10% off $250 Coles MasterCard Digital Gift Cards ($7 Purchase Fee Applies) @ Giftcards.com.au » All Comments

  • -5

    No discount shown on the page

    • +6

      16 Aug 9:00am–21 Aug

      • yeah, just saw it, thanks

    • +2

      "Offer available from 16/8/23 9am to 21/07/23"

  • +27

    Fool me once…

    • +5


    • +5

      Still haven't got my refund from the Amazon ones.

      • +2

        Same here

      • +1

        I emailed them and got it pretty quick

        • +2

          Yeh they replied to say my refund has been processed last Friday. But still no money back in my account.

          So you already have the money back in your account?

          • +1

            @Shaun Prawn: Yes, came within a couple days. I was surprised myself.

          • +1

            @Shaun Prawn: Got my refund yesterday, plus Amex credited my account for $900 as well so at the moment have -$900, +$900, +$900. Would be nice if it stayed like that….

          • +1

            @Shaun Prawn: I got the email back last Friday and the money was there Sunday. I also got a call on Friday about an hour after the email saying it was processed

          • +1

            @Shaun Prawn: Got my refund within couple of days after receiving email confirmation

      • what happened. did amazon not accept it?

        • +4

          giftcards.com.au accepted payment but than failed the order and didn't provide the gift card. Then you have to contact them to get a refund or else they won't do anything about it.

      • Finally got my refund last night.

    • +12

      Still waiting for my $450 refund from their previous scam. Their site is a joke and the fact they didn’t automatically refund customers and we had to contact them directly is borderline criminal.

    • Agreed

    • +4

      fool me — you can't get fooled again

  • +8

    Not very useful. A lot of places refuse taking it now, especially those gift card places. Used to he ok but they stopped. So now i cant use it with Prezzee or Shopback. Who knows when Amazon would stop taking it.

    • +1

      There were posts about Amazon deactivating accounts. Not sure if they are related

      • +1

        It seems that if you use a lot of gift cards on same website, you take the risk that they would regard it as suspicious behavior and either block you to add any more cards, or suspend your account for investigation.

    • +2

      I used a bunch of Coles Mastercard gift cards to buy gift cards on ShopBack last week without any issues.

      • Same. Thank heavens for ShopBack!

      • I used 5-10 cards last week. Then they no longer accept it.

      • +1

        Last time I using 3 Coles mastercard on Shopback. They are fine. All accepted .But it is block when I using fourth MasterCard. Even I tried another MasterCard giftcard. It is yet not accepted.

    • Use it for paying bills then

    • I've added mine to PayPal and it works with Preezee.

      • The question is when did you first add them?

        • Can't remember. But I just added my last two right now and it worked.

      • YMMV. Doesn't work for me

    • I purchase between 2 to 5 every time they come up & have no issues using through shopback.. long as dont quickly add 3+ cards all at once youll be right.

  • +13

    Say no

  • +5

    Still waiting for the refund from them for the previous Amazon GC deal…

  • +2

    Are these online version easily hackable?

    • +3


  • +1

    Cant use in store

  • About time
    Just received rates notice today

    • -3

      Can you pay your rates with this card?

      • +1

        With rates, the problem is they charge something like 0.56%, so you can't just pay $250. You need to factor in the card surcharge, calculate and pay something ridiculously like $248.67. You need to then subtract that from total amount owned and do it again. Then you'll be left with a gift card residual value of something like $4.73, making it totally useless and negate all the saving. Not to mention all the efforts and time you put in to pay a council rate multiple times.

        • +10

          I use the few dollar remainder to buy variable Amazon gc and store it in my account. This way you won’t lose track

        • Couldn’t you have just used the whole amount and have $4.73 in credit? I would imagine most places happily accept overpayments for the potential interest yield.

        • +5

          You just need to get the calculations correct

          There are 2 types of surcharges for bills

          One is charged on payment and the other is charged on the next bill

          Next bill one just pay $250 and surcharge is applied in the next bill

          The one on payment using your example
          $250/1.0056=$248.61 it will say $1.39 added on top and then you'll use the whole $250 balance no residue left. Sometimes you do need to play around with rounding just make sure the total is $250 is at the end

          • +4

            @Poor Ass: +1 not sure why this is considered so hard - I literally did it for 60 gift cards between this last digital deal and the in store Coles on a few months back - just calculated the exact amount to leave $0 remaining after surcharge.

        • +1

          Just overpay and have a credit, that's what I do.

          • +1

            @Bdawg: It doesn't solve the problem that you've still gotta calculate the usable about on the card. But yeah might as well spend it all in one go and keep credit

        • It worked for Northern beaches council, but did not work for Burwood council.
          The interface for Burwood council did not require CVV, maybe a reason.
          Also worked OK for Strata through Deft.

          • @auri: I paid my strata in advance through Deft too. My council didn't seem to have an option to split, other than their own payment plan which was a cost. They use bpoint online, which didn't allow the amount to be edited. I didn't think to try bpoint over the phone.

    • got mine too today, any tips on this? last year i used the physical card.

      • It's the same way to pay

        Tip: use it fast

        • Is anyone from VIC? my council is using Bpoint for online payment, do I just need to pay 250 10 times using the same reference number?

    • This is new to me. Do you pay using BPAY or some other means?

      • +1

        Do not use BPAY just the card number and other details.

  • +11

    Good luck

    Is this a lottery ?

    • +2

      Should be in competitions?

  • Still haven't spend some cards from Coles yet.

    I should probably check them soon

    • +13

      That's OK, I already spent them for you.

    • +6

      Thank you for your donation to JV & Scammers Co.

  • +1

    Anyone know if there is any issue paying ATO with these?

    • I paid the ATO.

      0.2% CC surcharge.

      • Can you pay split over multiple cards?

        • +1


      • $7 for the card.
        Plus surcharge

        How much did you actually save?

        • +10

          7.2% but excludes PTSD

        • +4

          $182 ($2500)

          Plus whatever CC points for $2313 on the credit card

          • @JimB: Can you add multiple gift cards in one payment or you had to do new payments every time?

            • @ThePointsGuru: New payment but there are not many fields to fill out. In some ways easypay is easier but can only do 5 every 12 hours whereas MyGov can do 10. Also, you may be able to get your computer to auto fill some.

            • @ThePointsGuru: Unfortunately new payment each time.

              But isn’t too hard as the website has a copy function for the credit card numbers

              All 10 had the same expiry date, 08/28 from memory.

              So just need to remember the CCV

      • thank you

    • iTunes GC works better.

      • Yep this

    • I paid about $15,000 to the ATO last time between paying off debt and down-paying on my personal income tax account. No issues paying but wondering if anybody has had experience getting a tax refund from the ATO after doing this 😂

      • Apparently it goes back onto the original payment method.

        • +1

          The ATO advised this is not the case on their forums. The money in the pot comes from multiple sources so who’s to say where the refunded money came from, unless the use LIFO or FIFO or something to track the monies in that account.

          • +1

            @CommuterPolluter: Excellent. I only read from another post in one of the deals where someone asked and apparently got told so.

            I would imagine it would be easier for ATO to just transfer by EFT but I wouldn't be able to confirm with any certainty.

          • +1

            @CommuterPolluter: With this one simple trick you can launder money through the ATO

          • @CommuterPolluter: Could you please post a link or something like that so I can argue with ATO? Currently have around $3K sitting there and they say it goes back tothe original card(s).

      • Hey mate

        Was your payment of 15k at one go

        I paid 2250 and cannot go ahead, just payment failed on ato portal.

        • yeah I think 8 cards max per like 1 day

          But you already got 9 in a day ? wow

          • @USER DC: Thx for the response man.

            • @Cmaz: There is another trick how you can pay more in a day, think another 5-10 cards

        • +1

          It was over several days. I am unable to make any payments to ATO now, so who knows.

          Edit: it’s working fine, must have mistyped a number.

          You can split between ATO and Government Easy Pay to do it quickly.

          • @CommuterPolluter: I still cannot get over how much the Government Easy Pay name sounds like a scam. When I read it I hear it in my head coming in the voice of a phone scammer

      • Congrats on saving over $1000 just using this!

  • +5

    Offer available from 16/8/23 9am to 21/07/23


  • +14

    Don't want to fear monger but just putting people on their guard

    And @WookieMonster had this to say: "Put it this way: there is a reason I will happily continue buying physical Coles Mastercard gift cards, but I will not purchase another digital Coles Mastercard gift card for the foreseeable future…"

    • +7

      What a nightmare. Your average customer won't know about any of these details, nor should they need to. There's every chance this deal will be worse than the last Amazon gift card cock-up if the system has a track record of sending the same Mastercards to multiple people. People have to ask themselves, is it really worth an $18 saving in every $250?

      • +2

        thanks to these comments, imma hard pass this time

        • All it takes is one of these things to go bad to not be worth the time of many so I'm the same.

    • Wow that’s crazy, cheers for the heads up

  • Can someone confirm whether ShopBack still takes these cards? Thanks.

    Also Prezzee (not anymore) and the Woolworths gift card portal

    • Yes. I just used it yesterday. But it was a physical one. I added it to payment.

      What I would like to know if giftcards.com.au accept Activ visa gc?

      • They don't appear to accept all Prepaid Visa/MC cards, at least the ones I've tried from the previous deal.

        • Thanks for the update.

    • Seems if you never use it before, shopback could take 5-10 cards. Then they will refuse all the rest.

  • Does it work with PayPal now?

    • +4

      Dont do it

    • I've never had problems using it with Paypal

  • +9

    Too much risk. Everyone should stay away and let me stock up.

  • +16

    They are still “on hold” my $250x3 cards purchased from last 10% off deal.

    They are really good at giving excuses and playing the waiting game.

    Warning: min waiting time for a “on hold” dispute is 30 BUSINESS days.

    My case lodged on 28 June is still UNSOLVED as of today.

    • the same here, 2502, 1001, 8*1 about June as well , unsolved neither .

    • Did you ask CC bank for a dispute and they are able to make such a dispute on hold?

    • +3

      Can't believe this "deal" is being allowed.

      • +3

        GiftCards.com.au should be banned from having deals posted.

  • Any ideas how to spend remaining credits that less than 5 dollars? Not able to pay utility bills with these amounts.

    • Sydney water

    • +6

      Use it to buy Amazon gift cards via Amazon

    • +1

      Nandos App variable load

      • Wait what? You can load Nando’s account?

      • What’s that? I have the nandos app and can’t see what you’re talking about

        • @Poor Ass can you explain further details please?

          • @JHoliday: Think rules changed but you use to be able to buy small amounts of e-gift cards

    • +1

      south east water do minimum $1. my life insurance policy took a payment of $0.10. was surprised TBH

    • +1

      Pay the ATO.

  • +3

    My uni will accept these,so will save on fees

    • Fees or rent?

      • +1


  • +4

    Not worth the hassle, they screw up the last gift card deal. Never again

    • What happened last time?

  • +2

    Repeated atrociously administered deals should be resulting in boycotts, not repeated posts.

  • +2

    Bought these cards a few years ago on a similar deal… bought $1,250 worth for an easy $100 profit.

    But there's no way I'd try it now, based on all the comments that I've read on the most recent deals. Far too many things that can go wrong.

  • +5

    Caveat Emptor – Let the Buyer Beware

    Good luck if you are buying!

    From WookieMonster:

    I will not purchase another digital Coles Mastercard gift card for the foreseeable future


    • +1

      i bought on that deal.

      imma pass this one

  • +2

    Thanks OP just in time to pay ATO bill.

    • +1

      Can confirm it works for ATO tax return bill

      • What is the magic number you put in for ATO after the cc surcharge?

        • $249.50

          • @daanish: How much were u successful on using. I used 2250 and cannot go beyond. Just payment failed on Ato

            • +2

              @Cmaz: The general rule was 5x$250 on ATO and 5x$250 on Gov EasyPay in a 12hr window. So max $2500 in 12 hours but it seems some people have been able to do 8 or 9 on ATO portal in a single session.

              Just wait 12-24hrs and your cool down period will run out so you can go again.

              Source: I paid 30k of HECS using these cards over the course of 2 weeks.

  • Still waiting on refund from the last…

  • -2

    Don’t buy into the fear mongering
    The neggers are just trying to put you off so they have more for themselves!!

    • +3

      Lmao. Even the GC shifu himself @WookieMonster blatantly stated he won’t buy anymore digital CMGC. Don’t fool yourself mate, but GL if you still going ahead.
      We’re all pretty much bargain hunters here but when the risk aint worth the bargain reward, if you’re smart your time=money too.

  • Why do people even risk this? 😂😂

  • Nope. They took my money for the last “deal” and now I’ll have to chase a refund because the transaction has finalised.

  • -5

    I think the fear of Coles digital gift card is over rated. Going through the comments of previous posts (sentiment analysis), the margin of error appears in range of 1%. Its worth the risk as far as there is hope of resolution via support desk / call etc. Resolution delayed is NOT resolution denied in this case.

    • +6

      There’s 2 layers of risk here:
      1. (Product) Coles Mastercard giftcards can be compromised. Good luck w resolution.
      2. (Seller platform) giftcards.com.au is incredibly badly run.
      a. Limited stock,
      b. Website can’t handle high traffic,
      c. Payments go through although it says “Payment failed” and you don’t get the giftcards,
      d. These pending charges are not automatically reversed. You need to call the call centre to request a refund and provide enough details (name, email, phone number, credit card number).
      e. Risk of them sending the same giftcards to different legitimate buyers (see comments on the June Coles MC deal)

      • Great summary … terrible product

    • Would you happen to love confrontation as well?

  • I will not buy any, my partner still waiting for the resolution from 2nd July.

    It's now more than 6 weeks

    $500 tied up in the clouds.

    • I assume she contacted their customer support? I rang support and had my money back on credit card within 2 days.

  • Giftcards.com.au? Lol haven't you learnt your lessons yet?

  • Say no

  • NO

  • -3

    Any way you can use these to pay of credit cards?

  • Yeah pass

    • Your comment doesn't seem to align with your vote

  • +1

    Am avoiding this for good reason

    Everyone should only buy as many cards with the thought that they don’t work/hacked/can afford to lose their time and money

  • -1

    Worked for my Grindr subscription 😉

    • +2

      make sure to use with this deal for xtra savings

  • +1

    Don't Buy this cards … !.

    Money was taken out of account, they never send card then I have to call them which required me to wait in queue for more than an hour and then I have to lodge dispute with CBA..

    Lots of headache and no guarantee that they will send you card so save your money and time by staying away from it.

  • +2

    Thanks for reminder to follow up my missing $900 from the prior screw up

    • Amazon deal?

  • Dont do it - not worth you time and effort.

  • I’m still hurt.

  • +4

    I actually had a good run with these.

    I put money into my electricity account, health insurance and worked great.

  • +1

    Once bitten, twice shy with this mob.

  • I’ll just wait and see if it’s a [trump voice] “disaster” before buying. Happy to miss out if too many are having trouble.

  • Not again … still waiting for my money to get refunded.. can’t spend more … no gamble…

  • +1

    Money for money. Everything seems too good till you become the one. I used over 10 thousand dollars in a year. Then suddenly 3 new cards were blocked by issuer (Not coles itself, 3rd party bank). Though they send me replacement at last, there're a lot hassles and time wasted. No longer.

  • Still no refund from the last "deal"

  • +1

    Would not trust Coles or giftcards.com.au again - like others from the last deal, still no refund, support was a pain to deal with even though it was their fault. Also ordered 2 of the iPhones from Coles that were on sale and again both were out of stock and had to be refunded. Save yourself head ache

  • +2

    Don’t do it.

    I think the site should be banned until all refund sorted

    • agree, not worth the extra 40 dollars haha

  • Should I?

    • +1

      Yes for a few, not before 11pm today. After surge passes, it should be more reliable.

  • Damn, I don’t think I’ll be risking this one again. for what is effectively 7.48% off for coles Mastercard, would’ve just bought the physical card last week for Flybuys points. Anyways, call me again when another 10% Amazon gift card comes out on giftcards.com.au, risk it for the biscuit haha

    • lol just imaging if they sent the same Amazon gcs to multiple people like these gcs

      • Damn I would risk it if it was 50% Amazon gift discount hahaha

  • Thanks for sharing, but I am not wasting my time again

  • +4

    No deal. Only headaches and JV's snarky comments afterwards.

  • +1

    Scarred for life… Never again!

  • Took 5 days and a few emails to get my money back, they made no effort to come up with an alternative deal, not trying it again

    • 5 days that's pretty fast

      Some others been waiting for months

  • +4

    LOL, why do you suckers fall for this, just to save a few bucks, aggregate everyones' time wastage and misery fighting for a refund and these deals are NEVER worth it.
    This goes for 3rd and 4th party airlines resellers etc also.

  • +1

    This digital cards are very limited usage, only can be used ONLINE.

  • Would this work if I use it to pay rego?

    • Hey, depends on state! NSW requires rego to be paid in a single transaction, so you might have to renew only for 6 months or something.

  • +1

    Bought 10 $250 last time. I checked them at the time of delivery and all 8 ok but 2 had zero balance due to those cards already being used for purchases. I called up and it took 2 weeks to get new cards sent. It seems they send the same card to more than 1 person potentially. Buyers beware.
    Also with it not being a physical card you can’t use it for face to face shopping unlike the physical ones from coles.

    So when do we expect you see the Coles store offer like this?

    • What was the process?

      What number did you call or how long did you have to wait?

  • +2

    yeah, scared for lots of problems, but 7.5% still attractive

  • +1

    They don't deliver. This deal shouldn't be allowed, atleast not on the front page.

  • Should I buy at 11.00am or wait until noon when the first rush is over?

  • -5

    If many people got bad experience can we ban to advertise this in ozb? Gotta protect this community

  • This is going to be really interesting

  • I got three of these last time and I was lucky, I had no issues and I used them as soon as I received them, but sounds like too many have issues with these and many are not getting refunds, even after months of reporting. I might sit this one out. I was going to get some to pay my tax bill, but it just isn't worth the stress. I'll wait for the last day to pay it and just earn interest on my money in the meantime

  • No, thank you.

  • +1

    Where can we pay off HECS debt with these?

    • +1


      • From memory there was some limits on how many you could do

    • +1

      and government easy pay. 0.2% fee I think and you can use 5 per on each every 12 hours I think.

  • Time to grab a popcorn 🍿

    • Can I have the rest of the box?

  • Great

  • Bought some cards last time. One was compromised and still in dispute… Better to get the physical card in store if they run again.

    • +1

      Physical ones aren’t any safer from being compromised.


  • Got my popcorn ready

  • payment went through

  • I know for my insurance that it accepts Bpay any chance of using these cards to pay?

    • No bpay but if ya insurance is $250 or under you might have a chance paying as credit card

  • +1

    Actually went through

  • +5

    "Transaction failed, please contact customer service."

    • +1

      I had it first time then okay with 2nd time

      • Same and got 2 pending transactions

        Edit: Gave them a call and was told that they would refund the first one in a few days and the GCs would take up to 4 hours to arrive in inbox/spam folder

        • Same happened to me. Calling them to ask about first pending charge

  • +2

    Ordered 10, no payment issue with Suncorp.
    received Tax Invoice 3 mins later.
    Now wait for the cards and see.

  • Just placed one and done no more

    The more the more worries

  • Went through for me, bought 9

    • why not 10

      • 1 i got with step pay,rest on account

  • Ordered 1 with my current Suncorp churn card to finish hitting my minimum spend and the transaction went through. If the deal is still live later tonight I'll go back with my AmEx and get a few more. I trust AmEx customer support way more to un-do any shenanigans.

    • Does Amex card work with you?

      • I bought more cards but didn't end up using my AmEx. Used a different Visa instead as it was a better point in the statement cycle.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Got 4 cards without any issues. Waiting for the email cofirmation and mastercards.

  • x10 Paid with no issue. Last time promo was translation failed

  • -1

    Placed order for 4, payed with Macquarie, money taken, but stuck circling on “confirming payment” for the last few minutes….. oh god.

    UPDATE: Still spinning but have now received tax invoice email. Not sure if I should close the tab or what.

    • mine was on the same boat luckily went though at the end

  • Just received Tax Invoice email from [email protected] - last time my tax invoice ended up in the Spam folder on my Gmail so if you haven't received yours make sure to check there and add the email address to your whitelist.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Looks good - payment went through.

  • I got this the last time around, and it was a royal pain to use up. I didn't have any of the banking or site based issues, but it was incredibly difficult to find a merchant that would accept it. It can't be used in stores. It couldn't be added to Google Wallet. With Paypal, it still kept getting rejected at various stores. Also, it was difficult to find transactions online that allowed you to part pay using this card and the difference using another card. For me, it's not worth the hassle again.

    • I used it for all my bills, worked well

  • This deal went through no problems.

    Last Amazon Deal, had to call up and get a refund.

  • +1

    Thanks, my missus and I both bought 10 each.

  • +2

    Payment gone through but card hasn't been received ~18 minutes later. Usually has always come within 3 minutes or so after tax invoice is received but not this time.

    • -2

      No the digital cards never arrive in 3 minutes.
      It always takes up to 4 hours, or even longer if everyone is ordering at the same hour, like now.

      • +1

        I'm sorry if your experience is different to that of mine. It has arrived within 3 minutes several times for me. Even when not on sale.

    • +1

      First wave take time
      last time took 3 hours to received the cards

      • Good to know - thank you!

    • +1

      Update: received ~45 minutes later.

  • +2

    Payment failed, same as last time. No money taken tho.

  • Fool me once…

    No issues with OP… not going to trust this site again until it gets its act together.

  • Just placed an order for a single card.

    Claims a "confirmation email has been sent" (yet to hit my inbox) and Amex push notification of a charge (by Coles) for $231.30 came through. If it goes into the ether and a gift card is never received, chargeback via Amex should be reasonably easy.

    Edit: Tax invoice came through about 10 mins after the transaction. No gift card yet.

    • Order placed 9:15ish, invoice arrived 10 or so minutes after, gift card arrived 11:45ish.

      • Used it to grab https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/792844 that I'd been eyeing over. Once stacked with the effective 7.5% discount + $20 credit on groceries (4000 points for first use of Marketplace), $136 is not a bad price to pay for that dock!

  • paid and received tax invoice, but no card received, bad experience and a real pain

    • +1

      sounds like ebay feedback text…

    • +1

      How long have you waited?

      • +1

        paid 9:01, now still not received 9:31

        • +1

          You need to be patient, that is only 30 mins so far. It is pretty common for them to take a few hrs. As long as you have received the invoice it is pretty much a done deal.

          • @truetypezk: Customer support said up to 4 hours

    • +1

      Card delivery will take time,did a transaction at 9am,just received the card at 9:35am

      • I bought at 9:14am but still no gift card 🤔

        • Depends on person to person i reckon,i have received 8 of 23 cards ive bought,theyre being sent at random intervals

  • Tried 4 different cards, Coles MC, St George, Macquarie, Amex no dice.

    • +1

      Citi usually OK

      • My Citi cc doesn't work

    • Try paying via phone. None of my cards worked on desktop but once I did on mobile it did work.

    • Bank of Melbourne (same company as St George) was fine for me

    • Looks like the issue is with Coles' end and not the bank's end

  • +1

    9am paid and ordered 10x.

    So far received 6 gc. They dont come in one go, its like 1 gc / minute

    • interesting to hear they are starting to come through - keep us posted.
      I'm curious to know if the peeps who had problems last time around were buying when the system was flat out busy/overloaded, and whether there is any of that this time around.
      I'd rather wait an hour or two for the initial rush to be done.

      • All 10x received - between 9.20-9.40am

  • +1

    Cards coming now

  • Can you use these cards on amazon?

    • +1

      Yes, add them as a new payment method

    • Just be careful a few people have had their accounts locked due to unauthorized activity that the cards trigger.

  • Bought 2 ($500) using Nab Visa Debit (SMS OTP required). Payment successful and received Tax Invoice. GC yet to receive.

    • +1

      Received GC and used straight away.

  • T&Cs state one order per customer. What is this based on? Email address or phone number?

    Did one order but may do.koremif it goes through without issue.

    • Based on email. My missus and I both bought it with my CC but different email and it worked.

    • +2

      I think last time the deal was on, this wasn't enforced. People were just buying over and over. And you will be able to tell if it works since the checkout will have the discount applied

  • +1

    Wow! Transaction worked for me, on only the third try! As long as I receive the cards, I'm happy. Thanks OP! This time the gamble paid off.

    • Cards are coming through now, 3.5 hours later. Received 2/3.

  • Is this still blocked on Prezzee?

    • I also would like to know this

    • +2

      Blocked on Prezzee. Need to use paypal. Used to be blocked on paypal temporarily but now ok.

      • can you do partial payments that way?

  • +1

    Transaction failed, please contact customer service.
    Used different banks still the same.

  • +3

    Order 10 at 9:01, received 8 at 9:18-9:21

  • +2

    Free money

  • Would these work on eBay?

    • You can simply buy ebay gift card from shopback with 2.5% cash back on top

  • -2

    Purchase fee sounds like a scam.

    • +3

      As much of a scam as purchase fee to buy movie tickets online.

      • -1

        Yeah what's with that, doing them a favour and they charge you extra.

  • -2

    Such an inferior product and yet they have the gall to even charge a fee for it. With the discount maybe some might still want to buy it, but when it is at full price I wonder who would even bother with this trash? Why pay $250 for $243 in value?

    • +3

      Barring issues with the processing of payments/delivery, in principle I will happily take a 7.5% discount on my tax debt, health insurance, house rates, HECS debt, groceries and other fixed costs that I have no choice but to pay full price normally.

      • With the discount sure…but I'm sure you wouldn't pay full price for this trash.

  • Wonder what happens if the gift cards do not get delivered and we initiate a chargeback through our credit card…

  • 9am ordered so far received 8. Faster than last time

  • +1

    page keeps loading , can't get payment page , anyone ?

    • Try turning off you ad blocker or use incognito mode.

    • +2

      It worked better on my phone browser.

      • +1

        perfect, thank you, nab declined, cba worked, gc yet to receive.

        • waiting cards too, payment by cba

  • +3

    Imagine the backend team looking after this

    Trying to maintain a database that does not support transaction locking plus a number generator that spits out previously generated numbers

  • purchased 5 cards, received after 30mins

  • +1

    Just ordered 10 cards, paid with amex, payment went through smoothly and got order confirmation, now just waiting for the cards delivery. thanks

  • +1

    Will these work to pay off an afterpay balance? Or any ideas how to use them for purchasing something $250+ as most websites don't do split payments?

    • Use to buy store giftcards, most store sites can accept multiple giftcards

    • No to Afterpay

  • When using these cards, are they considered cheque, savings or credit ?

    • You can only them online

      • so for online, are they considered credit or debit ? as in, why won't these work on shopback ?

        • +1

          You select “Credit” when paying online but companies like ATO define it as ‘MasterCard – Domestic Debit’

  • +1

    This prompted me to check from the Amazon deal, and I had not been refunded my $900.

    I called them and they confirmed that they had charged me for an order that I hadn't received and would process a refund. Pretty pathetic that they're waiting for impacted customers to contact them, looking up and confirming that the order wasn't processed rather than proactively identifying and refunding all of them.

    • +1

      Agreed. Email a formal complaint and request a response from management. They need to lift their game.

    • Update us when you actually get the refund.

      • Refund shows in my Amex statement as of 16 August, shows as processed on 17 August

  • +2

    Payment went through no issues, but haven't received the cards yet. Been about an hour. Will use to pay rates as there is no credit card fee.

  • +1

    Damn my credit cards are at home so will have to wait till I return before I can buy. But hopefully by then things die down

  • Can this be used to buy laptops on lenovo website directly?

    • No, unless you can buy Lenovo gift cards as these prepaid gift cards are treated as an actual e-mastercard

      Aka your cart must be below $250 to work

    • Couldn’t imagine they would allow split payments.

      • So theres no reliable way to use these cards for >$250 purchases in general?

        • Well It does limit where you can use it but works for things like ATO debt or bills that accept Post Billpay.

  • No gc yet

  • Will never trust this company again. If anything goes wrong, don't expect them to help in any way.

    • +1

      Better call Saul

      • Goodman created a dedicated topic for it.

        • send link

  • Anyone having issues using NAB Credit card?

    • +1

      I paid with it and no issues.

    • I had issues - went with ANZ instead. Couldn't be bothered calling customer service.

      • I just swap cards and it worked fine.

        I think there having using doing sms verification with some cards.

    • NAB currently have an alert on their internet banking saying that SMS codes aren't working properly at the moment

      I tried a NAB Buy Now Pay Later card and didn't get an SMS. Then I tried a regular credit card and received the SMS verification code. That was about 5 hours ago

  • Ordered just over an hour ago, got the tax invoice within 10mins of ordering but no gift cards yet

  • I just get a blue spinny loading circle on the payments page for about 5 minutes, guess the site is getting pretty hammered.

    • Mobile browser worked instantly.

      Edit: And tax invoice arrived within 1 minute.

  • Ordered 2 @ 945am and still waiting for the giftcard …

    • Just got the giftcard and used for the rates already.

  • payment failed after a few orders..

  • -3

    Bought 8 at 10.14, cards haven't arrived yet

    • -1

      What is your expected time of arrival for the cards?

      • normally 30 mins

        • -1

          Did they set an expectation this time around?

          They need some schooling in people management.

          • @Turd: well don't need to bully me. some people received the cards earlier though!

          • +1

            @BargainsGrabber: well don't need to bully me. some people received the cards earlier though!

            • +1

              @ivyholmes: Thanks for your post Ivy. It helps others compare - e.g. if they bought after you and still haven't received, gives them comfort that their order is still being processed.

  • +1

    Managed to place an order and was charged the full cost, despite in the basket it took 10% off!

    • :O What does the invoice say?

      • Full price and fully charged, I am speaking to them now. Bloody annoying as the basket did say 10% off!. Trying to get it sorted now, bloody stupid

        • Sorry to hear. Hope it gets sorted!

    • Jesus… dafak r they doing? How did it go with them?

  • +1

    Received all gift cards successfully. Thanks BG!

    • How long did it take to receive the GC after you have ordered? Mine hasn’t arrived. Ordered at 9:45.

      • +1

        Order placed at 9:09 am and received randomly

  • Way too many issues last time.

  • +1

    Can we pay with shopback supermarket card??

    • Don't know but ShopBack supermarket card works in-store to buy these. Would have to buy $300 supermarket card with $50 leftover.

      Another question - can the ShopBack supermarket card accept a refund if there are issues on the website? E.g. card charged but transaction failed. Some people have experienced.

      @WookieMonster Just wondering if you know. Thanks

    • +1

      I would be surprised if the ShopBack Supermarket Visa gift card worked on giftcards.com.au, because that website should use MCC 5399, which is not listed as a whitelisted MCC on the ShopBack Supermarket Visa gift card.

      • +1

        @WookieMonster Thanks for the info

  • May I know if the card can add into google pay or apple pay?

    • +1

      No, tried that last deal, no dice.

      However was able to add to PayPal and pay my AGL bill in advance

    • No it’s online only card.

    • Can be added to paypal wallet. I did it last time.

  • If we get the tax invoice, that means we'll get the cards?

    • Correct

    • +2


      or at least the same card that they may send to multiple people

  • +2

    ordered before 9:10 still haven't received the gc

    • +1

      same here, I received the invoice within 10 mins but not the gc

  • Their system is broken. Still cannot receive any GC until now.

    • +1

      “Allow up to 4 hours”

  • Paid twice to get one order processed, called customer service and they said they cannot guarantee if second transaction would go through or not, what a joke!

  • Just bought one, amex declined but commbank allows it

  • +2

    amex won't let me pay boooo

    • +2

      paid with Amex , no issues

  • +1

    CBA MasterCard said Transaction failed, please contact customer service. but still got charged

    • I had no issues in using CBA mastercard and placed order successfully. Hope you get your money back!

  • Anyone try use it to pay council fee?

    • I did last time

    • water and rates

    • +1

      i bought 10 using AMEX CC and all Gift Cards delivered no issues. (unlike the amazon deal where i had to call to get refunded).

      i just used them to pay the council fee with no issues.

    • Did you guy pay the fee over phone? my council sucks and they dont have web based portal for fee payment (phone only), also .62% surcharge for cc.

      • still good with the fee. You saved about 6%

        • No surcharge added to my payment in S.A.

          • @eddieboy2: no surcharge in wa as well. surcharge for electricity and water bill

  • -1

    Transaction fails each time.

    Used Amex and ANZ visa but no luck

  • +1

    This could be fun.

  • -1

    inflation is real

  • bought 5 and got cards just now. apart from spending it straight away is there any way to keep them safe. Adding them to paypal will keep it safe?

    • yes, Add it to Paypal and update the card as default payment.. Happy shopping

      • based on what other have said though, will it keep safe though i mean from hacking

        • +1


          • @ChaseTheSun: I have access to buy woolies gift card. I am thinking may as well stock them to avoid hacking. what gift cards ppl are buying on shopback

      • Hope PP dont flag your account

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • Received invoice at 9:29, no GC yet. Have anyone ordered after 9:30 and received GCs already?

    • +2

      As an FYI, I ordered after 9.30 and haven't received

      • +1

        Same here

      • +1

        I managed 5 cards around 9.10am (first one had transaction error, then I tried again, used CBA card, NAB didnt work), I got all 5 cards now, they were sent about 2-5 mis apart - 5 separate emails.

    • Just started getting my cards now… one at a time but only 8 out of 10

  • +1

    Thanks, OP. Ordered 5 around 0915 AM. Got the Cards around 1000 AM. Applied them for Strata and Health Insurance. Ordered the next 5. Hope, they go through similar to the first lot.

  • Ordered 5 at 1035, received 5 invoice immediately. Hope cards arrive soon. Paid with Amex.

    Last time I got 5 amazon cards with in an hour.

    • 5 means $2500*5=$12500?

      • +1

        5 means $250 = $1250

      • Many OZB bought 10 actually

  • +1

    payment failed First time try with westpac card. :(

  • +1

    i have decided not to participate in this bloodbath

  • +3

    Complete waste of time. Transaction failed. Tried multiple times and different cards. Their system is Sh*t.

  • Took the gamble for 2 with Citi.
    Got invoice immediately
    No cards yet, gonna convert to gift card asap (as I get the cards to email)

    Apparently need to disable adblock, VPN for this (otherwise it doesn't go to page 2)

  • +1

    got invoice 9.28.but no gc yet

    • first gift card arrived

  • No luck with the Amazon GCs the other week but this time went through first time with Citi CC. Just waiting on delivery now

  • Weird payment system
    paid via Amex platinum charge => transaction failed
    paid via Amex qantas ultimate => success

  • Paid with nab and citi, invoice received, no gc. Been an hour now

  • +1

    have a feeling that the payment fail is not to do with the card you use but to do the website randomly failing to accept payments

  • usually they have the physical cards on sale in 2 weeks right?

  • +1

    bought 10 last time. Used some to pay online stuff.. then used about 6 to prepay the ATO quarterly installments.

    Council rates due soon so will buy 10 more. Gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    edit- bought them, no hassles with my credit card rejecting payment like last time. received tax invoice immediately.

    Easy $187 profit for something that I need to pay anyway (council rates). It may be a little less profit as council may charge me a credit card fee.

    • Received about 4.5hrs later.

      Already paid my council rates, surprisingly no CC surcharge.

      Great deal for me.

      I entered in a note for the gift cards in order 1,2,3,4 etc to help me keep track.

      The gift cards arrived in my email in random order.

      Anyway thank you OP, the savings paid for my A5 Miyazaki Wagyu https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/792258

  • Hopefully this works, thinking of paying my builder, there is 2.75% fee but still that's about 5% discount on my build!

  • Bought 2 lots of 10 last time, no issues.

    Placed an order for 10 this time, waiting for the GCs.

  • +2

    Purchased just after 10am - 4 cards, still waiting for them to come through

    • +1


    • +1

      bought around 9:45 ish, have not got them yet.

      • +1

        anxiety goes to the roof

        • I regret my decision.

    • +1

      same.. purchased at 10:02 .. received Tax Invoice - Gift Card for my order at 10:04.. still waiting. :-S

    • Just got the first 3 about 5 minutes ago. The 4th one hopefully will come through soon

  • Bought several cards using AMEX at 9.19 SA time and no problems. Emailed cards came through in a few hours at 11.24 Adel time and I have used all to pay Rates and Electricity…no fees deducted in S.A.

    • Bought 3 with Amex at 9:12 SA time and nothing yet 😕

      edit: received one of them literally a minute after posting this comment lmao

  • funny Giftcards.com.au,waste time

  • +1

    Will the spend count as credit card min spend?

    • Yes, it did for me for ANZ.

      • Can't even use my ANZ card to order..

  • +4

    given the site is run by Coles Group, i expect it to work… how they can take my payment and not produce the product is robbery.

  • +1

    given the hassle and refund is still pending, not worth it

  • Got all 10 cards by 10.10am today, just over an hour after purchasing

  • +1

    Bought around 10:30AM today, still waiting for them to arrive.

  • -1

    How to use this to pay ato without a payment reference? Hope to get it back as cash

  • Any luck using Coles GCs on Preezzee lately?

    • not for me. even not work paid by Paypal

    • Wont work

  • +3

    Bought at 9.42am, still no cards

    • same.

    • Bought at 9.46, still no cards

      • Just now I received 9/10 cards

        • First 8 came then last 2 about 20-30min later.

        • Just received 10/10

    • Same here

    • same here

  • just used all my GC and maybe I will buy some more

  • +1

    Bought at 9:19 and received at 12:16

  • +1

    Transaction failed, please contact customer service.

  • Got my gift cards and used two already. $263.15 worth of Wish gift cards purchased using PayPal

    • Where did you buy these from? - Wish GC

      • +2

        Woolworths seniors gift card portal. 5% off

        • Just wonder why this discount seems its for NSW and Victoria only? Why not all States?

          • +2

            @eddieboy2: As far as I'm aware Seniors benefits are State government based rather than Commonwealth. Probably something to do with incentives offered by NSW and Vic governments.

  • Ordered 11:04am Melbourne time and no gift card received.

    • +1

      Just received the gift cards at 4:12pm Melbourne time

  • Bought at 9:15am and received at 11:50am

    All paid to the ATO instantly.

    • What is the amount to enter to use the full $250?

      • +7


    • Do you need a payment reference number?

      • +1


  • Sorry if this has been asked here. Can these cards be added to google wallet? TIA.

  • +1

    Ordered 10 at 9:29am and got all at 12:46, just ordered 10 more.

  • the payment failed again!! using my AMEX…
    I will give up on this stupid website.

  • Bought 10x last promotion with no issue. Fail this time using the same exact same card /sight.

    Apparently my bank block it this time. Rang up bank and they unblock but need to wait an hour to try again

  • Received the invoice right after the purchase.
    It has been 2 hours, still there is no card

  • Received cards exactly 4hrs after purchase

  • Has anyone got issue using this card to pay strata on deft? Just tried it saying "Your bank has declined this card. Please try again using a different card."

    • Try online and at post office without any luck

      • @WookieMonster any insights please?

        • I do not have any insights on this.

    • +2

      I just paid my strata via deft without any issue, you have to make sure the amount is $249.01 as the total amount includes CC surcharge 0.4%.

    • Yes, I had a similar experience the last time I tried back in June. Coles MC GC did not work but Vanilla Visa GC did.

    • Try paying without login. This worked for me

      Beware.. based on the last megathread, people have reported blocked DEFT accounts after 4 transactions - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/13825753/redir

  • +6

    Still didn't receive mine as well. Called them and was told that they have increased the time to receive gift cards to be 4 - 6 hours from the time of purchase (from within 4 hours as per the original T&C) due to the increased volume of gift cards being processed.

    • +1

      Thanks for the update - saves us having to call!

      • Update - Received the first card exactly 4 hours after the initial payment. The second card came through 30 mins after that.

  • Commbank doesnt seem to be working anymore,only me or anyone else,was working on the same card before

    • Which card do you have?

      • Commbank,bought 20 with them successfully but cant buy with it now

        • Are you able to buy more than 10? how did you do it? just enter same details and/or used different card to purchase?

          • @mrvaluepack: Ive bought about 40,used different emails though with the same contact details all around

  • weird that my mastercard worked while the amex kept failing

  • Purchased 10 at 12:30…. Nothing yet

  • Order around 10:30 still waiting for gift cards

  • I just received mine, and the balance is correct.

  • Bought 5 at about 9:10AM. Two were received at 10:56, another 2 at 11:08 and the final one at 11:37.

  • Received my 3 around the 4 hour mark. Thank goodness it didn't end up like the Amazon gc debacle.

  • 3 hours gone hopefully will get in an hour

    • +2

      Bought 5 at 10:10, still haven't received the cards yet.

      • +1

        I was after you. 10:15

        • me too.. 10:14, not received yet

        • +1

          From the first card, it took 20 minutes to receive all five cards.

  • I am hesitant to support GiftCards.com.au after their recent fails.
    However, these digital cards would be a lot safer than physical cards from the supermarket shelves - is this correct?
    Had a few of the previous physical cards scammed etc.

    • +3

      The digital and physical cards can both be hacked. It appears that the digital cards are less safe as they have the added risk of the same card being emailed to different genuine buyers as reported in the previous 10% deal.

      • Thanks for letting me know!
        I guess only worth the risk if you use the funds straight away if/when the cards are sent out

        • +2

          Someone here used the digital card but later there was a claim from another buyer that the card also belonged to them. Don't know the outcome

  • +3

    I really need this but the comments are scary!

  • 4 and half hour still no card

    • Got them after 5 hours

  • +2

    Finally received mine. Ordered 9:30, got it after 2:00

  • Fool me twice..

    • +1

      Third time lucky.

  • All card types failed

    • Try a different device or browser.

    • I had that last time and I ended up using a different browser, can't remember which worked, chrome or my phone.

    • call them up, give them your email you use to purchase, part of the card no and full name. They will send to their IT team to do the magic and you can then try it tomorrow

  • +2

    Are these being manually distributed? Lmao

    • +1

      That's what I was thinking haha, some poor intern slaving away distributing 100,000 cards to ozbargainers,

      • 10AM order 29863XX
        4PM order 29926XX
        5PM order 29937XX

        seems to be selling 1000 an hour, the 2 after 4pm recieved within 10mins

    • My guess is that the delay allows a cardholder (whose card was improperly used to purchase the gift cards), at least a bit of time to phone and complain, and for Coles to then prevent the sending out of the fraudulently purchased gift cards.

  • +2

    Transaction successful for 10 cards (using incognito window + no adblock + Commbank card). Now waiting for the actual gift cards…

    • All 10 cards received, all with $250 active

      • +2

        All 10 cards used successfully at the ATO

  • just the invoice. not cards yet

    • +1

      Takes time, mine took more than 4 hours

  • No refund as yet…

  • Bought and received invoice at 11:46am, no cards yet

    • +1

      It takes time, mine received after 4.5 hours

      • I bought at 10:30 still not here. I'm wanting to buy a bunch but not game until these arrive.

        • Should be receiving soon. I ordered at 10am and received just half an hour before and now ordered couple more - finger's crossed!

          • +1

            @keepsmiling: Were you able to order again using the same or different details? I wonder how strictly they are enforcing the max 10 cards per person

            • @magster: I just ordered 4 in total (2+2) so had no issues in using same details. Not sure about buying 10 or more cards

    • Still waiting for mine. Ordered a little over 4.5 hours ago. Received invoice at 1043 about a minute or two after the order.

      • +1

        They came through at 4:06PM

    • received 4:20pm

  • +6

    Received mine after about 3 hours. Thanks OP.

    Much more efficient than buying in-store. Unfortunately, that has now been more than offset by the time I have spent every 5 minutes reading updates in this thread.

  • +1

    Just put through ordered 10x $250 = after discount $2313, invoice came through took about 3 minutes, using Ultimate MasterCard CBA. Let see how long the cards arrive.

    • Received all 10 gift cards took about almost 2 hours.

  • +2

    Purchased first 10 at 9am and used at 10am on ATO portal: part paid the BAS.

    Purchased another 10 after 1030am and attemped to pay the BAS again at 2:50pm but failed. Instead I overpaid IAS different company just to safeguard the money.

    Purchsed another 10 at 3pm and waiting for them to be delivered. I may hold off ATO until tomorrow. Hopefully i can continue part paying BAS.

    Really handy for my loss making business. Every dollar (or cent) counts.

    • +1

      I think you can only use 10 cards per day with the ATO (5 on mygov and 5 on GovEasyPay). Never seems to work with subsequent cards on the same day

      • +6

        Ten on mygov.

        • That's a nice change

        • 9 for me strange..

        • +2

          Yeah, I just used all 10 cards on my ATO via myGov too, no issues

    • Did you use same or different details for each of those purchases if you don't mind me asking?

    • Did you use a different email/mobile etc each time cause they mentioned only one order per account?

      • +1

        I did and different AMEX.

      • The second time I used all the same details, received the invoice in 5 minutes.

    • Whats BAS? Can i use these to pay stamp duty?

    • Just wondering, does anyone know if you can claim the GST as a credit if using this to pay BAS?

      The closest thing I can find on ATO is this:

  • 4 hours passed still no card

  • Still got nothing bought at 11 :30 am Melbourne time.

    sounds like i am going to have to do charge back :(

    • +1

      be patient lol. I just received my cards ordered at 10.25am just now at 3.40pm

      • Got them just now. ( little less than 5hr)

        Glad I took gamble

  • 4.5 hrs and still no card

  • Just got 3/10 about 5.5 hours later.

  • +1

    Mine just all arrived and was ordered at 10.16am

  • 5 hours and still waiting

  • Can't even get through payment verification page :(

  • Received all 5 cards after 5.5h.

  • Received in 5.5 hours looks like that's general trend, paid some medical insurance and electricity bills

  • Ordered at 10:50, got the 10 cards 4:10pm

  • RECEIVED!!!!!
    Took 4 hours and 57 minutes

  • -1

    Received my 8 cards.. after 6 hours 12 mins

    • +1

      why negative vote if received cards?

      • Born to neg.

  • Can I use it to buy shopcard gift card in Costco?

  • Received 10 cards at 16:35, ordered at 11:35

  • No issues here buying one GC and using it on SB GCs, ymmv.

  • Bought at 11am, just received too 15 mins ago

  • Received after about 5 hours. Used instantly.

  • Hey, anyone have issues with the check balance? I have some experiences with this. Some of the card is not able to be checked the balance when you type all the details on their website. Just some of card. You need to call them, quite annoying.

  • +1

    Anyone used these to pay QLD car registration? Can't see anywhere to change the payment amount ($250).

    • Tried once at the post office . Too complicated as the split payments did not work with fee getting calculated manually . Gave up

    • I've done it at the Post office with 5x physical cards for a >$1000 rego but I don't think you can do it online in partial payments.

  • Anyone having issues with Paypal?

    • Yep, here we go again:) Apparently they want to lock in our money as much as possible.

  • Ordered 4 x $250 and received within the hour, after the ordeal with the Amazon cards, glad it was all easy today!

  • After the shitshow with amazon i took a gamble with just $250…

    Ordered 5:24pm, received confirmation email 5:25pm, received gift card email 5:27pm

    • Lol you won the lottery!

      • Only lottery i'd win hahaha

  • Just so you know, using these cards is a friggin NIGHTMARE. I would strongly recommend you never buy them. I bought one and it got denied like half the time I tried to use it.

    • +3

      Depends where you plan to use them. I’ve never had issues.

  • +1

    My CommBank card never worked before on this site but today somehow all transactions went through on the first try and all gift cards were received in under 4 hours. Thanks, OP.

  • -1

    Tried to use at HCF to pay $250 on health insurance. Last time it worked. The card type is now blocked as you need a valid name as these cards don’t have a name that can be verified.

    • +2

      you need a valid name

      False. You can enter anything in the Card Holder name as it is not verified therefore it is not the reason prohibiting you from using the card. Source

    • I just paid $500 towards my HCF health insurance. No problem at all. You can put ‘ Pre Paid’ as the name. That is how I did it anyway.

  • They seem to have caught up now. Ordered at 5:30pm and got the GCs 2mins after.

  • Ordered and received within 3 minutes.

    Took 4 hours when I ordered at 9:30am this morning.

    Backlog cleared up and everything is going by quickly :)

  • First three tries failed, tried both MasterCard and Amex, but fourth time worked. Although the first tries I used card that didn't have exact name match (the cards had initials instead of full name), I wonder if that was the reason.

    Otherwise I assume the backend is probably smashed by OzBargain as well.

  • Ordered 10 and got all within 1 min…. un bee leave a bull

  • I did place an order around 12.10 Pm and I had issue like others as well which showed Failed transaction but money was on hold on my bank account.

    Called the Customer Support twice. The other guy made sure my payment went through and told me to wait 4 hours and gift card will arrive.

    After waiting patiently for 4 hours it did arrive.

    Not Smooth but good deal if you are paying bills or council.

  • damn, I am now getting transaction failed. Was working earlier.. i guess the party is over for me

  • ordered 18:26
    received gift card 18:30

  • Placed 10 orders at 6:24pm, received them at 6:28

    • OP you didn't order at 9am :)

      • +1

        I held off after the Amazon disaster :)
        Tho I still managed to order $500 worth of Amazon gc at 9am

  • +1

    Has anyone tried buying more than 10 over several purchases? I need like 200 to payoff my tax bill.

    • +3

      i bought 76 cards today, but now i am getting transaction failed so i might be blocked

      • haha nice, how did you go abouts doing that? using same card and same personal details? or did you have to tweak some of it?

        • +2

          all legit info, just different email addresses

          • +1

            @googoogaga: I am blocked (transaction failure) after 30 cards.
            3 batches of 10 each.
            Can't buy anymore

            • @Savings-king: All using same details? email, address, mobile no., etc?

              • +2

                @mrvaluepack: yes, first 3 were the same. Once it failed, tried different email, laptops and payment methods. All failed

                • @Savings-king: Different IP?

                  • +1

                    @Bdawg: Tried using a different browser and got another 10 this morning.

                    ATO can do 15 transactions (easygov 5 + ato 10) per 12 hours to me.

      • Any chance to get unblocked?

  • Thanks. 6 in, 6 out straight away lol These bills are never-ending.

  • Has anyone else facing payment failure ? I have tried different email, laptops and cards but not going ahead. Looks like their system is down

    • Might be, i was able to pay 2250 to ato and now my payment has been failing

      • I am in the process of buying giftcards, and not able to because of payment failure

        • I don't know if was a coincidence but after I turned my adblocker off on the page - uBlock Origin - the payment worked.

  • Tried to pay ATO

    Successfully loaded credit 2250

    250 x 9

    Now, ATO is denying payment, anyone here faced the same issue??

    • +1

      try again after 24 hours

    • +1

      Try Easypay for 5 cards.

      • Can you please elaborate….

          • +6

            @Yola: ATO site can normally do up to 10x every 12 hours, easypay is always 5 in a 12 hour period.

            Will be a delay in getting funds, but has worked well for me many many times ($120k+ worth with these GCs)

            • @mrfuku: Hot damn, that's like 500+ cards… You're a machine! Thanks for the insight - I was waiting ~24 hours each time for 10x cards through myGov

  • +1

    I used it again for Medibank Private, top up and Electricity Bill.

    Pretty good really.

    • Thanks for the suggestion. Private health insurance is so expensive so prepaid a couple months

    • I would be careful prepaying too much. There's been someone here who's utility provider refunded them thousands of dollars and the gift cards were thrown out.

  • Took 5 minutes.

  • +1

    Took 2 minutes to receive gift cards after ordering.

  • can I use this virtual ccard to pay my bill with AGL?

    • +1

      Yes, I always use the remaining blance to pay my AGL bills , sometimes used 5 or 6 cards for one bill.

  • Now I've maxed out my credit card on this to pay council rates and health insurance for a year, it might be time to do some stoozing!
    I found the kogan money card on finder. 0% for 18 months on balance transfers (1% fee for setup). About $750 profit :)

    • +1

      The more/further advance payments you made, the less saving.

      pay council rates and health insurance for a year

      you're basically losing mortgage rate of ~7% (for 1 year advance payment) so it cancels out the 7%+ saving. Paying less than 3 months in advance is more ideal.

      • -1

        Health insurance goes up on 1 October, so I’ve only brought it forward a month.

  • Did anyone get a pending charge from FEMEG +525521238737 MEX for USD1 at the time as a purchase?

    • No :(

  • bought 4, arrived in 2 mins

    • +1

      I guess everyones busy watching the matildas. Best time to order.

  • Hi ,

    I haven’t lodged my personal income tax return yet but vey likely I will have to pay back $3k this financial year.

    My question is, can I make advance payments with these cards on mygov even though I have not lodged my tax return yet

  • Amex gave me trouble last time. Citi prestige works fine this time. 👌🏼

  • +1

    Worked. Thanks.

  • Came through within 5 minutes. Avoided using one to Top-Up my myki this time after it took 7 weeks and PT Ombudsman to get my account unblocked by PTV Finance last time. Just used it to pay my Origin bills + tiny bit extra (thanks Aug 1 price rise) and 2 months of HIF health insurance (flexible payments) again no issues. Easy.

  • Can still link to Paypal use to buy Wish card?

    • +1

      It didn't work a few weeks ago, now it works again.

  • Can these cards be used to pay off Afterpay?

  • anyone knows if i can use multiple credit cards for council fee? postbillpay or bpay?

    • +1

      My council allows multiple payments in advance of the due date on their own website. YMMV.

  • +1

    Can't pay off paypal pay in 4 with these.

  • Anyone able to use at Bupa? I’ve done so before with previous deals. This time once I put in all the details and click next … it thinks about it for a few seconds … and then nothing. Still on payment details page except “next” button is greyed out

    • +1

      Same here, bought one to make payment at BUPA (previously successful with this GC) but encountering the same issue as you did.

      Workaround is to link GC to your paypal account and pay via PP, worked for me.

      • Oh thanks, I’ll give that a go tmr. Cheers

        • +1

          Just used them to pay Bupa online. Worked for me.

          • @Repstar: Thank you. Tried again this morning because of your comment and it worked.

            • @thriftee: Same here, just bought couple more and managed to pay on My Bupa online. Must be a system error yesterday!

      • how do you link/load app these prepaid card to your paypal?

        • The same as a CC.

          • @Yola: but what if you need to pay 3000 for rates, then how do you choose which cards or all cards?

            • @overlook: You'd need to pay something that allows you to make a partial payment and then chose the gift card in paypal with the right amount.

  • +2

    Transaction failed, please contact customer service. Tried like 20 times.

    • I couldn't complete in Firefox, but it worked in Chrome.

      • I actually tried both, cleared cookies, disabled AD blocker, tried one ING and one ANZ credit card. None of them works. Sad.

    • The website is a bit temperamental
      In the previous 10% off Mastercard deal, my Westpac debit card wasn’t allowing. But for this deal, it went through just fine on first attempt

  • Worked for me - purchased a gift card on babybunting.

  • +1

    ordered x4 around 10am. got it by 3pm.
    all converted to 4% off WW GC, via paypal.
    I think this one has higher success than Amazon deal as they got their own supply of giftcard.
    I think the payment failure people see is just congestion on the site when many people are buying it at the same time.
    It worked for some but not all. Appreciate people still posting these deals regardless of the feedback. thanks OP!

  • Ordered 2 times earlier today successfully.
    Want to order the 3rd time but the payment failed with some errors - Transaction failed, please contact customer service.
    Please help.

  • anyone able to purchase atm? keep getting "Transaction failed, please contact customer service"
    Tried incognito, on the phone and 2 cards…

  • +1

    Ordered just now and got the GC"s within 2mins!!
    That's a record!

  • I used it to pay rates today.
    I bought 4 of $250.
    Each card does not cover $250 , it only covers $248.18 plus 0.73% surcharge fee so it works out $249.99
    It cost me $231.3 to cover $248.18 so saved $16.88 which means saved 6.8%
    Pleae correct my thought if I am wrong.

    • +1

      Tried 248.19?

  • +2

    I have contacted support after payment failure message. He said it's due to the enforced limit of 1 transaction per person. Usually it would block after first purchase but some cases, it lets you buy and then sort of block

    • Dont think so!!

    • enforced


      • I have tried buying again but same error !!!

        • +1

          Buy limits are not being enforced in any way. I have purchased multiple rounds and did the same last time.

          It could be their systems having issues, or it could be your bank blocking it.

        • I just bought 7 more after buying 1 card in the morning to try. This time though used different email with same NAB credit card. Received the card within 5 mins.

    • try different email address. it works for me.

    • I bought 10x using one Gmail address, bought another 10x by adding periods between some letters (~6 hours later), then bought another 10x with the original Gmail address (~20 hours later). All went through with no issues.
      Gmail ignores periods, so you can have a lot of "different" email addresses that all go to the same address. In this case, seems like you were just unlucky, because they don't seem to check anyway.

  • I ordered 4 cards around 8pm and received in 10 min. Just want to use them to pay rates. Only 1 card can link to Paypal, 3 failed. So I pay $250 rates via PayPal, no problems. Then used the other 2 cards to pay rates via Post Billpay (Mastercard), both accepted. The last one I tried to link it to my Shopback account, linked. I tried to buy $250 swap gift card, but can't process payment. Checked the balance, still shown $250 available. Tried Post Billpay again, failed……(Available Balance same $250) No idea what happen.

    • +1

      Sometimes even if it shows as the funds are ready, they’re not. Happened to me with the physical version prior. Give it a few more hours

      • +1

        Thanks, I will try again tonight. Just checked the balance, still $250 available.

      • Just tried the last one 1 min again, worked. All good, thanks!

      • How do you know if the funds are ready? I've got 9 saying it's failed but available balance $250 is still there. This is nerve racking.

        • I don't know, I just tried $150 payment and proceed, then $100. That is almost 24 hours since I received it.

    • is post billpay different to bpay?
      I cant seem to find how to pay my rates with bpay.
      billpay seems to be Australia post but wont accept my bpay biller code so I don't know if im doing something wrong or they are 2 different systems and I cant pay my rates from billpay?

      • +1

        They are different.

      • Post Billpay uses CC.

  • I decided to buy two (in separate transactions) and both went through fine, phew!

  • killer deal - paid my rates, strata, water bill, gas and electric and saved almost 200 bones. Didnt work on chrome so tried on edge and came through smoothly. GC came 2 min after the invoice. Big up

    • Haha. Didn't work on Edge for me but worked with Chrome.

  • Comments looking a bit better. I’ll give it another day or so and see where we are at…

  • How does coles make money from this? At least buying physical cards at the stores, theres a chance people also go shopping.

    • +2

      Coles probably just make a flat $/card for licensing their brand name to be used on the card.
      Heritage bank probably imposes a fixed service charge structure for the financial backbone administration.
      Incomm is probably counting on you forgetting/not able to spend the entire balance on the card. Or even better you have thrown away the physical card or have deleted the original emails when the merchant sends you a refund a few months later:)
      Given the number of people and novices who buy the cards, I am sure all of them are making a very healthy profit.

    • answer is probably in you post, by not shopping coles/heritage bank earn interest on the money sitting unsued. With high interest rates probably enough margin to cover the cost of quick users

      • Yeah I am no expert but perhaps Incomm/HB can use the money in the trust account for some kind of approved low-risk investment as well.

        • probably home lending

  • +2

    As of now cards I'm email can not be read.

    Vccardelivery domain 500 error

    Maybe someone is trying to hack the servers causing an overloaded database server.

  • Was skeptical at first seeing the negative comments regarding previous amazon deal. Decided to buy 2 and used it to buy GC on shopback and also pay my Medibank private premium which worked well. Ended up using a different account to buy 3 more to load up on my medibank and more GC for groceries.

  • getting Vccardelivery domain 500 error now..

  • Fixed now

  • Tried 20 times, big waste of time. Chrome, Firefox, 4 different cards.

  • Bought last night as someone else suggested incognito chrome, commbank card.

    Bought 10, delivered within 5 minutes, used them all for a bill

  • What’s a good way to spend a few remaining $$$ on the card?

    • +1

      Amazon gift cards worked fine FYI to use left over balance.

      • +1

        To add to this, it has to be a minimum of $1 balance if you’re purchasing the Amazon gift cards :)

        • @BargainsGrabber yep! HELP! Got 33c left on one card

          • @Repstar: Maybe ATO prepay tax or HECS/HELP. Don't know if they have a min.

      • 90c left over.

        • +1

          Optus accepts credit/debit card payments down to $0.01. Handy if you or a family member happen to have an account.

  • So this can only be used in Coles? And can we use it instore at the self checkouts?

    • +2

      Nope, it can only be used online as these are e-Mastercard and there’s no physical black strip that you’re able to swipe at the eftpos if using in store

  • how are people paying their bills with them? i cant seem to work out how to use them on bpay

    • You do not use them on bpay. You use them like a credit card but up to the maximum. If there is a surcharge you need to deduct it.

  • +2

    Bought $4000 in total. I think my battle is over! Topped up my Amazon balance, private health insurance and council rates!

    • +1

      my council rates has Credit Card fee 0.57%. is your has credit card fee?

      • 0.5% fee for me

      • +1

        this is debit card not credit card. And my council rates is no surcharge

        • Then that means there's no surcharge for your rates

      • Ours is 0.34%

  • Bought this morning and delivered in 5mins

  • Bought 4 more. Almost instantly delivered

  • Just bought 5 more on the sub Amex card as my card which i used yesterday was blocked. Successful and received all 5 cards less than 5 minutes.

  • Ordered 10 cards yesterday successfully. Tried ordering another 10 cards this morning and there was no issue with card acceptance from AMEX but got the transaction failed contact customer service message. Card has not been charged. I'll try with my wife's supplementary later.

      • +1

        Not ture, I managed to buy 5x 4 times with all the same details yesterday.

    • +1

      Tried again with the same card but different email, dfferent browser and different IP address, it still failed. Worked fine with my wife's supplementary card.

  • Going slow this time bought 4 yesterday will go for another 4

  • I have tried many times and not able to get a card. It shows Transaction failed, please contact customer service.
    any tips?

  • Yesterday ordered 10 cards, received all 10 within 2 hours.
    Now have ordered another 10 cards, invoice received instantly, let see how long will receive the cards. I will report back here.

    • just receieved all new 10 cards, 4 minutes after received invoice.

  • Bought 4 and got them in five minutes
    But I'm still waiting for the refund from my last Amazon card

  • Bought another 4 this morning. Emailed within 5 minutes. Yeewww!!

  • Do you think I could pay $40k to my builder or might heritage bank block it after a few $k?

    • That would be ballsy. But then again building in the current economic climate takes balls. Hope you don't end up in a Porter Davis situation or one of the other 1000 builders that have collapsed and run off with prepayments

      • I was waiting for Tas to reintroduce builder insurance but build price almost doubled and I got sick of eating fees on a vacant block and it turns out the government has decided to provide an equivalent guarantee until it is reintroduced. Not a great situation but… Risk reward!

        • how does the contract work with build prices increasing or have they settled out?

          • +1

            @shap08: The contract is fixed price. So the last house I built they ate a massive haircut, this time they pumped up prices because of increased cost and also I assume for some buffer in case prices spiral again.

            I got a quote about mid 2022 years ago that was 125% of what it was 2021. So I held off and now it's gone up almost another 100%. So I signed, sick of paying for vacant block and watching prices endlessly rising. I don't expect build prices will come down or stop going up any time soon.

            • @Bdawg: Thanks for the explanation.

    • You have to ask your builder if they can split payment, if they allow it, 100% it will work.

      • Were you able to buy giftcards this morning?

        • I just bought 20 and they came through instantly.

          • @Bdawg: I might be blocked like a few others on here.

            • @nightelves: Any idea how long the block lasts for?

              • @joeiwu: I think it's linked to the otp from the card. The part where it verifies the amount before proceeding. If the card is tied to the same phone number than it won't work. That's my theory.

                • @nightelves: Interesting theory. I assume the block is only around 24hours or is it longer?

                  • @joeiwu: I'm hoping so. I haven't got another card with a different phone number tied to it that I can test.

  • Managed to get $3k worth yesterday in 3 different transactions. Tried again just now with same details and Citi CC but getting transaction error. Same with Nab CC. How odd…

    • I suspect if the otp number is linked to the same number than it won't work.

    • I suspect yesterday they didn't have the restrictions, but today they put the restrictions back up due? I was surprised people (including me) could buy multiple orders yesterday. This certainly isn't the expected behaviour as I had bought these in the past and I generally can only get 10 max a day in 1 order.

    • Just did my 4th one then, 10 cards for the first 3 then 7 cards for the 4th.

      Same details for each time.

  • Can these cards be used on Paypal and then from Paypal pay my credit card bill with them?

    • Yes

      • How do you pay credit card bill with Paypal ? Is there an option to pay the credit card with Paypal ?

        • Oh shoot no you can't sorry. I misread.

  • Bought another 4 this morning with the same card that failed yesterday, got the card within 10mins and paid most bills in advance.

    • I suspect I’ll have to wait till this evening to try mine.

  • Finally pull the trigger today but I couldnt pay 2/4 of my bill providers. Too bad.

  • Tried using gmail, hotmail with 3 different card combinations but fails in the end saying, Transaction failed, Contact Customer Care. The only thing consistent in filling form is name, and address. (Mobile using 2 separate as well)

    • From my experiences, name, email address, physical address and mobile, all do not affect whether the transaction goes through or not (I've used the same details for multiple successful purchases). I did change the credit card used each time, though not sure that matters either since there are reports of many many sets being bought by the same person.
      I currently use Chrome on PC, Incognito and disable my ad-blocker to purchase (again, not sure if that even matters)

      • Yes, it's so random. I purchased 5x10 yesterday. Different everything. On the 6th repeated details of the 1st - failed. Repeated again this morning worked. My husband purchased several using the same info.

      • I bought 30x10 today. Same details, used one cc twice in a row and another for the last one. No problems.

        • 30x10 with same details and you didnt get blocked?

          • @googoogaga: The only difference was I used one credit card twice (2x10) and a different one for the third (1x10).

        • You bought 300 cards today? $75k?!?!

      • i changed my email and it worked

  • Anyone using Altogether for hotwater and electricity? Last time I purchased the physical $100 mastercard to pay for Altogether's bill, and the transaction could not go through…

    • +1

      Did you account for any % transaction fee? If not this would tip you over the $100 for example 1% fee would make it $101 which would be declined for insufficient balance.

      • Yes, there's a 1% transaction fee, the payment amount I put $99, so the total payment amount is $99.99 which is within $100. I tried several times and the transactions were all failed..

  • +2

    I got a total of 31 giftcards over yesterday and today. All received pretty quickly and used immediately with no issues.

  • Is it finished . Tried all options but getting Transaction failed, please contact customer service.

    • Promo banner is still visible on the website :)

    • LOL Did you even read this thread?

      Many people including me has this issue and you have to find a way to make it work.

      Saying that I manage to rang up my bank and speak to the fraud team to tell them it's all legit and finally all working now. This with ANZ

  • +1

    Tried to make another transaction Got payment fail but they took the money. On phone to ask for refund … Scared to try more. This is the second time i'm calling them

    • Wait so you got no email confirmation?

      • Hi, sorry for this second time i thought i had been charged but it was valid (I miscounted). However, on the first day, yes that happened but I knew it was unsuccessful because i got the failure notification on the website but my CC was still charged. Wasn't expecting an email as it had failed. Had to call them. They saw the charge and said it will be refunded in 2-4 days.

  • All the downvoters have disappeared.

    • +2

      They never gave this promo a chance when it first started. All of it were carried forward from the Amazon deal to this deal :)

    • -1

      Im here ;)

  • +1


    • even if not planning to use Coles Mastercard gift cards immediately, you should try to add them to PayPal - one of mine was apparently already added to another account, meaning that a duplicate had been sent to someone else :(
    • @tonester Sorry to hear. Is the balance zero or still $250?

    • I had that on one of my cards. I quickly used that card up.

      • Me too ! Lucky still have $250 in the card !

      • Won't the other person just request a chargeback and reverse your transaction? So the problem won't really go away.

        • 🤷

      • Keep all your email receipts in case the other buyers lodge a claim

    • Had that happen last time this deal was around… annoying but quickly spent the full $250 on gift cards to save the headache of reaching out to support.

    • +1

      It's probably due to recycle card number

    • That sucks… It's so strange that something like this can happen, when all it takes is just a simple check of the database of active cards before issuing, which they must have. They also don't need to do this at speed, so they can queue it up to happen sequentially. If they're randomly selecting the 12 numbers, the chance of getting an active number is extremely small, since there are a trillion possibilities. Just seems like someone coded the back-end poorly or something…

  • easypay - Trying to Pay ATO - declined. ?Anyone getting this

    • Other comments have said there's a limit of 5 payments through EasyPay every 12 hrs.
      I only get a declined error when I tried to a 6th one. My 5 payments went through fine. Did this about 1.5 hrs ago.

      • Can you pay ATO even though there is no ATO debt? When can you receive a refund?

        • +1

          Highly recommend not to use ATO to launder $. You have to submit a rrquest for them to process your refund and they might refund it back to the gift card

          • @littleburrito: I second this. They refunded $83 I had sitting in my tax account that I wanted to keep there. Was a pain to go back and find which (physical) card it was refunded to

          • +1

            @littleburrito: I asked my accountant, he said that ATO can only refund the amount back to a saving account?

        • Agreed with littleburrito. I was just using EasyPay to pay off some HECS debt.

  • yesterday bought 10
    This morning bought 10
    just bought another 4, all came through instantly.

    I have enough and paid 2X council rate = $2210 & $3233.

    • still thinking should I get more for my Medibank bill.

    • Assuming you have prepaid your council for this FY, and also assuming you have some sort of home loan at 6%. That’s an approximate $300 of interest you will need to expense.

      • +1

        Or about half that. Only the final payment misses a year of interest. The first instalment is only a few weeks of foregone interest savings.

      • I have due date for my council rate on 01/Sep/2023 and 04/09/2023, so paid them off using those prepaid now.

        • 3k per quarter for council rate? where is your properties (which city)? how much does it worth? just curious.

          • @OrangeBJ: Sorry if I confused you all, those are 2 properties different council for the full year, 2023/2024, one for $2210 and another one for $3233.

          • @OrangeBJ: Why not a full year?

            • -1

              @kendo: You basically lend money interest free to your council? for a whole year. They would thank you very very much. They would benefit the most from this deal instead of you.

  • Be smart Be careful! For me, I am still waiting for my previous deal refund…

    • +1

      Just do a credit card chargeback then,

  • +1

    Ordered 10 with no problem and came through nice and quickly. Paid 9 into the ATO before hitting the limit, will try the last one tomorrow.

    • Can you pay to ATO even if you have no tax debt?

    • +2

      Use the payment website with the ato website

      I think the ato website is 9 payments every 12hrs and the govt payments website 5 every 12hrs

  • Anyone knows how to pay rego, greenslip, and car insurance split payment? i heard aupost isnt allowed split payment for rego? what about cash and card?

    • +1

      i dont think anyone ever found out, only some council rate, Medibank, and some have been mentioned here but not to pay rego, greenslip, and car insurance split payment.

    • +2

      For rego in Vic, can change to quarterly payment and its about $200+, not sure about other states..

      • Yeah, i'm in VIC looking at it now. It looks like if you change to 3 or 6 month payments, you'll get charged $2.50 per transaction.
        Which is still winning I guess.

        I want to know if you can just pay off the four "3 month" installments straight away so you're done for the year.

    • +1

      In Vic, I was able to call VicRoads (on behalf of my dad) and have them split the rego, so first 6 months can be paid now with gc and the second 6 months they will send out in March, so I cant prepay that second 6th month. Cant split my RACV insurance, has to be paid in one go.

  • Anyone getting error from Paypal?

    • No error, just added 3 now.

      • Dam adding card in paypal is failing for me.

  • Are we able to use these cards for BPAY payments ?

    • Yes, via Sniip. There’s a 0.85% fee

  • Can we use it for buying Preeze cards?

    • +3

      Yes, you have to add it to Paypal first.

      • have you confirmed this yourself?

  • Any luck adding these to your Google Pay wallet?

    • +1

      You can add to Gpay but not use for mobile (tap to pay) payments. You can use it for Google subscriptions and Play store purchases.

  • so we split the council rates right?

    • +1

      Yes, I use Australia post online bill payment.

  • +3

    Sorry for all those who have trouble with this deal but it's my favorite. Free money. Just great for council rates and ATO payments. Thanks OP!

    • Pay down that Hecs bill

      • CPI is added to your hecs on June 1st 2024. So even if you pay off your hecs now you still pay interest on the full amount come June 1st 2024. So you should pay off your hecks in May 2024.

        • I paid off the hecs in May 2023. And will be paying off semester 2 2023 now. I guess no interest payable then ?

  • +1

    just got 10*250 cards and goes well with ATO payments.
    Thanks OP!

  • Amex failed but NAB visa worked for 5. received cards in 3 mins.
    I emailed their support to ask what is up with my amex. (worst luck cant call them easily as am overseas at the moment).

    Either way am happy with 5.. if they sort out my amex then will get more.
    (tried vpn/diff browsers and my phone also but amex still failed)

  • Has anyone tried using the physical gift card to buy this? I know Coles stop allowing this sort of purchase, but how about using online to buy this?

    • Yeah tried previously and doesn't work - transaction failure.

  • -4

    Bought 30 pretty quickly in 3 goes, then getting transaction denied.

    Spoke to the bank they said its not them.

    Maybe they have limits??

  • -1

    How do we pay our individual tax return if we haven’t lodged one

    • Log into your ATO account and you'll should see 'Find my payment reference number' on the front page.

      It will take you to your Accounts Summary where you'll see your Income Tax Payment Reference Number. Click on "Payment Option" which will take you to the payment page where you can make 10x payments. You can also use the Payment Reference Number to make payment 5x through EasyPay (https://www.governmenteasypay.gov.au/payato)

      I recommend doing this only if you are 100% certain you have a tax bill.

      • sorry bit new to this but is there a way to check the balance in my ato account after making the payments?

        • +1

          It'll appear in your account summary after 2-3 days

  • -2

    Hi guys,

    I have managed to purchase 80 x $250 giftcards on 2 credit cards. Now it's stoping me from purchasing any further. It keeps saying "Payment failed, contact customer service".

    Even if I use a brand new name, address, email, phone number and various different new credit cards, different combination of chrome, edge, incongnito, with different IP's. The only things in common among them is the credit card's authdication number remains the same. Do you guys think if that's how they know it's the same client?

    I have tried to change the phone number on bank's portal. The payment still didin't go through. Any suggestions guys? I have a massive tax bill to pay for my business.


    • Dont know confidently. But $10k is generally the threshold when red flags light up for merchants or banks

      • Yep, Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing trigger under Commonwealth Law.

    • +3

      WTH this is not the end of the world mate, slow down, leave some for us.

    • Lucky, mine stopped at $7500. There might be a day limit per card.

  • Okay, looks like its near safe to make an order.

    Just to confirm, its one order per account up to $2500?
    So don't test one car of $250, as I wont be eligible after that?

    Is that correct? Then create a new account?

    • Yeah I bought 10 with no probs tonight, in within 5 mins, used them straight away to pay school fees.
      Others here have bought tons, use different email address for another purchase (up to 10 per email).

    • don't bother

      Transaction failed, please contact customer service

      • Yeah, been getting a a lot of failures this evening.

  • +1

    If they can add a feature where user can add a password to protect the card, that would alleviate the unauthorized use issue. Hope that someday they can solve this issue and let us have some peace of mind buying it.

    • is not the way and would be really annoying if a password is compulsory

      believe it or not the digital ones are not so much being hacked like the physical ones but giftcards.com.au are actually sending the same card to multiple people!

  • +1

    I bought 8 and all come with in 10”, already used to pay council bill via Aust Post. Thanks OP

    • 10 seconds. That must be a new record.

    • Does post bill pay allow a council rate to be paid in $250 segments?

      • +1


        • Thanks.

          That means if I want to pay for a $2500 council rate, I just need to pay for the same Billpay code + Reference No. 10 times. It will automatically update to the council.

          If that works, should car regno works the same?

          • +1

            @fatice: for postbillpay yeah do it 10 times, it works

            car rego depends may need one full payment

  • Tried to buy Amazon GC with this card on Bupa Rewards, but it won't accept the card. Anyone know if it works on Entertainment Book to buy Amazon GC?

    If not is the best bet via ShopBack for 1.75%?

    • +1

      Search Giftcard on shopback, scroll all the way to Amazon, some 100 and 50$ GC are at 2%.

      Bupa failed to take this card for me too. 3% was the profit there.

      You can get the Priceline pharmacy card as well at 5% if you have kids lol

      • Thanks hopefully someone with Entertainment Book membership can check this for me before I sign up to that

        • Entertainment also 3%, if it works there then you'd get a total of 10.5% discount on Amazon GC

        • +1

          Entertainment is 3% plus 1.25% credit surcharge.

          Easiest way is to open a Macquarie Bank account and purchase gift cards from Macquarie marketplace at 3%

          • @k1vnwng: Thank you for confirming. Might just use the Coles ones to purchase Amazon GC from SB then.

          • +1

            @k1vnwng: Macquarie uses your linked bank account balance to purchase gift cards, not a credit card.

  • I tired to buy 1 with CommBank, it worked, then tried to buy 10, 9, 7, every time I get Transaction failed, please contact customer service

  • Bought 2 used one on council and another one was declined by deft and woollies gift card. Got a dud.

    • It’s them not you

      • Yeah I gathered that as I did 20 cards successfully on the last deal. Lucky I capped my risk this time by going 2 to try my luck. Seems it might not be worth the risk anymore :(

  • For anyone who has purchased multiple batches can you just add a +1 to the email address or do you need a brand new one?

    • I have tried with different email address but same CC. It worked 3 times so far.

    • I've bought the following, all with the same email address over 3 days:
      3 on HSBC card
      10 on NAB card
      10 on same HSBC card (NAB card failed)
      10 on Citi card

      • Oh good to know I don't need multiple emails

      • Are your numbers gift cards or batches of gift cards?

        • +1

          Gift cards. 33 total cards listed above.

          Plus another 3 and then 5 since then on the Citi card.

  • Has anyone tried using it to load Revolut?

    • +1

      Can confirm it doesn't work.

      • Thanks for the reply!

  • +5

    Before you buy, make sure you know what kind of risks you might be taking, whether it's money or time.

    So, during the last deal for physical cards, I went ahead and got five of them. Things started out fine, but then out of nowhere, one of the cards got declined, and I couldn't even check my balance online. So, after waiting for almost an hour, I gave their customer service a call. I explained that my card wasn't working, and after asking me for some personal info, they said a new card would show up in about 30 workdays. But they didn't tell me why my card just stopped working suddenly.

    Guess what? No card showed up. Just like I expected after reading other people's comments. So, I made another call, which was a bit better. I only had to wait for about 45 minutes this time. They then told me that the person who dealt with my previous call got my case mixed up, so nothing was done, and nobody contacted me. I asked this new person to fix it and told them I changed my address and gave them the details. This time, they told me I'd get the new card in like 14 to 21 workdays. By now, I'm pretty sure it won't be that smooth.

    And surprise, surprise, still no card. So, just now, I had my third call, which took about 25 minutes to connect. Clearly, they didn't send out my card. This time, the reason was I needed to email InComm and give them proof of my address so they can update where they're sending it. But the previous person didn't even mention that to me. What can I do? I can only send that email and who knows how long it's gonna take or if I'll even get the card.

    Yeah, you get some free money, and customer service is trying to help you out, but honestly, the risk is pretty darn high. Besides the fact that these cards are like super easy to steal, the whole customer service thing feels like a joke. They've messed up setting up the case, didn't even tell me I had to email them to change my address. Waiting forever, using up my time and energy, all for what? I don't get it.

    • I lost a $100 card which randomly did not work and I could not check the balance :l

      Receipt gone as well.

      Lesson is to immediately use them and keep all your receipt. Lucky I bought so much that it covers that loss

  • Guys i am keep getting Error saying

    " Transaction failed, please contact customer service. "

    is this normal ?

    • Read above.

    • Yes, getting the same. No issues yesterday

    • Party might be over? I tried today, getting the same. Anyone having any luck?

      • +1

        Just bought 10

        • Interesting. Did you buy any yesterday? Use different cards, accounts, details?
          I've tried 3 different cards, with the same details but it's failing every time now. Yesterday no issues

          • @slickvic: Yea, I've been buying 10 everyday using all the same details and same card

  • what can we do with the last few dollars left on card? like below $5

    • +3

      Shopback has $1 Amazon gift card

    • +2

      U could: buy an amazon gc, prepay bills (as long as it's > their minimum payment amount), prepay toll accounts etc. Prepay anything that allows it.

    • +2

      Send me card details , i can help you

  • Anyone having issues adding their cards to PayPal? Was working fine for the last bunch, started last night and still having issues.

    • If you’re adding to Paypal via the website and it says payment decline then they’ve blocked your transaction. Happened to me last night as well while holding onto 9 giftcards and sweating if I was gonna get hacked or not. But called them up and that’s what they told me.

      • Messaged their support and they said to just try again in 24 hours time.

        Have added over 40 cards now and it seems to have flagged a security concern. If you try add cards via their chat you get a similar message outlining this.

        • Yeah happened to me as well. Was sweating the whole night and contemplating life's decisions 😂

          • @nightelves: How long did it take you to being able to start adding cards again?

            Had it happen during the same deal earlier this year and it started working after a few hours… this time it’s taking a fair bit longer

            • +1

              @Bigboy97: It started working after 2-3 hours for me.

              • @nightelves: Cheers, will try give it the full 24 hours support recommended. As you said, pretty nerve racking holding these cards for longer periods of time 😅

                • @Bigboy97: Seems to be every third card triggers a block I think. Maybe I’ve been adding it too fast.

  • A dumb question, can we use these cards to make payments in post office in person? I have just received my HSBC credit card statement and they accept post bill pay. However, they require you make the payment in post office in person as the statement has a barcode that cannot be read by Australia post app.

    • +1

      Card can only be used for online purchases.

    • +2

      These gift cards can only be used for card-not-present transactions (i.e. transactions where you do not need to present a physical card (or a card stored on a mobile wallet), which includes - but not necessarily restricted to - online purchases.

      You can only use these gift cards to make payments in-person at an Australia Post outlet if you can make a payment via MOTO mode (which is where you manually punch in the card number and expiry date). I would be extremely surprised if that was something Australia Post allowed in the first place, because it would increase Australia Post’s exposure to fraudulent transactions (and is especially problematic when you consider the services available at an Australia Post outlet).

      The other issue is that I would be surprised if HSBC allowed you to use a Mastercard to pay off their credit card statements. My guess is that when you get to the Australia Post outlet and scan the barcode, you would only be able to use cash or a cheque (or maybe even eftpos SAV/CHQ) to pay off the credit card statement. Billers can specify the types of payment methods allowed in-person for their bills via Post Billpay, and I know that some billers specifically exclude Mastercard and Visa payments.

      • +1

        Thanks a lot mate!

      • You can use these cards to pay your bill at Post Billpay if your bill has Billpay code. Just tried in the app.

        • I was about to say Post Billpay. You beat me to it.

          May I know what app is the screenshot?

    • I took a physical coles mastercard into Aus post to pay a fine. They said they dont accept any form of debit mastercard. Seems extreme.

      Could try calling HSBC and see if you can pay over the phone? Unlikely, but HSBC do their own thing.

      Report back results.

      • It happened to me as well. One post office does not accept these Coles Master card to pay for my regno. I went to another one and they are happily accepting them. They like to make up some rules on the fly.

  • Purchased 10 and received within a few minutes

  • anyone been successful in using these to buy discounted gift cards on woolworths.com.au? keeps saying 'something went wrong. Your payment has been unsuccessful'

    • +1

      Use PayPal

      • thanks will try.

        also not having any luck with prezzee

        • +1

          Prezzee blocked purchases with all pre paid cards

    • +2

      It has not been possible to directly use Coles Mastercard gift cards as a payment method on Woolworths Group’s gift card portal for many months now. Woolworths Group is known to block a number of prepaid gift cards as payment methods on their portal (including ShopBack Supermarket Visa gift cards, Activ Visa gift cards, Vanilla Visa gift cards, Coles Gift Mastercards and Coles Mastercard gift cards).

      You will encounter similar problems with Prezzee, because Prezzee’s payment processor usually will not directly process payments from a Coles Mastercard gift card.

      The issue is prepaid gift cards are payment methods that are not linked to a bank account and not linked to a verified cardholder, which means that a merchant (e.g. Woolworths Group) cannot ask the cardholder whether they are the one who is initiating the transaction. This increases their risk to fraudulent transactions, which would be especially problematic for gift card portals.

      As already suggested, if you link a Coles Mastercard gift card to PayPal, you should be able get around these issues at both Woolworths Group and Prezzee.

  • Do most checkouts recognise partial payments? For example if I want to buy something for $1000 will 4 x $250 debit cards work? Or is it strictly suck it and see?

    • +1

      It can only be used online and it depends on the retailer whether they will accept it.

  • -2

    Can these be used online at like jb hifi or other retailers online or to buy gift cards like prezzie or amazon? Sorry late for this post..

  • anyone have any luck getting payment through today that haven't previously bought?

    • I tried many times with my amex card and the supplementary amex card but it states transaction failed, please contact customer service. Then I tried with citibank rewards card and it works. It did work with my amex yesterday. So not sure why the amex is not going through today.

      • Amex are seeing a repeat transaction and blocking it. Call up to unblock (they will probably call you eventually anyway).

        • I called them and they said they did not see any activities at the time I was trying to buy. I've done it over 5 times at a span of 2 hours. They said1 0 activity…

    • Just ordered 1, payment went through and got the card within 5 minutes.

    • BOUGHT 17 ON 18/8, 4 ON 19/8

  • Anyone know work around for post bill pay that only has pay in Australia Post shop, there's a barcode can I use digits on barcode for online post bill pay?

    • +2

      Can not.
      Some Postbillpay do not take cc payment, only savings, cheque, cash.

    • +2

      Yes, you can if this option is on the bill.

  • OMG I just transferred $250 via paypal, the amount didn't arrive and doesn't show in paypal recent activity. In mastercard balance it shows $0 balance, -$250 paypal pending. Uhm did I just lose my money? Wasn't a delay when I did it the previous time.

    • Payment reversed, tried again and it worked instantly. Phew!

    • @Bdawg - transferred where?

  • +1

    apart from buying supermarket giftcard from shopback/woolies and paying bills, where can I use the giftcard in our daily? any good ideas?

    • Lottery

      • -2

        I dont gamble….I just wanna lower the cost of living…..but thanks for your suggestion mate!

        • You can buy all kinds of gift cards you want from Shopback or Prezzee…
          Buying a lottery ticket for $5 or $10 a week is not gambling, it is buying hope…

          • -1

            @jimojr: Winning a lottery is as likely as getting struck by lightening. I hope you can understand lol

        • +3

          Buying this card is a big gamble.

    • and, if I add all my giftcards to my paypal (tp protect my card from being used by someone), can I still use the same card to pay council rates online? (My council doesnt accept paypal, I will need to enter giftcard details to pay for the rates.) TIA

      • +6

        Adding your card to Paypal won't protect it. The only way to protect it is to spend the entire balance.

      • If you add it to Paypal it just says the card is associated with another Paypal account but it doesn’t stop someone spending it.

    • Entertainment

  • -5

    It seems it is over.

    • +1

      still working.

      • -1

        Over for me in that case, i have tried a few cards

        • +1

          tried incognito mode. Smaller amount?

  • +2

    Such a great deal! 33 cards in and my tax bill is pretty much paid off.

    • How long for it to show up in your account?

      • +1

        Payments from early Thursday appeared late Friday. I imagine those from Friday will show up on Monday.

  • Been trying using amex card and it keeps failing "Transaction failed, please contact customer service." Tried incognito as well. Didn't work either.

    Really need to buy them with Amex to pay for my rego. Any suggestions?

    • Did your Amazon $5 promo credits arrive immediately? I had the first $5 arrive almost immediately, but not the 2nd or 3rd purchases (yet).

      Should I just put my faith in Amazon it will arrive in 2 days? These $5 promo credits are so hard to track…

  • It's not working for me. The bank flagged it as a fraud payment, I got that restriction lifted. Even then the transaction failed. The giftcards website says they will forward the request to their IT dept, I will pass lol

    Too much work for bunch of giftcards!

  • Just remember that you can lodge a complaint to AFCA (Australian Financial Complaints Authority)

  • -1

    I want to use this card to pay for BPay payment bankwest homloan. Biller Code: 9118. Do you know which compmany will allow that. Spiip does not allow. Anyy other company like Spiin do you know.

  • Anyone having issues with adding it to Shopback for gift card purchase? Swapped 3x gift card then getting error adding it. 5 more to swap from Shopback.

    Unable to link card
    For security reasons, you can't link this card to this ShopBack account. Use a card from a different issuing bank and try again.

    • lodge complaint to SB then they will fix it

      • Thanks, I just raised the complaint, hope they fix it.

        • Did SB fix it? I had sent email to them over a week, they said keep investigating

    • There's a limit to the number of cards u can add per day. Don't add too many at the same time.

  • I know the last deal had lots of issues, but did anyone have any issues with this deal yet?

    • -1

      only my citi card is going through, but have been able to purchase $20k+ with it

      • Could the issue be credit card vs. debit card? If it’s debit card, it could go through easier since it’s cash?

        • not sure tbh, I dont tend to use any debit card because I miss out on the points earn haha.

          All of my visa credit cards have failed with the transaction error, but Citibank mastercard (prestige) has gone through every single time pretty much without a issue

          • @mrfuku: Ok thanks

          • @mrfuku: Out of curiosity, did citi prestige classify this as supermarket spend which would have gotten 2 citi points rather than 1 per $1 spend?

            • @fedex11: Mine is still pending, but the charge is from Coles Group, so it could be classed as supermarket spend.

  • +1

    continually saying transaction failed, even with new card, new email etc. anyone getting through and able to purchase?

  • Just purchased my 9th batch of cards. Used Microsoft edge and also my CIti Prestige card.

    • +2

      Do you use same email, phone number etc wach time?

      • Yeah I used same details each time, even same card for the 29 cards today. Not one transaction failed.

        Funnily enough the one transaction that did fail was my Amex Essentials that I only use for statement credits, and my mum only managed to get one lot in before her subsequent attempts failed (CBA Diamond)

        • there doesn't seem to be a consistent way that transactions don't work. i wonder if it is related to IP address.

          • @wearabloodymask: can check if yours on any public blacklists by searching "what is my ip address" and another search "ip address blacklist check" paste your IP into a whole lot of blacklist search tools and see if anything pops up

            i run multiple bandwidth sharing apps and a mysterium vpn node, when it appears on blacklists i've had reports others cannot watch binge even though it let them buy subscription and noticed a lot more CAPTCHAS especially on Amazon (only when browsing) only payment issues have been when trying to activate a kogan mobile sim however never any problems with boost which some report issues

            this deal has worked fine for me except my current IP has only been 'level 3' permanently blacklisted for sending out SPAM, if on a dynamic IP it'll eventually change anyways a modem restart will do the trick if it's not a sticky IP otherwise either wait longer or ask for a new one from ISP

          • @wearabloodymask: Didn't use VPN, same IP Address everytime. Though i did have issues on Chrome when i first did it. But never any issues with Microsoft Edge

        • -5

          So you spent $7,500? For what exactly?

          If they get hacked, what then? That's a lot of cards for a couple not to get hacked.

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: I spent them on council rates, utilities bills, and anything online.

            I buy them, and spend them within 5 minutes of receiving them. I don't keep a balance on them.

          • +6

            @[Deactivated]: To save ~$500 on expenses that otherwise are difficult to obtain discounts on. Lots of people use them to pay the ATO. Getting a discount on your tax is one of (boring adult) life's true pleasures.

            • +2

              @wavesgreen: Plus 3x points on amex plat edge which will convert to a free flight at some stage.

              I'm very thankful for all the tips and tricks I've learnt here. Its hard work but gave me the opportunity to experience Singapore Airlines Business Class using points.