Buy 1 Solar Powered Waving USA President $6.95 & Get 1 Dancing Mexican Cactus Free + Shipping (Free MEL C&C) @ Smooth Sales


My Fellow OzBargainers,

It’s HUGE. It’s TREMENDOUS. You won’t believe this deal – believe me, you just won’t. We’re talking about the best deal in the history of deals. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

For a limited time only, get your hands on a Donald Trump Lookalike Solar-Powered Waving USA President Figure for just $6.95 + shipping. This little guy waves at you, just like the greatest American president waves at all his tremendous fans. And guess what? That’s not all, folks.

Buy this fantastic, incredible, amazing figure and you get a FREE Solar-Powered Dancing Mexican Cactus. That’s right, folks – a FREE Mexican cactus that dances. It’s like a fiesta on your dashboard. The best part? This is all for you, my fellow OzBargainers.

Deal Details:

Price: $6.95 + shipping
Free Click and Collect: Melbourne Warehouse (for the locals)
Metro Shipping: Flat rate $7.95

This deal is going to be yuuuge, believe me. Don’t miss out – get yours now before they’re all gone. It’s going to be tremendous. You’re going to love it, I guarantee* it.

Make your dashboard GREAT again!

*no actual guarantees will be made.
Cactus will be added to your order when shipped. One cactus per order.

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  • +1

    That is not the only Donald they sell!
    Behold: Donald Harris, father of the Vice President:…

    (He is Jamaican, geddit? OK, he actually looks more like Gus Fring.

  • +2

    Good for target practice

    • Going to need it..

    • exactly my thought

    • +10

      We assure you, the only ideology we're propagating is the right to a fun dashboard. Who knew a waving figure and a dancing cactus could spark such a debate?

      • I dunno man, I used to have a profile pic of an Australian flag on fire to inspire my burning pride for this country, but who knew it made me get banned

        • +2

          With a name like Centrelink, I'm sure you get more than pride from this country.

  • +7

    This deal is going to be yuuuge, believe me. Don’t miss out – get yours now before they’re all gone.

    I'm sure I can speak on behalf of 99.9% of the community when I say that we're all happy to Miss Out on this 'Deal'

  • +11

    Rubbish. No deal.

  • +3

    This is a waste of plastic. I am offended if I am plastic.

    • he doesn't, hence he married Melania

  • +3

    Do not want it even if it is free.

  • See mods, this happens when you show people ozb is full of gullible idiots

    • +2

      I know right, there's so many neg votes it's not funny

  • +3

    While I'm no fan of Trump I'm not easily offended or sensitive like some others so this can sit alongside the jv coffee beans that made so many people cry (neg me if I'm right).

    Then again I probably won't spend the $14.90 to get something I don't need anyway lol.

    • +3

      Lot of lefty luvvies of this site who get mighty triggered by the orange man bad.

      • +2

        They wouldn't be negging unless they were so upset and enraged. Life is too short to cry over a solar powered toy.

        • -7

          If we were talking about a Hitler miniature would you find it so amusing? The guy is a literal fascist - that is proven by both his attempt to steal the election, and the Project 2025 people he's surrounding himself by.

          • +3

            @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Straw man. The best advice is don't engage and you'll be more happy.

            • @Clear: Not a straw man at all. A literal fascist is perfectly fine to attack.

              • +2

                @JohnHowardsEyebrows: At this rate the negs that agree with my statement about people being too easily triggered seems to be winning.

                If you don't want a deal to reach front page don't work with the OzBargain algorithm by commenting and voting. Instead work against the algorithm by not voting, commenting or generating views. Unfortunately this hasn't worked in your favour.

                • @Clear: Ultimately idiots will post in support, many will post against, but the nature of Trump is it'll be page one regardless of neg inputs. But it's also important to make it clear that supporting convicted felon, proven molester, and enjoyer of Epstein hospitality Donald Trump is not what civilised people do.

                  • +3

                    @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Yes those recent supreme court cases really showed how messed up America is and how corrupt the judges and so forth are.

                  • +2


                    But it's also important to make it clear that supporting convicted felon and rapist Trump is not what civilised people do.

                    Not sure of your definition of 'civilised', does that mean 'anyone who thinks differently to me'? because an educated person would know that politically motivated convictions are meaningless. It actually says more about the prosecutors than the convicted. You only only to think about this just a tiny bit to see plenty of examples eg. Gandhi, Mandela, Aung Sun Suu Kyi etc…

          • +2


            The guy is a literal fascist

            You seem to not understand the definition of the words 'literal' or 'fascist'.
            Not understanding things is a common trait among those afflicted with TDS…

            • +4

              @1st-Amendment: A figurative fascist might be an egomaniacal boss. Makes the office challenging, undermines work, but you all go home at night and are free to leave at will.

              A literal fascist tries to capture the state, and engages in exteme propaganda exercises, rails against the 'lying press', threatens opponents with violence.

              I hope this has been educational for you.

              In tomorrow's lesson I'll teach you that the '1st amendment' is part of something called a 'constitution', which your beloved sex offender wants to scrap.

              • +3


                I hope this has been educational for you.

                It has, but not in the way you hoped. Your definition of 'fascism' doesn't match any official definition. You might want to go look it up before making a fool of yourself.

                which your beloved sex offender wants to scrap.

                More 'education' lol… You seem to have forgotten what team you are on there. Hint: Republicans are pro-Constitution, Democrats want to replace it. You need to know which team you are before making such clumsy statements.

                • +1

                  @1st-Amendment: " A political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."

                  All entirely consistent with what I said.

              • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: An easier way of defining a literal fascist would be done in two words then - "Dan Andrews".

                • @Maloo: Hey, watch your language!

  • -3

    Jawohl, mein Führer

    • -2

      The good news is TDS isn't deadly, and it can be cured.

      • +1

        TDS can be cured by turning off CNN, shaving your neckbeard and finally standing up to your Wife's Boyfriend.

        • I can't remember you ever standing up to me.

  • +8


  • +15

    This is going to be hard for some to grasp, but they changed the President back in 2021.

      • +6

        2021, Trump's crazed supporters stormed the Capitol in January 2021 for a reason.

        • +1

          Crazy is as crazy does.

        • Oh no that was just some tourists visiting the Capitol, please ignore all the cowering politicians.

  • +5

    This is going to be great to put on top of my 2024 Election Cake tribute to Trump! Fight Fight Fight! :)

  • +7


    • Agreed. And the plastic figure isn't much better.

  • +5

    Any bundle deals with Mussolini or the pencil-moustache fellow?

    • clark gable?
      dick dastardly?

      • Some greats here

  • +7

    Hands too big, skin too white, tie too short. This is barely even a resemblance!

  • +6

    Why would anyone put a coward who won't debate Kamala on their dashboard?

    • -2

      He destroyed Hilary and Biden who are x10 more knowledgeable in politics.
      You don't think he'll destroy Kamala? lol

      • -2

        But but the ABC said she super smart lol.

      • +12

        He is the only president I know that opening fantasies on his own daughter, what is disgusting person.

        Btw he is also a convicted rapist. Someone that tested positively negative when he did his COVID test.

        Someone that said we should drink bleach.

        Someone that cheated on his wife with a porn star while she was pregnant.

        Person, woman, man, camera, TV.
        Someone that confuses between A cognitive test and an IQ test.

        Mexico never paid for the wall.

        He asked people to find votes that doesn't exist.

        Also said grab them by the …. In the bus.

        • -3

          Gropey Biden apparently has fantasies of his own.

          • @Lets Go Brandon: Wanna make a bet who will win the presidency this year?

            How about $1,000 Aud?

          • @Lets Go Brandon: Biden is like eating expired food.

            Trump is like eating expired food covered by dog poop.

            • @Mydc5r: Thank you preschooler for the joke.

          • @Lets Go Brandon: Biden is out. It's time to let go.

        • +2

          Btw he is also a convicted rapist

          Is that what you read in The Guardian then instantly believed?
          Civil trials are not 'convictions' just so you know. This is common mistake made by people who have no idea what they are talking about, and who simply regurgitate lies fed to them from the media. It might be time to upgrade your source of info to something more reliable…

          • @1st-Amendment: I bet you are on Jeffrey Epstein "list" also. Trump is.

            • +1


              I bet you are on Jeffrey Epstein "list" also. Trump is.

              Another Guardian lie you so easily swallowed. Let me know when you come up with an original thought…

              • @1st-Amendment: Everything that goes against your cult leader has to be fake news, right? "Because an educated person would know" that ignoring an abundance of verifiable facts is what makes you truly intelligent. Many people are saying facts do not care about your feelings.

            • -1

              @Mydc5r: Don't forget Ol' Billy Clinton. His on the list multiple times. Joe Biden probably used his know alias of Robert Peters. Just like he uses for all other criminal activity

      • +9

        Biden beat him easily 4 years ago, in both the debates and the election. He stepped down because he's too old. Trump is also too old, he is clearly unhinged, and he's apparently incontinent lol.

        Harris is a law abiding person who can speak in coherent thoughts. Trump is a literal criminal who meanders on stream of consciousness rants.

      • +1

        Just for the record, in debates Hillary won 3-0. Biden also was considered the winner 2-0 of the 2020 debates (Remember those? The first one Trump whined and interrupted the whole way though, then refused to do any more because of how bad he looked. He eventually was persuaded that was a bad move). Then Trump won the 2024 debate with Biden. By my count that's 5-1 against Trump.

        • Thats for the record though 🙂
          I just watched the debate with Hillary and was clear as day that she was obliterated.

          Trump was also continuously interrupted by the two Moderators. Actually Trump had to tell the Moderators as to why he gets interrupted and she doesn't?

          Do you remember that debate?
          Here's a small piece as a reminder:

          You should see the part where he was outlining her husbands abuse issues.

          Anyways, may the best candidate win 🙂

          • @AlteredBeast: I watched all three, and I watched both in 2020 and I watched the one a few weeks ago. Surveys of political analysts, officials from both parties and viewers conclusively found Clinton won each of the debates.

            Trump delivering a one-liner did not win him the debate. Watch the whole thing and tell who you think comes off as knowing more about governing and leadership.

            • @RolandWaites: Yes by result.

              That's like saying a movie failed on RottonTomatoes as 20% (shocking) but the audience score was 90%.

              I watched the debate on my own accord and judged it in my own perspective…and believe Trump won.

              If not then he wouldn't of been favored by the mass as the next president at that time 🙃

              On a side note - I'd be more comfortable for Hilary to run against Trump today as she possesses more experience and knowledge than Kamala.

              • @AlteredBeast: But he wasn't favoured by the mass (population? Media?) at the time. Clinton received more votes.

                But really (except for the latest example) presidential debates rarely shift anything in the race. They're mostly for the politics nerds, not the average Joe.

                Elections are really personality contests these days. Experience isn't the overriding factor. It's going to be down to which of the two can convince the fraction of voters that is undecided at this stage that they are the better person.

                We'll find out who managed that in a dozen weeks.

      • Only in the minds of people who couldn’t pour water out of a shoe if the instructions were on the heel.

    • who won't debate Kamala

      What are you talking about?

      This is the exactly the kind of ignorance that gives TDS sufferers such a bad rap.
      Presidential debates are conducted by the two nominees of each party. After Trump and Biden won their primaries, they became those nominees. Harris is NOT the official nominee yet, since she didn't win the primary she'll have to wait for the Democrat convention in August to be officially nominated. Only then would a debate be held.

      You need to upgrade your sources of information. They are feeding your TDS…

    • +1

      Yes in prison in 2024.

    • I feel sorry for you.

  • +1

    So in the previous coffee beans thread that was trying to capitalize off the trump branding, I made a point that in today's highly political environment, its dangerous to needlessly push forth an agenda/market through outrage since you never know when some extremist on either side of the spectrum decides to do something stupid. That was on the 8th of July. On the 13th of July, a would be assassin attempted the assassination of former president Trump. So I'll bring the issue up again, why the (profanity) do we allow these types of posts? And are these posts worth potentially endangering yourself for???

      • +7

        How did you come to that conclusion reading what I said?

        Did you actually read what I wrote?

        Whether they're selling coffee or a stupid dancing toy is irrelevant to the crux of the issue - rage marketing in a highly political environment, and how it potentially exposes someone to the dangerous acts of another individual. The store in question here, has a history of posting just regular goods for their store. Yet it's only now that they've chosen to put forth a deal for a highly political toy, in an situation where both sides of the political spectrum are increasingly growing heated.

        • -1

          Did you actually read what I wrote?

          I did

          rage marketing in a highly political environment, and how it potentially exposes someone to the dangerous acts of another individual.

          But that’s a very defeatist approach to things.

          It’s almost like saying “women should stay at home coz there’s a lot of predatory men out there”.

          Assassination attempt on Trump was 100% avoidable, it should have never happened. Almost as if it was allowed to happen,

          chosen to put forth a deal for a highly political toy, in an situation where both sides of the political spectrum are increasingly growing heated.

          Businesses aren’t obligated to cater to the outraged kids over here who get so red at the mere mention of a man that has had zero negative impact on their actual lives.
          People need to grow up and learn to tolerate things they don’t agree with.

          • +3

            @Gervais fanboy: Yea no, that's not even the same issue and its incredulous as to why you have likened the two topics. It's not political to say that women deserve to feel safe regardless of what they're doing. It IS political to try and sell a toy of a highly political figure, after one of the most historical political moments in modern history, DURING the election season in which that political individual is running - one in which people consider another pivotal turning point in how the next several years will run.

            Businesses aren't obligated to do so, and never did I claim that they were. The issue is once again why they do so when its just so needlessly dangerous. And why such posts are allowed on this forum when we all know well that all it does it trigger a shitshow. You've stated that people should be tolerant of things, yet at the very same time are being intolerant of opposing opinions, dismissing them as that of "outraged kids". The irony.

          • +2

            @Gervais fanboy:

            People need to grow up and learn to tolerate things they don’t agree with.

            Do you think you're a good example of someone who has grown up and learned to tolerate things/people he disagrees with?

            • @CrowReally: Irony?

              You lie, neg and report things.
              I don’t.

              Do you think

              Don’t have to, you wouldn’t see me ever false negging posts or begging the mods to take down people’s posts.

              • +4

                @Gervais fanboy: A lot of accusations about my activities and character for what should be a simple yes/no answer about your own behaviour.


                Still, if you're going to tell me you don't lie and you don't neg, then that's obviously a reliable statement we all believe and don't need to investigate further.

                Anyway, my original question still stands: are you a grown up person who tolerates people he disagrees with?

                • -1


                  A lot of accusations

                  Fact - I had previously said ‘most’ people of a certain age group are aware of XYZ.
                  You changed that to - me claiming ‘ALL’ people of that age group were aware of XYZ.
                  When I pointed it out, you doubled down.
                  You are a liar that wouldn’t even correct his lies when called out on it.

                  then that's obviously a reliable statement

                  Na, stuff that.
                  You are always here replying to everything I post.
                  So I ask you again, have you ever seen me frivolously negging deals or cribbing about mods not taking down a certain deal?

                  It was a simple question and yet you couldn’t answer it. Hmm…

                  my original question still stands

                  Why be passive aggressive like this?
                  You just indirectly clarified that you don’t find what I say reliable so what’s the point in me telling you anything anymore.
                  As disingenuous as you are, Atleast be consistent with it. Why flip flop?

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