This was posted 12 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dropbox Is Giving 3GB of Free Storage if You Verify Your Student Email! (.EDU)


Dropbox is giving free 3gb of cloud storage to students and teachers if they verify their school/uni email. Free storage last for 2 years. If you recruit more people, you'll earn points to get more storage maxing out at 25GB.

I know for certain UNSW zmail (email) works not too sure about other uni but I'm sure it'll be fine.

More information can be found at the Dropbox blog:…

Also below is my my affiliation link, i would really appreciate if you used it and shared the love :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (362)

Both referrer and referee will receive 500MB bonus space (up to a limit of 16GB)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Only for 2 years… I wonder what happens after that?

    • It reverts back to your initial amount. If you have more files then the allowance it will stop syncing.

      • Speculation or fact?

        • That's what I have experienced before I managed to get 23.4 GB of space for free.

        • +1

          Fact, almost. If you are part of a shared directory which is larger than your allowance, you can still download files from shared directories but it will not allow you to upload. I assume it's the same thing if you lose space.

    • +3

      I suspect nothing; by that time free storage will be measured in the hundreds of GB.

      • +2

        Not too sure about that. When Dropbox launched publicly 5 years ago, free storage was already 2GB.…

        • +1

          Free space has been growing nicely though. I remember Geocities offered 5MB back in the late 90's. It was just enough to store an mp3 and then link to it for others to download :)

        • +1

          There's a big difference between web hosting and file syncing.

    • -3

      I wonder what happens after that?

      It will start deleting your least used files…

      • +1

        Not sure if you're joking or not, but just in case anyone else is wondering — they do not delete your files.

        • +1

          +1 to gilbarc.
          Just google the samsung s3 bonus, they've answered as: you won't lose your files, just that your dropbox won't be able to sync new files until your total file sizes become less than your allocated space (after you lose your samsung s3 bonus)

  • +1

    Don't need it but claimed it. Cheers.

  • Most universities offer (free) FTP space for students, so it depends on where you want to store your data.

    • +27

      <Old El Taco Girl>

      Why don't we have both!

      </Old El Taco Girl>

      • +5

        ¿Por qué no los dos?

  • Awesome, cheers. Haven't been at uni for over a year, but apparently my UQ email still works and was able to verify it even though it's not my dropbox email. I now have almost 10GB of free dropbox space!

    • +1

      awesome.. HIGH FIVE FOR UQ!

      • Yeah we have those email for life things at UQ now.

      • +1

        HIGH FIVE

        • +1

          UQ top Aussie uni in the race! Woop!

        • yeah i notice that (thanks to emily) but for some reason UNSW already has 15gb whereas we have 8gb… So confused…

        • Yeah, that's kind of weird.
          And we're apparently 15643 points away from 15GB

  • +3

    I have 50GB I got from my S3. I think I've used 5MB =/. I just don't trust cloud based back-ups.

    • It depends what the content is, if it is non-sensitive, then who cares, it just makes it easy to recover from anywhere. That is how I see it anyway.

    • As in reliability or security? you can always encrypt and backup to a hard drive and the cloud. Then you will have a tiny chance of losing it all.

    • Dropbox is a way to sync files across multiple computers/devices. Some people may use dropbox for backup, but that's not what it's primary purpose is for.

      • +4

        It's a lot faster to use a USB OTG Cable with a Flash Drive and transfer the files to that than use my data usage and slow upload speed to upload to this cloud; than download the files on my PC. This is just a personal choice.

        • +2

          Fair enough. Personally I love the background sync so I don't have to touch anything and my files are on all my devices.

          Agreed about slow upload speed. It's certainly a weakness, but good enough for my purposes.

        • I use both online and offline backup myself. Dropbox has the advantage of backing up instantly, but I also backup to an external drive every month or so.

        • That's awesome! Thanks Moots!

        • Dropbox shouldn't be used to move large contents of media. Most people use 5-10GB. I use it as a replacement for the "Documents" folder. It lets me access my important files wherever there's a computer with a browser and I haven't used a USB stick since.

  • works with unimelb

  • +5

    Um…I just did this and for some reason my dropbox was just extended from the traditional 2GB to …. 53.8GB!?!?


    • Got the storage without the $500 Galaxy S3 purchase. Weird.

    • +2

      Sweet - I love unexpected awesomeness.
      I checked on my PC one day to find I'd gone from 6.5GB free to 1TB - Was super excited thinking I'd hit jackpot until I learned my boss ordered the Corporate package.
      Hopefully yours stays like that for good!!

    • Yes it turns out it was the S3 purchase. I just hadn't activated the dropbox bonus for a few months until I saw this. Happy surprises.

  • -1

    I'd say the only check they perform is if .edu is contained in the email domain. Cheers!

  • +1

    doesn't work for unimelb alumni….

    • +1
      • +2

        and the best use for dropbox I've found so far is cloud gaming all my save games between multiple computers with a bit of application of steam mover or junction points…

        • I just discovered mklink and baldur's gate

        • Precisely the games I started doing it with first - Planescape and BG, also Arcanum. Now I do it with all the Thief's as well…!

        • I run minecraft directly from my dropbox so anywhere I go I can keep my single player worlds and multiplayer server list. I know I should probably just link the files I need but I figured put the whole thing in there so all my computers have the latest version of minecraft all the time.

      • fair enough, I guess they have set it up with the email structure of universities around the world then

  • brilliant! between this and buying an s3 i am up to 56gb! handy to keep a backup of all my photos.

    • Google Amazon Glacier. 1c/GB of storage. Easily the best backup solution if you don't need to get your data back out in a hurry.

  • Done.
    Signed in with regular login.
    Entered uni email.

  • +1

    Anything FREE is awesome

    but with internet like Australia…
    Cloud storage is only good for small files

    Upload/Download speed isn't too bad
    but uploading big files takes too much time

    Anyway it saves me carrying a USB stick with me (not to mention i won't lose it)

    I save all my document on dropbox and download or read it on the phone whenever i need it

  • +1

    Not working with [email protected]
    "The email you entered is not affiliated with an eligible school"

    However, UTS does provide an alias [email protected] which works.

  • How do you get the free space if you A) have a .uni address but B) your account is already linked to a gmail account? The blog suggests "If you’ve signed up for Dropbox with a non-school email, no problem! You can verify your school account on the Space Race page", but I have yet to see that anywhere?

    • go here
      enter your uni address

    • +3

      I was logged into my existing Dropbox account, then I clicked on the affiliate link and entered my student email address. The result was 3GB added to my existing account.

  • +1

    Works with [email protected].

  • It's times like these i detest my uni for not giving us email addresses. LAME.

    • which uni?

      • Charles Sturt doesn't….

        • Yup. Thats who im with. You too?
          Speaking of which.. if you go to CSU, shouldnt you be studying?

        • Pot… Kettle… black… etc…

  • What happened to ?

    • +2

      They discontinued that a few months ago… well, sort of. They used to give double referral credit for students, but a few months ago they extended that to everyone. So students didn't technically lose the bonus, it's just not a bonus specifically for students any more.

  • Im assuming you're a UNSW student glowstix?

    • indeed i am :)

      • +1

        UNSW Pride :D

      • Graduated last century and just checked my Alumi email address just in case it ends with — NOT IT DOESN'T! They now moved to <name> :(

        • use z<student number>

        • +4

          UNSW promoted to 8GB bonus

        • +2

          UNSW now promoted to 15GB bonus! Great work everyone! Let's see if we can hit 25GB!!

        • +1

          Hehe you guys are making me the old alumni proud!

        • How does that work? UQ has 6,100 points and is still 16,000 away from 15GB, which I'm assuming means 15GB is equal to about 22,000 points. If you're on that you would be above MIT in the race… Yet you're not there.

          On closer inspection UNSW is only on 5,600 points. Did you really get 15GB?

        • +1

          "Dropbox will account for these Participation Points for each Eligible Participant who is entering from an Eligible Higher Education Institution. Each Eligible Higher Education Institution will be assigned three numerical thresholds. These numerical thresholds will be different for each Eligible Higher Education Institution because the number of points required to reach a threshold has been statistically normalized to account for the fact that schools with larger enrollments are able to earn points faster than schools with smaller enrollments. The required thresholds for an Eligible Participant’s Eligible Higher Education Institution will be listed on once the Eligible Participant is logged in to their Dropbox account.

          Once the Eligible Participants from an Eligible Higher Education Institution have cumulatively earned enough Participation Points to surpass one of the three thresholds, each Eligible Participant from that Eligible Higher Education Institution will receive an e-mail informing them that they have received additional storage space in their Dropbox account. The storage space increases for passing each threshold will be as follows:"

          Every uni has their different thresholds I guess.

        • Damn… I guess that makes sense. Cheers

        • I think the 3rd threshold will be a bit of a pickle to hit, they probably made it like 80% of the total students or something high like that :P
          I reckon most unis will get 15GB but not 25GB

  • Does anyone here pay for Dropbox space anymore? They give out so much for free now I don't know who would really need to.

  • 54.4GB, damn, so much.

  • +4

    wahoo 63.14gb now!

  • Thanks OP

  • +1

    Works for

  • Works for my QUT one too! Thanks

  • done and used your referral link. Cheers!

  • Thanks op

  • +3

    UWA represent.

    • +1

      Are you the dude with the windsurfer username on uwadb?

  • or you can try this and get 48GB free

    • +1

      They blocked and reversed that ALONG time ago.

  • Accepted but didn't give an extra 3gb.

    • They might need to verify it first.

  • +1

    FYI, can still use this as a Monash alumni :)

  • Awesome thanks for posting.
    I used your affiliate link but I wonder what kinda bonus that gets you? I've got an account already but I used your link to verify my student email.

    • op will get 500MB free space

    • OPs uni gets bonus points with can upgrade the bonus space all the way up to 25GB

  • +3

    Thanks Champ !, but 2yrs ain't enuf !

  • Thank you to everyone who has used my referral/affiliation link. For some reason I have a large number of referrals, most of which are sitting on 'Needs to join Space Race' so for some reason I'm only still on 3 points. anyone know why this is?

  • Already got 25.88GB, I don't think it's growing any more…

  • nice one, thanks!

  • Thanks for this!

    Worked just fine with a USYD email address.

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