Going into Self Isolation - Tips, Tricks

I will be returning from Singapore on Tuesday and will be forced into self isolation for 14 days. Not too bothered as I will have my wife and two young kids, paid leave and have some family support for supplies during this period.

Interested in any ideas from the community on ways to entertain the kids (4 and 1), limit spending (besides ubereats codes) and any other thoughts to share that might be helpful.

Thanks in advance!


    • +6

      Understand, but nothing in place to assist us food wise and we have two kids, open to ideas. Given we land and no opp to do a grocery shop?

      • +18

        Woolies online, instruct to leave outside.

        • +14

          Clogged with hoarders . Try to place a order !

          • @popsiee: Already had a look at woolies online, no essentials/basics available or in stock.

            • -6

              @Chuckles79: That isn't right I looked yesterday and they had everything in stock. Are you in a major state?

        • +14

          uber eats asked to leave outside

          • +5

            @Dotherightthing: Seriously though, need some uber eats codes 😋. Maybe they could do something like CORONAEATS.

        • +7

          Some people are saying Woolies have cancelled orders and the delivery service..?


        • my friend's online order got cancelled due to stock shortage.

            • +9
              • -5

                @Ding22: Lol a bit harsh mate, you all had the chance to buy the same deal 18 months ago that I did. People like you are the real scum.

            • +1

              @Slippery Fish: Can you see that you are part of the problem? I'd say hoarders are more dangerous to people than the coronavirus itself. I could put toilet paper and shithead in a sentence but that would be rude. Ops… I just did…

        • +1

          No online delivery in my area and they cancelled my pick up order too

          • -2

            @OzzyOzbourne: I went in store. Also 1 person is salty haha.

            • +8

              @Slippery Fish: No you're just a greedy ahole, A bunch of old people are wondering wtf is going on when they cant get 1 roll, and your sitting at home with 288.

              • +1

                @[Deactivated]: That they could also have bought 18 months before corona virus…

                • @Slippery Fish: Why did you order more toilet paper if you have so much already?

                  • @Miss B: I didn't-.-

                  • @Miss B: Cool, it kind of looked like you might be saying all of your order was fulfilled except the TP. I bought a fair bit a month ago and have not needed any either. Have shared some with friends and family. I don't see any issue with having purchased a lot before any of this happened.

                    Edit: Oops, replied to myself by accident.

                • @Slippery Fish: give some of them away, im sincerely hoping that you don't need 288 rolls in a short period

                  • +2

                    @mlburnian: Lol I have been to my friends and family. Wouldn't give them to you guys though…

                    • +1

                      @Slippery Fish: Gee, I can't imagine why people are being harsh towards you. They're probably just jealous that you've the toilet paper that you need, and more and they don't have any. However, it's evident that you ordered yours via a deal many moons ago, so there's absolutely no reason to be hostile towards you. I sometimes don't understand the voting pattern here.

                      • +1

                        @CocaKoala: Sometimes people just dont read the whole sentence and nust start judging lol

                        • +1

                          @tinx: I read the whole thing. How is one meant to be able to deduce he bought the TP 18 months ago?

                          • @John Kimble:

                            I read the whole thing. How is one meant to be able to deduce he bought the TP 18 months ago?

                            The OP said he got the papers from a Coles deal. Coles has not even been having any stock of toilet papers these days, let alone run a deal. I was able to deduce it by this. The OP also explicitly mentioned in one of the posts that it was purchased a while ago (but that could be after your response).

                      • @CocaKoala: Thanks :)

      • Stocking 2 weeks worth of food is hardly a challenge

    • +16

      Ubereats has a drop at the door and go option, so kinda is :)

    • +1

      Uber eats offers the option to leave the food outside the door and woolworths isn't even offering online delivery atm

  • +7

    Get HelloFresh (or similar) delivered, no need to shop for food.

  • +46

    Day 01 : Jenga
    Day 02 : Jenga
    Day 03 : Jenga
    Day 04 : Jenga
    Day 05 : Jenga
    Day 06 : Jenga
    Day 07 : Jenga
    Day 08 : Jenga
    Day 09 : Jenga
    Day 10 : Jenga
    Day 11 : Jenga
    Day 12 : Jenga
    Day 13 : Jenga
    Day 14 : Monopoly

    • +7

      I do have a current xbox game pass so thankful for that in advance!

    • +18

      Monopoly one day one so only the strongest can continue to day two.

      • +3

        But I made it the last day because it always ends up in a fight at my house.

        • +3

          It always ends up as a fight in every household. Fight and then separate. Self isolate within the family home!

        • Monopoly Junior, if you want less fights.

        • +3

          Actually, the boardgame Monopoly was designed from scratch in order to CREATE fighting and anger.
          It was a tongue-in-cheek way to tell the average homefolk that monopolies were bad, especially in Capitalistic systems. Notice how the Taxation System also sucks in the board game? Yeah, that was intentional too. It's too bad people were are too dumb to realise the joke, and its instead become successful, when it was intended to really be a niche game that flopped.

      • +3

        I'd rather die of respiratory failure than be put through a game of Monopoly.

      • Monopoly every day, and only the winner should be allowed to use toilet paper for the day

        • Homicide rates going through the roof!

    • +5

      Day 15: Typewriter "All work and no play…."

    • +1

      Promote this man

    • If you put Monopoly at Day 1 there won't be a Day 2. The arguments that game caused in my family… unbelievable. And it's meant to be fun?

  • +4

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons comes out on Friday.

    • +2

      Thanks, just started the 2k20 download remotely via the app also.

  • +45

    Simple things once you have groceries sorted.
    Have a ‘picnic’ in your own backyard.
    Have a movie night with themed dinner.
    Board games.
    Skype/face time/video call family or friends you haven’t seen in awhile. Particularly the elderly. So many benefits for the elderly person and gives your children a chance to learn about their family.
    If someone can collect them for you, I can not recommend library books enough. The joy of having a child sit on your lap as you read to them is awesome. They will enjoy it too and is a fantastic learning opportunity. The more a child is read too, the quicker they will learn to read themselves.
    Science experiments that are age appropriate. Make slime (outside only, that stuff is messy).

    • +2

      Have a ‘picnic’

      In the frontyard; Camping in the back.

    • Love all these suggestions, but especially the library and book reading one.

      • Just got a message that out local library is now closed due to corona virus :(

        • if you have a tablet (or even a phone I guess), your library probably has an online ebook loan system

    • Thank you - very useful list.

      My wife and i have been brainstorming as well and so far we have one other thing that isn't on your list yet - get an inflatable pool and let the little one enjoy water play in the backyard.

    • +1

      These are great game suggestions and good time-passes.
      One question, are you AND your family returning from Singapore, or just you?
      If it’s just you, self isolation means from everyone, including your family. Otherwise they have to self isolate with you (and possibly longer than your 14 days depending on incubation times and symptomology should any of you actually have COVID).

      So if it’s just you, then it’s netflix and your uber eats its outside your bedroom door, not just your front door haha :) <3

      Edit: just read on further and saw it’s all of you.
      Flameo hotman.

      • According to callum9999 you didn't use common sense or your critical thinking skills…

    • I have heard, i did think forward before we left about 10 days ago (pre pandemic) and bought extra, rice, flour, pasta and nappies. I thought i was being silly…

      • -7

        I think this is a good time to bring up increasing my armory inventory with the wife. :D

    • There's going to be big bombshell announcements in Victoria tomorrow. Will be nuts at super markets.

      Tonight will be anyone's best bet to do last minute hoarding.

      • I want to go people watching but I have been told not to. I have dust cover eye wear, n95 masks and disposable surgery gowns.

        I wonder if my safety precautions will provoke further panic.

        • +4

          I have a fully-encapsulating, level A hazmat suit with 2 exhaust valves and SCBA mask. I'm saving it for when we run out of TP and I need to make an early morning stop at my local to get some. Easiest way to get to the front of the queue 😂

          • @[Deactivated]: I have a mountain of disposable scrubs thanks to every procedural kit coming with a few sets of personal disposable garments.

            Literally have about 1000 of these in storage.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: I have an orbital command post, and a cold war surplus Saturn-V rocket to get me there.

      • +1

        It's too late where I live. It's no longer long-life pantry goods they're hoarding.

        Fresh meat was almost gone. Fresh milk was almost gone. Tuna was gone. Legumes (except baked beans) were gone. Refrigerated vegetables (e.g. carrots) were gone.

        • i went to costco this afternoon (avoiding the tp zoo at opening)
          they still had long life skim milk cartons but no full cream

          • @cybapete: Same at my local Woolworths last week! Gotta get those extra calories and fat-soluble vitamins.

            The last few days I could get lite milk though.

      • I hope anyone reading my comment last night took it serious :)

        • Nothing worse than no one biting the bait. Feel bad

      • Nothing announced yet…

    • You go people watching. Me on the other hand come here to read comment like these.

      We have different ways to entertain ourselves.

      • I did end up going. Didn't use any of the protective measures. Just kept to myself and avoided hot spots like the TP isles.

        Gosh, it was some of the most fun I've had. I watched people pick apart the flour and sugar isles.

        They pushed out a warehouse trolley full of long life milk and it was picked clean in 10 minutes.

        It's more than I ever hoped for.

        • If this is most fun you've had, idk I feel bad for you.

          You should wear protective gear next time. I hope you didn't catch the virus.

          Keep posting though you're doing a good job

          • @michaelTito: I'm not too worried cause I am use to not touching things and maintaining distance.

            Most fun… okay, maybe not but I do enjoy behavioural observation.

  • Hey I thought we can't create new thread/post in ozb from overseas?

    • I had no problems doing so. Wasnt aware of the rule, happy to delete the thread if needed.

      • Nah, it's just IP check if you can then it's fine

    • No, unless your trying to post a deal from Amazon/eBay/Ali Express.

      You might not be able to message other users but you can ask a mod to overturn it.

  • +4

    Create ozb account for each child and wife.
    Lots to browse here.

  • +3

    I will be returning from Singapore on Tuesday and will be forced into self isolation for 14 days. Not too bothered as I will have my wife and two young kids

    If it is just you returning, then technically you have to quarantine from your family also.
    Otherwise it's more likely you'll just pass it to them and then they'll pass it onto others.

    • +6

      Coming back with the family.

    • Says who? He's clearly said that they're also in isolation, so how are they going to spread it to others?

      • +3

        It wasn't clear to me in the OP. As per the bold "I". Would have been clearer if it was "We" or "My family and I…".

        • It's very basic common sense… Why would they need to keep the kids occupied and get strategies to get food without Uber if the rest of the family were coming and going as they please?

          • +3

            @callum9999: You've changed from "He's clearly said" to "It's very basic common sense".

            His post could have been interpreted either way given the conflicting way it was written, I thought no harm in covering the less likely option, just in case.

            • -3

              @John Kimble: I didn't change, I added an additional argument.

              Feel free to keep digging, but my main objection was with your claim that those in quarantine should also be quarantined from their family. No advice I've seen has said that, where have you got that from?

              • +1

                @callum9999: It would make "common sense" to though, right? I'm not saying it would be easy though.

                My cousin stayed mostly in her bedroom with her husband, away from her toddler son after returning from Indonesia. I don't know if that was the advice they were given by an official or if they chose to do so themselves.

                • -5

                  @John Kimble: If someone is in self isolation in the family house, the rest of the family absolutely do not need to also self isolate. In fact, not only is it not compulsory, it's not even recommended.

                  I wouldn't personally call it common sense, but if you're overly panicked by the virus I can see why you would.

                  Sorry if I've been a bit stern in my responses, but I can't stand the number of people who make declarations about things they don't actually understand. People moan about "fake news" all the time, but well meaning people like yourself spread a hell of a lot more disinformation than dodgy media companies do.

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