Buy 1 Solar Powered Waving USA President $6.95 & Get 1 Dancing Mexican Cactus Free + Shipping (Free MEL C&C) @ Smooth Sales


My Fellow OzBargainers,

It’s HUGE. It’s TREMENDOUS. You won’t believe this deal – believe me, you just won’t. We’re talking about the best deal in the history of deals. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

For a limited time only, get your hands on a Donald Trump Lookalike Solar-Powered Waving USA President Figure for just $6.95 + shipping. This little guy waves at you, just like the greatest American president waves at all his tremendous fans. And guess what? That’s not all, folks.

Buy this fantastic, incredible, amazing figure and you get a FREE Solar-Powered Dancing Mexican Cactus. That’s right, folks – a FREE Mexican cactus that dances. It’s like a fiesta on your dashboard. The best part? This is all for you, my fellow OzBargainers.

Deal Details:

Price: $6.95 + shipping
Free Click and Collect: Melbourne Warehouse (for the locals)
Metro Shipping: Flat rate $7.95

This deal is going to be yuuuge, believe me. Don’t miss out – get yours now before they’re all gone. It’s going to be tremendous. You’re going to love it, I guarantee* it.

Make your dashboard GREAT again!

*no actual guarantees will be made.
Cactus will be added to your order when shipped. One cactus per order.

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                        • @CrowReally: He did his best to duck and weave. What a painful exchange that was..

                    • @CrowReally:

                      Why you sweating so much?

                      Guy calls out your passive aggressive behaviour and you respond by being even more passive aggressive… Self awareness = 0

                      • +1

                        @1st-Amendment: Isn't it: Gervais tells everyone else about a standard of behaviour they should have, can't answer a yes/no question if he himself meets that standard?

                        Is holding people accountable now a passive aggressive thing?

                        • -1


                          Is holding people accountable now a passive aggressive thing?

                          The nature in which you do it is.
                          And you're not holding anyone accountable to anything. This is an anonymous internet forum where people talk shit all day. You've vastly overestimated your authority here.

                          • +1

                            @1st-Amendment: If you can't see the hypocrisy in criticizing other people's behaviour when it's something you yourself can't do, then I can't help you.

                            For all the talk of me somehow overestimating my authority I certainly got a few squirms and "well what about" slabs of dissembling text out of a simple question that asked for a single yes/no answer, didn't I?

                            I wonder why that is.

        • -1

          rage marketing

          The only people selling rage are media outlets claiming Trump is Hitler and it's the end of the world.
          Here's a thought experiment for you. Had the media not spent every waking moment of the last eight years force feeding you 'rage marketing' about Trump, what is the worst thing that you can think of that happened?
          Was it the lower unemployment that gets people upset? The lower inflation? The greater global peace? The stronger borders? Take away the media lies and Trump did a pretty decent job when he was President. Most American voters seem to realise this hence why he leading in the polls.
          Switch off the media and see how much of this 'rage marketing' instantly evaporates.

          • @1st-Amendment: It's not one side doing rage marketing. Even as we speak, there are republicans denouncing Kamala for things including: taking away plastic straws; sleeping her way to her position; not having kids and being a traditional wife.

            And here are the answers to your "thought" experiment:

            Unemployment was actually lower under Biden than Trump, though Trump's unemployment rate was lower than Obama's - despite this, Trump remains the only president in modern history that has left his position with less jobs than we he started. Part of this is due to Obama inheriting/experiencing the GFC, whilst Trump experienced the coronavirus.

            Inflation was higher under Trump compared to Obama, but lower under Trump compared to Biden - this is mainly from confounding factors resulting from both the aftereffects of covid, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the related issues.

            Global peace has been worse since Trump took increasingly provocative stances. Be it his decision to befriend several authoritarian leaders, or his personal relationships with individuals the west now considers non-friendly's. Look no further than any evaluation of the perception/approval of America under Trump's leadership - with America being what most would consider the largest deterrent, yet under Trump's approach grew increasingly agnostic against what would be considered many of America's traditional allies.

            Borders actually did not improve under Trump, whilst legal immigration declined under trump, illegal immigration increased during the period of his presidency, with his final year having more than his first year despite covid. In fact, 2019 had the highest number of illegal border crossings than any given year of Obama's presidency. They did however get "worse" during Biden's time.

            So how does any of this prove that Trump would be the superior candidate? Most American voters aren't even privy to these facts, and the reason Trump is leading in the polls is because of political theatre.

            • @GachaGamer: I think it is a bit unfair to use facts against a Trump supporter. All they know is hate and bigotry.

      • +4

        Sorry, but not even for a moment would this be believable. Given the circumstances of what has just occurred, you posting this deal now of all times, and then stating "its just a joke" would be like someone bringing a gun rights flag right after a shooting had just occurred. You clearly know what you are doing, and there was no chance everyone in this forum would just take it for shits and giggles.

      • +2

        The issue with the waving figure is who it's of… Maybe you should post another deal with someone from Germany who shares similar values doing a salute and see how that goes..

        • +1

          Paging Dr Godwin …

      • do you do custom orders? I'd like to order a saluting hitler and waving chairman mao. any discounts on combined shipping?

  • +2


  • +6

    *no actual guarantees will be made

    Yep that actually sounds exactly right

  • +3

    Not a deal, looks like a piece of junk to me.

  • -2

    Deal was $3 when trump was in office biden has made this increase in price

  • +3

    I am waiting for them to bring out a Daniel Andrews version - that will really light up the boards of OZB

    • I'd buy one. So many possibilities…

  • +1

    It actually moves around a lot, great for target practice!

  • +2


  • +2

    Should make one that turns its head!

  • This is why I love ozb 🍿

  • +26

    Mods and Admins do better, this is just an attempt at someone to stir shit up here in the comments. Not a deal, $3.34 on AliExpress

      • +5

        Not a deal $3.34 on AliExpress - thats my main comment along with the comment to the mods and admins

        Domestically, $1 cheaper here…

        • -7

          $11 shipping and you don't get a free dancing cactus!

        • Fair enough

          Mods and Admins do better, this is just an attempt at someone to stir shit up here in the comments.

          I’ll pretend I didn’t just read this, I guess.

      • +1

        I hate when people comment that I can get things cheaper elsewhere.

      • -3

        Angy bois downvoting you because scrolling is hard. xD

  • +5

    Landfill junk. Weird marketing for a business.

    • -7

      Lowkey agree with that take

      Btw have you exhausted all your negs yet? How many more left?

  • This is one way to identify the woke Ozbargainers

    • +7

      Yeah, this deal seems pretty woke to me - I mean it has solar power and free stuff. And it makes us embrace Mexican culture too.

  • +6

    Downvoting because it's not an accurate likeness. Has two ears.

    • +2

      So does Trump, miraculously.

  • So, wait. You get two dancing cacti?

  • +5


  • +3

    regardless of your political view, the OP's description its hilarious

  • Why get this defeated leader when you can get Frieza for 0.25c?

    • We do still have a lot of Frieza's left….

  • -1

    Great deal for #47!

  • +1

    Shipping is what kills it for me.

  • +1

    The mouth is too small, I will pass.

    • oh u teehee

  • +3

    Why would anyone promote a criminal, misogynist and racist?

    • +1

      Because of Kamala the cat lady

    • +1

      Oh do they have a Joe one as well?

    • That simple, every criminal deserves a second chance, it'll just show how the current American policy being sympathetic to criminals is an excellent policy, when even a criminal can become the POTUS. Just think of him as Aladdin on the road to becoming the leader of the free world.

    • This is exactly what the “orange man bad” crowd would say.

  • +5

    I am certainly grateful for Trump outing the low IQ fascists among us.

    • +2



      • +4

        Project2025, champ. You might be too gullible to put two and two together, but the majority won't be. Oh, and the insurrection when he lost…

        • +2

          Name one single case where anyone, including Trump, was even levelled with the charge of insurrection? You keep using terminology which doesn't fit the events which took place.

          • +1

            @unity1: They regurgitate the terminology they're fed.

          • +1

            @unity1: He's being indicted you cabbage. The only thing getting in the way is his hand picked supreme court judges.

            • +1

              @JohnHowardsEyebrows: I know, but not for insurrection.

              • +2

                @unity1: Is it better that he was charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States, witness tampering, conspiracy against the rights of citizens, and obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding?

                Just for a note, the official proceeding was the certification of Joe Biden's win. The obstruction was the supporters he encouraged to protest the Capitol, which turned into them illegally forcing their way inside. That is often called the insurrection.

            • +2


              He's being indicted you cabbage

              You don't seem to know what words mean. An indictment is not a conviction.

              The only thing getting in the way is his hand picked supreme court judges.

              Oh dear… The Supreme Court doesn't hear criminal cases directly it is an appeals court. The trial, if it proceeds will happen in Washington DC District Court which is an all Blue district. Hardly Trump's allies.

              Also, none of the four charges he has been indicted for containn the word 'insurrection'. You can read it here:
              You posts to this thread sum up TDS very nicely. All the bluster with no information based on reality.

              • @1st-Amendment: The supreme court ruled presidents can't be charged for officials acts. That's the only reason he won't be convicted. You really are full of the same stuff Trump's diapers are.

          • +1

            @unity1: Well, one single case would be the US House of Representatives impeaching Trump with the charge of incitement of insurrection. He wasn't found guilty, of course, but all you asked for was levelling the charge and they did that.

            But the logical step from sedition (which plenty of people were charged for, and carries a longer sentence) is an insurrection. The difficulty is proving that those there were actually trying to carry out the overthrow of the government and not just having a riot for fun. That they failed so horribly badly suggests most weren't really engaged in much more than angry stomping of feet.

            Anyway, on topic, what's with the mouth of Donald looking like a blowup sex toy?

        • -2

          Project2025, champ.

          Lol, tin foil hat alert…

        • 'fascists'



    • +1

      Yes… everyone that disagrees with the left is automatically a fascist.

  • +1

    why would anyone buy rubbish?!?!?! even if trump him self is for this price, i wouldn't buy him to clean my 5h!t!!!! this also goes to all USA presdents!!

    • Name 5 US presdents………


  • +8

    Absolute trash.

    Might buy though if it came in an orange jumpsuit and prison bars variation.

    • +2

      Or one (accurately) wearing an adult nappy and struggling to walk down a ramp.

      • +1

        Are you asking OP if they sell a Biden version?

        • +4

          Biden's not running for president, Einstein. Trump is the oldest presidential candidate in history. Already on nappies, and another 4.5 years on the throne (ironic given he can't hold on to get to the throne).

          • +2

            @JohnHowardsEyebrows: But age is just a number!

            Thanks what Kamala and all of Democratic Party said, only about a month ago!

            Are you calling Kamala a liar?

            • +4

              @Loki556: Yeah I don't think anyone's buying your limp wristed attempt to make the diaper man camp look honest, bud.

          • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: TDS is a terrible affliction.

  • +2

    Instant landfill

  • +2

    Seems extremely useful useless

  • +1

    Garbage item and political statements.

  • +3

    OP is persistent I'll give them that much.

    Has posted 146 "deals"… and none of them have really taken off.

    Was due for a win I guess?
    But unfortunately all the plus votes are coming from political voting- not because this is a deal.
    This junk is available at other retailers for the same price… no deal.

    • +5

      Fake News!

      Other websites have higher freight for metropolitan shipping.
      You also don't get a FREE Solar Powered Dancing Cactus.

      Also, just interesting to note, one of our most popular deals was the Solar Powered Dancing Jesus.

    • +2

      unfortunately all the plus votes are coming from political voting

      Can’t say the same about the negative votes?

      • Nope. The can also be attributable to the fact this isn't a bargain.

        Same junk doll available elsewhere for same price.

  • In case you need to tell them apart, the cactus is the green one, the trump one is the orange one.

  • +1

    Is this able to press a keyboard key like a drinking bird so it still looks like im active on teams?

  • -1

    Trigger - it should be a name of a horse but when it comes to stuff like this……….

  • +1

    I did not… have… sexual relations… with that cactus.

    I came for this.

  • Hey @ArcherVice, is it a free cactus per Trump? Or per order?

    • Hi There,
      It's per order.

      • Damnit, I was gonna' grab a few and was hoping I got a few Cacti aswell.. 😅

  • +4

    Thanks for the great deal, OP! Keep them coming. Next up, how about a deal on a giggly Kamala Harris?

    • +2


      • And her cats!!

  • +2

    Must be the revised model

    • matches his expression when he found out he is no longer competing against Biden
    • mouth open ready to inhale more corporate donor money
    • Face when he saw footage of JD Vance and the couch
    • +4

      The rhetoric on the democrat side has reached a new low

      • +1

        Maybe you're right. It's probably Trump demonstrating to Stormy Daniels how he wants her. 🍄

      • +7

        Isn't Newscorp going on about Kamala's laugh?

        If that's not a new low, I don't know what is.

        • +4

          SkyNews in Australia is going at it even harder than Fox News over there. It's such an fascinating window into the minds of the idiots in Australia who idolise Trump. I even saw a few of them suggesting Trump should and would (and could) pull rank and take over Australia back in 2020, that's the kind of dimwits we're dealing with.

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