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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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          • +8

            @[Deactivated]: Did you not read my answer to that question? You only had to look up a few lines. I can repeat it for you if that was too hard. I guess you're a Matt Walsh fan so looking for relevant and correct information probably isn't your strong suit. As far as I am personally concerned:

            " I'm happy to accept that anyone who tells me they're a woman, is a woman. I don't feel a burning desire to check what's in their pants like some people seem to. It's creepy AF. "

  • +9

    Sorry OP, this is not a bargain

    • +3


      • +5

        How what?

        • +9

          How is this not a bargain? Clearly its 100% off so it has to be bargain of the month?

          • +4

            @Notacommie: BRB I’m off to post a video to OnlyFans, then immediately post it to YouTube, then post it here as a bargain because 100% off

    • +1

      Sorry OP, this is not a bargain

      It is.

  • +25

    I just received my first ever OzBargain warning for "trolling level 1" for posting a MrBeast documentary that is paid elsewhere, and free on Curiosity Stream's YouTube.

    Really confused how this deal is any different, given it's a social media post video, and has been posted simply to incite an argument in comments.

    Upset with OzBargain's decision here.

    • +1

      :( Just started watching that. It was a great share IMHO even if it breached whatever term. So, I for one, appreciated your post. That dude seems amazing.

    • +2

      Thank you for testing the theory - I was about to start posting fake moon landing videos, 9/11 hoax and any other video I thought was an absolute steal being free on twitter.

    • +1

      sounds like edgy leftwing nonsense but okay. i'm sure some of your rainbow allies will give you a tummy rub after.

      • MrBeast is a youtuber who donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to all sorts of causes. A lot to boost his own popularity, sure.

        Either way, how is that leftwing nonsense?

  • +15

    So many leftist are confused and offended by basic biology here. Negging this post says everything about your twisted ideology that promotes the mutilation of children and infects their mind with gender garbage. Shame on you all.

    • Lol. Please share with your understanding of biology. I'm sure you're an expert.

      • +11

        XX = Female
        XY = Male

        I hope that helps your delusion. Or you could try an antipsychotic medication like Olanzapine to help with your gender psychosis and desire to confuse and mutilate kids.

        • +3

          now share your understanding of Gender

          • +5

            @ubcool: You mean like me putting on a giraffe costume and demanding everyone call me a giraffe? Or like a dude putting on a dress and demanding everyone call him a woman? That kind of gender?

          • +1

            @ubcool: Same thing otherwise you may identify with a different species altogether as some mentally unstable people do

        • +2

          LOL. There are more variations that just XX and XY. It's really not that complicated. Sex isn't binary. Not in humans. Not in other animals either. You seem to like talking about mutilated kids. What's that all about? Are you OK? And how do you know the person in a dress is a "dude"? Are you one of those guys who is obssessed with what's underneath someone's dress?

          • +8

            @Fredorishi: I have no problem with your obvious desire to get around in women's clothing. Wear lingerie if it makes you feel good. But you're nothing more than a confused man in lingerie. That's where it ends. There is nothing more. You don't get to redefine what a woman is because you're a confused pervert. Leave the kids alone.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: So it's just the men in a dress…. the drag queens, that you care what's under their dresses. That's OK, dude. No judgement here. If you like a man in lingerie, that's perfectly fine. You're free to live as you please. You really probably should stop obssessing over children, though. That's pretty creepy. Do you actually have kids? Know anything about predators? It's normally people that are KNOWN to kids that prey on them. Not some stranger in a dress on the street or in a public library. Get a clue, dude.

              • +8

                @Fredorishi: Poor attempt to gaslight. I'm impervious to it. It's just a sign you have nothing to offer intellectually.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: Says the guy who lead with calling me psychotic, delusional and needing medication because I desired to mutilate kids. Nawwwww. You are a precious one. I love it when people resort to accusing others of violence just because their feewings get hurt in an online discussion. It's pretty disgusting dude. Minimises the actual victims of that kind of behaviour don't you think?

                  • +1

                    @Fredorishi: Watch the doco for a good definition of disgusting and violence.

                    • +2

                      @[Deactivated]: I already know that Matt Walsh is disgusting and supportive of family violence. I don't need to watch his video.

              • +2

                @Fredorishi: Put 100 women and 10 men on a deserted island and in 100 years you will have a thriving community of men, women, boys and girls.

                But maybe you could shed some light for us all on how many male skeletons might be found if 100 Trans women and 10 men were left on that deserted island alone after 100 years?

                Super curious and can't seem to figure out the answer. I know you'll be able to help.

                • +3

                  @Bullion78: Lol. That's gotta be the weirdest argument yet. Personal fantasy of yours?

                  • +3

                    @Fredorishi: Damn, I was hoping you could help us solve that one. Bit like the "What is a woman" question i guess?

            • @[Deactivated]: Why do you care so much about what other people think?

              And that last sentence is a severe leap. Maybe a projection of your own subconscious fears?

          • +6

            @Fredorishi: Sex in humans isn't binary?
            Then tell me how many different combinations of sex can produce offspring in humans???

            • +3

              @Almost Banned: So being able to produce offspring is your criteria for sex? Is a woman without a womb still a woman?

              • +6

                @Fredorishi: No - being able to produce offspring is NOT my criteria for sex.
                Nice try - but totally wrong and not remotely what I said. Maybe go back to the playground with that weak attempt at argument.
                You require a male and a female to reproduce in humans.
                Not all males can, and not all females can, but only a male and a female can.

                • +3

                  @Almost Banned: Some intersex people can also have children, apparently. So, without being an expert, my answer would again, be, it's more complicated than just XX and XY. There are more than 2 sexes. More than 2 that can reproduce.

                  • +2

                    @Fredorishi: Few human beings can have less or more than two arms that doesn’t change the definition of a human being as almost always having two arms. They are called exception to the rule which proves the rule.

                    This whataboutism is so childish but frankly thats how all of alphabet people are.

                    • +1

                      @dBagDealer: Lol. "Alphabet people" ? Why so disrespectful? Who hurt you?
                      And for the record, im a cis-het, middle aged white man. I dont think i fit any of the categories you seem to despise so much.
                      "Exception to the rule which proves the rule"??? What does that even mean? Lets add disabled folks to your list of people you seem to think we should just ignore..
                      Its not "whataboutism" to call out someone who's an a*#hole (e.g. Matt Walsh) How about just accepting that humans come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and have different brains etc and lets juat be more accepting of that fact rather than getting so outraged about it. Sheesh.

    • +6

      Mutilation of children is what again….. Oh right, circumcision?

      • +2

        Because circumcision and castration are the same thing? Both just as extreme?

        Just FYI, circumcision (Atleast in Muslims) was practised partly to prevent infections/diseases. It was atleast a necessity back then but yeah, for some reason it’s still going on when it shouldn’t be,

        But to suggest possible castration of kids is okay and defending that by using a whataboutism about circumcision just shows how weak your argument is and how strong your disingenuity is.

  • +10

    Lol @ boomer comments.

    • +5

      With youth comes great wisdom

  • +4


  • +6

    Nothing like a Friday shitpost to get the community engaging.

  • +19

    I watched it the day it came out last year. I listen to Ben Shapiro daily, I think he's incredibly good at explaining complex political, economic and social trends. If you're capable of acknowledging the bias without bringing your emotions into it, then the guy is super fun to listen to.

    Walsh is very challenging to get through (his podcast), even for a guy whos heard it all…

    Have been a DW member for years and I give them credit for releasing this movie, because it requires BALLS to do so.

    Their website was taken down by a DDOS attack on the day of release, and twitter has kicked up a stink about showing this one year on. DW Co CEO Jeremy Boreing made a very long thread on twitter about it, so should be interesting.

    Not a single film critic reviewed this film due to harassment and threats made by the trans lobby.

    There are moments when you see people internally collapse (on camera), when probed with the titilar question. It's bizarre how even the experts he speaks to dance around the questions, give circular definitions that define nothing, and then when he explains his frustration, they call him a transphobe. I find this hilarious.

    I also listen to The Young Turks, and watch a bit of CNN when I can.

    I try to make sense of politics as best I can.

    Most of my friends are in America, (about 50/50) political split (unsuprising). They don't realise how emotionally attached they are to politics.

    Ideological/political excess and extreme views are found on both sides of the aisle in America, because it's the land of unrestrained crazy.

    However, I will say this…..

    Do yourself a favor and watch this documentary. It is truly, one of the best documentaries of the last decade.

    Personally, I find Matt Walsh's views to be extra extreme, but the subjects in his movie are equally as extreme too.

    This documentary is fascinating and relevant in almost the exact same way that Louis Theroux's docs were a decade or so ago. Seek out the lunatics and let them dig their own grave….

    I'm not opposed to trans people. I'm not opposed to treatments, surgeries etc. That being said, parents are going to go bezerk when it starts engulfing their children. Im not a parent, so (lucky me I guess). However, if it was, I would NOT allow my child to be medicated or mutilated (irreversibly so), by an industry driven by greed and zero care for the vulnerable.

    I wont spoil it, but this is worth watching simply for the responses he gets from a Masai tribe in Africa when he asks them the question, then explains the practices occuring in America.

    It is priceless, and a response that the extreme far left of the democratic party simply cannot make sensible argument with.

    Happy viewing!

    • +4

      Going to speed-watch - just because of your comment.

      I don't normally have any opinions, but I am interested in real interviews and responses.

      • +2

        Wait… Don't you normally speed-watch everything? My YouTube is constantly set to 1.5x. some people I put up to 2x (except Ben Shapiro; he talks at 1.25x already, so I only speed him up another 25%).

    • +8

      They are doing this as a grift . outrage sells. They wanted attention and got it with their 'doco' their subsriptions are booming with bigots now.

      • +1

        Shhh that's too much common sense for them.

      • +2

        yeah it worked well for huffington post and buzzfeed

        • +2

          At least you can acknowledge that this is on the same level of garbage as BuzzFeed.

    • +3

      This is for you as a Ben Shapiro fan


      • +2

        Hey you.

        I'm not interested in fighting.

        Where did I say that im a devote who hangs on his every word and am in agreement with him 100pc of the time.

        Oh, did you see the bit where I said I watch TYT and CNN?

        The rusted on only see what they want to see…

    • +3

      I love Ben Shabibo and his sister 🤓

    • +1

      I wrote a pretty cool spiel that ended with the question "why on earth would you care what bathroom somebody used at the gym when two years ago you couldn't even go to a gym?"

      But it read more like persuasion piece than a question. And I am interested in the question. The COVID lockdowns were a huge impingement on civil liberties. And in your hometown, Melbourne, you were locked down more than pretty much anywhere else in the world.

      So I am fascinated, why is there now a focus on other people's gender identity, on vaccines, on woman's sports and on gender roles and not a searing rage and solitary focus on the freedom lost and the lives destroyed by the lockdowns?

      It just blows my mind. So I guess my question is, why is the right (and you personally) choosing to focus on these political issues over the lockdowns?

      • +1

        Why would the juden complain they were not compensated for their losses in 1947 when only 2 years earlier they were being starved to death in concentration camps?

        Why would the alphabet mafia complain about not being able to flash penised in women's change rooms when 20yrs ago they would have Eddie Murphy make jokes about them.

        Not really a logical way of seeing the world.

        • So where as Braveheart said:

          "They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"

          Your view is sort of like:

          "They can take away our freedom, provided they also take away our gender neutral bathrooms!"

          Geez and people are genuinely surprised young people are voting for more left-leaning parties like the Greens.

          • @markathome: @markathome classic strawman. At no point did I say that but thanks for playing spot the potato 👍

      • +1

        The agenda — and the people behind it, at the bottom and at the top! — that promoted the lockdowns and promotes the transgender/transhumanist/neo-malthusean/neo-marxist/neo-liberal/eugenicist crap are one and the same. Just look at your premier! What else does he do other than lock people up in their homes?!

    • +4

      Thanks for the considered and thoughtful comment. It adds some real value to this thread.

  • +2

    No one has asked yet. But what is a woman anyway?

    • +8

      Let me break it down..

      On 1 side… It's whoever thinks they are

      On the other side .. adult human female

      Pick a side

      • +6

        Well it's got to be adult human female out of those two choices, yeah?

  • +10

    OP’s account since 2019 and barely have any posts and comments. Looks like a spare shadow account.

    Mods would be able to detect this.

    • +5

      mods don't care clearly.

      • Oh they do. They just don't have enough evidence of login from same device / IP yet.

      • Mods would be able to detect this.

        mods don't care clearly.

        Ghost accounts are not permitted. Use the report link if you have any further evidence.

        • +5

          In a thread full of incredibly vile shit, including calls for genocide, this is what you choose to take a vocal stand on, "Community Manager"? Ghost accounts?

          Honestly (profanity) this website.

          • @ProspectiveDarkness: We are monitoring the comments and taking any necessary actions within our commenting guidelines.

            Please use the report link for any comments you feel don't satisfy the commenting guidelines. Free free to make any any feedback on our site discussion.


            • +4

              @neil: You can make your canned comments all you like, it doesn't absolve you of responsibility for all this.

              Shame on you.

              • -1

                @ProspectiveDarkness: To correct the record for the hysterical, ignorant, bad-faith, smooth brained geniuses below who I refuse to directly interact with: the offending comment was removed, so no, it can no longer be seen.

            • +5

              @neil: You will see threats coming in from the trans mob. Use your judgement and don’t give in

          • +7


            including calls for genocide,

            You lot just smear and spit your crap in the air.

            What ‘genocide’? Where??

            • +6

              @Gervais fanboy: That's what I want to know.
              I have scanned pretty much this whole thread and I haven't seen a single call for 'genocide' or anything like it.

              • +1

                @Almost Banned: I’d be curious if the mod @neil were to enact a policy against people maliciously distorting threads to advance their own political agendas.
                Like this wasn’t even a subjective claim, lol it’s hard to be subjective when you are clearly alleging ‘holocaust’ when there isn’t any such comments anywhere.

                And it’s having a detrimental effect too, I have heard that those 7 sheeples that liked that garbage comment have since been experiencing a servers hair loss.
                With winter already here, something needs to be done about this.

                Btw this is an open invitation to those 8 charlatans to respond with a reference of the ‘holocaust’ comment that they have all seemingly agreed upon.

        • +5

          At the very least move this to the forums please while you guys mull over how to moderate this. It has no place among a bargain forum's deals, full stop, and deeply saddens me to see it here after contributing to this site for 4 years.

          • @Techie4066: It doesn't belong in the forums as the documentary which is not usually free thus meets the standards for a deal. See here about always free multimedia & content

            As for the content for the documentary, that is not a moderation issue but up to the community to decide whether they believe it is a good deal or not.

            About OzBargain

            • +1

              @neil: You really should also moderate content that discriminates against legally protected groups. Most sites do.

              • @Techie4066: Much of our community guidelines are based on discussions with our members.

                Feel free to start a thread in the site discussion with any ideas & maybe the examples from other sites.


              • +11

                @Techie4066: By 'moderate' you actually mean 'silence'.
                Those groups are protected against certain matters - not people's opinions.

            • +8

              @neil: Ok, so why was SnoopyDoop given a warning for posting a MrBeast documentary that was usually for paid access only on CuriosityStream, but was now available for free on YT, why exactly was that post removed?

              • +7

                @chepsk8: This is the most valid question in this thread, honestly. Seems one highly controversial post takes precedence over just about anything posted afterwards of similar style for fear of the moderators looking silly by allowing "joke posts".

                Definitely some curious biases on display

              • +5

                @chepsk8: Curious also. On Neil's recommendation, I have started a site discussion post.

    • +10

      crying mods please ban the people who hurt my feelings please

      • Does your dad have an account?

    • +4

      Just read this thread of comments

      ‘Tolerant Left’ indeed

      • +3

        Someone already linked the paradox of tolerance.

        Tolerance is a great virtue, but in the face of unjustified intolerance, one must be intolerant in response. I thought you might be interested in such a concept instead of just regurgitating buzzwords and jargon.

        • +1

          Ohh right
          Coz words are violence?
          Yeah a clear oversight on my part.
          I thought we were still allowing the transmission of alternate viewpoints. My bad.

  • +15

    I can’t believe there are many in here who feel that Bill can put on a wig and call himself Shirley…..and use ladies amenities.


    • +8

      Does the thought of unisex toilets scare you as well?

      • +15

        No, the thought of a delusional man in a dress following my daughter, wife, mother, aunt, or grandmother into the female bathroom makes me very uncomfortable and angry. And it makes them extremely uncomfortable, angry, and scared.

        • +2

          You know trans women aren't "men in dresses", right? They look, act, and present as women (though of course the transition to a point where it's less noticable takes time). And you know they're not using the women's bathroom as a sexual act, right? They just need to use a toilet.

          What about trans men? Would you be comfortable with someone who looks, talks, and acts like a man being forced to use the women's bathroom, because they weren't born with a penis?

          • +4

            @Pirateguybrush: They're men in dresses, nothing more. And they have zero regard for the feelings and needs of actual women.

            Men must stay out of women's spaces and respect their wishes. Men are not women and will never be women regardless of how pretty your dress, how much makeup you wear, what parts of your body you choose to mutilate, or the amount of hormones you pump into your blood stream.

            No one has to respect your delusion, especially women, and the vast majority of people never will. We will protect our women and children from delusional cross-dressing men. Leave the kids alone.

      • +4

        Why not actually respond to what he’s said, rather than making your little useless smirky responses.

        All you do is leave your smart arse responses everywhere
        And when you get called out a second time to actually clarify your drivel, you stop responding altogether.
        Have some self awareness about yourself atleast.

  • +2

    The Good Doctor said any human with XX chromosome pair.

    • +2


  • +6

    An adult human female.

  • +11

    Didn't know there were so many snow flakes on Oz bargain

  • +2

    Gen z garbage.

  • +9

    Can we please not get political here. Also new users really need a time limit before posting to avoid future spam

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