Hi folks, when I last ran a special on Micro USB cables there was a lot of interest in 2m and 3m long cables, well I now have them in stock, see the details and offerings below:
- The Power of Communication: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively [Kindle Edition] (Was $27)
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/135Kp6m
found the following sale here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/13kzn4/unannounced_google_play_sale/
The Adventures of Tin Tin - $0.99 (was $6.99)
Finally we bring you all a new USB deal. This time a Verbatim USB 3 drive. We have a LOT of stock so it should last a few days hopefully. These drives will begin shipping on Thursday.
Just picked up 2 of these for $11 each, price tag was $23 but scanned for $11 at the checkout, not sure if it's at all kmarts though, but this is damn cheap, I got it at merrylands btw.
That's right folks, **IT'S BACK!**
OzBargain's [favourite type of sale](http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/59000) is happening again!!
**Direct link to the Google Play sale for:**
**UPDATE 29 Aug** -- while the coupon code "WSAU2925" (15% off) no longer works, you can still use code "TELEVIP" to get 10% off which comes down to **$1,121.40**.
I know..I know....they are inkjets...and companies make money from sellings cartridges. BUT it has got a scanner too....and it's wireless...so IMO it's good for 9 bucks..
Spotted this at my local target at Forest lake, I only saw 3 packets left so I grabbed em :) though.. they did have 400g blocks of Toblerone for the same $3.76!