How Safe Is Your 2020 Job?

My heart is breaking after seeing people losing their job and started looking for another one.

Airline crews are losing theirs for up to 8 months. Restaurant maybe open for take away only, waiters are jobless. Other businesses are depending on people with a party/event coming up.

So far supermarket jobs are the winners here. And they are hiring through agency. Not sure which.

I wish you all good luck there. Hope virus vaccine will be ready soon.

Poll Options

  • 843
    My job is secured
  • 10
    Losing my job for up to 4 weeks.
  • 21
    Losing my job for up to 3 months.
  • 29
    Losing my job for up to 6 months.
  • 7
    Losing my job for up to 12 months.
  • 134
    Losing my job until virus is fully gone.


  • +1


    How about you?

    • +1

      I work in a bottle shop. Cash on hand. But some days working 5 hours instead of 8 hours. Our busiest night is Friday. Then Saturday. So this week we will be expecting less customers.

      • +18

        Surely bottle shops will see an increase from people wanting to drown their sorrows/get drunk while isolated at home?

        I know there was elements of panic buying over the weekend at Dan Murphy's.

        • Exactly, the more people home, the more people will want to pass time with their favorite drink(I would assume).

          Also seen the videos of DM getting swarmed

          • @Godric: However, people didn't exactly line up within safe distances of one another.

        • +1

          Yeah I could be doing the same thing to get drunk while isolated at home because there's no where else to go to.

        • drown their sorrows

          you my friend has definitely never tired cider

      • +6

        So you don’t pay any tax.

      • +2

        cash in hand hey? hmmmm where would this be?

        • +30

          cash in hand hey? hmmmm where would this be?

          Nice try ATO

      • bottle-o are essential services, where are youse i'll give some business

      • Cash on hand?
        Are you getting the centrelink money as well?

        • What do you think

          • @djmm: I have no freaking clue man. I've asked a question and you have replied with another one.
            Not a good look.

            • @Hasbulla: Are you too naive not to be able to figure out the answer? Are you aware of what's going on around?

              • @baldur: still no answer m8.
                Can't read between the lines cause you are not responding.
                Please do. Nothing to do with being naive.
                Are you double-dipping?
                Cash on hand and cenno?
                Yes or no.

      • I ownder how so many people can work "Cash on Hand". I mean after all, it's ILLEGAL.

        • +1


        • Given how much a full time student gets from Centrelink, and and cost of rent in Sydney, the government knows that many, many students are working cash in hand.

    • Secured - buy a shovel, dig graves. Growth business.

      • you joke but i saw a guy in NYC doing a roaring trade boarding up shopfront windows.
        was going to suggest my carpenter brother and myself, a stood down hospitality manager, start doing this.

    • +96

      This is really selfish. So many people would do anything to have your job and you want to piss it away because it's easier to sit on your arse and take money from other hard working Australians. Shame on you. Shame.

        • +21

          I wish for you what you want, to lose your job and when this Covid-19 thing is over you may struggle to find employment and will then understand how trivial and stupid your reasoning is.

            • +4

              @[Deactivated]: I kinda understand you Shroomer I hate my job too and i feel like I have been paying taxes for junkies/doll bludgers my whole working life

              But the circumstances are pretty unique

              I also think the double in new start is only for 2months….

              Personally think the government would been better off slashing income taxes in half opposed to encourage people to not try and find work

            • @[Deactivated]: You're a real piece of you know what buddy…

            • @[Deactivated]: Service Unavailable
              HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

              Lol. Typical.

          • -3

            @robbyjones: Doubt it.

        • +14

          You are an Entitled bum

          • -8

            @Donaldhump: Do what I can to support the country mate

        • If you quit your job don't you have to wait 6 months before being able to claim centrelink? By then the handout will be over

      • +86

        This isn't a problem with Shroomer, it's a problem with our welfare system that rewards people who don't work.

        It should have been a more equal handout to everyone.

        But, when the coronavirus bonus stops, Shroomer will still have his job, while the people on welfare will go back to being poor(er).

        • +13

          That's exactly what I was getting at.
          for me to get an extra couple dollars an hour vs being unemployed is nonsensical.
          Where's the incentive to even work at this point, one could argue I could find a better paying job to deal with it, but I don't have such a large requirement for money, I'm saving thousands as it is.

          • +8


            get an extra couple dollars an hour vs being unemployed

            Actually that raises another good point. If the minimum wage is based on the logic that all work has inherent value (it doesn't, but that's a rant for another time), paying people significant amounts of money for zero work surely goes against that by devaluing the work lower income workers actually perform?

        • +5

          Universal Basic Income

          • +2

            @Chandler: Not against it - but a change this major, I'd want much much more real world case studies before implementation.

            Unintended consequences are a b*tch, and when you're talking entire economies, one wrong step could mean millions homeless and/or otherwise destitute.

            Very much a 'measure twice a billion times, cut once' type deal.

            And even foreseeable risks aren't unsubstantial, off the top of my head -

            • increase in labour costs immediately as the marginal (percentage) returns for working fall through the floor, leading to inflationary risk (certainty).

            • the corresponding cuts to or abolition of the welfare system could lead to many receiving insufficient funds.

            • educational and training industries might slump because those include people undertaking this as a requirement of receiving welfare/risk of welfare running out.


        • +3

          High and dry hit the nail on the head however the fact the system is constantly geared to support the most useless members of society is way out nation is f***ed

          • +4

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Jesus Christ, dude. You don't live in reality.

          • +13


            the system is constantly geared to support the most useless members of society

            I assume you're referring to investment bankers and politicians here?

            • +6

              @abb: Fair enough maybe im wrong but i rarely see support for the middle income earners however lower incomes get all the help and the wealthy get all the tax cuts you can imagine?

              Tell me if that isnt true?

              • +4

                @Trying2SaveABuck: Bang on. The middle pays for the bottom and the tax avoiding top end of town.

                The biggest welfare bludgers are big corporates at the top.

        • +2

          welfare system that rewards people who don't work.

          oh (profanity) off.

          It's been DOUBLED due to the current situation, could you live off $400/fortnight? Do you really think people want to be living below the poverty line?

          • +4

            @miicah: Miicah, read their post history. That about sums up who you're replying to - delusional.

          • +3


            could you live off $400/fortnight?

            You're not supposed to 'live off' welfare though, you supposed to pull finger and get a job asap.

            • +1


              You're not supposed to 'live off' welfare though, you supposed to pull finger and get a job asap.

              And in the meantime, what? You go in to debt because the government pays you just enough to cover rent and maybe fuel?

        • +6

          agree to this, people that have been on the jobseeker shouldn't get this boost especially when they have been on it for a while and can make a do with that they have been receiving!

          They should have just come up with new program for people that lost their job due to convid19.

        • Unfortunately government created this mess. A number of people I've talked to have quit work and going on the dole. I asked a few of them WHY??????? Simple. Why work when the government is giving it to them for free. 2) Avoid contact with other people who can infect them and their family. Unemployment in Australia is going to skyrocket and we are all going to pay for it one way or another through higher taxes.

          The gov should of done what the UK did. Pay employers essential living wage to KEEP people in jobs until this thing rolls over. The massive stimulus they unleash will have us paying off this debt for the next 10 years. Paying people 6 months at this rate will create a situation where they are reliant on that amount, as soon as gov reduces it, people will go in debt and be worst off. In addition, habits are hard to change. If you get 6 months off, people might just get use to that life.

        • -1

          While some (few) people on Centrelink are just avoiding work… Do you really want to live in a society where the most mentally disorganised and desperate people are actually hungry, crime rates in USA and UK don't look good.

          Social support for would be crooks is better than the alternative.

      • +14

        My wife lost her job on Monday, she is eligible for ZERO assistance as my income is just over the test threshold.

        Stupid thing is we would be literally better of financially now if i was to lose my job and us both go on Centrelink.

        I am now effectively working for negative $$ per week for the sake of having a job. The gov't should have targeted their support at EVERYONE who already had a job and lost it rather than giving it to the perpetually unemployed housos while the rest of us do it tough.

        • +4

          Just following up with jg86tsv situation is exactly what I mean his wife worked hard and paid tax but is ineligable when they need support the most however the long term doll bludgers soak up more tax payers money with this boost

          They system is f***en shit anyone who thinks it isn't is kidding themselves

          Until it changes I'll never support any welfare reforms because the system should look after the workers when they fall on hard times and from everything I've seen it does anything but that

        • +3

          Wife also now out of work, also unable to get anything due to income tests.

          I actually agree with the income test, as it's reasonable to assume that income is shared within the family - however if you're going to have a family income test here, then the income should be taxed as family income (i.e. averaged between the earners) rather than as an individual. Denying access to benefits based on a partner's income, while taxing that income as if it's single income, is having your cake and eating it.

        • +1

          I'm with ya man. My mate is in the same boat - wife lost her job, can't get the dole because household income is still over the threshold. He's better off quitting his job and going on the dole. At $1100 a fortnight for the next 6 months, you're basically earning the same as someone who works full time while doing zero work.

          This system is rewarding the poor or lazy while assuming everyone else is mega rich. Absolutely no respite for the middle class.

    • +3

      I'm not sure if you're aware how income support is supposed to work.

      • -1

        100% as a current employee for Services Australia I completely understand how it works.
        How it'll be working late April is not how it's meant to work and will cause lots of people earning minimum wage or just above to realise their job is worthless and they can get about the same from enjoying their time at home and in nature.

    • +10

      Do your figures account for the fact
      - centrelink payments are taxable income
      - no superannuation is paid on top of centrelink

      The job market is also going to be a mess in 6 months time, and the government will be a lot less generous.
      If your previous employer is asked to provide a reference, they will say you quit.

      I can't see why you'd do it. For 6 months on the couch. Not like you can travel or even really leave the house.

        • +11

          The net impact on the taxpayer is nothing, so I'm not angry you are rorting the system. They will employ someone else in your place, who would have otherwise been collecting what you'll end up on. Perhaps someone who knows enough to give the correct advice e.g.

          Supplement isn't taxable so it'll be a very small portion that gets taxed - (Less than $40 a fortnight).


          Is the Coronavirus Supplement taxable? Yes.

          I just think that person is going to be way better off than you in 6 months time, and I can't see why you would willingly do that to yourself. Or willingly go into retirement with the plan of renting and living of whatever miserable amount the aged pension is at that time.

          "Stop accepting shifts" also sounds like a great way to line yourself up for a future robodebt, you don't fit the spirit of the eligibility criteria. Sure they are not asking for proof or auditing it now, but wait three years when they want to achieve a budget surplus again.

          • +1

            @toniyellow: All g kuz, i got this :StrongArmEmoji:

          • @toniyellow: Have to side with Shroomer's interpretation. The coronavirus supplement is taxable, but it's still subject to the tax free threshold which means the overall tax rate is still very low.

            • @HighAndDry: Depends very much on what other earnings the recipient has throughout the year then - not in all cases, but in most cases, very low,

        • +4

          I have no desire for a superannuation, it won't help in future when I can just get the pension anyway.

          That only works if you won your own home otherwise you’ll be living in poverty because you’re paying rent. You should rethink your plan because the current one is stupid.

          • @Icecold5000: Happy to pay rent the rest of my life, better than being locked down into a mortgage and not have the flexibility to live elsewhere as needed.
            Also, on my wage, borrowing power is $270k so I can't do to much with it ;)

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: You still don’t get it. You won’t be able to live adequately on a pension because your rent will eat up most of your pension. What part of this is difficult to understand?

              • @Icecold5000: I can live adequately now, as I said, I can save $2000 a month currently, if I was to halve my earnings I'd be earning less than what a pensioner receives and still save $600, what part of this don't you get?

                • +2

                  @[Deactivated]: Up to you mate. Go on the dole then. Everyone is replaceable and your job will be taken up by someone with a better attitude who is willing to herder for less money and be more greatfull . People like you will be toast in the upcoming recession. Maybe it’s better for companies to strip away the deadwood to give opportunities to people who care.

              • @Icecold5000: where tf u think im renting cuz? a 3x1 studio apartment by myself? Obviously I'm going to share house the rest of my life, its so freeing.

                • @[Deactivated]: Thithlord was right about you. You are not worth the conversation.

                  • @Icecold5000: Good news!!
                    I quit my job, got my leave entitlements and now I'm due to received payments just in time!! Easy game boys

    • +5

      Seem's people are upset that the system works in favour of the unemployed and that someone wants to take advantage of it.
      Work smarter, not harder.

      • +2

        Work smarter, not harder.

        But that's the thing, you don't want to work. You want free money from our tax paying dollars.

        • +2

          Smart as!

        • +5

          Nothing more than what everyone else on the dole is getting. What's the saying? Don't hate the player, hate the game?

          Australia's welfare system, as Shroomer is showing and people are outraged by, effectively rewards laziness - Shroomer would effectively be better off if they decided to be lazy under this system.

          • +2

            @HighAndDry: "This system" are the doubled payments JUST announced.
            In this day and age the usual dole isn't enough to survive on, in any major city anyway (not like the good old days).

            This is not business as usual.

            • @nessism: It's not the job of the dole to make sure that competent able bodied adults can take care of themselves.

              That's everyone's job as an adult.

              The amount isn't that relevant, if Shroomer was making half of what they're making now, they'd be in the same situation.

        • So rant about the government, not him.

          • @baldur:

            speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.

            I didn't rant. Just picking on the word he used. Yes I agree "don't hate the player, hate the game" could apply here…but still…

            • @John Kimble: It doesn't apply, Shroomer is an ass and this bullshit demonisation of beneficiaries is also bullshit. Most Newstart recipients receive payments for a short time only as an essential support in a legitimate time of need. Those that want to exploit a safety net, and those that like H&D that assume everyone that uses it is actually exploiting it can (profanity) right off.

      • +2

        I agree with you shroomer, the welfare payment is a slap in the face for us. I'm working my arse off and risking exposure to the virus while Mr dole bludger will be getting his 1.2k payday for doing nothing!

      • I’m not sure your numbers add up unless your rent is $0.

        • Food: $65 a week
          Rent: $115 a week
          Bills: $11/week
          Mobile: $2.50/week

    • +1

      Whilst I'll never argue against raising unemployment benefits at their current abysmal levels because it leads to entrenched poverty which lowers people ability to work …

      … it's harder to justify the current economic stimulus if you want to save the economy. Granted most of the money will probably be spent which will save some business but then again a lot of the recipients are well off pensioners as well collecting one dollar of pension to get the benefits.

      But removing the burden of privatised electricity wouldn't involve using tax payer funds to bail out the economy AND it would be money in every workers pocket as well as every unemployed person.

      Most of that would still be spent in the economy given Australia's pitifully low wages for most of the country.

      • +3

        Whilst I'll never argue against raising unemployment benefits at their current abysmal levels because it leads to entrenched poverty which lowers people ability to work …

        Shroomer is literally showing how higher unemployment benefits lead to lowering people's desire to work. Ability be damned, it rewards laziness.

        But removing the burden of privatised electricity…

        Ah there we are.

    • +1

      Which field are you working on? $20 per hour seems under award rate

    • Human trash.

    • LMAO, might as well right? At the end of the day it's your own tax dollars

      80 hours is alot!

      • Per fortnight.

    • The doubling thing is weird, sure more people have lost their job but each individual circumstance is the same as if they had lost their job 6 months ago.

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