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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Ah the Daily Wire, my favourite satirical site on the web. Always good for some light hearted amusement at the end of day. High recommend Ben Shapiro, the guy is a hoot

    • +1

      Wet ass P word.

      • +1

        Based on Ben's commentary, there's a strong case of DAP.

    • +1

      B-b-b-but it says it has NO agenda

  • +3

    Great deal, whole family will be watching, the ones with gender dysphoria can pop some pills and ignore 😁

  • +4

    lol, funny how we got here that we cannot define what a woman is!! When you think humanity cannot dig itself from the pooper, we get this. It's absolutely incredible how we even got to this point!

    • +3

      Incredible that people like you are so gullible you get distracted and angry about this, instead of actual injustices happening in the world. Pretty easy to keep the rednecks of America from complaining about awful govt policy and lowering standard of living if they're getting mad about trans issues, abortion and their perceived reduction in "rights".

      Apparently very easy to keep those same people in Australia distracted too.

      • Missed the point. We're not discussing what you're on about. Off-topic.

  • +16

    Culture wars propaganda is not a bargain.

  • +9

    Intentionally misgendered people in this movie. It’s disrespectful, harmful, and annoying. Walsh is also a horrible individual, and also intentionally annoying. Let people be, not a big deal, seriously.

    • +3

      You don't even believe trans women are actually women ..

      • +1

        But I do… regardless, it is about being respectful.

        • So you would have sex with a trans woman?

          • +9

            @hippyhippy: Weird question, and not really any of your business, is it?

            • +1

              @ducksmad: It's not weird because if you refuse to sleep with a trans woman… You are a bigot

              • +7

                @hippyhippy: What a wild statement to pull out of your ass

              • +3

                @hippyhippy: LOL! Yeah, nah, that is not how the world works. But, yup, still an extremely weird question to ask a stranger on the internet. And also a horrible and flawed question to support your initial ignorant question. Not a bigot, but you appear you be. You, me, not the same.

            • +7

              @ducksmad: It's not a weird question from his perspective because the only value he attributes to women is as sex objects

              • +5

                @2expensive: Exactly. I’m still stunned at how they thought that was a reasonable question to ask, and use as a follow-up to their original question. Just shows how out of touch with reality some people are.

              • +1

                @2expensive: And you value no attributes of an actual woman

            • +2

              @ducksmad: The question isn't weird; it can be challenging for some individuals who desire to perceive it as normal. Personally, I have a clear answer: I would engage in sexual activity with a woman but not with a transgender, as I hold the belief that transgender are not women.

          • +6

            @hippyhippy: wtf are you talking about, like seriously, are you just rambling off the first thing that comes to mind?

          • @hippyhippy: You wouldn't have sex with any woman either.
            Why everything needs to be binary?
            It's like saying there are only red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple colors in rainbow and being blind or refuse to acknowledge that there are actually million shades of colors.

            • @leiiv: Sorry to break it to you.. sex and gender is not a spectrum..

              • -1

                @hippyhippy: That's only because your mind is conditioned to categorise, to give label, and to see things as you want them to be instead to see things as they are. Assuming that you actually learn science in school.
                Genetically, there are multitude of other chromosomes combinations aside from XX and XY. There are other organism with non-binary sexual and asexual reproduction. Human is not that special you know.
                Psychologically and mentally, who knows how many shades in the spectrum.

                • +1

                  @leiiv: Lol and you bring up science.. the only science you know about is pseudo science… You have no idea what you're talking about

                  • @hippyhippy:

                    You have no idea what you're talking about

                    And you do? Then explain here the science that says biological sex is binary. Even a simple Google search will prove otherwise.
                    You did not refute any of the facts that I mentioned and instead just plainly concluded that I only know pseudo science.
                    That shows who actually knows only pseudo science.

                    • +1

                      @leiiv: I did as you asked and conducted a simple Google search about the science that says biological sex is binary.

                      The first website says: "Biological sex is binary, even though there is a rainbow of sex roles"

                      Second one is a question: Is biological sex always binary in humans?

                      Males have primary reproductive organs organized around the production of sperm; females, ova. Because there is no third gamete type, there are only two sexes that a person can be. Sex is therefore binary.

    • +6

      Tolerance leads to these rainbows becoming intolerant and shoving these mental illness ideologies down our throats. You see the dilemma? Give an inch and they take a mile. Haram!

      • +9

        What’s funny is that those that are intolerant, like you and Walsh, are the only ones who feel like it is getting ‘shoved down your throat’. The rest of us, just let the rainbow community be. It really is that easy. Literally makes no difference to my day-to-day life. No dilemma, you’re making a choice to let it bother you. Lol at adding Haram at the end, time for you to jog on.

      • -2

        There is no dilemma. That's only you making excuse to validate your intolerance. Everyone needs to make a conscious effort to be more tolerant.
        If you stop being tolerant just because fearing that others becoming intolerant, then where does it stop?

  • +9

    where’s the bargain

  • +12

    Posting a cringe culture wars video on twitter is not a deal.

  • +11

    A free trash is not a bargain

  • +11

    Imported US culture war is not an OZbargain. Our country has enough of its own issues without importing ones designed to tear apart the US.

  • +4

    it's a good watch. give it a good go

  • +3

    “A chair is the sort of thing made for a person to sit on, individuated by its matter (e.g., wood, plastic, glue, etc.) but known essentially by its form (i.e., chairness), which unifies its matter into a single object. Let's say someone were to change the chair. One could do so in one of two ways: substantially or accidentally. By incinerating the chair, one would change it substantially, and it would cease to be a chair. By altering only the chair's separable accidents, however (e.g., color, height, rod placement, etc.)—by "mutilating" it, let's say—one would not change the chair substantially, and it would remain a chair. It would remain a chair even if lots of people wished to pretend that it were a box of cereal—even if a craftsman carved a "Cheerios" logo into it with surgical precision. Still, it would be a chair, and pretending that it were a box of Cheerios would not conduce to anyone's flourishing. But in everyday life, we don't need to be so precise and pedantic about these sorts of definitions. And the reason is that we all pretty much just know a chair when we see it.” - Michael Knowles

    • +4

      My second favourite chair joke. Here's my first

  • +17

    Depressing to see this hateful US culture war garbage here. Can’t we just stick to what unites us, like stacking coupon codes in a way the retailer didn’t intend and cooking risotto in the park using the neighbour’s electricity from their pool area.

    • I didn't try the second one yet but I'll look into it 😶

    • And disabled aged pensioners complaining about their brand new Toyota RAV4 not having roof racks for a kayak

  • +6

    For everyone saying to just let people be what they want, don't forget that this has real world consequences.


    This man raped two women and then changed to a 'woman' before being sentenced, in the hope of being incarcerated with females.

    Fortunately sanity prevailed and 'she' was sent to a men's prison.

    However, if this confusion is encouraged and spread further, it may not always be the case.

    • +7

      Woman are also capable of rape and other crimes. Why would a trans person be any different?

      Society evolve, so can the law.

      • +3

        Feels like you are justifying the rape of women.

  • +7

    Political commentary, Twitter giving for free is the same as soapboxing. Not a deal.

    • +1

      Get off, don't watch if you felt convicted.

  • +10

    It’s often easy to forget that there’s a massive overlap between bargain-hunting consumerism and right-wing traditionalist values on this site.

    • +1

      If you are advocating for indulging people with mental illness, you’ve come to the right place

    • +2

      Seems like a case of the poor and uneducated to me.

  • +13

    I thought it was an interesting watch. The agenda was pretty obvious, but most documentaries do have a narrative they want to push these days so I was fine with that.

    From my perspective if a dude wants me to call them a she then that's fine, but I may very well forget halfway through the conversation. But just conforming with someone's preferred pronouns doesn't change the fact that they are still a dude biologically. Why does that matter to me? Because I like to classify things with some accuracy… I also care just as much if someone calls a dog an elephant, or says Ford is better than Holden… these are all delusional statements.

    • +2

      Just call everybody “mate”

    • +1


    • +1

      doesn't change the fact that they are still a dude biologically

      doesn't this just mean, they will need to go for their prostate exam,
      when the person is at the 'risk age'?

  • +4

    I thought ozb was full of libtards but the vote count has restored my faith in humanity

    • +2

      Don’t get too excited — we still haven’t apologised for kicking Djokovic out

      • +1

        I don't should we ever apologise for that either.

        • +1

          There’s nothing more dangerous than freedom of choice

  • -1

    Not sure why this is a question, but reviews are solid

    • +6

      How can you find so many batshit-crazy people to interview on camera?! The irony is that they get to keep their jobs

  • +4

    What? Absolutely not.

    • +1

      What about how, where, and why?

  • +16

    When did Ozbarainer become a hive of brain-dead culture war sh*t?

    Fk me dead, it's okay that there are people different than you in this world.

    • +1

      All opinions are harmless and warmly welcomed until they start influencing policies, that’s when the sane minded need to start engaging too.

      Regardless, you could have very easily avoided this post but instead took all this effort to tell people about how you don’t approve of it?
      You neglect other people’s points whilst freely expressing yours
      You see the irony in that??

  • +2

    looks like around 50 people can't figure out what a woman is either?

  • +5

    A woman is someone who can have babies

    • +10

      What about people who go through menopause?

      • +4

        Classic whataboutism.

        Definition: a human being walks on two legs.

        The stupid Woke mob: but whatabout people with one leg??

        As I said before its Idiocracy at play in real life.

        • Whether you agree with the doco or not, it's a bad definition. There are plenty of women past menopause.

          Talking of bad definitions. It's that even a definition? Or is that more an attribute?

          Definition: a human being walks on two legs.

          Once again you're excluding any child aged under about one.

          Pretty funny bringing up Idiocracy here.

      • +4

        It’s the exception to the rule. A biological male can’t have a baby under any circumstances.

        If a woman can’t have a baby it’s due to medical issues.

        Just like a man can’t go through menopause.

  • +11

    Here's the truth of what's happening in the world: The commoners are made busy fighting amongst themselves while the rich make off with their loot

    • +1

      Yes, all the sudden there are "new products" and certain group of people are tricked into buying it

  • +18

    taking anything this guy has to say seriously will ensure you never have physical contact with a woman..

    • +3

      If you aren’t a woman, at least you can pretend to be one, I guess. Then one thing leads to another, and the next thing you know… ooh la la!

      • +3

        You can paint lipstick on your hand but you can't guarantee your hand isn't actually a con-artist.

    • +1

      this guy

      How very transphobic of you to assume that Matt’s a ‘guy’ in the first place??

      It could be a woman for all you know. Don’t be such a bigot, alright?

      • +9

        It's well established that Matt identifies as a man.

        • +10

          I love that this person thinks they're genuinely intelligent, when they're just delivering own-goals. Absolutely classic.

          • +2


            delivering own-goals

            Great use of the language btw

            Anyways, I have got that one covered too
            All my own goals identify as Puskas worthy goals. Cheers

        • +2

          well established that Matt identifies as a man.

          But isn’t gender a fluid concept that keeps changing?
          How could you be soo sure that’s he a man right now?
          Or now

          Or now??

          • +2

            @Gervais fanboy: Holy cow, dude.

            What are you getting from this?

            Even if you're not hateful, your comments are definitely mean-spirited.

            • +1


              Even if you're not hateful,

              But you repeatedly said that I was hateful?
              Is this some sort of an apology then, apology for lying and trying to maliciously silence me?

              If yes, it’s a very piss poor attempt at it.

              • @Gervais fanboy: I never said anything multiple times. I merely said you "seem" hateful which is a subjective perception on my behalf.

                I'm not apologising for what I've said as I don't necessarily think I've said anything particularly mean.

                However, if you have taken any offence from my statements and have felt belittled or degraded as a result of my comment, then I am sorry for that. I can empathise with that position. However I am trying to learn that I am not my ideas.

    • +2

      I don't want physical contact with what you refer to as 'a woman'

      • +3

        Don't worry, none of them want physical contact with you either, anything classed as a "woman" really.

      • +3

        There are lots of men and women I don't want physical contact with as well. Luckily nobody is making anyone touch anyone else.

        That's the great part about consent laws! (Although I understand those can be a bit tricky to understand for certain groups of people)

        • +1

          And yet i as a man could ‘identify’ as a woman and be able to access women only spaces, touching or not I am sure that would be an uncomfortable experience for most women.
          (Although I understand this can be a bit tricky to understand for certain groups of people)

          • +1

            @Gervais fanboy: Are you speaking on behalf of women now?

            • +2

              @Ninternet: Ohh yeah, quickly transitioned into one whilst typing my comment to get their opinions on this.

              • +2

                @Gervais fanboy: You're getting pretty sad now, bro.

                I'm checking out of this as you've disregarded all of my questions towards you and even my apology which you effectively requested.

                • +1

                  @Ninternet: So you ask a daft question and throw a tantrum 👶🏻 when you don’t get a serious answer
                  You wanna leave, leave. Don’t need to announce it to me and everyone. lol

                  Anyways, I’ll humor you.

                  Are you speaking on behalf of women now?

                  Do I actually need to consider that before making a suggestion that most women would be very very uncomfortable with a biological male entering their private spaces?
                  If yes, please explain why,

                  even my apology which you effectively requested

                  More like begged** at this point. Anyways, I saw many triggered libs complaining the lack of censorship and yet there’s Herberts like…., who openly lie and slander, double down and pack the basic moral compass to Atleast apologise.
                  Shove that apology mate, it’d kill your pride and ego otherwise.

    • Ummm so how would you define the said woman….

  • +18

    Answer: A woman is someone who most people in this thread have trouble talking to

    • You are definitely not one lol

    • +2

      Always assume they’re smuggling a budgie until proven otherwise

    • +1

      Check if there's a prostate

    • +1

      Damn, now we need a deal for some aloe vera gel.

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