Buy 1 Solar Powered Waving USA President $6.95 & Get 1 Dancing Mexican Cactus Free + Shipping (Free MEL C&C) @ Smooth Sales


My Fellow OzBargainers,

It’s HUGE. It’s TREMENDOUS. You won’t believe this deal – believe me, you just won’t. We’re talking about the best deal in the history of deals. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

For a limited time only, get your hands on a Donald Trump Lookalike Solar-Powered Waving USA President Figure for just $6.95 + shipping. This little guy waves at you, just like the greatest American president waves at all his tremendous fans. And guess what? That’s not all, folks.

Buy this fantastic, incredible, amazing figure and you get a FREE Solar-Powered Dancing Mexican Cactus. That’s right, folks – a FREE Mexican cactus that dances. It’s like a fiesta on your dashboard. The best part? This is all for you, my fellow OzBargainers.

Deal Details:

Price: $6.95 + shipping
Free Click and Collect: Melbourne Warehouse (for the locals)
Metro Shipping: Flat rate $7.95

This deal is going to be yuuuge, believe me. Don’t miss out – get yours now before they’re all gone. It’s going to be tremendous. You’re going to love it, I guarantee* it.

Make your dashboard GREAT again!

*no actual guarantees will be made.
Cactus will be added to your order when shipped. One cactus per order.

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  • +36

    Oh here we go🍿

    • +6

      excellent, let the show begin

      • +10

        Looking forward to people…. taking shots….in the comments

        • +9

          Gotta keep an ear out for these jokes.

          • +7

            @TrafalgarSean: Total price using math is $14.90 once shipping is added so not really a bargain.
            More like just using OzB for free adz.

            • -2

              @WatchNerd: Using Match,

              $14.90 divided by 2 equals $7.45 each, for Solar Powered Waving USA President & a Solar Powered Dancing Cactus, delivered.

    • +3

      Fight Fight Fight

    • +1

      As of 5 pm, 62 Trump supporters. And 26 supporters of Crooked Biden

      • +1

        I think you meant 26 people abusing the voting system.

      • +1

        Did you miss Biden withdrawing from the presidential race?

    • Do you have one with a tiny scratch on the right ear from a bit of flying plastic teleprompter.

  • +1


  • +19
  • +15


    • +21

      Not a reason to neg. Every single post could be considered landfill, by anyone not wanting/needing it.

      • If you really want your landfill, its also cheaper elsewhere:…

        • -5

          Not really, they are charging $15 for shipping.
          But you wouldn’t account for that coz it doesn’t suit your narrative.

          • +5

            @Gervais fanboy: It's showing $9.99 shipping for me.

            Not sure what narrative you're talking about, but you boys are defending very hard for what is clearly not a good deal.

            • +3

              @P1xellat3d: Metro shipping is $7.95.
              Regional locations under 500g is $9.99.

            • +3

              @P1xellat3d: $8 shipping for the op’s product + a free product with it.
              So I don’t know why would you disparage it for the price. Actually, we both know why

              you boys

              And who’s that? I am the one talking to you rn


              No, you are chatting absolute rubbish.
              Yes, 100% this is landfill garbage(I agree) but so is soo much more stuff on this website.
              But you only selectively get outraged over this coz of your ‘politics’
              So just man up for once and atleast be honest about it rather than your sly ‘landfill’ remark.
              Just say you don’t like Trump, be upfront with it.

              • -2

                @Gervais fanboy: No need to get upset. If you think it's a good deal then by all means go ahead and buy it.

                  • +2

                    @Gervais fanboy: Don’t be upset buddy, It’s just a doll.
                    Stand under sunlight with it, it’ll wave at you.

                    Your moody little boy might calm down.

              • +2

                @Gervais fanboy: More like a derangement then outrage

      • Mods bend the rules according to their belief.

  • +7

    did anyone else read this part with the fast sounding voice at the end of commercials?

    "no actual guarantees will be made.
    Cactus will be added to your order when shipped. One cactus per order."

  • +2

    Ah…..I still prefer the loo paper with his likeness on it

  • +5

    Is that actually a deal for a solar bobblehead tho?

  • +13

    Orange mans salute is usually done with a straight arm from what I've observed. Must be a manufacturing fault

      • Excellent call , show up these pagans ✅

      • +9

        I can't believe most Americans don't want hateful @rseholes as their leaders! The only explanation for this is that all the votes for the other side must be coming from immigrants who can't legally vote!

  • popcorn


  • +25

    Is there a Madame President one?

    At least that one will keep it's value for another 4 years.

    • +5

      JV “you’ve done it again”.

    • -2

      Value is a strong word to associate with Cackles

      • +15

        When the best you have against a candidate is that she laughs VS Mr Bankruptcy Rapey Felon President. Big yikes.

    • -2

      Melania Trump or Jill Biden?

  • +3

    Would this guy have hole or stitches on his ear?

    • +1

      No, that is the new model.

    • +3

      For realism… neither.

  • +4

    Why is his mouth open like that?

    • +16

      It's where the Mexican cactus goes.

      • +5

        But then he might get a 'little prick' in his mouth.

    • +6

      Its where something gets Putin.

  • +1

    Does the cactus go on the wall or behind the wall?

    • Over the wall on a plane.

  • -2

    Happy to pay extra for RED EAR version, not RED TIE version.

    • +4

      I can make that for you for an extra charge.

      • +1

        There's no need to diversify towards shameless.

    • +1

      This is the RED NECK edition. Mainly purchased by hillbillies or hillsong.

  • I think you will sell more with a Kamala one

    • +2

      Kamala fans aren't stupid enough to pay 7 bucks plus postage for a couple of two-dollar bobbleheads, friend.

      • -6

        And yet they’ll vote for her.
        Especially their black voter base who are completely clueless about her prosecution record, where she kept innocent black men incarcerated just so she could use them as free labour.
        She locked people up for possessing marijuana, even though she’s smoked it herself.

        So yes, her voter base are some very smart people indeed.

        • -1

          why u hate us black

          • +2

            @zorodluffy: I am black, so I guess I must hate myself then?

            Anyways, I love how me objectively making an argument is you thinking I hate a certain racial group.

            Fact - Kamala polls the strongest amongst the black voter base, especially black. women.

            • -1

              @Gervais fanboy: stop pretending to be black.

              have you been black all your life?

              • @zorodluffy: 🤦🏻‍♂️

                • +1

                  @Gervais fanboy: Gervais, I believe what they will be calling you is the black face of white supremacy.. 🤣

                  • +2

                    @WasBargain: lol, a big fan of Larry Elder btw.

                    • +2

                      @Gervais fanboy: Good man! Me too!

                      Trying to distance myself a little from PBD though.

                      NGL, I haven't missed a live morning (for us) episode of TimCast in almost 5 years.. 😅

                      • @WasBargain: PBD has his merits but at the end of the day, he’s just a grifter too.
                        Also, he’s terrible at making an argument, does F all research.

                        TimPool is deemed invincible by many but I never really got into him that much, for some reason I have always likened him to the likes of Shapiro, Klavan(?), Crowder etc I never really liked any of them tbh.

                        Mark Dice is good btw, he’s a genuine patriot who doesn’t flip flop on things. Candace’s decent too, especially for standing against the DW in her limited defence of the Palestinians.

                        Godfather of them all, Sir Thomas Sowell, only man I can never fault for anything ever.
                        I used to write to him when I was in college, never heard anything back though lol.

  • +27

    What the hell has happened to the mods? This landfill bullshit is not a bargain by absolutely any definition.

    • +5

      Mods don't determine what gets upvotes, the community does.

      That's the reason why OzBargain is the best place to get bargains.

      Even if it occasionally results in terrible value deals like this one appearing on the "front page".

      • +12

        Except it's increasingly featuring crap like this and blatant advertising from shonky businesses, which is making it less OzBargain and more OzUSPoliticsWithAds. If I wanted Twitter or Reddit I'd go there.

        The only reason this kind of thing seems to fly is the political angle. If people started posting random $10 junk shop items off eBay they'd get booted in a heartbeat, yet for some reason this persists.

        • Your comment is perfect.

      • -4

        I hear you and a mod told me as much via a script they sent me when I reported it.
        What is doesn't need to remain that way. ozbargain would generate big $. I don't know if mods get paid. Few weird things though like even their comments don't have the ability to upvote or downvote, that seems a little precious to me, like they don't want to see the true community vibe in case it's not in their favour from various issue to issue.

    • Cry more. Please cry, more.

      • I'm sobbing here. This Gen X dude is so desperate for your approval. Get your Twitter copy/paste dank meme comments ready for the next junk item unassociated Mango Mussolini post - appears you enjoy a good circlejerk.

  • +1

    That is not the only Donald they sell!
    Behold: Donald Harris, father of the Vice President:…

    (He is Jamaican, geddit? OK, he actually looks more like Gus Fring.

  • +1

    Good for target practice

    • Going to need it..

    • +8

      We assure you, the only ideology we're propagating is the right to a fun dashboard. Who knew a waving figure and a dancing cactus could spark such a debate?

      • I dunno man, I used to have a profile pic of an Australian flag on fire to inspire my burning pride for this country, but who knew it made me get banned

  • +5

    This deal is going to be yuuuge, believe me. Don’t miss out – get yours now before they’re all gone.

    I'm sure I can speak on behalf of 99.9% of the community when I say that we're all happy to Miss Out on this 'Deal'

  • +9

    Rubbish. No deal.

  • +2

    This is a waste of plastic. I am offended if I am plastic.

    • he doesn't, hence he married Melania

  • +3

    Do not want it even if it is free.

  • See mods, this happens when you show people ozb is full of gullible idiots

    • +1

      I know right, there's so many neg votes it's not funny

  • +1

    While I'm no fan of Trump I'm not easily offended or sensitive like some others so this can sit alongside the jv coffee beans that made so many people cry (neg me if I'm right).

    Then again I probably won't spend the $14.90 to get something I don't need anyway lol.

    • +1

      Lot of lefty luvvies of this site who get mighty triggered by the orange man bad.

      • They wouldn't be negging unless they were so upset and enraged. Life is too short to cry over a solar powered toy.

        • -4

          If we were talking about a Hitler miniature would you find it so amusing? The guy is a literal fascist - that is proven by both his attempt to steal the election, and the Project 2025 people he's surrounding himself by.

          • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Straw man. The best advice is don't engage and you'll be more happy.

            • +2

              @Clear: Not a straw man at all. A literal fascist is perfectly fine to attack.

              • +1

                @JohnHowardsEyebrows: At this rate the negs that agree with my statement about people being too easily triggered seems to be winning.

                If you don't want a deal to reach front page don't work with the OzBargain algorithm by commenting and voting. Instead work against the algorithm by not voting, commenting or generating views. Unfortunately this hasn't worked in your favour.

                • +2

                  @Clear: Ultimately idiots will post in support, many will post against, but the nature of Trump is it'll be page one regardless of neg inputs. But it's also important to make it clear that supporting convicted felon, proven molester, and enjoyer of Epstein hospitality Donald Trump is not what civilised people do.

                  • +2

                    @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Yes those recent supreme court cases really showed how messed up America is and how corrupt the judges and so forth are.

                  • @JohnHowardsEyebrows:

                    But it's also important to make it clear that supporting convicted felon and rapist Trump is not what civilised people do.

                    Not sure of your definition of 'civilised', does that mean 'anyone who thinks differently to me'? because an educated person would know that politically motivated convictions are meaningless. It actually says more about the prosecutors than the convicted. You only only to think about this just a tiny bit to see plenty of examples eg. Gandhi, Mandela, Aung Sun Suu Kyi etc…

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