I was having a think about some of the lesser known risks we all take and thought I'd write this to share to all in hope it can better protect your finances.
Frequent flyer points
My tip: Use them up if you can find something you want.
Given the situation most airlines find themselves in, it is not certain airlines will survive and therefore your FFP may be lost. Even if airlines do survive, most airline CFOs will be tin rattling banks and governments at this time and reduction in balance sheet liabilities in all fashion will be undertaken, and for sure reductions in FFP values are being considered. So I see little reward in keeping your points and high risk in holding on to your points. So use them if you can.
Online buying
My tip: Only user Credit cards/Paypal (or other buyer protection methods of payment)
We're all probably buying more online more, but retail is quickly tanking. Nearly all retailers, even the ones benefiting from this crisis (Harvey normal and JB are selling out of freezers and air purifiers and posting 9+% like for like sales growth) are withdrawing their earnings guidance as people lose jobs and the economy tanks. Lots more retailers will go into admin and likely fail, think Kikki K.
So when purchasing online use a method that protects you like a CC where you can charge back if you don't receive goods because they suddenly go into receivership after you place an ordered.
Payment methods like BNPL (Afterpay etc) don't allow for chargebacks in their policies. Although there was a story here of someone managing to get their money back from such a circumstance, it is a unnecessary risk and I wouldn't be relying on good gestures when waves of retailers could fail and bad debts rake up.
Gift cards
My tip: Use them up ASAP if practical
Similar rational as above, with retail hitting the walls risk of failure is high and gift cards on have value if the retailer is still kicking, many will not be kicking.
Cash tired up in non-financial accounts
My tip: Withdraw the cash if you can or only keep small amounts.
Many sports betting agencies will be struggling big time, given there is no sports to bet on. If you have large amounts in your account, it's prudent to withdraw.
Mods: Not sure if this should be merged in other threads, but given the strange world we live I thought I'd share some prudent tips I'm giving my family and friends.
I know you said these are lesser known risks and this is a good list, but I just wanted to reiterate for the nth time:
Have an emergency fund.