SlavOz » user profile

Status In Penalty Box.
Member Since 21/02/2019
Last Seen 26/11/2022
Badges 10 1

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This sounds a lot like the COVID statistics Lets bury them in bullshit proportion data to make a point. That study doesnt say fire smoke is…
09/10/2022 - 14:49
Main appeal is that firewood and fireplaces are (at least for now) still mostly decentralised from government or corporate control. They…
09/10/2022 - 14:43
How many cars do you walk past each day? The fumes from even semi-busy roads are far worse for your health than natural fire smoke.
08/10/2022 - 19:03
Australia had some of the longest recorded lockdowns in the world, and our rules went far beyond what most countries did (particularly the…
08/10/2022 - 10:14
>the selfish snowflakes that decided mass gatherings during a global pandemic were a great idea. Does that include police operations? I saw…
08/10/2022 - 10:05
>Peoples rights weren’t taken away. The majority recognised it was important for the greater good. "Good" is a subjective term and…
07/10/2022 - 23:21
How much jet fuel was spewed into the atmosphere transporting our vaccines over here or carrying our PMs in private flights? People…
07/10/2022 - 18:36
Let me know how progressive you feel when energy prices soar and you're warming yourself by blowing hot air into your hands.
07/10/2022 - 18:31
What an idea, never thought of that. I do find myself wondering whether it's even legal to harvest firewood yourself in Australia. I know…
07/10/2022 - 17:18
You do realise any form of heating is bad for the environment right? Even traditional electric heating runs off massive power grids and…
07/10/2022 - 17:12
My favourite as a kid was corn on the kob cooked inside the fireplace.
07/10/2022 - 17:09
It was 3 years off and on, mostly on. Even when total lockdown wasnt in force, most events were still cancelled, travel not allowed, no…
07/10/2022 - 17:07
🤣 Fo sho. The thought of wearing anything else is offensive to my people. Your haircut and username do remind me of my time lining up…
07/10/2022 - 17:02
Save it bro. Nobody is getting vaccinated anymore and we've all but acknowledged (albeit quietly to ourselves) that it was a waste of time.…
07/10/2022 - 16:56
Yeah, there was a 1 hour allowance each day for sunlight and exercise. Basically less than what criminally insane prisoners get in solitary…
07/10/2022 - 16:28
Staying warm during winter is a filthy habit? OK mate.
07/10/2022 - 12:59
>At what point were YOU forced, by the government, to "wear a mask", in your own bedroom Nobody is forcing you or your daughter to wear a…
07/10/2022 - 12:20
Do you treat drivers and construction workers the same way? As someone with severe asthma as well, car fumes and dust from building sites…
07/10/2022 - 11:56
>At what time were you asked to wear a mask in your own house Masks were mandatory in hostels, hospitals, churches, and other…
07/10/2022 - 11:38
Apparently making the whole country wear a mask for a few years is just sensible science. Not a big deal. Pegasx making his daughter wear a…
07/10/2022 - 11:05
>only to find her lifeless body lol is that the conversion rate now? Neighbours lighting a fire to stay warm = your daughter will die :L I…
07/10/2022 - 10:59
>How do you honestly believe it could be the 'least' harmful substance ? Because the outside air is already mixed with toxic diesel fumes,…
07/10/2022 - 00:34
Damn bro, you're harbouring a lot of resentment and anger in the way other people choose to survive on this harsh planet. I guess this is…
07/10/2022 - 00:24
Which part there am I cheering for people's rights to be taken away? I explicitly said "I feel bad for those".
06/10/2022 - 22:57
I choose my priorities over the sky's. We humans are the dominant force on the planet and there has never been a time in our history when…
06/10/2022 - 22:54
How inconsiderate of your neighbours stay warm in winter without your approval. Unthinkable.
06/10/2022 - 19:23
Smoke from wood fires is by far the least harmful substance you're exposed to when you go outside. >but all that smoke she's producing…
06/10/2022 - 19:10
>You do know that lockdowns during the pandemic were also applied in many overseas countries as well Sure, but Australia reached the…
06/10/2022 - 19:05
Well, I never cheered on while other people's rights were being taken away. I would say that elevates my compassion far higher than the…
06/10/2022 - 16:17
Progressives - big on compassion via government policies, never willing to practice any of it in their personal lives.
06/10/2022 - 15:16