• expired

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon $1059.10 Delivered - i5-3427U, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD, 14" 1600x900

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UPDATE 29 Aug — while the coupon code "WSAU2925" (15% off) no longer works, you can still use code "TELEVIP" to get 10% off which comes down to $1,121.40.

Credit to where credit is due — thanks to hachiroku who posted it in the forums. ThinkPad X1 Carbon — the "World's Lightest 14inch Business-Class Ultrabook" is $1,059.10 delivered with a bit of trick.

  • Go to ThinkPad X1 Carbon's page
  • Click on the middle option at $1719
  • Under Base, change
    • from "Intel HD 4000 Graphics in Intel Core i5-3427U Processor with 8GB 1333MHz DDR3L On Board"
    • to "Intel HD 4000 Graphics in Intel Core i5-3427U Processor with 4GB 1333MHz DDR3L On Board" [subtract AU$352.00] — which makes it $1246.00
  • Use coupon code WSAU2925 to bring down the total cost to $1059.10

What you get is this carbon fibre 14" ultrabook with:

  • Intel Core i5-3427U Processor
  • Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)
  • 14.0" Premium HD+ (1600x900) LED Backlit Display
  • 4GB PC3-10600 DDR3L
  • 128GB Solid State Drive
  • Integrated mobile broadband
  • Less than 1.4kg

The problem though, however, is that the RAM is soldered on so would not be possible to upgrade later (like most ultrabooks). And the step to downgrade from 8GB to 4GB to take away $352 — not sure whether it's a cart issue and how long would take Lenovo to patch it…

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closed Comments

  • +3

    very good deal. well done hachiroku!

    • +2

      Thx, but credit to scotty for make it very clear

    • Yeah thanks hachiroku. It's even better than non-discounted US price (which starts from USD$1329 for i5-3417U with 4GB RAM).

      • You are quoting the base model, this one is actually one spec up(i5-3427U) which priced at $1429 on us website.

        • Yeah I said "starts from" — just to show how good this deal is when highend T/X/W series ThinkPad are usually a lot more expensive in AU comparing to US :)

          Since this is marketed as a business laptop, many buyers would be able to claim 10% GST back as well making it a sweater deal.

          I really need more than 4GB though and my laptop doesn't get out of the house much so an ultrabook is not as useful. Otherwise I'll be very tempted.

  • Very nice. Now it's decision if I really need another laptop!! :)

  • What are the benefits of this ultrabook as compared to say a zenbook? It's extremely light and the screen is really good but what else?

    • Cheaper in terms of price. Better warranty and support.

    • In terms of price this wasn't too much better than an imported Zenbook Prime ux31a ($991AU + $76AU shipping for a total of $1067 from (B&H)[http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/872800-REG/ASUS_UX31A_DB51_UX31A_DB51_Zenbook_Prime_13_3.html] — note that they're out of stock at the moment)

      Warranty/support is certainly better, as well as the carbon fiber case. The Zenbook Prime does not support wireless broadband. The X1 also has a faster processor (though I can't comment on power consumption), which is favourable to it.

      However, the Zenbook Prime has a full HD screen, and is also an inch smaller diagonally than the X1.

    • Rapidcharge, better construction, larger screen

  • +22


  • Very tempting…

  • +1

    nice work! + that middle model also has mobile BB included :)

  • fml why did i buy a hp specture xt

  • sooooooooooo tempted

  • Hmm my notebook is 3 years old now, dammit I don't know whether I NEED to upgrade but I know I WANT too.

  • +1

    this happened to my thinkpad edge e130.
    they stuffed up the upgrade. the price of the base model (after all the upgrades) was cheaper than the enhanced model by at least $50-100. Not much compared to this but the notebook is only around $500. They fixed it within 1 week

    i guess this is quite common

    btw.. you could save another 8% if you purchase through the student store.

    edit: !@#$% i shouldve waited for this.. just rec'd my e130 yesterday. :(

    • +1

      It still comes to the same final price

    • Does the student store work for you? It shows normal price for me but other models are discounted.

      • sorry my bad!
        student discount doesnt work!

        how come theyre using the 1333Mhz rams instead of 1600mhz?

        just a warning to you guys.. they claim it'll last up to 6.3hrs with the battery

        my e130 claims 8.5hrs.. but its only lasted 4.5 hrs with everything set to the lowest!
        no wifi. only bluetooth.

    • you sure on the student store have this one? cann't find it

    • edit: nvm

  • Just ordered one to replace my macbook 6,1.

    No extra savings on the employee purchase site…

  • Can this be combined with a student discount?

    Edit: nm just read above

  • +3

    made a order and chose direct deposit
    Now 5 business days to decide if i need a new laptop

  • +3

    Reviews say battery life is fair, no HDMI, only 1 USB 3 port

    • yep, it appears you need to get a display port to hdmi adapter.

      It comes with a usb to ethernet adapter too, as it's too thin to fit one as standard.

  • choose DP port instead of HDMI is a really stupid idea, in my opinion. And I prefer a Gigatbit ethernet like the HP one.

    • +1

      Leetec, in commercial world DP is the norm. HDMI mainly for consumer models

  • Anyone knows about the battery life for this ultrabook?

  • X1 Carbon vs MacBook Air 13


  • I'm definitely in the market for a new PC. How long do you think this would last? Could I make it last 5 years?
    It would be better if it was 8gb…

    • i doubt any laptop will last 5 years….

      • True… Even this desktop is barely surviving after 5 years (frequent random restarts). I think choosing a laptop just makes the tech specification easier (less choice).

      • I have two IBM thinkpad T30 made in 2002, still working like a charm.
        it's bloody waste to dump them

        • +1

          those thinkpads were bulletproof! occasionally companies come out with models that live way beyond a few years…. not often though.

    • Most PCs these days, you're pushing it with 4 years unless it's a PC where you can upgrade bits and pieces as you go. Laptops generally have shorter product cycles, but if you're just using this for browsing and light productivity, you can do a lot worse than this.

      • Yeah, just browsing and MS Office nowadays really. I am tempted because it's just so easy.
        My main concerns would probably be very limited space, so I will have to actually switch to using an external HDD, not sure if the lack of HDMI will limit dual monitor displays and obviously costs more than a desktop set up.

        • Ultrabooks are more than capable of browsing, Office and even light gaming these days. Limited space is something to be mindful of, I simply carry a small pocket external HDD with my media files with my Air. 128GB is usually more than enough for install files, all your music, documents etc.

        • My light gaming nowadays is usually Tetris Battle on facebook, and Peggle. That said, I wouldn't mind downloading a demo or two without having my PC flashing overheat warning within 10 seconds of loading a slightly more advanced game with 3D graphics.

          I've realised I'll probably have to spend an extra $1,000 now (new monitor, new keyboard, new mouse, new external HDD, USB hub, possible display port adaptor). Oh well.

    • -1

      No laptops battery will last 5 years and the X1 has a non user replaceable battery . My Lenovo T500 is 3 years old and the battery in that is shot but for what a new battery costs I think I'd be better off with a really cheap throw away lappy .

      • I still have >7 years old Acer (despite its bad reputation) with battery still close to 1 hour (not bad, since it's only close to 2 hours when new). Though I agree we should not use laptop beyond 4-5 years (as it's extremely slow, I stopped using it about 2 years ago, except for scanning purpose)

      • I got a genuine refurb battery off eBay with well over 2 hours on it for my T61 for $35.
        Find me a new laptop that will match the T61 for $35.

        2 hours isn't huge, but it's enough to get through most meetings away from my desk!

    • I have caved in and ordered one! :O

  • This is pretty brilliant, but would they honour it if you're using a loophole on their site?

    • +1

      maybe it does cost $352 for extra 4gb ram because its solderd on :)

  • My parents were looking for a light laptop for travels but when they're at home they like to connect their current laptop to a monitor or TV.
    It should be noted that this doesn't have VGA or HDMI ports, you'll need an adapter for Mini DisplayPort.
    Otherwise it's a good deal.

      • +5

        Are you an Apple rep or something? This is a post for a Windows-based laptop, ergo informed users come in here to discuss the bargain, not harp on about an incompatible product in a completely different price bracket.

    • +8

      You're a bad troll and you should feel bad.

    • Friend bought one recently. I have to agree it's simply MILES ahead because of the screen. Watching 4k video on it was a sight to behold.

      I really can't wait for a windows laptop with at least similar specs. What the hell are the laptop manufacturers doing?

      • It's not entirely fair complaint. Apple has several distinct advantages that make a 15 inch 'Retina' display possible. They have a very focussed product line, built around a few of display resolutions, so they can easily support a new one with software only they provide. Additionally, Apple ships more consumer laptops than any single Windows vendor, so they have the economy of scale on their side. I'm sure another OEM will come out with something comparable, just don't expect it to be cheap.

        • No its not. We dont need any more technological religion here. If you want an Mac go to a Mac post. Compare like with like.

          Share bargains not troll hate please.

          Report trolls please, we have anti troll paste which we can apply very quickly.

  • +1

    damn you ozb…ordered one now….

  • +2

    this is a good deal, wish they could make it a little bit better looking

  • Seems like a good deal, but … conflicting reviews on screen quality. For example
    GOOD: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9230334/Lenovo_ThinkP…

    and NOT SO GOOD: http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/14/lenovo-thinkpad-x1-carbon…

    Who to believe?

    • Engadget is famous for its bias towards apple. Most techs site are.

  • Seems like you can't use WSAU2925 anymore to discount it further

    Was just about to purchase also =(

    • +1

      I ordered one by direct deposit and have till next monday to initiate payment
      If i decide not to buy it, ill let you know if u still want one by then

      • Yeh sweet keep me updated!


  • Yeah doesnt work now WSAU2925

  • yep same here… might have expired after 12AM EST??

  • Heh i have a macbook air and would gladly get rid of it for this fine machine. Great price, i would say its worth it to upgrade to 256GB, but just keep your eye on ozbargain as SSD's are getting cheap and get a reliable intel/samsung SSD when it drops in price. The computer should then be a complete package.

    • The Lenovo upgrade is ridiculously expensive. $630 to go from 128 to 256, no thanks.

      Note that the SSD isn't really standard- afaik it's not even Msata.
      If you're desperate you could replace the WWAN card with a Msata drive though

      • I have no idea on the internals of the thinkpad, but surely you should be able to install aftermarket SSD's. :P their asking price is ridiculous, i would spend that if they upgraded it to a 512 or 768gb, but not for a 256gb LOL.

  • Very good deal for ppl who need laptop now. I bought two T400 last year thanks to OzBargain so I must resist this time…so hard

  • I thought I could get away by saving the cart and thinking about it but turns out I missed the boat on this one. Thank you for sparing my wallet this time.

  • good while it lasted…

  • +1

    You can sign up to their mailing list (in the right hand corner under the banner) to get a 10% off code, not as good as the 15% off but still an OK deal (around $1120). I'm torn on whether to get it at that price - I was going to bite at $1060 but waited till after midnight and missed the boat.

    Is the "web price" a permanent web price or a sale price? If it's a permanent web price and the $350 RAM difference is not a mistake, then obviously it's better to wait another fortnight for the next coupon. If the difference is a mistake or the web price goes up, then it would be more expensive even with another 15% off coupon. On the US site, the RAM price difference is $250, so it's possible they jacked it up for Australia - or it could have been a typo, meant to be $250ish instead of $350ish.

    • +2

      hopefully no one is dumb enough to call them and ask about the $350 difference - don't laugh as it happened before for some dell/lenovo/ibm deals here.

      • I think their sales site will notice the spike of ridiculously low cost purchases of a new product line even without being told.

  • DAMN! Should have got it last night :(((

    • me to, would have hit ATC so hard :(

  • Code was supposed to expire Monday night… seems it lasted an extra day.

  • +4

    Just in case, Anyone missed the deal and still happy with 10% off instead of 15%. The price would bring down to $1121

    You can use the code: TELEVIP

    Checked with Lenovo, the online sales suggest the deal quite possibly come back again next weekend.

    • Thanks for this, used it, happy to spend the extra $60, was in the market for a slim laptop :)

      • Yes. For 60 bucks I would not wait for another 10 days. Besides there is uncertainty about the memory price trick.

  • Interesting article:

    Lenovo defends 60 percent Aussie 'tax'

    • +4

      Why defend? Just link to this page on OzBargain and say "we even beat US price!"

  • +1

    Anyone looking at this should consider the X230. There are a LOT of positives in a slightly bigger chassis.

    IMHO, battery life on the carbon isnt good enough. althought the resolution, given that it is a Premium verion is appealing.

    When i got my x230, i knew the carbon was on its way. im glad i didnt wait for this. more than happy with the x230.


    • +1

      Hmmm, it's more expensive and you have to add for $100 the 128GB SSD.

      Also thicker as you mentioned and the res isn't as good.

    • I thought the same. Last night I Was able to get it for $880 with IPS screen, 9 cell battery, Centrino Ultimate and 128GB SSD. I thought I'll put in an order today, woke up and the coupon expired.

      • Damn! Give the TELEVIP code a go. As I am an employee of one of their affiliated companies, I ended up getting the X1 Carbon for $953.

        I tried to get the same code for the public, but no such luck.

    • +1

      I would have got an X230 as well —

      • Slightly smaller/lighter
      • More user-serviceable parts (RAM, HDD)
      • Compatibility with Mini Dock/Ultrabase

      However I have to admit that X1 Carbon got that Wow-factor, and it's just a deal too good not to post.

      • The x230 might be lighter only with the 4 cell battery.

        X1 carbon advantages (besides one stated already)
        Fantastic trackpad
        Screen size / resolution
        Rapid charging

        x230 advantages
        Non ULV CPU = faster, despite this, better battery life (due to it having a bigger battery)
        you have option of 4,6,9 cell for weight / battery life selection, which is user replaceable
        Expresscard slot - allows things like esata / CF readers
        Extra USB port
        Ethernet port
        Docking station option
        Mini-Displayport and VGA (saves having to carry another dongle for presentations)
        More mainstream SSD drive (I believe 7mm 2.5" - the x1 uses a proprietary interface that only sandisk currently produces with. The max is 256gb - no bigger
        More flexibility for RAM upgrades, it sounds like the X1 is soldered on.
        NB the trackpad of the x230 sounds like it hasn't improved much since the x220 - ie it probably sucks

        I've got the x220, and if I were to buy again currently, I'd personally get the x230. Sure the X1 is sexy, with a high res screen, but that's it. Its harder to travel with a 14" notebook, even if its that thin / light. Its third gen ULV i7 is slower than my 2nd gen i7 x220 (except video). If you want to get a laptop to make MBA users secretly drool, get the X1. Otherwise, get the x230.

        Either way, brilliant deal on the x1C

  • I seem to be stuck at the checkout, after electing to pay with a card.
    Did anyone else get this?

  • +6

    The student discount works now. You can use it with TELEVIP and get $1,054.13.

    • Confirmed working and it comes out to $1,054.13 - cheaper than the original. Thanks!

    • Could you please tell me how ??

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