[Targeted] Free, Non-Stop Flights for Aussies Fleeing Lebanon, from Cyprus to Sydney @ Qantas


In a break from my regular travel deal posting, hopefully this'll help someone who needs to get out of Lebanon fast.

Qantas will operate two non-stop flights between Cyprus and Sydney, to help Australians in Lebanon get home on behalf of the Australian Government.

The flights will be operated using a Qantas Boeing 787 and will be able to carry up to 440 Australians back home.

The first service is expected to depart Larnaca in Cyprus on Monday evening (local time), arriving in Sydney on Tuesday.

The second direct Dreamliner service is expected to depart on Wednesday.

The national carrier will operate these assisted-departure flights free of charge for the Australian Government, with no cost to those travelling on the flight. The airline is working to obtain the necessary approvals.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is coordinating registration for Australians wanting to return home.

Qantas has called for pilots and cabin crew to nominate their interest in operating the flights. This is expected to be oversubscribed as it was with the special assistance flights from Tel Aviv in October 2023, when 900 cabin crew expressed their interest for 70 positions.

These assisted-departure flights will impact some customers booked to travel on our international network, and customers are being contacted directly with alternative travel arrangements. We’re working to minimise the impact as much as possible and appreciate their understanding.


Australians who want to leave Lebanon via Cyprus should register at DFAT’s Crisis Portal. If you have already registered with DFAT you do not need to register again.

For urgent consular assistance, Australians should continue to call the Australian Government’s 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 (from overseas) or 1300 555 135 (from within Australia).

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  • +9

    can you choose business class?

    • +41

      I mean you're getting downvotes, but there are non-economy seats onboard, so somebody gets them. Hopefully dedicated for the elderly/unwell.

    • Yesnt, im assuming Australian Government and Diplomatic Staff will have first dibs on these seats (per their Commonwealth Travel Agreement) as well as the tech and engineering crews which will accompany the aircraft. Or otherwise outright blocked for weight restrictions which are applying to this flight home.

      I am assuming its on a priority needs basis, those who are disabled, elderly ect will have dibs on Business and Premium Economy seating.

      • Or otherwise outright blocked for weight restrictions which are applying to this flight home

        Why would you block premium seating for weight restrictions?

        People don't weigh more if they sit in a premium seat vs economy

        • Could be an attempt at being fair in regards to who gets premium seating. No one gets it. (Except for the obvious catagories)

  • +92

    They are not free, its our pockets that pay for them ;)

    (For those you are assuming that QF is paying out of pocket, dont worry they will be happy to write down these losses for this Financial Year)

    • +40

      Welcome to living in a caring society.

        • +2

          Maybe because they are Australians? I don't think you understand this new concept of travel.

          • +4

            @hypie: They were told over 6 months to leave because there was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind this conflict would spill into Lebanon. These flights should not only be paid for by those who were too arrogant to ignore the direction, but the government should reap a significant profit for organising it all in spite of that earlier direction.

            Wonder how many people with wounds from a pager exploding in their pocket that we'll be flying back in business…

            • -2

              @Assburg: This type of thinking actually astounds me.

              Why should my tax money for for people who are stranded when they are travelling in remote areas? Why shoiuld my tax maney pay for public schools when i don't have children? These people travelled putting there life at risks, so there might be a reason they're there. You should be helped when your life's at risk even if you are an idiot.

              Question other useless things the government spends money on.

          • @hypie: Then what are they doing in Lebanon? Living over there on an Australian pension or centrelink?

            • @Farticus: What about a dial citizen that contributed to Australia their whole life and now went back to visit family or retire there? No they must be dole bludgers and terrorists.
              Try and open your mind up a bit mate

    • Think of it as a charitable donation.

    • +8

      (For those you are assuming that QF is paying out of pocket, dont worry they will be happy to write down these losses for this Financial Year)

      That still means they paid for them. A "write down" doesn't mean you get the money back.

      I don't know why you're choosing to be smart about something that's objectively a good thing.

      • -1

        wont be write down. it will be marketing expense.

        • +11

          “You don’t even know what a write off is”

          “No I don’t. But they do. And they’re the ones writing it off”

    • +5

      yeh but our pockets (tax dollars) also pay for USA and allies (israel) wars so..

    • +3

      Alblow (via John and Jenny Taxpayer) - will definitely have underwritten this …
      He and Qonnas go way back. There’ll be an arrangement by which they get paid, and paid very handsomely.

      Regardless: it’s a little galling that despite well advertised travel warnings and prolific news coverage, “Australians” have willingly left the safety many of them - or their relatives - sought as refugees in order to enter a war zone, and are now expecting to have their return journey arranged and financed by someone else. It’s the same as these clowns who march on Australian soil protesting the death of the leader of a terrorist organisation. As a nation we should demand more and deserve better from our citizens.

      We are the softest of soft touches, and this is no bargain.

      • +1

        I don't mind flying idiots back. I do agree they are idiots for being there when conflict has been heating up for a while now. The people waving hesbolah flags in our streets should be locked up.

        • +7

          israeli flags are ok? just not any of the neighbours? Or is the israeli government a beacon of morality and goodness in the desert?

          • +7

            @rooster7777: Careful there, mate. Might get labelled an antisemite.

          • +1

            @rooster7777: @rooster7777 If you believe that Hezbollah is not a terrorist organisation you should petition the government to get it unlisted as one before flying their flag.

      • +4

        Why did you put Australians in quotes? What are you trying to imply?

      • Do you have a problem with paying the medical costs of "Australians" who keep drink driving or smoking despite decades of advertised health warnings?

        • Haha… wow!

          That’s too loose to be even called a tangent.

          • +1

            @The Araldited Wallet: would drug/ meth users fit then? it would free up some space in psych wards and reduce a bit of the abuse. There are many valid reasons why people may have been in lebanon, given the long list of recent disasters, and immigration in australia, seeing relatives might be one. i just wanted to try make the other guys "tangent" stick even though its off topic

      • John and Jenny loses orders of magnitude in terms of taxes and polices that favours uncle Sam's wars compared to the amount used to clean up the mess left behind. Somehow pious forces do a very good job keeping John and Jenny worried about the clean up rather than what is spent to beat the drum of wars.
        Wake up Aussies and "Aussies", lets join forces.

    • +2

      The Australian Government has chartered the flights. Qantas is most definitely getting paid (probably more than usual since it's the taxpayer credit card picking up the bill). However, the people using the service are not paying.

      Just good PR for Qantas. Can't blame them, though. They aren't a charity or the saints they try to make out to be. It's all about the dollars.

    • +1

      heaven help us that we'd be paying to help get innocent people back home.

      Unless you're a racist bigot then I could see why this would bother you…

      • +1

        Not home…

        Home is where they are. It can be reasonably argued it is essentially why they are there.

        Now, it’s easy to throw nasty slurs around when you don’t have a substantial point. It’s also dumb, and lazy. And contemptible.

        But yeah, thanks for your input.

        • You heard of dual citizenship?
          You're a bigot. And a dumbass.

  • +21

    What about Australians fleeing Victoria?

    • +36

      4 years too late of a comment…

    • +10

      Don't let your arse hit the door on the way out.

      • -7

        Dancels stay mad lmao

        • +1

          Don’t worry Jacinta picked up where he left off

    • +2

      JV ahh comment

    • +14

      Lebanon refuses to take them

    • i read something today saying that that is not longer true and quite the opposite (the journalist didnt explain why so dont ask)

  • -1

    Will this flight include meals?

  • -8

    I wouldn't count on the government granting visas to any of their family who aren't citizens. They didn't do very many for Gazans..

    • +9

      womp womp
      turns out starting wars isn't a green card? ☠️

      • -2

        You'd be really popular in the early 1940s with all the occupied european countries! Or do you think gazans seeking liberation is a bit different than the french, poles, czechs etc of WW2? Or should the arabs give up if they have suffered occupation for more than say… 2 generations?

        • +2

          the delusion to say Arabs are oppressed

          the only one oppressing Arabs are other Arabs and other Muslims.
          All of the Arab wars start within home
          no Arab democracy survives because Arab citizens cannot suffer to tolerate one another when their opinions are different.

          Lebanon? Stolen and now Gone to fanatic Arabs.
          Syria? gone.
          Iraq? gone.
          Morroco? gone.
          Yemen? gone.
          Iran? gone.
          Egypt? was gone for a moment, minding it's own normal business now.

          Why do you have so many failed nations? why is the world list of failed economies filled with collapsed Arab countries that do nothing but butcher one another in an endless disagreement war that nobody seems to be able to settle?

          • +10

            @The Milk Man: So israel hasn't and isn't carrying out any oppressive acts against palestinians?
            No use trying to talk logic with you then.

            • @rooster7777: For you to say that a country that was populated by its origin natives, that tried to coexist with its neighbours, failed due to their aggression and then fought back and kept them out is oppression is delusion my man.

              Do your history. do your research.

              Would you tolerate your house being vandalised every other week? or would you expect the govnermnet to confine those vandals to a space far from you?

              Why should my family sacrifice their lives for your feel good make believe stories?

              why can't you just be normal and want to exist peacefully?
              it's never about peace, it's always about your way or the highway. a mindset of bullying terrorists that insist on contouring the world to their way of living.

          • +1

            @The Milk Man: just to be fair Iran is not an Arab country although there’s lots of Iranians with Arab ethnicity

            • @atali: true, just couldn't think of a better word to describe their influence and reach within the arab and gulf countries -
              while they themselves are separate to the arabs, they're deep and infiltrated within those arab nations:(

    • Send them to Mars

      • -1

        think of all the holy marsian land they can make up millenias of history on!

        • They let the Ukrainians in, thousands of them. What difference is this? 11000 of them 🤔

          • +3

            @itsmoe: Ukrainians didn't start a war, Ukrainians are with the intent of coexisting with the West, supporting trade and dialogue, peaceful neighbours with like minded prospect.
            Couldn't say the same about the people who took over a Christian country, turned it into a militia led fanatic terror hub.

            • -4

              @The Milk Man: It's almost like everyone has forgotten all about systemic Ukrainian corruption and killing of gay people before the war.

              Never mind, wave your little flags.

              • @Daabido: ohhhh
                so it's wrong if Ukrainians does it but so tolerable if Lebanese, if Iranian, Gazan or Palestinians do it, right? 🤤

                double standards are so beautiful when you choose your blissful ignorance.

                Ukraine is a country that for decades just tried to thrive under the threats of a terrible neighbour.
                Sounds familiar?

              • @Daabido: Now tell us what you know about how Russia’s proud human rights record.

                Or Lebanon’s. Or Iran’s. Or Germany’s.

                That’s the trouble with arguing about geopolitics.

            • @The Milk Man: They didn't? Lol
              Lebanon is still majority Christians. No one took over anything. Also Ukraine is known to be one the most corrupt countries if not the most in the world. Lol

              • @itsmoe: Ignorant. Do be in the delusion that Lebanon is Christian.
                Lebanon is a kidnappee of the fanatic Islam branches.

                The CIA World Factbook estimates (2020) the following, though this data does not include Lebanon's sizable Syrian and Palestinian refugee populations: Muslim 67.8% (Sunni, Shia and smaller percentages of Alawites and Ismailis), Christian 32.4%

                Research Center, the demographic landscape of Lebanon reveals a Christian population estimated at 43.4%, with Muslims constituting the majority at 57.6%

                The country has not conducted an official census of its population since 1932. However, Statistics Lebanon, an independent polling and research firm, estimates that 69.3 percent of the citizen population is Muslim (31.2 percent Sunni, 32 percent Shia, and 6.1 percent Alawites and Ismailis combined). Statistics Lebanon further estimates 30.7 percent of the population is Christian.

            • @The Milk Man: You've written a few weird things, but now you've lost it!
              I agree with what you wrote about ukraine…. BUT..
              Are you suggesting palestinians took over the christian country of israel or something?
              Or are you suggesting that the conflict in lebanon has nothing to do with israel and its various occupations?
              Or are you suggesting that lebanon has been a christian country for the last 5,000 years?

              • @rooster7777: I did not write what you said I wrote my man.

                I am talking about Arabs in Lebanon, not Palestinians?

                Palestinians make hardly 3-4 million people on this globe. not my pick with them.

                • @The Milk Man: If you care to reread slowly…. you'll notice I didn't say you wrote any particular thing…. I was asking what you meant. That's what "are you suggesting" followed by a question mark means.

                  Thanks for the chuckle… misunderstanding my questions followed by a question mark… by writing the statement "I am talking about Arabs in Lebanon, not Palestinians?" Were you asking yourself if that was what you meant… or hit the question mark by accident?

                  I'm lost at what the point is you were trying to make in the post.

                  • @rooster7777: You're portraying hatred.
                    You not technically saying hatred does not resolve you of inciting it and fueling a negative conservation towards people's way of lives you've chosen to be the reason of your dismay, despite the fact Zionism is the belief in a Jewish state for the Jewish people in its home land

                    despite Jewish people being of varied opinions and origins, you keep classifying them as a whole entity who is crude

                    despite synagogues act as the equivalent of mosques and churches, but you've never commented about how imams in Gaza and the West Bank preach to murder their neighbours? :)

                    Why won't you though?
                    why won't you acknowledge your ugly ideology for what it is?
                    bloodthirsty for the sake of bloodthirst.

                    never coexistence with any person.
                    never care for your neighbours.

      • +1

        Just don’t send them to Springfield in Ippy. We know what happens in places named Springfield.

  • +32

    Cheap easyjet flight from London to Cyprus then jump on this.. what a bargain.

  • -3

    Lebanese are pretty tough and patriotic they may stay and fight

    • +4

      Just like their flatbreads

    • +40

      Nah they'll fly back and riot protest here instead

      • +2

        Hopefully they don’t risk the safety of innocent tourists and families in the city this long weekend!

        • Terrorist cleansings, I think you'll find, which are targeted exclusivley at Hamas and Hezbollah. Carry on!

          Being Palestinian or Lebanese has nothing to do with, other than they pander to terrorists.

  • +4

    This is good because just hours ago on Ten news they said Aussies had to leave at their own cost and that flights were about $23k per person. I thought that was terrible - only the rich could flee.

    • +20

      To be fair the war can be seen from a mile away. This is not a surprise in any shape or form.


      This was August 1st.


      This was October 2023.

      I also remembered an article but can't find it now, it went along the lines of them having gone through so many wars and what not, a new one is of little concern.

    • +3

      Warnings to leave Lebanon immediately have been ongoing for weeks with extra warnings that costa and flight availability would be bad for people that waited.

    • +2

      That’s probably what the government is paying for these flights. It irritates me that Qantas are trying to make it sound like they’re making it free.

    • I just priced it at $4000 if you can wait five days. You’d be paying stupid money in that sort of timeframe anyway.

  • -1

    I don't think the people will want to leave, I hear they are having a blast

  • Anyone fancy a one way flight to Cyprus?

  • +18


    • +1

      i thought the same, although can we fly to Lebanon at the moment?

      paying for a trip there, getting free trip back, honestly sounds like the oxbargain way, lol

  • +1


  • +10

    God Bless my country Australia, I always kiss the ground I walk on today. for my mother country Lebanon, you’ll always have my heart and will always wish for peace for you and the people.

  • +21

    I heard the government has been calling for Aussies to get out for months now. So when people ask what the government is doing, their defence is, "we told you to leave ages ago, but you didn't." (shrug)

    Who knows?

    • +1

      Does it really matter? The situation has clearly got worse now.

      It's not as if people wait for these flights to come about.

      • +26

        I think it does matter that people ignored our governments plea that they come back to Australia but now expect the government to arrange their passage to Australia.

        • expect the government to arrange their passage to Australia.

          How did you come the conclusion that it was expected though?

          • +8

            @illumination: Well they refused to heed the warnings to get out of Lebanon for many weeks. Now they want to leave Lebanon.

        • +4

          I get the sentiment, I do. But some have likely been there for quite a while.

          I think it would be fair enough for the government to require payment from someone who only arrived in Lebanon in the last month and are then taking this evacuation flight.

    • +5

      Sounds right, anyone who didn't get out earlier should sort their own way home and not have to rely on free flights.

      • Average yearly incomes there are something like $4k. Flights out alone were apparently $1k each or more.

        Western govts like Canada at this time were suggesting these people take out loans to pay for it. Many of these non-chartered commercial flights out were cancelled anyway (10 years since MH-17 and all).

        While these western govts are of course part of the collation that is providing Israel with the incredibly expensive bombs they are dropping on Beirut, making their own citizens unsafe. While also spending on protecting non-citizen Israelis (the US fired 12*SM-3 interceptors at up to 27mil each on Monday), not to mention Ukraine.

        But yeah, providing their own citizens a flight out is a bridge too far when it comes to the priorities, spending limits, and organizing skills of advanced western govts.

        • +1

          They presumably didn’t have trouble finding the money to fly there. And, as a citizen of another country you intend to return to, surely the cost of the return journey would be factored into travel arrangements prior to travelling to their homeland…

          Or is that a bridge too far?

            • @xtremehell: That’s the trouble with these kinds of conversations.

              After a while they stop being about what someone says, and becomes about what the other person suspects they believe.

              Give it a rest, champion.

    • +2

      Just Ozbargainers waiting for free air fares.

  • +15

    There's been plenty of government warning for those in Lebanon to get out. I have very little sympathy for those who makes the decision to stay and then expects the government to bail or rescue them. If the situation worsens, it's on them. Same as those who ignore bush fire warnings to evacuate and choose to stay - you wanna stay, why should others risk their lives to try and save you for being an idiot?

  • +6

    On a serious note that’s not a deal… it’s not a product for consumption

    • I mean… limited time offer is technically a deal 🥴

    • On a serious note that’s not a deal…

      Why isn't it?

      it’s not a product for consumption

      So the people in Lebanon shouldn't accept the offer?

      • +3

        I doubt they're checking ozbargain while in Lebanon to hear about 'deals' like this.

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