This was posted 4 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off Everyday Extra Annual Plan $35 for The First Year (Ongoing $70/Year, New & Returning Subscribers) @ Everyday Rewards


Managed to confirm this with my mate who works at BIG W. A special offer for Black Orange Friday. I guess they are competing with OnePass 50% off.

I believe it'll start on Wednesday; my mate wasn't 100% sure, though.

Benefits include (copied from BargainsGrabber's deal):

  • 10% off one shop at Woolworths and Big W each month (up to $50 off at a time, exclusions apply)
  • 2x Everyday Rewards points on all shops (exclusions apply)
  • Free item from Woolworths every month

Deal terms and conditions:

To get an Everyday Extra annual plan half-price for your first year of Everyday Extra, sign up to an annual plan via your Everyday Rewards app or website. Offer is available from 00:01 (AEDT) 06/11/2024 to 23:59 (AEDT) 18/12/2024 and is for new subscribers or previous subscribers without a current active subscription only. You will be charged $35 for your first year to the payment card provided at time of sign up, and then $70 (the standard price of an annual subscription) for every year thereafter, unless you cancel your subscription. This offer can be redeemed in conjunction with the Everyday Extra Refer a friend incentive for eligible new and returning subscribers.

Update 5/11: Promo is now live.


Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (950)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +13

    Still haven't got any freebie this month.

    • Me either

    • -1

      I never knew about the freebie!
      How do I find it, can't find info online, looked through a bit of the woolies app as well as everyday rewards


      • +3

        It shows up in your rewards app just like a boostable item.


        • +2

          Haha love the response name. Too good.


      • +2

        Usually the freebie comes out towards the middle of the month

        • Every month?

      • +1

        Rewards app>Extra

    • +9

      And the one we got last month was out of stock the whole time, checked at least 4 times over the course of the month :-(

      • +5

        Haha it’s like the 7 eleven free drink promos I swear they used to empty them all out of the fridge that morning

      • +3

        Yeah, have checked twice for mine. The irritation factor of having to jump through hoops to get it (can't order online, have to find it in stock, have to make sure get the exact product in the range etc) is being underestimated by whomever came up with this 'bonus'.

    • +3

      Mine usually shows up around the 6th of the month!

    • +11

      It's usually not great anyway. Mostly processed food lol

      • +6

        Food? This month I got washing powder and last month was a woman’s t shirt from big w.

        • +1

          From what I can remember, I've had:
          Sweet chilli sauce
          Big W T shirt
          Doritos salsa
          Dairy farmers yoghurt
          Some horrible candle

        • +3

          I got twisties last month and chickadees this month. And the shirt the month before that unfortunately it was out of stock at my bigw. To be honest I wanted that shirt most. Could have used it as a cleaning rag lol

        • +3

          I got a 40g tin of eclipse mints. Not sure what they are trying to say….

    • From personal experience, it usually doesn’t come out until at least 4th / tomorrow. Could even take until the end of the week.

  • +1

    Would I be able to renew current subscription for $35/year?
    Should I cancel the current subscription?

    • +2

      I renewed at half price from the original $59 membership, just needed to have the membership end before signing up

      • +2

        Thanks. Sounds like I need to cancel it first.

        But I want the freebie before I cancel it

        • +2

          It doesn't end early, your end date won't change.

        • +2

          If you cancel the plan, you can still get this month's freebie if there is any.

        • +1

          I cancelled immediately after signing up and still getting freebie every month, its not like a uber free trial where it ends benefits immediately, you've already paid for a year.

        • Yeah, I cancelled mine 10 months ago - it still says it ends in December.

    • +2

      My two accounts are showing that they'll be half price in the second year. I left the subscription going, I was just going to cancel to see if I could get a second year for half price, but it's been applied automatically.

      Edit: I bought for half price last year

      • Nope, I thought the same but renewed @ $70 on the 1st of November. Account Was showing renewal at $35

      • My account renewed at $35. When I went it to look at the app the week before it said something along the lines of "Congrats, you'll get it half price for a second year". However, my wife's just renewed at $70. The only difference is that I didn't go in and check her app. Annoying! Going to try and get the $70 refunded and then sign up again.

        • Did you receive an email or sms for the offer?

          I cancelled about a week ago but haven't received any offer for renewal.

          • @Chatgpttrue: Nah saw it instore. They ended up crediting me $35 in rewards points to offset the extra $35 charge. That’ll do.

  • Does it offer free delivery from woolworths as well?

    • +2

      Different subscription

        • -7

          Based on the number of downvotes, it seems people don’t like the idea. I don’t like it either. I prefer something more tangible.

      • All these different Woolies subscriptions get confusing. I'm with Woolies mobile, so I get the 10% discount on in-store shopping - I'm assuming this won't stack, so the only benefits are the 2 x points and a random free item every month?

        Wish this offered free delivery too - thanks for clarifying.

        • +4

          insurance 10% is in store only and Everyday Extra 10% is in store or online.
          They don't stack but you get the two 10%'s per month.
          I read where you can decide at the checkout which one to use but my experience is it defaults to the EE discount - I use the insurance first in store and keep the EE for pickup order later in the month.
          The delivery service - Delivery Unlimited - is showing up as 50% off ATM.

        • Can always have Mobile with a different account.

  • +11

    Rewards app shows option to renew my existing subscription at half price.

    • +5

      Yep mine says

      You’ve got half-price for a second year

      Your discount will be applied automatically when your annual subscription renews.

      • Where could I find that message? I'm with an Android phone.

        • That's only for those who joined at $35/year last year.

          • +2

            @Suricate: I joined last Orange Friday, $35.
            Just found the renewal link now. $70 :-(

            • +1

              @Averell: That's weird. I joined last year for another account at $35/yr and the renewal shows $35/yr

        • +1

          On iOS it’s in the rewards app by going to everyday extra > manage subscription > message shows at the top

          • +2

            @Pricebeat: I don’t see it in my account. Hope this deal is on for me.

          • +1

            @Pricebeat: My iOS app doesn’t have that and it’s the latest version?!?

      • Yes mine has the same message under membership information

    • +7

      Still $70 here

    • Where did you see that? In the "Manage your subscription" or elsewhere?

      • +1

        Yes, it's an existing, albeit targeted deal, I just pasted the link below.

        Some are getting it, some aren't.

    • +5

      You guys are just re-living all the same comments and responses as per this deal lol

  • Thanks OP. I missed out last year as had it a couple months beforehand and cancelling it early there is no prorata refund.
    held off on renewal when time was up specifically hoping half price promo would run again.

    • It ran in May this year

      • But those already signed up not always worth losing more money to double up. If i cancelled straight away would have still lost the $70 original outlay

        • You don't lose anything. You still get 12 months of Extra regardless.

          Think of it as you bought a year, then turned off auto-renew early.

  • +5

    Is this worth getting? Can anyone who has this share their experience?

    • +9

      I got it last year, I don’t shop at Woolworths often and here are my statistics;

      $73.84 Extra Discounts

      1,472 Extra Points

      6 Extra Perks redeemed

      • What are the extra perks? Tub of yoghurt or something?

        • +1

          Few different ones. One was a salad dressing, another one was from freezer section and so on

    • +9

      I subscribed to Xtra since last year (11 months ago?)
      So far: $480 saved (via that 10%). 10K more points saved.

      However, the actual total points I earned this year is less than the year before when I didn't have Xtra. The prev year I got $450 for Xmas, while this year only about $300 so far, even though I shopped more at W. Promotions like "get $10K bonus points when you shopped $100/week in 4 weeks" went extinct after you subscribed to Xtra.

      • Well I have one subscription account and one without, and the promos have dried up on both accounts

        • Yeah I was wondering what happened. Seems they just killed those promos.

    • +3

      I just did a $360 shop. Used my 10% and it came down to $324. Well worth it in my opinion.

    • $35/year. It means you can buy $30 worth of groceries and get $3 discount each month to break even.
      Also, you get 10% on Big W purchases each month
      Get a freebie each month and it might be worth more than $3
      x2 points for every purchase

    • +2

      Since joining I have saved $275 using the 10% off codes, 12k extra points ($60 of free credit), and 3 of the monthly freebies redeemed.

      Averaging $5 a freebie brings the total to $350 saved from being a member.
      The 10% off one shop code alone is worth it if you can bump up one monthly shop to house all your non perishable goods.
      The months I restock the freezer, get everyones cans of drink, juice, kitty litter, biscuits etc at once it's easily $50-$70 saved in one drop.

      • +5

        Yep, spend more, save more…

        • +1

          Thats the OzB way 😆

    • +19

      These subscriptions rely on you not shopping around and buying groceries that are not on special. They mask the higher price reality of convenience and encourage you to spend more under the illusion that you're saving more. Are these subscriptions worth it, will ultimately depend on your shopping habits.

      IMO, shopping the half price specials from colesworth and going to Aldi for the rest most definitely works out cheaper.

      • Totally agree and even buying half price items are usually around same price as the ALDI equivalent

      • +1

        Totally agree, although in this instance I feel it is almost a no-brainer to pay $35 to get access to 10% off one shop a month (two if you include BIGW).

        Even if you do shop just the half price specials once a month at Woolies you only need to spend $30 in the one shop every month to break even (actually $1 up). And that's before you take into account any of the free items (YMMV), BIGW, or double points.

    • Yes. I feel its worth getting if you usually shop at wollies.
      I normally use the 10% discount when I shop $300+ in that week and usually stock additional items that are long life, freezable (cheese etc) when they are already half price. In last 10 months I saved $250. further, I pay using gift cards that I buy from SmartSpending app that our employer has provided (there is 4% discount on many cards).

    • My stats since joining in April this year (I also spread my shopping around)

      $115.56 extra discounts
      4,506 extra points
      4 extra perks redeemed

      By the time next April comes around I think its going to be worth it. Freebies not so much but the extra points and discounts will mean I am better off. Better still its a no brainer if you can get it for $35

    • I've had it for a year

      Extra discounts $230
      Extra points 6152 (about $30 worth)
      Extra perks 0 (because I don't shop instore very often and can't be bothered chasing down some random item I don't really want just because it's free)

      Definitely worth it for me as I shop mainly at woolies

  • +1

    Do the Woolworths 10% off stack. I already get 10% once per month with a phone Sim.

    • I thought the coupon code will be the same, is it different?

      • The Everyday extra code is in the format XNOV2024

        • Yeah so can’t be stacked in same basket

          • @Pricebeat: It can't. I don't know whether the mobile one even usable online.
            In-store only one is usable in one transaction.

      • +2

        From my memory, for SIM, just remove "X" from the Extra's coupon code.

    • +11

      Not in the same transaction, but means you can get 10% off twice per month

      • +3

        This is what I wanted to know, thanks.

    • +2

      No, I have 3 products which each offer 10% off, you can use all 3 but not on the same shop.

  • Since the cut 10% from the online shops for the other offers through Insurance / Car rego / pet insurance etc. $35 is definitely worth the convenience for me.

    • I’ve saved $200 over 12 months with the 10% off alone, without factoring in the free products and bonus points

      • It has to be close to $200 per shop per month to save $200 over the year.

        • +2

          $166.67, approximately

  • What type of freebies do they usually give each month?
    So its worth it if u spend $500/month? That includes items already on special eg 50% off items?

  • +1

    does it give you 2 10% off each month if you already have 10% from everyday insurance?

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