Looks like a good deal.
MOD EDIT - we can tell its your first post by the number 1 next to your name.
Looks like a good deal.
MOD EDIT - we can tell its your first post by the number 1 next to your name.
I've never dealt with this company but it specifically says 24 month Samsung Australia warranty for this phone at least.
Others who have dealt with them before might have different opinions.
That's the same thing Mobicity says. Their stock isn't Australian. They get it from wherever they can and overprice it. The phones I got from them came from Singapore with a lot of carrier specific stuff from SingTel (one of the Singaporean telcos). I think they get phones from Singapore because by law all Singapore carriers are required to release phones completely unlocked.
Mobicity does not say their S3 comes with a Samsung Australia warranty. This one specifically mentions it's Australian stock and covered by a 24-month Samsung Australia warranty - completely different to Mobicity.
If you want it, be quick.
Try and put more than 3 in your cart and you get this:
"The quantity of the following item in your cart has been adjusted to meet the available quantity we currently have in stock"
Only 3 available? Might be a purchase limit but the text makes it sound more like stock.
only 2 left now.
it let me put 3 in. haha.
this is the sort of price I would expect for the phone not the rediculous prices in Aus retail. wish they had the blue though.
This is the address they have posted on their website : 42 George Street Clyde NSW
google maps agrees also by saying "Think of us"
Yes, need to confirm it with someone who live close to their office. This guy is the same as x2xmobile http://x2xmobile.com/ and http://xtremeonline.com.au/
works out to be a better deal for me if you use this link;
and add postage- ($25) for me.
edit;… this is for the grey import variant.
good investigation!
edit…haha. good one.
"Add $50 for Pebble Blue"
… wtf!
Most likely due to the shortage of the blue handset.
Where does it mention it's the "grey import variant"?
I couldn't see that written anywhere, but i gather you can tell by the warranty being supplied by ThinkOfUs…
You can at least get pebble blue for an extra $50 with that version.
I'd rather the aussie stock with the 2yr Samsung warranty though, and just accept the white instead of the cool pebble blue.
If only i could accept the size of this beast of a phone, i'd buy one.
One of them (the one with free shipping) says "Australian stock" the other doesn't. So we can presume the $674 one is imported.
They both are, one just offers Australian warranty. (That's what it seems like anyway.)
$5 difference for extra 12 months warranty. i know which one i will get
For free shipping try this - THINKFREESHIP11
code is accepted but shipping is still added
Pfft, that's nothing, Telechoice have it for $799!
I can even sell it to you for $899 if you wish.
That's only decent if you have the employee discount.
It's not australian stock. when you add to card and check out. it states that tax = 0
Woo woo $100 down from the price 2 weeks ago, Samsung handsets price always drop so quickly, is that they marked up the it too high when get out?
They know that early adopters are willing to pay more, and take advantage of that. Once all the EA's have them, they price down until the next lot that are willing to pay the new lowered price buy it, then when that dries up they reduce it more. It goes down steadily. If they launched it at $450-500 (which is what I expect the final price to be on the eve of Galaxy S4 release) then they miss out on extra margin they would have made from the early adopters willing to pay $700+.
Apple phones don't need to do this because there's always someone willing to pay the high price due to the nature of that market.
What do you reckon would be the cost by August-September? I'm hoping for the $600 mark so I can get it asap when my current contract runs out =D
I would only be guessing, but I'd say it will still be above the $600 mark.
Depends on what other handset manufacturers do. Sony is supposedly releasing a new flagship ICS phone in July which will trump both the One X and S3. Whether it actually does we'll have to wait and see. But if it does, it might put a little downward pressure on prices of One X and S3. Maybe some other "next big" phone will also release by then that might do the same thing.
iPhone 5 might not launch by then. If it does, and it's 720p and a little bit bigger, but a whole lot better, I'm quite sure S3 will drop in price. It has to do something major like the retina displays in iPad 3 and upcoming Macbook Pros.
At the moment, I think One X is better value. It's not that much inferior to S3, but it's only $5xx as opposed to $700 ish. I would only want the S3 if you need more than 32GB storage.
Like lostn said earlier, introductory prices are all jacked up. Average price of a high end Android smartphone is around $500. If the price trend of HTC One X is any indication, then S3 will drop below $600 if a new quad core phone (for example with with 2GB of RAM) is going to be announced or released by that time. One X also came out at $750+ but dropped below $600 in two months. It dropped significantly when S3 was announced and reached almost $500 when S3 started shipping. I bought one for $519 + $19 (Shipping) from Kogan right around when S3 started shipping, but since then the price has gone up a little. So as you can see these prices are all made up, manufacturers and resellers can lower them if they want, and they will when the demand goes down..
this price drop is not from the manufacturer- completely retail based.
Im not 100% convinced of the legitimacy of this seller (judging from the whirlpool threads of stolen iphones/excluding GST from invoices)
price of AU stock of the S2 remained pretty stable over the year.
best chance of a price drop is through grey imports/High AUD.
since its aus stock, are they suppose to provide a tax invoice showing gst portion?, as i'm heading o/seas and hoping to claim the gst back (TRS), 679/1.1 = $617.27!!
gonna have to check it out first thing in the morning
Just to put some minds at ease, I got my iPhone 4 from these guys a couple of years ago. Sent a few emails back and forth and the guy I spoke with was pretty helpful. Hope this helps someone.
I just bought the Pebble Blue from Expansys.com.au …i was thinking that I could claim the GST when I go overseas…but then I only just realised there was no GST charged… :O
So…did i just screw myself over and end up paying more than I should?!!!?!?
If you just bought it, try cancel the order.
Cancel the order? Reverse the transaction?
Request cancellation of the order, if they haven't shipped it already.
So much better than iPhone 4S.
I would wait till October and then pick the better phone…
It's an ongoing arms race. If Apple trumps them, Samsung will come back a few months later. The advantage Android manufacturers have is that they don't have to release only one phone a year. They can refresh any time, and have other ranges. If iPhone 5 gets beaten in quality and features a few months after it releases they still have to wait till September or later before they can bounce back.
Fortunately for Apple, they don't really have to be concerned about that, because their phones will sell no matter what.
That's a matter of opinion
yes, and that was his/her opinion…where is captain obvious when you need him?
cant select colour. out of stock?
I know right, I want blue gdammit!
i want to white but there is no colour for me to choose and i cant add to cart without doing so
unfortunately its out of stock
Only the white was avaliable…
yes only white was available but you still had to choose a colour before adding it to the cart
They sell, but also remember a large percentage of customers, excluding, fanboys, dont expect the new iPhone series to be very different, it's the same thing like iPhone 4-4s with few upgrades, which makes it obvious of what might actually happen, they not going to have increased sales, probably even less. On the other hand, galaxy phones are surpassing iPhone sales, gradually. since android Os has less restriction, I tend to see more people having more galaxys around the road, compared to last couple of years.
What comment are you replying to here?
it's interesting watching phones get larger in size again! 10 years ago it was all about how small you could get them, remember the Panasonic GD55, it would fit on your key ring! now if it's not 4.3" or bigger it's too small. If Apple follows suit it means they are not immune to public perception and they will be cloning the other manufacturers ala Samsung.
But back then was physical button phones, now it's touch, good for games and movie.
I agree with you though.
People still prefer smaller phones, that's is why manufacturers are always trying to make them slimmer and lighter. Back then a bigger screen had no purpose, so they could reduce the whole form factor. But now screen is everything, so they have to find a way to maximize screen size while making rest of the phone as small as possible hence the race to make it as thin and light as possible.
Says its in stock but can't pick a colour to be able to add to cart!
I just spoke to someone via their live chat service. They confirmed that they are indeed out of stock, so to check when they have stock again you can either: 1. Come back to the page and see if you can select a colour again, 2. Select the option to be e-mailed when they have stock again.
Other things I confirmed are
- It does come with 24 month Australia Warranty
- The phones they receive could have carrier specific firmware on their, though their last batch was carrier free. If you specifically wanted it to be carrier free, you can specify this in your order.
I wonder how they can sell so much cheaper
yes indeed- strange that their batches are carrier specific and unbranded :p
Then I wonder what they are going to do with the plan that it must come with.
Cost price without GST is much lower than you think. (This product IS imported.)
In Australia cost price is ~700 due to added GST.
Something fishy is going on.they say that's it's local stock and comes with Samsung aust warranty but it doesn't have gst
Might not be registered for GST.
Sorry, confirmed with a retailer, it's roughly $680.
yeah I would expect it to be around that..they are making some very good profit at the moment because people are impatient and will rush in to buy. I desperately need a new phone but definately not going to pay $750+ for it.
It now says ….
Stock Status:(Out of Stock)
So.. did anyone buy one?
$634 Free Shipping at Techrific they also have the 32 and 64 models
wrong. its free RETURN shipping
you still have to pay $80 for shipping
$80 for shipping, thats ridiculous, are they shipping them from the moon…lol, instead they should have put 699 + 15 p/h, …they think that we are idiots or sth,..
well they did manage to fool at least one person
Make that $714 shipped
I think this phone,but it's a little expensive for me.
you think it or you like it? or you think you like it? :D
Then who was phone?
wait I'm confused, does he think he thinks he likes it? Or does he think about the phone? Or does he think he likes the phone?
It's debatable whether or not this seller comes under Samsung's "Authorised dealers and or resellers" list. I don't think it does; as under their warranty terms, generally online websites are not accepted. So although this website explicitly implies that you get a 24 month warranty, Samsung has the discretion to immediately deny your warrant claim based on the fact you got it online.
You might be thinking "Oh, that basically rules out everything". Not necessarily. Although Samsung generalises about websites, they do stipulate certain websites that are authorised. What websites those are, is the golden question.
I went and saw a unit in store and notice the screen was very blue (most noticible when looking at whites), and not that bright even when brightness was turned up. Was this normal?
Stock is sourced from around the world according to quality, value and availability and sent from our warehouses in Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and USA direct to the end user through fast and reliable courier services that offer live tracking.