$100K+ COVID Winfall: VANCOUVER Couple Buys $20 Lysol Wipes; Resells @ $80- $90 on Amazon (Costco Now Limit'g Supply): CBC

Vancouver is one of the most Expensive places to Buy, eg, a home, etc.

Now, [at least] one [couple] entrepreneur is making it even more so, ie, (see Subj) according to CBC Radio:

  • show: "As It Happens"

  • segment: "BC: Couple confronted at CostCo for buying bulk Lysol wipes to re-sell for Profit"

Hear the 6m segment here:

  • on CBC.CA
  • via app "CBC Listen" (successor to app "CBC Radio")

Hopefully, the CBC report will lead to the couple being given an opportunity (by CRA) to share their windfall profit w/ CA-govt, who's not a little "cash strapped" after buying a pipe-line project, a few years ago, but - nevertheless - must find $$ to support Canadians at this difficult time.

PS At least Canada got some tax revenues from legalizing POT, last year

MOD: Link to related news article.


  • +10

    Welcome to the concept of "retailing".

    • air dropping

  • These guys did ok too.


  • +10

    there was that news report of the guy in the US who went around buying hand sanitizer from everywhere, and then went to sell it on Amazon for up to $80 a bottle. Amazon pulled his sales, and now he's complaining that he can't get rid of it

    • +6

      Yep, he cleared out every other store nearby amassing 18,000 bottles.
      I think he ended up donating it though, probably because of the outrage on social media rather than being a good person

      • Didn’t the authorities also m, with the help of social media, track him, issue a cease a desist letter and then find his stash and confiscate it?

        I suspect that social media might actually do some good and helpnstamp our this practice.

        The more it is called out, the less likely that they can get away with it.

        1. do not buy from them
        2. Report their listings
        3. Track them down and confiscate their stuff.
        • +3

          Track them down and confiscate their stuff.

          Har dee Har har, confiscate is a very Euphemistic term for stealing.

    • +4

      Good, eat shit (to that guy)

    • -4

      Same story, later chapter.

      Earlier, they sold at $90, on demand-peaks

      Well, they've said they'd made over $ 100K,
      so - even if they now sell at buy-price (or more,
      eg, to a liquidator), they'll still be ahead.

      IF they CAN'T do that, the extra stock would
      likely look - for tax purposes - like deduct-
      able LOSSES.

      But they'd first enjoy a slight win, for
      the GST paid - in the cost of that stock

      Storage could be an issue… making home
      a bit uncomfortable.

      PS It shows the difference between Amazon
      & eBay: They could make that $100K on "
      but knew they couldn't do nearly as well
      as eBay, or did they simply omit eBay
      from what they told media…?

  • +15

    I really don't understand your posts IVI. I have a few theories about your formatting.

    • Do you only have a left eye?
    • Is the right half of your screen cracked/broken so you can't use it?
    • Are you posting from a phone that is 144p so you literally can't see any more text on the screen so you have to go down a line?
    • Has somebody installed a macro on your computer that does a carriage return every 10 words?
    • You are from the future and this is the standard convention for formatting in the year 2138

    Also on-topic: They are only quadrupling their money. They can only make so much. Plus their account has now been suspended now so F.

    • +2

      Mods have said it's something about the ipad he's using with screen zoom, or some such. Rather than try to solve the issue, and post a forum post asking for help, we get these. As to the random symbols and broken words, who knows

      • +1

        From the wiki:

        Any content that falls within the area of trolling will be unpublished, while the offender's user account may be banned temporarily or permanently based on their user history and severity of the offence.

        Why hasn't he been banned yet?

        Op, use those $750 coming you way to buy a new tablet.

        • +1

          Hahaha you just know he's getting that $750.

    • -5

      Lemme ask you a Q:

      Do you do OK reading columns in zines &
      what used to be called newsprint?

      Same image-format to your brain's vision
      system. Focus on issues & solutions.

      There are all kinds of formatting styles
      out there, & even here on OzB.

      PS I've been trying Grammerly (which just
      underlined its own product name in Red!)

      Dunno if that'll help but it's nice to
      see a bit more Color on this Black on
      White web pages.

      …back to work I go…

      Speaking of Liquid-Fuel Nuclear Energy,
      AU may need to go Nuclear (eg, when the
      Molten Salt Reactor(s) arrive likely in
      this Decade… so we better start bug-
      ging #ScoMo to Lift the Silly 1999 BAN

      Oh, the latest is John Kutsch's 2 hr talk
      at Naval
      post-grad School (NPS.edu) on lotsa
      ways to use the Heat from MSRs, etc.

      Have a look (also Humorous throughout):

      This will be of particular interest to
      any kind of Engineer[ing Student].

      Nuclear is the Future, Don't Let AU Govt's
      BAN persuade you Not to learn ALL YOU CAN
      about Liquid-Fuel Nuclear, eg, from:

      Either of these 2 YouTube's:

      • "Sorensen TEDxYYC" (10 min)

      • "Pedersen TEDxCopenhagen" (18 min)

      app Thorium



      • +4


      • Thank you for your service.

      • …back to work I go…

        Speaking of Liquid-Fuel Nuclear Energy,

        not enough negs in a day for posters like you :/

        • I'll make believe those Neg-gers'
          arguments have run out…

          It's still True that Fewer workers
          get injured or killed in Nuclear,
          than in ANY other type of Energy
          production, & it'll be even bet-
          ter for Nuke-workers, with safer
          Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) in
          our (future) NPPs & industry.

          (In fairness, any risks inherent in
          mining Uranium ore may still apply;
          but, since:

          3,000,000 mt Toxic Coal
          = 200 mt raw Uranium,

          ..far fewer hours of work will br
          needed in Nuclear, than Coal

          Who wants Aussie workers to suffer
          - unnecessarily - more, eg, in the
          Coal' industry…? I don't.

          • +1

            @IVI: Everytime I try and read one of your posts, I move closer to thinking coronavirus clearly does have a purpose of removing some people in this world

            Stop thinking the way you post makes you different or unique or special….it doesn't.

    • It's just he's style of typing and writing… Just like this is my style …using lots of dots….which some people find annoying, others don't care or see them as random/awkward pauses…like using a comma. Some people type or write in ALL CAPITALS, others TyPe Or WrItE LiKe ThIs Or For Some Reason Capitalising Only Every Word in the Sentence Even If It's Not A Heading Or Title. There are some who deliberately omit grammer and speling checks like tis l1k4 dey r 5….or use shorten phrases…

      • +1

        I assume you write to express yourself and to get your point across. Poor format, poor grammar, poor writing etc hinders your purpose /objective.
        If you want to heard and to be taken seriously, don't write like you just hit your head and don't write like a 13yo tween, write in English.

        • Hmmm, fair enough. And what if English is not your first and have to use google translate or equivalent to translate which are known for their horrendous grammar and spelling issues….?

  • +14


    FFS, you saved 1 character by typing that instead of the full 'limiting'. Yet you waste time and space typing out all these unnecessary brackets and unnecessarily pressing the Enter key.

  • +10

    I just cut and paste IVI's posts into a python script and end up with my own blockchain.

    A blockchain that doesnt help anyone or anything.

  • +1

    If people are stupid enough to buy them then so be it. However, I do agree that there should be limits on what can be sold - per customer. Costco was a battle zone today. At Docklands, the queues were all the way back to the meat section. We left. People have gone completely insane.

    The only thing I’m amassing is cat food. I figure I can scratch together meals for us from the stuff already in my pantry, fridge and freezer for a few months. I tend to “points” buy so we have TP, dishwashing tablets, washing powder, sprays, disinfectants, soap, etc for, at least, a month. Time to clean out all the stuff I’ve half used.

    • ME_TOO (ie, cat-food), but only Tuna
      in H2O & 185g cans, with EZ-open lids

      I buy may buy a box of 24 cans, while
      more are on the shelf; it goes slowly

      (Also got an "every 6 months" Amazon
      subscription for Dine Suculant Chick-
      en; 10% Off, coming to door @ work.)

      No would-be buyers of either of these
      items were forced to queue, to buy, &
      each item remained in-stock, after we
      bought them (or - in the case of the
      Amazon subsr'n - we assume so. ;~)

      "No case to answer, Y.H."

  • -5

    Couple confronted at CostCo for buying bulk Lysol wipes to re-sell for Profit

    So it's fine for Costco to buy stuff and resell at a profit but the moment a person does it OMG YOU ARE EVIL YOU NEED TO BE STOPPED.


    • +3

      there's a difference between what costco does and these people are doing. retailers create distribution channels to make it convenient for the public to buy items for personal consumption.
      theres value to that, which these people are taking advantage of by removing it and charging for the inconvenience

      also, endangering public health during a literal pandemic

    • +1

      You might want to look into why rationing was brought in for the second world war in England; it stopped people starving. These are extraordinary times so they deserve extraordinary measures. You might, also, look into the price controls that Governments have brought in for various medicines to stop people being charged exorbitant prices for medicines that keep them alive. In that case the pharmaceutical companies can’t resell at whatever profit they want to. They sell to the Government that then on sells to the consumer. There are also cartel laws that stop companies colluding on pricing, rather than true competition. The people making a profit here will make a killing in the short term but I can just about guarantee they will be named, and shamed, in social media going forward. You might want to look up War profiteers.

      As I said above, if you are crazy enough to pay their prices then so be it but don’t expect me to be a supporter of what they are doing. What Costco has not done is increased their prices exorbitantly above standard - instead they have rationed so there is enough for all.

    • -1

      This is the most simplistic and bad take I've seen on this topic so far

  • -4

    i don't understand why people are up in arms about this.. do you give 2 shits when coles and woolies sell you a lettuce for $4 but they only paid the farmer like 20cents for it????

    just don't buy it, it's much the same as ticket scalping, it sucks, but it is not illegal

    Amazon should not have pulled the listings either. they should not be allowed to regulate based on morals.

    • coles provides distribution and retail outlets which are a service for people unable to buy directly from farmers, and farmers unable to reach those customers otherwise. it means they can produce and sell by the tonne, which also brings food production costs down.
      even if 20c wasnt a bs number you pulled out your butt, a number anywhere near that low would only be possible with the volume and surety that large processors and resellers allow as part of diverse sales channels. and it looks like most farmers sell at wholesale markets anyway, which means they are mostly sold cheaper than coles, to people who make the effort to go further than their local store

      these gumtree sellers arent providing any value, and actually removing value from the market by limiting otherwise available goods, while charging extra for it. also, its literally a pandemic, and they are deliberately raising the risk to public health

      • +1

        these gumtree sellers arent providing any value

        They're stopping others from buying and reselling it for 100x 😂

  • Op, have you ever had a stroke? Do you suffer from aphasia? You do know that there's help out there if you do, right?

  • +8

    If you think your job is hard, spare a thought for the mod that has to edit the title of an IVI post

    • Used to be Baysew's job but I've noticed that he seems to have thrown in the towel and someone higher up on the hierarchy is doing it now.

      • +1

        I also noticed this, he obviously has completely run out of patience, poor Scotty now has the job.

  • +2

    seriously, I'm sure Scotty has better things to do than edit your poorly written, new line break overloaded posts

  • Good on them Who cares.

    • Well not good on them, but you are right about who cares.

      Greedy people take all the stock. Stupid people pay way over the price when they don’t really need to and provide greedy people with incentive to do it again. The US is dog eat dog world way worse than us.

  • Greed is good lol

  • Yep, they do that

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