OzzyOzbourne » user profile

Member Since 17/02/2012
Last Seen 2 hours 57 min
Badges 1 1
Location Melbourne

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They will ask all properties to pay half each 😅
05/03/2025 - 14:44
$10 kmart for 5 pairs. Still going strong after 8 years
02/03/2025 - 18:08
Same as a split system is useless unless you put the external part outside. They are inefficient as they suck in warm outside air to…
01/03/2025 - 17:21
It all depends on how much money a business can make and how much they "lobby" the government as to whether it gets on the agenda. There…
01/03/2025 - 00:26
If you are going to New York, on landing, chuck away all of your documents and passport and claim asylum for undocumented immigrants. As a…
28/02/2025 - 14:11
I don't care for iPhone, however a few years ago nobody gave 60hz a second thought until there was more than 60hz and now it's a problem
26/02/2025 - 22:09
If only we had more people paying for PHI.... ah there we go
25/02/2025 - 16:26
Anywhere except New York, California or Main for obvious reasons
25/02/2025 - 16:19
Watched the first 10 minute and switched it off. Rubbish
22/02/2025 - 11:14
I see a lot of insults and anger towards Musk, people getting very emotional and hating anyone who doesn't agree with them, but no hard…
17/02/2025 - 14:28
Unless you live in a cave without a fire then you are part of the problem you describe. Cutting off someone's aircon in Australia isn't…
15/02/2025 - 23:02
Whilst your foot is on fire... Much worse
12/02/2025 - 16:10
Not suggesting a vacuum, but if you do try it, make sure it's not a mains powered vac unless it's a wet vac
04/02/2025 - 15:26
They lower the pump speed. Eg. I have a 10kw (cooling power) ducted inverter with a max electrical power of 3kw, drawing just 1.5kw at the…
04/02/2025 - 15:23
There used to be pregassed systems available for diy install in the UK. In fact you used to be a get cans of refrigerant with the correct…
04/02/2025 - 15:20
Because they can't charge $4k for installing a $449 unit
04/02/2025 - 15:15
According to teachers they work late every night which is why they deserve 4 times more holiday than normal people, so those times must be…
03/02/2025 - 23:42
Replace the world "culture" with "human"
01/02/2025 - 10:36
By doing stuff. Answer effort = question effort
28/01/2025 - 13:19
So pretty basic stuff, hard to f up
18/01/2025 - 21:48
From my years of commuting on a train, 99% of the time it's people of certain demographics talking on speaker phone along with playing…
17/01/2025 - 07:57
Assuming you are a guy, If you have a boy, you may still have a chance to have your voice heard, but if it's a girl forget it
15/01/2025 - 11:39
And will be bullied at school if they don't wear branded clothes, have the latest iPhone 23 and parental pressure to spend at least $1000…
15/01/2025 - 11:37
Nearly every house in Australia has screen doors so can't be that pointless
11/01/2025 - 18:17
But how do you open the first door which opens outwards and will be blocked by the second door which opens inwards?
11/01/2025 - 18:15
How do you know it was Tesla? Could be phishing.
10/01/2025 - 23:41
Misgendered someone? Thought crime?
09/01/2025 - 14:07
Sounds like they'd have to be rich bogans to go there instead of Bali. I'm betting the beer and food is also 4 times more expensive.
09/01/2025 - 14:06