care about the truth - but you do you.

          • @Almost Banned: this hasn't happened

          • @Almost Banned: Did you miss the bit where i said "personally" ?
            I dont work in a hospital or a pool or any of those places so your, frankly, stupid questions are moot. And what makes you the arbiter of "the truth". Most people who rave about this stuff are usually not affected in the slightest and are clueless when it comes to the actual issues. I dont necessarily exclude myself from that either, but i least i follow what scientists say rather than an ignormaous agitater like Matt Walsh.

        • +5

          I don't think anyone wants to check their pants, that's a straw man.

          What is creepy (to me) is a man changing their gender just before they go to prison. Or following a teenage girl into bathrooms.

          • @realJuliusCaesar: So you care about what happens when people go to prison? How noble of you.

            • +1

              @Fredorishi: Thanks @Fredorishi. Yes, just because someone had a fatal accident under the influence of drugs doesn't mean they deserve to be raped by a 'woman' with a penis.

              • +1

                @realJuliusCaesar: Ummm. How do you know they have a penis unless you check their pants??? So much for your accusation of "strawman" lol.

                And what about if they are raped by a woman without a penis? Is that ok, is it??

                Man you guys come up with some stupid arguments. Shouldnt expect anything else from MW fans i guess..

                • +1

                  @Fredorishi: Do you honestly think that the prison services wouldn't have access to a person's birth certificate, to know whether they were born male? Not to mention strip searches!

                  No, the second scenario is not ok. But it still doesn't mean men should go to women's prisons.

                  Re stupid comments, sounds like pot calling the kettle black.

                  • @realJuliusCaesar: Men don't go to womens prisons. Women do. And then its up to the authorities to sort out. Like the other guy you seem to be missing the point where I said "personally" and also the point that none of this affects me or YOU in the slightest. But sure. Keep pretending that you care so much about prisoners safety. Or even womens safety. What other advocacy are you involved in?

                    • +1

                      @Fredorishi: My point is that it's creepy for rapist men to become women with penises just before being sent to prison. It's still a a valid point.

                      I'm not an advocate for prisoners. I don't even particularly advocate for women much. But I do draw a line on the sand when people try to turn lies into truth, that's what I'll defend. I don't want to live in a world of falsehood.

                      And if everyone waits until falsehoods affects them or their children personally, it will be too late. Be a step ahead. Ie, you should advocate for things like unfair dismissal laws, even if you haven't been fired during your life yet.

        • +2

          wait im lost now, the people telling you they are a woman, what are they? a woman? but what is that?

          • +3

            @abjsdhasehasee: What is a woman? Someone who says they’re a woman. What is a liar? Someone who says they’re a liar. A foolproof and reliable definition that should withstand even the most ingenious rebuttal

          • @abjsdhasehasee: An adult, human female seems to be the general consensus. But maybe take a look what human biologists say if you're still confused..

        • +1

          Totslllyyy…the other day dude from my work said he is on his period..completely believable /s

    • +3

      Einstein, enough of the RFLMAOs and LOLs. What is a woman?

      • +4

        As above. Not sure why you need me to answer the question. My answer is irrelevant to Matt Walsh being an absolute spanker.

        • +1

          I suppose you’d know one when you see one.

          But what is a woman?

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