• targeted

28 Degrees Mastercard - $0 Monthly Fee for 12 Months (Normally $8 Per Month) @ Latitude Financial


Targeted deal - check your SMS for a $0 monthly fee offer.

Good thing I didn’t insta cancel like so many people - seems like I’ll keep this card for another year. I’m a longtime cardholder with the 12m price protection. I’ve got about $15k left on my lifetime claim limit - will try to use up as much as I can this year.

XXXXXX, we're waiving 12 months of the monthly card fee on your Latitude 28° Global Platinum Mastercard so you can enjoy more shopping in the Black Friday sales! Check your inbox for more info.

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Latitude Financial
Latitude Financial


  • +101

    Cancellations hitting them hard.

    • +25

      Cancelled, not going back unless it's $0 Monthly Fee for 12 years, I might.

    • +8

      Alrdy cancelled f them haha

    • +1

      But I thought that was the whole point- they wanted to weed out customers who weren't profitable to them, i.e. milking all benefits but not paying fees/overdue.

      I received the sms too so I'm happy! Had a reminder in my phone to cancel this weekend so I'll happily keep for another year!

      • +1

        But I thought that was the whole point- they wanted to weed out customers who weren't profitable to them

        If they have issues with someone spending $20K in a month and not being profitable for them, then they have some real problems.

        • No, what I meant was they are enforcing the new rules with the intention of weeding out customers not profitable (i.e. customers who will not be spending that amount, and therefore cancelling)- so by waiving fee for a year it's sort of backfiring?

          • @Craze: Nah, I rarely use the car and pay in full monthly before statement. I got the SMS, luckily I hadn't cancelled the card yet

      • +8

        The problem here is that they've probably weeded out most of their customers, which is very costly as getting them back. I think the management underestimated how many people would leave.

        There were multiple ways they could have increased revenue without piss off their customers, like have a premium account with a few more perks and a fee, make a minimum yearly speed to keep annual fee free, but i think they chose the wrong option which will in the end substantially reduce their potential customer base.

  • No sms for me. Got the latest statement email but unable to download the statement.

    • try logging in manually at https://servicecentre.latitudefinancial.com.au/login on a computer, I found it usually takes 24-48 hours after they've sent the statement email for it to be available :(

      I am still able to log in via the web only to see the latest statments even though my accounts are all now closed.

  • +15

    Comes with free data breaches as well 😎

    • +1

      Free for a minimum of 7 years*

  • +3

    Hope I get the sms. Didn’t cancel because I’m travelling in October.

    • +1

      In the same boat, or plane, travelling OS in October and the bookings made with the card. Will cancel on return though.

  • +10

    probably a reaction after massive cancellations….

  • +6

    Damn, didn't get the sms, only got an email for 3 months interest free

    • -1

      Same here

  • +1

    Could be targeted. I don't get SMS either. Will cancel in the next few days before the monthly fee starts.

  • +17

    too late, cya later. good riddance

  • +1

    Worst customer service. Asking to cancel and repalced my card but it never happened. Eventhough I called and talked to customer service that promised to send a new card.

  • Haven't got the sms yet but just submitted some more price protection claims for a few bucks here and there because why not.

  • Got the sms at 13.12 pm

  • Didn't get the SMS either. Will take the deal if I do get it, but otherwise will be cancelling in the next few days.

  • +8

    cancelled today. had 28degrees card from 2011

    • Did they attempt to retain you with any offer similar to this? I’m in a similar situation about to cancel also.

      • +4

        Signed up 18 years ago - cancelled last month because of fees.
        They didn't even say goodbye!
        Wouldn't go back to 28degrees!

        • Wizard Clear Advantage Mastercard?

  • Haven't received any SMS as yet unfortunately, but I'll definitely be cancelling before the $8pm begins

  • +2

    One week out from their Sept 19th deadline lol. Screw em.

  • +3

    Not a credit card but the HSBC Debit Card has replaced 28 degrees for me since they're tone death fee announcement.

    Bonus of 2% cashback on tap and pay under $100. No annual fees. Need to transfer $2K in and out which is a lot easier now because of Osko which is instantaneous both ways.

    • Any international transaction fees?

      • 0% FX fees

    • +1

      HSBC didn't have Osko. Only incoming fast payment. To which bank can you fast payment to from HSBC?

      • Cba to HSBC is instant

      • i think its fast payments from the app only

  • +2

    Haha I cancelled last night.

    Eh. I already moved to bankwest so at least I don't need to worry about annual fees coming in the future at all.

  • +2


  • Will the reward and new price protection be paused as well? If not I will just keep spending $1k to earn the gift card and get price protection.

    • What gift card?

  • Stupid move by them.

  • I hit my $20k insurance limit after 14 years

    • nice work, that feature was an absolute winner! Not getting one of these and then routinely paying full balance in the few days before statement close is comfortably my largest missed deal on a CC!

    • +1

      Is there any way to find out what that is?

    • What happened when you hit it?

      • No more cover

        • Same! I think we are part of an elite club

    • What feature is this? I've been a member for a long time and don't know about this…

      • Grandfathered before 2019 or so I think

  • Mine came through as an email so keep an eye on that too.

    • +1

      Mine did too, was bummed I had no SMS so checked my email and there it was!

  • +2

    Too late for me canceled all cards in the house hold.

    • Same, received the email lst night it was closed.

      was a solid card but I always had fraudulent transactions while overseas. Now that's cleared they are all canceled.

      A little too late.

  • +19

    Not a bargain. Imagine every company raising prices, and then reducing it back to the original price for 12 months.

    They hope you don't cancel the card, and then forget about cancelling your card after 12 months and you start paying the fee.

    • +2

      By definition it’s a bargain - $0 instead of $96.

      I’ll get my grandfathered benefits (price protection), plus the additional benefits ($10 gift card etc etc).

      Amazon Prime

      Set a reminder on your phone next year.

      • You paying all/most of your balance before the statement cycle closes? (Thus reducing your 1% fee to basically nothing)

        • Isn't this the OzB way? I've had my 28 Degrees card for 10+ years and never paid a cent of interest.

          • @theory: For some of those smart folks like you who got on the train early! I wasn't paying attention and never got this card.

            • @xwx: Sure, but my point is you should pay off your purchases ASAP on whichever credit card you have so you never have to pay interest!

              • +1

                @theory: Oh that yes. Always before due date. The great bargain with the 28D price protect was paying the balance early, before the statement closed not just by the due date. Therefore getting the 1% fee for PP benefit on a balance of $0ish; I missed jumping on that.

      • By definition it’s a bargain - $0 instead of $96.

        No, it's actually still $0

    • Raising the RRP and then putting something on sale close to the original price? I've seen that quite a lot recently. The PS5 and PS Plus price increases come to mind.

      Then when they go on sale people think that is a bargain.

  • +6

    Sounds like they’ve gone into damage control. There must have been thousands of cancellations.

    • +1

      Too little too late, probably only those with the price protection stay now, which is probably not what they want.

    • They are becoming experienced at damage control. Wouldn't say they've mastered the art of damage control - however have given themselves lots of opportunities to do so :P

  • +2

    How to find out the remaining limit of price protection? @epicttiimm

    • Would like to know this too!

  • worth to keep if if you got price protection i guess

  • How do I know if I have the price protection? I have had this card for a while…

    • Try putting a claim in 😀

    • Leave $5 on your balance at the end of the month and see if you get charged the insurance fee

    • If you've never received an email reminding you to use it then you don't have it

    • You have to opt in when it was still an option. If you don't remember then you probably don't have it.

  • +2

    I cancelled but not before claiming the 3 months Amazon Prime offer lol.

    I'm with Up Bank now and they seem really good.

    • Any price protection?

    • Up are an amazing bank, I do use that card for all my International day to day spending and cash out.

      But it's not a credit card and those do offer a lot of benefits.

    • I'm with Up Bank now and they seem really good

      Not really a like for like. It is not a credit card. Means hotels and car rentals will draw from your available balance for security deposits.

      I am with UP for what's its worth.

  • +4

    After cancelling my 28Degrees card, I signed up with Bankwest. I have no good reason to go back to 28Deg.

  • any chance can call and ask to waive the fees?

    • No chance if you don't call

  • +4

    They should call it the 360 Degrees card because when you see it, you turn 360 degrees and walk away.

    • +17

      I get your point but 360 degrees would end up with you facing the same direction

    • +2

      That would be 180 degrees

  • Oh crap, I didn't even read the variation notice email so didn't know they were going to charge a monthly fee…. I would have cancelled too if I knew, but have got the SMS and email about $0 for 12mths, so I guess i'll keep it for now.

  • +2

    Thanks for the reminder - to cancel the card

  • +3

    im closing my account today 😂

  • +5

    Cancelled today. Good riddance.

    Who would choose this card over any of the big banks now?

    Like it was good for travel and you paid it off before interest accrued, but with monthly fees and high interest, why would you choose it to sign to today?

    • if u can't get a new cc and fail credit check?

      • Why would Latitude have any less requirements to get one than any other bank?

  • +1

    This is like price jacking with extra steps.

  • I got an email saying they have waived the month fees for a year.

  • Does any other CC offer price protection? I cancelled this card recently and checked all Citi and Amex cards and nothing.. I assume the party is over for PP?

    • No card I know of has/had a PP policy as good as Latitude's one. Any retailer in Australia, within 12 months, up to $1k per item. Other price protections require it to from the same retailer, but Latitude's one allowed any retailer.

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