COVID-19 Tracking App Mega Discussion Thread

Mega Thread for COVID-19 App discussions (Description Updated 27/4/20)

Please use this thread for any discussions about COVID-19 app discussions, rather than making a new thread. Also see below for other specific/related threads.

Related links: - General information
Coronavirus Australia - Apple App
Coronavirus Australia - Android App
COVIDsafe Contact Tracing app for Apple
COVIDSafe Contact Tracing app for Android


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OzBargain's Guide to Self Isolation (Deals & More)
Deals for Healthcare Workers

Mod: Original Description:

… for a 'good cause'?

The Federal Government believes restrictions on the community could be eased in the months ahead if there's more testing, greater surveillance of those infected by the coronavirus and much faster tracing of those they've had contact with.

It is developing a mobile phone app with the private sector to help monitor Australians' daily interactions. The app will use the user's GPS to do so.

Edit : This is how the app will work according to the Government Services Minister :

When you download it, you will be reuquired to enter:

  • your name
  • your age range
  • your postcode
  • your phone number

He said when people were within 1.5 metres for 15 minutes, the app via Bluetooth, would record the other person's name and phone number.

"It would stay securely encrypted on your phone," Mr Robert said.
"If I was confirmed positive, my data goes up to a central data store, only to state health officials, no-one else, and then they could rapidly call anyone I had been in close contact with."

Poll Options

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  • 2


    • Good deal

    • +2

      I'll be the JV.. How much is it normally?

    • +4

      This is likely to be used to enable controlled infection so the curve is flattened, not to achieve complete eradication. Stay at home. Wash hands. WEAR A MASK if you HAVE TO go out.

      If we eradicate the Wuhan Flu in Australia then everyone can get back to life as normal.

    • +2

      Not a deal.

    • +4

      Agreed with the others. Not a deal. We need to keep some semblance of standards for the site.

    • +2

      What is the usual price?

      • +1

        About 700,000 Australians Jobs

    • +2

      No deal

    • +2

      Not a deal

    • +2

      Thankfully the majority of Aussie's have iPhone's which unless you're planning on keeping this running in the foreground by keeping the screen awake, will pretty much do nothing:…

    • -1

      I heard the data will be stored on Amazon servers based in USA and therefore subject to USA laws?

      • Nah, it’s stored in Sydney’s AWS data centre. The government has a contract with Amazon for secure cloud hosting - for govt servers they are subject to our laws, not the yanks.

        • +1

          That is not what the US law states. The US Government has full power over US companies inside and outside US borders. They used those powers over Amazon hosting during the Assange Wikileaks saga and Amazon complied fully.

          • @[Deactivated]: The data (and by extension, AWS Australia) are still absolutely subject to our laws - but you're right, not at the exclusion of the US. But, for the US to lawfully demand Amazon seize or otherwise grant access to Aus Govt's data, in breach of their contract, Biosecurity act, Cybersecurity acts among other laws seems like an incredibly high bar to clear.

            • @evanjd: What would compell AWS or the US government to publicly advertise their actions? The US spies on its allies. I mean, New Zealand…why would the US spy on New Zealand when they don't even have a jet fighter in their air force. Most geopolitically stable country on planet Earth, ANZUS ally, and they still spy on them.

              • @[Deactivated]: I never said the US don't spy on their allies. The point I was trying to make is that I think it's highly unlikely that AWS, particularly their operation in Sydney operate as state controlled stooges secretly funnelling data to the US. Not because I think the US or its companies are all good global citizens, but because I think it's in Amazon's best interests to honour their contracts and our laws.

                What would compell AWS or the US government to publicly advertise their actions?

                Nothing obviously, but I don't think it's trivial to perform this surveillance undetected, and again, goes against AWS's interests. Also, I assume that there are controls in place to prevent or mitigate this as much as possible given that our own government has certified them for sensitive/classified workloads.

      • +1

        What exactly do you think the US is going to get?

        Name, phone, postcode, age range

        Wow. Game breaking stuff…. You are also free to lie about 3/4 of it if you are paranoid.

        Just image what the CIA could do if they got hold of the really top secret documents like the white pages or Yellow pages. Terrifying.

    • +4

      This is not a deal, it's a forum post

    • +4

      I don't want to debate whether the app has merits or not. That is a forum discussion to be had. But this is not a bargain.

    • +6

      It's weird people refer to the app as "saving lives", when all it can do is potentially save lives maybe if the tracing can happen faster and bigger outbreaks prevented. Works only if everyone is carrying a bluetooth device that is permanently switched on and even then just reduces the data set to analyze.

      • It will definitely save lives, as it will enable trace & isolate to be undertaken much easier. This will obviously reduce the spread.

        Reduced spread = less dead.

        • +1

          Excellent, so we can keep the app after this virus has been contained, because the same method could save people dying from the flu. In fact we can use it to help stop the spread of any infectious disease, from mumps to hiv to whooping cough, hepatitis, the common cold, tines, etc

          Then we can expand it to criminal behaviour. If someone is convicted of a serious crime, we could go back and see who they’ve been hanging out with. We can then monitor their known associates. That might save lives too.

          Of course without money, we can’t fund the health system and people will die. So we should expand this to detect fare evaders. They’re irresponsible behaviour, not paying their fair share for using public transport, thus taking money from the health system, the front line workers. So we should monitor them as they are potentially killing people.

          We should expand the tracking to use GPS and detect when you’re speeding in vehicles, as we all know, speeding kills. So we should track all speeding drivers.

          Yep tracking everything we do will save lives. The soon the govt issue us with google glasses so they can have video footage too, the safer we will all be.


          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: your post is whataboutism at its finest

            it's off my phone once the pandemic is eradicated from aus lmao, get a grip

            • @[Deactivated]: Yep. I’m doing my part by downloading it multiple times. I’m using app cloner.

              The best thing is that even after you delete the app, your data is still safe & secure on the backups. That’s by I love the cloud, you can delete your data, but there’s always a copy.

      • +3

        Agreed, the effectiveness is debatable. People here acting like it’s some magical app that will eliminate the virus.

        • Which is basically the case for everything…. ever read the list of disclaimers and waivers for products and services? Even medication and doctors?

    • +3

      Not a deal, this is getting ridiculous

    • +1

      State surveillance is never a deal…

    • +2

      Please delete this post, not a deal

    • -4

      If you don't like being tracked then delete all your social media accounts and google account then thrown away all your phones and laptops. This app is a great idea and it's free. Great deal

    • +2

      Is it a BARGAIN?

    • +3

      How is this not in the forums yet?

    • +4

      Can I price match at OW? Where's my Cashrewards? Free shipping with Amazon Prime.

    • +3

      Here's my obligatory comment for this app not being a BARGAIN.

    • +4

      This is not a deal, just an app that will always be free.

    • +1

      Normal price is free so this is not a deal it is just an advertisement. In the same way advertising a credit card because it lets you buy more bargains (the cost being up to the user to manage/determine).

    • +2

      This is not a concern for me I send the government a tweet update with my plans everyday.

    • +5

      how much is it normally?

      • -1

        The three steps the government has said are required before the restrictions will be lifted:

        • Test one: A sustained decrease in cases
        • Test two: Rapid response capabilities (includes contact tracing)
        • Test three: An exit plan

        Does the app guarantee we get out sooner? No
        Is it a step in the direction of what the government said we need to end the restrictions? Yes

        • About 2.4 billion

    • -1

      Not a deal and probably riddled with security flaws

    • LOL this is competing on a bargain site the last great wall papering of my live feed that was the Bunning drone deal lol .

    • I wonder if we will continue to use this app for all the other flu's and viruses that exist and kill people in the coming season, the next season , the next season……….

    • Now we just need deals on 5G phones.

      • And a roll of tin foil.

    • +1

      NO deal.

    • +1

      This is a deal to freedom bro… I'm in

    • +1

      No issue with the app but no deal.

    • +1

      Deal for the government not us

    • +3

      No way I'm downloading it currently on iOS… before they edited their site;

      "iOS users: COVIDSafe app needs to be open to work effectively. Keep the app open and notifications on when you're out and about, especially in meetings and public places. Activate the in-app power saver mode (flip your unlocked device upside down or face down while the app is running). This keeps the app open with a dimmed screen so that it can detect other devices running COVIDSafe app."

      So its gotta be active/open and your phone UNLOCKED for it to work.

      • "There's nothing else you need to do, except to leave the app running and keep Bluetooth(R) on"

        Maybe someone made a mistake which is why they edited their site? I've installed the app but won't change how I use the phone. If it turns out it doesn't work because my phone is locking then they'll have to fix it. Ultimately this is for all of us so an app that doesn't work is in no one's interests

        • +2

          It won't work properly yet, they should have waited until Apple released their API… which is this week I think.

      • +1

        Critical piece of information here…it won’t work on majority of people’s iOS devices as it runs in the background, and system permissions deny Bluetooth scanning in background to prevent malicious connections.

        Very difficult to ensure it’s being used correctly.

    • Streetpass for mobile phones expect there's no games and only health authorities can check who you passed.

    • +2

      How much did the government pay OzBargain to advertise their propaganda?

    • I wonder why the big boys, Google and apple didn't come out with a similar app, must have saved lives. They track traffic, why not the pandemic…

      • they are working together making a proper app, with the main tracking code embedded into the phone's OS (Apple or Playstore app Google) and othr can make an app (pretty front end) to connect without the need for a central tracking database.

        The medical guys upload the tracking from your phone to a DB, your phone checks that DB against your local DB, if you've come in contact, you phone tells you to go get tested - tada! simples.

        But no, our govt have to se the already proven failure that is the Singapore app (less then 20% take up). Why would they do that?

    • +1

      Not a deal - belongs in the forums

    • -1

      free tracking device from the government, how convenient

    • +2

      Every single free app in the Play store is now a bargain.

      • +1

        Scary isn't it .

      • well it's the next logical step after allowing Xbox Game pass games to be listed every month as bargains.

        next step is posting all the new shows/episodes on iView.

    • no deal

    • Not a deal.

    • There were close to 2,000 clicks on the link before it was moved to the forum, clicks that might not have happened if it wasn't posted.

      It's a shame the visibility the app would have got through this site has been severely hampered, especially when it had ~400 positive and ~100 negative votes.

      • +2

        I’m here because I saw the deal, installing now.

      • Agreed, massive shame in my opinion. It’s interesting that on the general site it was 4 to 1 in favour. But on forum threads here it’s more like 4 to 1 against installing the app.

        • +2

          That's pretty common - you have to comment to neg it. It's like most online reviews, people are far more likely to complain than leave a positive review.

          • @Domingo: it takes effort to leave feedback/comment. any bot can +1

      • -1

        It wasn’t a deal since any other free app, beneficial or not, would have been moved to the forums. OzBargain is about bargains, remember?

      • It's a shame the visibility the app would have got through this site has been severely hampered

        all those people who only every look at Ozbargain, but never watch the news, listen to the news, read the news, look at twitter/facebook/etc will miss out!

    • +1

      Im sure y'all lap up malware-ridden apps from the app store without requesting a look at the source code, share your personal information with companies you've never heard of without reading their privacy polciy and use Facebook and Google on a daily basis.

      Then you are presented an app of significant public-health importance, which is designed in Australia with vetted source code and a privacy policy underwritten by Commonwealth law and you suddenly become concerned citizens.

      You're fooling yourself if you don't think your entire identity isn't already sitting on some foreign server from the decisions you've made since owning a smartphone.

    • Deal of a lifetime… literally

    • +1

      At least I can block it now on my live feed . Thanks mods .

    • To everyone that's suggesting this app is a bad idea…

      You are free to say this if you never open or use:-

      1. Any social media
      2. Any product from google
      3. 99% of apps on your smartphone that are ad-supported.

      Literally all of these are wayyyyyyy more invasive and people just shrug and keep on using them. Stop being stupid.

      • +3

        It's actually illegal for you to coerce people to use the app. People are free to do as they please.

        • -1

          Coerce - persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

          How exactly did you get that from my post?

          • +1

            @Yorkshire-Man: Misrepresenting freedoms.

            • @[Deactivated]: Where was the force or threat?

              • @qwerty-4321: Explain how people who do not intall have reduced freedoms, as you claim. That's a threat.

                9 Coercing the use of COVIDSafe

                2) A person must not:
                (d) refuse to allow another person to participate in an activity;


                Respect your health minister's emergency botched determination!

        • LOL, you need to learn what "coerce" means, otherwise your attempts at being a smartarse will fail at the first part of the word.

          • @mickeyjuiceman: Your name checks out, but maybe kool-aid is more your poison.

            False authority is a form of coercion. The user above claims conditional freedoms where there are none. People can do as they please. Download and use the app, if you choose, but don't pretend slacktivism gives you magical powers or moral highground. At least wait until you get your 40% critical mass!

      • +1

        Companies have my information so may as well let the government have it too?
        But you do have a point, people don’t value their privacy enough. Possibly because it’s become so common place now to have your data recorded, stored and analysed behind your back. But that’s another reason why I oppose this app, I don’t want government collection of my data to become common practice

        • +1

          Look, honestly I dont disagree. I personally never use facebook as I think they define "evil corp" however these are extraordinary times & the second this is over I will delete this app.

          Finally… given all the data out there and the Snowden leaks, I'm quite sure they have it all anyway :)

      • the idea is good, the execution is bad.

        The stupidity is from the people blinding saying you should install this.

    • Very Disappointing with Mods / OzBargain site owner for moving this here. You guys can really make a difference.
      Hardly anyone will see it in here.
      If there ever was a time in your history to make any post visible then this is it!

      • +12

        Government is pushing it enough, no need for OzB to advertise it

        • +4

          Cant say I agree. Should be saturated everywhere IMO.

      • +1

        Make a difference? What is the asymptomatic infection rate in Australian society for you to believe that?

      • +1

        pffft whats with the virtue signalling?

        Pretty sure everyone in the ozb community knows or will know about the app without needing to see this post.

        • +1

          Actually it's pretty clear that a lot of people are misinformed about the app and a lot of clarification has been provided through this post.

      • because they won't see it unless it's posted on OzB?

    • +1

      Moved to forum.. now time to merge with megathread!

  • Merged from [POLL] What Are Your Thoughts on The Covidsafe App?

    Well, do you be downloading it or giving it a miss?

    Please refrain from pointless personal attacks.

    • +2

      It's a great placebo helping the anxiety prone think they are actively saving lives.

      Given the elderly are the primary ones affected by covid, how many phones for the elderly does it support?

    • Being somewhat technologically retarded, I'd love to see someone unbiased breaking down exactly what the app does, what data it stores, where it is stored and how it is accessed.

      If this app means we are able to get back to normality faster, than I'm for it, I'm sure google and facebook have far more information about me than this app will get.

      Additionally, I'm deemed an essential worker and sit on a plane twice a fortnight with 50 other people, which I assume increases my transmission risk pretty considerably. I'm leaning towards getting the app, but would definitely appreciate additional information on why or why not people think this is a good idea.

      • +13

        1. You register on the app. You enter your contact details so the government knows how to contact you. They could probably get these details from other sources if they need to but this saves them time. A unique ID code is generated for your phone. The government keeps a database of users so they know which ID codes correspond with which phone numbers. From what we know, this is stored on AWS servers (Amazon Web Services). A lot of other services use AWS as well, like Netflix (a paid service with confidential payments info)
        2. You go out to the shops or to work and come in contact with other people with the app on their phone.
        3. The two phones swap ID codes. This is stored on the phone in a secure partition (as is the norm for iOS or Android devices). Process is repeated for every similar phone your phone bumps into. NO GPS DATA IS COLLECTED. NO DATA LEAVES YOUR PHONE AT THIS STAGE.
        4. You become sick, are tested for and diagnosed with Covid19. The public health official asks if you have this app installed, and if so, to press the big "upload data if a healthcare offical asks you to" button in the app. THIS IS VOLUNTARY. NO DATA LEAVES YOUR PHONE UNTIL YOU PRESS THE BUTTON
        5. A list of ID codes your phone has bumped into is uploaded to their database.
        6. They send a notification to all the users identified on your list. These people just see a message saying they have been in close contact with a confirmed case. Your name, address, phone number, time/date of contact are NOT included.
        7. Those people now know to keep on the lookout for symptoms, and that they probably shouldn't visit their frail, old grandma.
      • If this app means we are able to get back to normality faster, than I'm for it

        And if not, then you're not? Wrong motivation. I don't like how this app is being sold.

      • Ripped straight from the privacy policy… read the part about prosecution…. you people are idiots if you think this is anything but a grab for diminishing our freedoms…once you consent to the app you are consenting to a lot more than you think.. no one reads this stuff before accepting any app they put on their phones…

        How will personal information be used and disclosed?

        We will use or disclose your personal information to enable contact tracing by health officials. This includes:

        using your mobile number to send you an SMS to confirm your number or upload your contact data
        using encrypted user IDs in uploaded contact data to identify other COVIDSafe users that a positive COVIDSafe user had contact with in the last 21 >days (contact users)
        providing health officials with access to the registration information and contact data of contact users to enable contact tracing

        Contact users may be advised to take such measures as are required by their State or Territory (such as self-isolating). Failure to comply with these >measures may be in breach of State or Territory law.

        We will also use or disclose your personal information to:

        ensure the proper and lawful functioning of COVIDSafe
        if it is necessary, prosecute a breach of the law in relation to contact tracing under the Biosecurity Determination and the Biosecurity Act 2015

        We will not use or disclose your personal information for any other purpose.

        • +3

          Self isolation is already the measure to take if you have come in contact with someone known to have the virus.

          Although at this stage of the game, I'd expect that the more appropriate measure would be to take a test ASAP.

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