[Targeted] Free, Non-Stop Flights for Aussies Fleeing Lebanon, from Cyprus to Sydney @ Qantas


In a break from my regular travel deal posting, hopefully this'll help someone who needs to get out of Lebanon fast.

Qantas will operate two non-stop flights between Cyprus and Sydney, to help Australians in Lebanon get home on behalf of the Australian Government.

The flights will be operated using a Qantas Boeing 787 and will be able to carry up to 440 Australians back home.

The first service is expected to depart Larnaca in Cyprus on Monday evening (local time), arriving in Sydney on Tuesday.

The second direct Dreamliner service is expected to depart on Wednesday.

The national carrier will operate these assisted-departure flights free of charge for the Australian Government, with no cost to those travelling on the flight. The airline is working to obtain the necessary approvals.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is coordinating registration for Australians wanting to return home.

Qantas has called for pilots and cabin crew to nominate their interest in operating the flights. This is expected to be oversubscribed as it was with the special assistance flights from Tel Aviv in October 2023, when 900 cabin crew expressed their interest for 70 positions.

These assisted-departure flights will impact some customers booked to travel on our international network, and customers are being contacted directly with alternative travel arrangements. We’re working to minimise the impact as much as possible and appreciate their understanding.


Australians who want to leave Lebanon via Cyprus should register at DFAT’s Crisis Portal. If you have already registered with DFAT you do not need to register again.

For urgent consular assistance, Australians should continue to call the Australian Government’s 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 (from overseas) or 1300 555 135 (from within Australia).

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            • +1

              @rooster7777: from 2 to 10 is impressive? are you able to recognise that of those 10 to 11 million in population
              this, this patriarchal country has 2,000,000 Arabs with full civil equal rights live and prosper in relative coexistence?

              name another country that has that going on for it in the region?

              • +1

                @The Milk Man: Dunno how you can call "full civil equal rights" when more than 2 million palestinians under the rule of israel can't vote, stand for parliament, move freely within their own lands let alone israel, have their own country which was a condition for the establishment of israel, have full status at the UN, and a whole lot more.

                The 20 thousand jews in that area in the 1920s became 2 million after the massive influx of jews from across the world just post WW2…. and israel has been hoovering up jews from across the world since then. As a result of that rapidly swelling population, israel has been illegally occupying and settling land that is not theirs, acknowledged as breaching international law.

                Many australians (including myself) support ukraine in its resistance against russian occupation in the current conflict of up to a decade…. but ukraine is far better supported and able to defend its citizens than the generations of palestinians under harsh occupation for over 70 years.

                Do you understand that the australians can't live in the "patricarchal country" of israel unless they are jews, or under certain conditions, married to jews?

                It's bizarre how many citizens of the western world decry non secular countries (countries that have and encourage one religion), mainly arab countries…. but one of the most clear examples of secular countries is israel.

                It's popular among many australians to be "anti muslim"… when israel is a far more alien country in terms of rigid religion.

                • @rooster7777: do you understand Australia doesn't grant citizenship either, and doesn't matter what race of ethnicity you are unless you can prove of your relationship to an Australian or greatly benefit the Australian culture and way of living?

                  So how is that different than israel hoping to maintain its identity as a Jewish state for the Jewish people? or is 70 odd Arab, Muslim led countries aren't enough of a choice for a bunch of cry babies demanding 20 square kilometres because they MUSTTTTTTTT MUSTTTTTTTT MUST LIVE THERE OR ELSE THEY'LL DIE RUGJT NOW

                  do you csre that Egypt doesn't let Gazans in and out? do you care that Israel supplied jobs, free electricity and free water supply to Gaza?
                  allowed funding and infrastructure that was ultimately used against it?

                  Israeli rule?
                  Israel has no say on Gaza. Israel only has a say in its borders. Is it okay the USA doesn't allow Mexican migrants? or is it also oppression?
                  why csnt I swim into Australia? why are you oppressing me???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺

                  bro your comments nothing but repeated ignorance, lacking common sense, filled with unexplained hatred.

                  • +1

                    @The Milk Man: Your true colours are starting to show. Australia doesn't grant citizenship dependent on religious beliefs or ethnicity.

                    Israel isn't trying to maintain a jewish state…. it's devoting a large amount of its resources to expanding its state into other lands.

                    Describing people under occupation as cry babies because they must live there…. when there are few other options for them to exist…. turns your image very rapidly from the benevolent image of "the milk man" into a nutter with a vile outlook.

                    Do I care that israel both blocked essential food shipments to starving people with its military…. and when that got a bit hot politically, facilitated its european settler jews to do the blocking while the military watched? Yes I do…. that's a war crime.

                    With all the things you have written on the subject, to then say that israel has no say on gaza and only a say on its borders…. demonstrates you must know you are writing a false narrative.

                    I'm not your "bro"… and clearly nothing like you morally… I can and have discussed without losing it, and the only unexplained hatred is in your posts.

                    • @rooster7777: hatred in my posts?
                      hatred towards who lil bro? ☠️☠️☠️

                      Disagreeing with you is hate?

                      You read and respond to the things you please. you yet again portray my opinion of you how you contour the narrative to your wishes. you refuse to address my points, you only recite the "wah wah they took my wah they ate my wah"

                      • @The Milk Man: In the heat of the moment you seem to have forgotten it was you that introduced the word"

                        "bro your comments nothing but repeated ignorance, lacking common sense, filled with unexplained hatred"

                        • @rooster7777: what are you trying to say lol
                          i don't have to respect you, but this is not hatred.

                          • @The Milk Man: "your comments nothing but repeated ignorance, lacking common sense, filled with unexplained hatred"
                            do I have to sit next to you and point out each word?

          • +1

            @mr_asstight: Australia 2022
            Australia's own health system- 105.6 billion
            Australia's own education system- 44.8 billion
            Australia's own social welfare system- 221.7 billion
            Australia's own public services- 26.5 billion
            Australia's own defence- 38.3 billion.

            Australia foreign aid budget- 4.9 billion.

            So when you say we care more for outsiders than our own, what are you basing this statement on?
            Facts? Numbers? Budgets? Emotion? Facebook "research"? Your mate bob with a mullet, a year 10 education and a diploma in beating his wife?


    • +1

      They were warned to leave Lebanon by our gov since early 2024

      surely this won't be a biased/bigoted comment and this is the extent of their reasoning to not be in favour of this

      I wonder why we should pay for his ticket when she can't even speak in English?


      Deport all the pro-Hezbollah protesters from our land first, then we will talk.


    • +6

      I'd like to see all the zionists and jewish lobby groups that buy/corrupt the australian political system deported… unfortunately not much chance of that!

      • to read your hateful comments
        to read your disgusting hateful nature

        it's always a far leftist with the nastiest mouth, you never see a person who's open for dialogue and peace speak like that.

        Your way or the highway, you're forever the victim of your own mouth and ideology.

        There'll never be peace as long as people like you roam this earth.
        full of ignorance and hatred.

        • +1

          what are my hateful comments… and how has my disgusting hateful nature manifested itself?

          If you're responding to my post directly above…. that would mean that you dispute that the zionist/ jewish lobby has a political influence far greater than its population should reflect. Care to elaborate?

          You should look in a mirror and contemplate ignorance and hatred.

          • -1

            @rooster7777: "Jews" "Zionists" "your synagogue" "lobbying Zionists"

            are not terms you've used in a hateful manner to portray and generlize a group of people you've disagreed with based on a conflict you are biased towards?

            • @The Milk Man: No… they are terms of used in appropriate context in putting out facts.

              The first two are obvious terms…. nothing to discuss there…. jews in fact are jews, zionist are in fact zionists.

              "your synagogue" was used in the direct context of known fact ….even though I didn't clarify.
              Perhaps you're not aware that it's documented that some synagogues in america have had events spruking real estate sales of occupied lands in palestine.

              If you aren't aware of the power and frequency of jewish/zionist groups in australia attempting to influence events in the public forum, or political decisions by government…. you would be living in a stifling cocoon. Would you like a litany of examples? Perhaps you'd like to proudly list them yourself?

              • +1

                @rooster7777: According to a google search, itty bitty one, Muslims make 25% of the world's population.
                People of Jewish faith make 0.2% of the world's population.

                Are they really that helpless?
                are the 29.2% of the world population that are Christian really bent down to the almighty wizardy that is judaism, or are you acting delulu?

                • @The Milk Man: Thanks for those stats…. do you have any for the US as well?
                  That jews make up only .2% of the world's population, but have such a massive influence on governments of the western world highlight my point.
                  Or don't you think the jewish lobby has any influence over US politicians? If you say no, you'll be clarifying your wisdom to any student of politics!

                  • @rooster7777: maybe they are just good at making good, important, calculated decisions that benefit the general good
                    so people tend to give their opinion more matter

                    rather than

                    "kill that woman she has her hair exposed" ? :/

                    • @The Milk Man: Yeah….good one milkman! The jewish lobby exists for the common good of the general population.
                      In the right context, that would be a great line for a comedian.

                      And we were talking about political pressure on western world governments and major institutions… "kill that woman she has her hair exposed" is a ridiculous comment in the context.

          • @rooster7777: no cutie, my impatience towards you is not hatred or ignorance

            hatred and ignorance is to generlize people down to your narrative of their way of life.

            my way is humans first, your ideology 2nd. you cannot look past your ideology. you're a failed human my man, you are selfish.

            • @The Milk Man: When in the course of discussion or debate, someone calls another "cutie" "bro" and whatever the other one was…. you look like you've lost the ability to talk about the subject, and you've sunk to playing the man.

              Your way is clearly not "humans first", when you are contemptuous of the human suffering of massive numbers of civilians, and introduce the possibility of israel using nuclear weapons to solve conflict.

              • @rooster7777: its okay for israeli, jewish population to suffer but not if they're arab and muslim, you're so right
                my bad……… cutie.

                Sorry to learn about your short temper :(
                its a shame words yet again derailed you and defeated you.

                • @The Milk Man: Jews suffered great angst and wrongs in WW2. Jews have suffered great unpopularity across some parts of the world during some parts of history, which puzzles me as I don't know why. I do know there was some flack from royalty because of moneylending and difficult debts, but that's not the general population.

                  I do understand why contemporary people may have great distaste for the actions of israel.

                  Where's the short temper bit come from? Did I say something to indicate anger?

                  As far as derailed and defeated me…. I welcome you coming up with factual information to make me think I should change my outlook…. but you're a long long way from that with your current efforts. Perhaps a poor choice of words, because it's not a debate to me about a position that doesn't matter… it's a passionate belief in man's inhumanity to man in the world I live in.

                  OH…and PS… don't send me private messages. If you have anything factually relevant to say, write it here. Clearly we're not interacting on a social level.

    • +1

      You’re a cockhead

      • I wonder if you don't care to understand and educate yourself about world affairs…. or if you have, and are simply dispassionate about genocide supported by western nations.

    • +1

      Because AU gov will do same thing when you are in the same situation in other country. No matter what Au citizens are our mates and we have to do the right thing.

  • +7

    This belongs in the forum

    • This belongs in the forum 🤓👆

      • This belongs in the forum

  • +1

    All the world's foremost tunneling experts living amongst them and they haven't thought about all the free real estate down there

    • -5

      their underground housing keeps getting blown to pieces by the IDF :(
      Not very structurally sound, maybe Iran should fund their practical skills to boom their economy and make them a world class exports specialist of middle eastern culture?

      nah, that'll be too vanilla, nvm :(

    • NSW state govt should've contracted M8 works to them

      • +2

        Minns is too busy getting into foreign policy to cover up his public sector job cuts and refusal to increase wages to cover the cost of inflation.

  • +1

    Hilarious how many choose this as the hill to die on because "oH noEs HoW DarE ThEY uSe Tax pAyer MoNey tOS aVe dUmB peoPle"

    Probably costs them $5million dollars tops. Just chump change they've made in profits selling weapons to fuel these wars to begin with.

    The millions would've been sucked up by a NDIS scammer or to co-fund some retirement village to scam a boomer into a reverse equity scheme anyway.

    You're pissing in the wind really.

    • -5

      it's not actually about the money for the majority of these people - it's just a convenient mask that allows them to justify their much uglier private beliefs in public. dogwhistling.

  • +4


  • +9

    I'd almost argue and say that if you're an Aussie still in the area and relying on these flights you shouldn't be getting a free ride home.
    Know people that had trouble getting out of Lebanon a couple months ago and had travelled against the advice of the government. I'm sure that hasn't changed since. They had to find their own way out via Turkey without any assistance.

    • +11

      I mean, the same argument was made during covid. People have lives over there. It's not always as easy as 'let's hop on a plane'. They could be dating a local. Have a job. I recall a survivor of the Christchurch mosque attack in NZ was over somewhere in the (IIRC) middle east when covid kicked off, getting treatment for his wounds from specialist hospitals. NZ govt said 'hey we're closing borders, get back soon' and it's like - well he's undergoing treatment that couldn't take place anywhere else.

      Others could easily be pregnant and when a govt says one thing and a doctor says "I advise you not to travel for the baby's sake", there's a lot of people who will just hope for the best.

      • "Christchurch mosque attack" what an acquisition.

    • Everyone's situation is different, and you can't judge them by your own standards. Some people may have family matters to attend to, while others might have business to handle. Regardless of what happens, our government will take care of our people, just as they always have. And if you ever find yourself in a similar situation in another country, our government will do the same for you, and no one in Australia will complain about it.

  • +2

    A few govt officials probably going to get invites to the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge on the back of this “deal”.

    • +1

      Airbus Albo #1 on the ticket.

  • +3

    Oh I read this the wrong way

    I thought it said those who want to flee to Lebanon get free flights… now wouldn’t that be a nice idea

    • Well there will be empty seats on the way there.

  • -1

    OP can you mark this bargain as Targeted please?

  • +2

    TBF the way qantas has been going, all their flights should be free

  • +4

    I feel for those innocent people caught up in this unfortunate mess. I hope the Australian families get home safely. War is unfortunate and the loss of innocent lives is tragic. It must be a stressful time for those involved, a free flight home to safety is a great initiative.

    • +3

      and I'd suggest there are a lot of innocent people caught up in that unfortunate mess for generations… but no chance of a flight out or safety.

    • +2

      How can they caught up? Its almost a year since the start. Smart ones will avoid going there, or flying out 11 months ago.

      • +1

        You do realise being cruel doesn’t achieve anything? Have a heart. These are people are like you and me. I can’t see why getting them to safety is an issue. I’m sure if you were in that situation, you and your family would appreciate a flight home to safety.

        • Well agree with bringin them home but they could fly there with their own money, how about being fair and charge them normal price ticket instead of free? Gov pays the rest. They went by their choice, remember.

  • +5

    How much tax dollars is this costing Australians in Australia?

    • +2

      A COVID bailout and a Joyce payout.

    • Cheaper than Steven's air mileage.

  • +10

    More troublemakers entering country.
    Enough kebabs already.
    Centerlink going to be very busy.
    Very well played Qantas, now tax money will go down the drain 🤦‍♂️

    • +2

      yeah let's do some protest in front of the immigration department for banning immigrants?? :D

  • Free way to unlock green tier

  • +2

    Have to be a special kind of clown to have still of been there.

    • They're not a real bright bunch that's for sure. Some of them still think gay people should have their own town isolated from the rest of us.

  • Nah they can stay there

  • +1

    100% not a deal.

  • +1


  • +6

    These guys don't bother taking the governments arranged flight home, and actively disregard warnings to travel Lebanon.

    While associated groups fly Terrorist organisations flags in Australian cities.

    Good job Albanese.

  • +5

    Govt should arrange a similar free flight to Lebanon as well, where our peaceful protesters can go and help out in war zone instead of just waving flags here in Sydney.
    They're really needed on ground in Lebanon fighting the missles

  • Sorry, Not sure how this is a deal. More of a public interest update for news.com.au

  • Why don't they stay and defend their county?

  • I hope everyone gets out safe and I pray to Christ for a peaceful resolution

    I fear that other nations including us will get involved in this war and sadly more and more people will be killed.

    If the United States don't bring order to the region soon then we will may enter World War 3….

    • sadly I don't think it's the US that is trying to bring order to the region, with massive arms shipments, and blocking the political resolutions of the rest of the world (except australia)

  • +4

    Not a Bargain - but a drain on the public purse that should be complained about in the Forums

  • +1

    they've been told forn10 months to get out but they decide to stay and now the tax payers gotta pay for their flight. These leechers.

  • +1

    No Deal

  • +4

    Send this to the forum’s to be dealt with. Not a deal. And the fact that everyone in Lebanon knew this was happening and to leave early, but here we are wasting taxpayers money again to get people out of a war zone.

  • +1

    I'm trying to be humanist and also respectful, but, if the government warned to NOT travel to Lebanon and they did…WHY is it now the taxpayers problem? I appreciate this does not apply to a but, it applies to some who should not burden the Australian government.

  • +2

    Only takes a post like this for all the folk here to show their true colours of bigotry.

    • that's a good comment that will get support from the middle, and the bigots of either side if they're myopic enough!

  • +1

    All seats to be funded by Ozb Taxpayers. Yippie!

    Empty or Not.

  • Hope they are not travelling business/first…..

  • +3

    All politics aside, this is not a bargain

  • +1

    A couple of flights is a drop in the bucket for the country's budget. 1 cent of your lifetime tax contribution will go to this endeavor. You won't miss it.

    • Never thought I'd see Broden taking the ethical highground

  • Yeh, this still isn't going to change my opinion of Qantas in a positive manner. F you Qantas, we the tax payer should own more than 50% of you with the amount of bail outs you've received.

    • Well… I share outlooks on qantas, but I think you have the wrong idea about the bucks
      qantas is doing the flights on behalf of the australian government…. that is, qantas is being paid a nice windfall for a few unplanned flights.

  • How do you get from Lebanon to Cyprus?

    • DFAT chartered flights from Beirut airport to Larnaca, Cyprus

  • +2

    Hopefully DFAT don't get their numbers of Australians living in Lebanon from Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • I'm just glad I live in a country that will help out its citizens stuck in crisis to get home safely when it can.
    Same has been done for all sides of wars/politics/religion/natural disaster/name your cause for years.
    A lot of the this conversation really has no relevance to what the government is doing, fact is when the things go bad, our government helps our citizens.

  • +2

    I don't mean to sound insensitive but they knew the risks when they flew to Lebanon…

    • It wasn’t included in the Hezbollah pamphlet

  • +1

    Not a deal at all

  • -2

    You guys have all got your knickers in a knot for flights to take people to safety and yet don't bat an eyelid for the $800m of our Australian tax payer money going to Ukraine?

    Elites sure know how to divide sheep.

    But, yes, this isn't a deal. Should be a forum post.

  • -1

    Stuff em, leave them there. The DFAT advice was clear

  • +1

    Yeah this comments section is going about as well as I expected

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