• targeted

28 Degrees Mastercard - $0 Monthly Fee for 12 Months (Normally $8 Per Month) @ Latitude Financial


Targeted deal - check your SMS for a $0 monthly fee offer.

Good thing I didn’t insta cancel like so many people - seems like I’ll keep this card for another year. I’m a longtime cardholder with the 12m price protection. I’ve got about $15k left on my lifetime claim limit - will try to use up as much as I can this year.

XXXXXX, we're waiving 12 months of the monthly card fee on your Latitude 28° Global Platinum Mastercard so you can enjoy more shopping in the Black Friday sales! Check your inbox for more info.

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Latitude Financial
Latitude Financial


  • Oh crap, I didn't even read the variation notice email so didn't know they were going to charge a monthly fee…. I would have cancelled too if I knew, but have got the SMS and email about $0 for 12mths, so I guess i'll keep it for now.

  • +3

    Thanks for the reminder - to cancel the card

  • +3

    im closing my account today 😂

  • +6

    Cancelled today. Good riddance.

    Who would choose this card over any of the big banks now?

    Like it was good for travel and you paid it off before interest accrued, but with monthly fees and high interest, why would you choose it to sign to today?

    • if u can't get a new cc and fail credit check?

      • Why would Latitude have any less requirements to get one than any other bank?

        • Well, I'm in that boat. Was considering cancelling, but first applied for another card and was denied due to the fact that I now have a mortgage, a dependant and a $20k Citi Prestige CC that I'm rorting. So this is a welcome relief, as I am planning on traveling in December & January.

  • +1

    This is like price jacking with extra steps.

  • I got an email saying they have waived the month fees for a year.

  • Does any other CC offer price protection? I cancelled this card recently and checked all Citi and Amex cards and nothing.. I assume the party is over for PP?

    • No card I know of has/had a PP policy as good as Latitude's one. Any retailer in Australia, within 12 months, up to $1k per item. Other price protections require it to from the same retailer, but Latitude's one allowed any retailer.

      • Coles had it but that got grandfathered too and was only price protecting from the same retailer

      • +1

        Maybe I'm too good with finding bargains, I've never been able to use it…

        • Exactly.

          That benefit is more for those who buy hot new releases early on, then the price drops over the coming year. But if you're more a bargain hunter, not so much or any benefit.

  • Got ine for 3 months interest free! Would have preferred 12 months fee free!

  • I paid my outstanding balance today and waiting for the funds to settle in order to cancel but now that 28 degrees did a 360 degrees, I am keeping the card IF I get this offer. lol

  • I decided to keep mine for a month to see what options I get with the $10 gift card. If it turns out to be useless then I'll cancel. Unless I get this SMS of course!

  • I did a 0% balance transfer for 12 months from a Latitude Personal Loan to my 28 Degrees Latitude credit card. I shouldn't have been able to do this as it's only transfer of balances from other credit card companies to latitude. So I am well ahead in terms of screwing them in saving on huge interest payments.

    Now just hope I get this SMS or email.

  • +3


  • +2

    Thes clowns closed my account for no reason and with no notification. I was told my account had been dormant for 18 months even though I had a statement with transactions from eight months ago. They told me I would have to reapply, so I never did. I now use my Macquarie or Ubank debit card.

    • Did you have the price protection feature on it?

  • -3

    I do not understand the hate for this card if you have price protection. I've made thousands of dollars from that ridiculously generous deal and have thousands more to go.

    • They'll probably remove price protection after the dust settles from the current exodus, unfortunately.

      • I have about $2k more before I hit my $20k limit.

        • +1

          Do you look for purchase where you can claim price protection, or just do it when you've seen that an item you've recently bought has a cheaper price somewhere? Good luck hitting that final $2k!

    • +1

      Most people hating the card probably don't have PP. PP was removed years ago so it's reasonable to assume most people do not have it.

      • +1

        I've had mine since they were first around and never got PP. :(

        Only thing I got free from Latitude was a replacement drivers licence fee credited when they exposed my personal details :/

      • +6

        In 18 years with this 28degrees MC - never needed to use PP. Always made sure bought at lowest price😉

        28degrees MC used to be GREAT.
        Mainly used for overseas travel & purchases.
        Can do that free with other cards.
        So nothing to miss. Cancelled!

        • Surely you can understand the use case of buying something without needing to wait for a discount/better price, then claiming PP when the price drops?

          • +2

            @OzBrogains: Understand that's what others do…
            But I hate not buying at best possible price. Am happy waiting for price to drop.
            That's why I'm on Ozbargain😉

            I recognise some items will be discounted (& sold out) in regular sales. So buy when available & wait for price to drop to return & rebuy at lower price. *Staff can be helpful to get to know for advice.
            (eg bought multiple good $30 Target shorts half price - then saw extra 50% off next week. Just took shorts back & rebought - got extra 50% back onto CC without fuss or filling out claim.)

            With major items - I haggle with supplier / importer to buy at lowest possible price
            (eg bought new 535L SS fridge freezer for $314 delivered)
            Wouldn't be able to use PP as negotiated price well below lowest price ever sold at.

            So by buying wisely & under no time pressure… PP has never been of use to this canny Ozbargainer😊

      • Yeah but the OP for example - why would they even consider cancelling this card when they've still got $15k price protection left?

        If you don't have PP then sure cancel the card and get one with a good rewards scheme.

      • I like my coles mastercard PP more

    • -3

      Pay $100 annual fee, no issue.
      $9 monthly card fee, have a meltdown
      I put all my overseas subs on this card, good fraud protection, great exchange rates.

  • I got an SMS from them today. already logged my application to leave. Might just hang onto it for another 12 months and keep my second card to replace it when it gets approved

    The old Subscription Trial trick, 12 months free…you'll forget then we'll charge you in 12 months. By then probably make a change to charge you annually

  • +4

    get stuffed Latitude - cancelled card already!

  • +1

    Regular user for over 10 years, cancelled both cards on Tuesday 10/9, went to Bankwest, probably would have stayed another year if I had known

    • +6

      Interesting you're only a valued customer after announcing that were plannig on stinging you with a $8 month fee (cause the banks are not making enough via payment console fees and speculative house prices with high interest rates)

      When I called Bendigo 3 weeks ago they said 12,000 applications were from 28C customers leaving LOL

      • +3

        Just spoke to Bendigo and wait time for approval is about 3 weeks. They are getting slammed!

        • We prefer to call it Ozbargained.

        • Its been over a month for me still waiting

      • What card are you getting via BB? Does it also have a PP feature?

        • Ready credit card product - No PP, but no international transaction fees. https://www.bendigobank.com.au/personal/credit-cards/ready/

          Plus you can use the up app (if you have on of their accounts), to calculate the exact exchange rate to be used in real time :)

          • @bdl: Oh I bank with UP for banking and my home loan. Glad to know there is a card like this since UP ain’t doing CC yet.

            I had a feeling UP also has $0 transaction fees but would prefer to use a CC for the added travel insurance etc.

            • +1

              @Iwantthebestprice: up has $0 transaction fees however I do like CC's for when things need holding (eg. hotel stays, car rental, etc). Also better than debit if/when disputing transactions (haven't had to do that for a long time, touch wood)

              Also feels good to support Bendigo vs Latitude considering Latitude's attitude towards their customer base.

    • +1

      They don't deserve your merchant fees :)

      Bankwest can be dicks too, changing T&Cs for promos as it suits them - however, still better than Latitude. Enjoy the switch!

  • +1

    No SMS or email for me. Cancelling on Monday!

  • +2

    For those who haven't received the sms/e-mail, maybe hold out as there's still a few more days till 17th Sept as from experience their e-mails are staggered (like cashback promos), might be worth holding out a few more days just in case 😊

    • I suppose it’s no different to when their email introducing the new fees went out. Some cardholders didn’t get the email until a couple of days after some had already received it and reported it on Ozbargain.

  • Correct me if I’m wrong does that mean you get the $10 credit as well if you get this offer?

  • Still waiting for confirmation from Bendigo Bank before I close mine…

  • Cancelled card yesterday & today received sms & email waiving 12 months of fee! Too late mate!

  • Cancelled mine a few weeks ago and selected the 'fees too high' reason, thought they might've made this type of offer before processing the cancellation but they cancelled the card the same day.

    On the upside, my credit score went up 71 points since getting rid of this card.

  • No SMS or email for me.

    I'm going to ask them to extend this to me. They can only say no, which would mean I'll go through with cancelling.

  • No SMS or email, but I did get a call from them yesterday offering an "exclusive personal loan" 🫠

  • Unfortunately nothing for me so far, only received the offer for 3 months interest free. I will hang out for a while longer in the hope that they are sending the notices out in batches.

  • +1

    They probably won't send this out to those with PP which I have. They must have lot helps of people as the wait times on the phone was around an hour for weeks since it was announced. I bet it's a few % market share loss for them which is probably enough to get the product manager fired in most businesses.

    Reminder to cancel before the 17th if you haven't!

    • I have the grandfathered PP and got the sms

      • Me too

        • no fair, where's my sms?

  • +2

    Cancelled yesterday unfortunately so missing out on this deal

  • +2

    Look who's come crawling back after I cancelled the other day.

  • +3

    I chose to keep my card but will be cancelling out of spite if I don’t get this offer.

  • +3

    lol, shit we lost more customers than expected…

  • Was forced to keep my card as it was to close to my travel dates, was planning to pay for a month and cancel upon return, got the email (no SMS access) so will hold on to it for now. Planning on applying for a new loan in the new year to Ill probably cancel this for that application and swap over to BankWest or Bendigo after that.

  • +2

    Didn't get the SMS. Called, she didn't know it existed, and said they can't offer this.

  • Thanks OP, I wasn't aware that they were gonna charge a monthly fee. Didn't get anything but at least I won't be paying $8 as I'm gonna cancel. Not only did they leak my ID but my card had fraudulent charges that required going to the ombudsman to be fixed

  • Thanks OP, I wasn't aware that they were gonna charge a monthly fee. Didn't get anything but at least I won't be paying $8 as I'm gonna cancel. Not only did they leak my ID but my card had fraudulent charges that required going to the ombudsman to be fixed

  • +1

    I didn’t see the email. So just after seeing this I cancelled my account.

  • +1

    boo…useless card…now wanting customers back after introducing the $8/mth fee

  • There's literally no need for a 28degrees card since there are so many options when travelling (which was the only reason I had it).

    Wise, Revolut, ING, HSBC all have superior offerings and FREE.

    • +1

      Price protection is the main reason.

      I don't pay them a cent, they pay me a couple of thousand dollars per year. I can't find another card that does that.

      • Coles mastercard with PP

        • Coles CC doesn't price match other retailers.

  • +1

    Safe to say Latitude badly misread the market.

  • +1

    Didn’t get sms but not regretting I cancelled.

  • +1

    I don't understand who will apply for this card just because there is no FTF. There plenty of good card on the market.

  • Worse company to deal with ! Save your oxygen and forget about these clowns . All crap products with highest interest lol
    Banks never report until your payment is past 14 days and wont even charge a late fees if its paid within 2 days of due date. These guys report even if payment went 12.01 pm instead of 12pm. If you love your credit rating latitude is the one company you need to give flick first and foremost.

    • +1

      Banks never report until your payment is past 14 days and wont even charge a late fees if its paid within 2 days of due date. These guys report even if payment went 12.01 pm instead of 12pm

      That doesn't sound like they are at fault because you are in arrears? Pay on time to avoid being stung and ruining your credit report. I have never paid a late fee for any bill, it's not hard to keep on top of these things.

  • I'm assuming this is only a retention offer and not available for new cards? Was about to get one as a secondary/back-up card for a trip when they first announced the new fees, so never ended up getting it.

  • Wow i didn't know of their price protection nor that they charge a monthly fee now.

    Have held it for more than 10yrs. I only use it when travelling or online purchases with foreign currency anyway.

    I'll read up on PP

    • Ah can see in rates and fees about the $8pm starting 17th Sept.

      Haha goes to show I don't read their updates about card TandC.

      I'll hold on to the card till December as i have used it for a few bookings and the trip. But I'll definitely cancel after that.

      No SMS for me either

    • I'll read up on PP

      You'd only have it if you had signed up for it when they offered it years ago.

  • +6

    Future marketing case study right here.

  • Cancelled my 28 degrees card so fast when they annouced the monthly fee… ended up getting a Macquarie card instead, most excellent it is.

  • Load of cancellation transferred to Bendigo

  • My text was in the spam folder of my messages on android. For those that didn't get a text either and were wondering if they were included

  • No SMS here, but I'm easily making the $8 back and much more in price protection claims

  • Cancelled last week and still waiting…

    "We have received your closure request and would like to advise you that the closure cannot be processed as we need to wait for 6 business days for any payment apart from BPay (from the date when the payment was made)."

  • Cancelled mine last week (after I got home from overseas trip) due to the monthly fee.

    Might take a look at the Bendigo card as a replacement if that's what the OzB crowd is doing.

  • I've had 28 Degrees since 2012 and only use it on average once per year when I travel overseas. So you're saying they're now going to start charging a monthly fee on my account? If so… I'm cancelling.

  • Nothing here. May be tied to those without PP?

  • How do people track their purchases for the price protection? I can barely remember what I had for breakfast.

  • +2

    These idiots still haven't closed my account after 2 weeks, asking me to send them my date of birth via email in plain text where their email states they will never ask for personal details via email.

    Absolute incompetence.


    Today, more than ever, it’s important to be safe and secure online, so we’ll:
    * Never send a link directly to our secure login pages.
    * Never approach you and ask for your passwords, PIN or other personal information by email.
    * Never send your personal information in unencrypted attachments.

    • I cancelled my card years ago but noticed I still had an active account that I could login to, just no credit card. I called up wanting them to cancel the account and they plain refused.

  • +1

    Got a theory they sent the text to people with low card balance / limited number of transactions. I had a balance of about $1700, no text for me

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