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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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  • Can someone please summarise the last 8 pages for me? Thank you.

    • +14

      A woman is an adult human female…


      OMGZZZ… How dare you…. BIGOTZZZ!

      • +2

        Yeah but what is a human, if not a featherless biped?

        • +2

          Pretty sure if I glue feathers to my back I become feathered or a bird…no?

    • +6

      local coupon website unexpectedly becomes ideological battleground, majority of users continue clicking on dell monitor deals

      • +1

        Have you never browsed the forums? The who's in the wrong posts are even more entertaining than this.

    • +2

      1 + 1 = 3

      • +2

        You being alive is evidence that 1+1=3.

        Dad+mum=Dad+mum+tharlow, ergo 1+1=3

    • +1

      A woman is an adult human female.

      Men can never become women and vice versa.

  • +12

    anyone who respects Matt Walsh's opinion on literally anything is a grade-a moron. the dude has zero qualifications beyond beyond really loud about hating minorities. he only has a voice because people are willing to listen to hate - and he has nothing but hate to share.

    • +5

      Asking questions is an opinion?! It seems that the batshit-crazy interviewees incriminate themselves with minimal assistance… literally

      • +4

        "why are you so unimaginably stupid?" is a question and you might be able to detect a bit of an opinion in it.

        • +3

          You put it in quotes, but I imagine it’s what any coherent person is thinking when they listen to the cognitive dissonance of “experts”… the reality distortion field is expanding its brainwashing capacity

      • +6

        Asking questions is an opinion?!

        Aww, you are so clueless.

        It's not the asking of questions that's an opinion, it's the choice of who these questions are asked to, and which responses are then shown to the audience - in other words, selection bias to push a particular opinion. I almost pity you, I'm sure you're trying, but it's probably not your fault you're an uneducated, data illiterate primate.

        I'm sure that if I asked enough people on this forum "does tharlow have wet dreams about Matt Walsh's johnson downstairs?", I'd get enough responses to cut out a few particularly funny ones and present them as fact ;)

        • +5

          selection bias

          I think you nailed it! Lucky there is no such thing as censorship in today’s society to suppress diversity of opinion.

          I almost pity you,

          I almost identified as someone who cares

          • @tharlow: please don't reproduce. I'd say please don't vote but we all know who you vote for. I just hope that you don't bring more life into this world if you're going to fill it with vitriol and hatred.

            some people want to swap genders, who the f are you to belittle that. I guarantee your existence is orders of magnitude more pathetic than someone who identifies as a different gender to how they feel.

            I reckon if you and Matt Walsh died, society would genuinely be a better place to live in for the rest of the world. the only reason you support whatever bs he is saying is cos you feel like you didn't get enough love and affection in this world, so HOW DARE these minorities get some?

            dude has zero qualifications, zero basis, is a SELF PROCLAIMED THEOCRATIC FASCIST (!!!), and he has people with absolute sh1t for brains on the other side of the planet druelling over themselves trying to agree with the BS he's peddling.

            I feel sorry for you and everyone who knows you

        • +3

          Very insightful to yourself perhaps.

          Too bad I seldom see any woke pundits debating the dailywire guys. Its always the brainwashed blue haired college student asking questions shouting and getting decimated. Where are the trans intellectuals hiding.

      • +6

        Like your gobbledygook word salad is any better. You sat there thinking of synonyms, I know it. Here's his CV since you're genuinely invested in good faith discourse.

      • +1

        Why consider differing viewpoints when you can just label someone's entire fan base as morons?

        Some people are just morons, facts over feelings, no hard feelings bro.

      • if you don't think Matt Walsh is a moron you genuinely cannot be an intelligent person - it isn't even up for debate, I refuse to believe that any Australian who thinks a loud American with literally zero qualifications deserves to have his opinion respected just because of how loud he is about it isn't intellectually challenged.

        this is just conservatives continuing to try to ruin the world. nothing more to see.

        • +1

          So you are top of the food chain who gets to decide who is moron and who is not. WOW.
          Is that you how approach everything in life?

        • Bye.

    • This. 100%

  • +9

    This is ideological material. Sorta like saying The Gideons Bible is a "bargain".

    • +2

      We do get religious deals from time to time and mods have no issues with those deals

  • +1

    Thanks OP, would love to see a similar doco from the other side.

    • +6

      The other side does most of the talking… and that’s the truly scary part

  • +15

    I identify myself as a walking chicken. World gone mad over this identity politics. Just make a 4th toilet for the transgender, non binary and what nots to go inside legally. And create a special Olympics for them too since they are special snowflake who need extra care.

    An ex-man competing in real female swimming is just wrong, honestly. There is better things to fight for like ending russia war, climate change and provertty prevention.

    • +7

      Just warning you that there are a lot of KFC deals on here. The lack of respect is truly disheartening

      • +1

        Haha people just haven't tried the dish. I like KFC anyway.

        • +1

          I almost took your second sentence out of context, and assumed cannibalism… yikes!

    • +2

      Just make a 4th toilet for the transgender

      Having a transgender only toilet, or making all public facilities unisex or single occupancy may harm transgender people. "many cisgender and transgender women alike view women-only facilities as necessary for validating their identity and needs" https://belonging.berkeley.edu/bathroomaccesspolicybrief

      They need to use female toilets to have their identity validated.

      • +1

        At this point creating 80% unisex singular toilet , baby and disabled toilet. If you are too annoyed by this arrangement then they need mental counselling. I bet alot of straight female will not be comfortable seeing a ding dong as there been cases out there already.

    • +1

      I appreciate your proposed solution, but I anticipate potential opposition from the other party. I have reservations regarding the efficacy of this approach. If a person who was assigned male at birth identifies as a woman, constructing a separate restroom exclusively for them may inadvertently imply that they are not genuinely a woman. This segregation and provision of a distinct facility could be seen as unequal treatment compared to women, as it differentiates them based on their gender identity.

  • +5

    I’m here to price check, read comments on how a product fares or buy the next thing I didn’t know I needed. This ain’t any of that

  • +5

    I prefer not to speak. If I speak I am in big trouble, in big trouble.

    • +2

      The silent majority — I see you

    • +3

      Look at Canada where they have criminalised speaking up against the woke agenda. Law enforcement will side with woke mob who physically assault you.

      • Define woke
        I promise I won't physically or in any way assault you

        • +1

          “[Woke] is used more often to term someone as hypocritical and think they are the 'enlightened' despite the fact that they are extremely close-minded and are unable to accept other people's criticism or different perspective. Especially considering the existence of echo chamber(media) that helped them to find other like-minded individuals, thus, further solidifying their 'progressive' opinion.“

          “[Woke is] … used to describe the many indoctrinated … people of today's world who are obsessed with jumping on whatever mainstream bandwagon is necessary to feel included, though ironically being the most intolerant and hypocritical people on the planet.”


          • +2

            @tharlow: It's so hard for you do define woke in simple terms, you had to Google and copy-paste a "community funded" definition hahaha. You know I can create an account there and say "woke means China virus bad America Flu good" and it would stay there right?

  • +7

    Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.

    • +1

      There should be a whatabout comment coming anytime now regarding the < .001% people born with indeterminate organs.

  • +7

    Oh dear god.

    The movie “They” don’t want you to see because even Elon Musk doesn’t want that sort of bullshit advertised to everyone on twitter, and that’s saying something.

    Keep the culture wars out of Oz.

    • +12

      Lol, he retweeted and said "Every parent should watch this"


      • +3

        Oh wow and the executive that pulled the initial “advertise it to everyone on Twitter” deal has resigned.

        That site really is a huge dumpster fire.

        • +1

          Everything but sexualising children and removing all standards is a dumpster fire…sure

          • +3

            @dBagDealer: Oh I see, so because I think Twitter (haemorrhaging staff and money, currently worth a third what musk paid for it) is a bigger trash pile than ever… I must be a pedo.

            Rack off mate.

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: As a private company now, you actually have no idea if it’s haemorrhaging money or worth a third of what musk paid for it. In terms of staff. They were fired. Everyone said Twitter would crash without them. But it’s only getting better.

              Not saying it was a good investment, but don’t believe what you read in the guardian as gospel

              • @BarryBargain88:

                Everyone said Twitter would crash without them. But it’s only getting better.

                That's always been the most confusing thing to me. Not a fan of the Musket, but I would've expected Twitter to be having way more problems than it does if Elon had been getting rid of actually critical personnel like everyone claimed that he was. Meanwhile Twitter seems to be doing surprisingly okay. Other SanFran tech companies: not so much.

        • +3

          That's the best news… The censors were fired.. apparently a whole team of them… Gone! … Great news for the platform

        • They were terminated, they didn't resign.

  • +9

    Not a relevant deal for this website. Just a very divisive video by a guy that wants as much attention as possible. Are we going to start posting every long-form video that pushes a currently, hotly debated issue like this?

    • +2

      Hotly debated? I thought the science was settled? Just like that vaccine that was so safe and effective.

      Just a reminder that psychology isn’t a science. And science isn’t even science, given the enduring corruption of reproducibility

  • +8

    Advocates impregnating and marrying 16 year olds? Get this freak out of here.

    • +5

      Great to see people debating the issues, and not resorting to ad hominem attacks

    • +5

      Real freaks perform “drag” children into it

  • +6

    Holy moly what an epic thread! This post has generated quite the stir. I would not have thought to even click this but so much attention I feel inclined to watch it just to see what it's all about.. not sure what I'm in for…

    • +2

      It's the Streisand effect.

  • +10

    Best thread ever! 😄

    • +2

      I think I prefer the stamp vending machine livestream

    • +1

      Haha yes - I voted it just because of the popcorn worthy thread. Only few minutes in and it's entertaining, and I also see why people don't like the guy

  • Cannot wait for the AI overload to rule us all.

  • +6

    Not a deal. Thumbnail advertises disturbing imagery. See the relevant deal posting guideline below:

    What Should Not Be Posted

    18+ Only Sites
    Sites with adult themes should not be posted on OzBargain.

    • +1

      Why only for adult only?

  • +2

    I watched this a few weeks back and honestly skipped through most of it.
    Im not dismissing his ideas, i just found it too loaded and he kind of got on my nerves.
    Others may like it.

    • +1

      This was my thought exactly. Some of the overarching theme and points being highlighted are interesting, but it is done in such an obviously biased way and by such an unlikeable guy that I couldn't take it very seriously.
      It was definitely designed to elicit the exact, over-the-top, politically charged responses that you are seeing in this very deal thread.

  • +4
    • +1

      Woah, how did they get Morgan Freeman impersonator to do that documentary.

  • +4

    I think I'll pass mate

  • +11

    Not a fan of Matt Walsh but that was quite well done I thought. Honestly it's scary the way things are heading. Absolute madness.

  • +4

    I'm so enjoying this. Keep going please

  • +11

    This documentary is truly unparalleled, surpassing any other I've ever seen. It delves into the disturbing repercussions of an emerging ideology, which can be unsettling to watch. However, it is precisely this aspect that makes the documentary so captivating. It provokes profound contemplation and offers an understanding of the challenges our society will confront.

    It is crucial to engage in meaningful conversations and avoid attempting to silence one side, as this approach does not offer a viable solution.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • +14

    Disappointing to see far-right hate speech posted as a "deal"; especially when the Twitter furore over this was likely a PR stunt and someone has fallen for it hook, line and sinker and posted it as a "deal" on OzB.

    • +4

      What was just normal 2 years ago is far right here speech now … That's what you call insanity

      • +1

        What is normal? Is it far right hate speech to even question that?

        • +4

          If you question anything the other side says … It's far right … That's why even moderate lefties are far right

      • +3

        I dont think calling for the extinction of transgender people - as Michael Knowles did, stable-mate of Matt Walsh - would have been considered "normal" speech 2 years ago. These people are bigoted hatemongers who have nothing better to offer the world than to bully and bash trans and gay people in the most abject of culture wars.

        • He didn't call for the extinction of transgender people… He called for the extinction of the ideology… You should at least get your facts straight

          • +4

            @hippyhippy: Hahaha i just knew you would say that. What do you think happens to transgender people when "the ideology of transgenderism" is extinguished, can i ask?

            People in this country can't afford rent or housing, they can't afford groceries but, sure, let's take a leaf out of the republican playbook and distract ourselves with "what is a woman" and get riled up about something that affects our lives in NO way whatsoever, rather than talking about substantive issues, ay?

            • +1

              @Iggemo: What? That's the same saying as communism and Nazism .. aren't we as a society trying to remove Nazism ideology? Isn't that a good thing? I suppose it would be the same for transgenders as it is for Nazis… They can live out their ideology in their own private lives…

              I'm not sure what you're talking about with republicans and living costs… Last I heard… Inflation sky Rockettes when Biden took the office and not a second before…

  • +10

    They have just extended the 24-hour free stream to the rest of the weekend!

  • +8

    Sad to see US culture wars crap being posted here.

    • +4

      As if this debate weren't all over Europe, the Americas, Australia and NZ… 🙄

  • +6

    This is not a bargain

  • +1

    Matt Walsh doesn’t seem like someone you want to be stuck in a conversation with

  • +6

    I wonder when the ABC will screen this, it would really help with maintaining balanced coverage.

    • +3

      They’ll have to ask Albo for permission first

  • +3

    This should be a two minute doco at most, opening credits.. NOT ANYONE BORN A MAN EVER says the narrator.. fade to black

    I guess a few mentally ill people will say that they think ANYONE can be a woman.. but luckily they are the MINORITY and can be totally ignored by those with an actual brain

    • +5

      Aaaand here come the mentally ill downvoting me. Its ok.. i can pretend they are upvoted and YOU HAVE TO AGREE WITH ME.

      • +1


        I am not a doctor, but you seem to be displaying some quite concerning symptoms.

        • Im greeeeeeat thanks, the sun is in..im sitting down relaxing and males are not females..

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