[Targeted] Free, Non-Stop Flights for Aussies Fleeing Lebanon, from Cyprus to Sydney @ Qantas


In a break from my regular travel deal posting, hopefully this'll help someone who needs to get out of Lebanon fast.

Qantas will operate two non-stop flights between Cyprus and Sydney, to help Australians in Lebanon get home on behalf of the Australian Government.

The flights will be operated using a Qantas Boeing 787 and will be able to carry up to 440 Australians back home.

The first service is expected to depart Larnaca in Cyprus on Monday evening (local time), arriving in Sydney on Tuesday.

The second direct Dreamliner service is expected to depart on Wednesday.

The national carrier will operate these assisted-departure flights free of charge for the Australian Government, with no cost to those travelling on the flight. The airline is working to obtain the necessary approvals.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is coordinating registration for Australians wanting to return home.

Qantas has called for pilots and cabin crew to nominate their interest in operating the flights. This is expected to be oversubscribed as it was with the special assistance flights from Tel Aviv in October 2023, when 900 cabin crew expressed their interest for 70 positions.

These assisted-departure flights will impact some customers booked to travel on our international network, and customers are being contacted directly with alternative travel arrangements. We’re working to minimise the impact as much as possible and appreciate their understanding.


Australians who want to leave Lebanon via Cyprus should register at DFAT’s Crisis Portal. If you have already registered with DFAT you do not need to register again.

For urgent consular assistance, Australians should continue to call the Australian Government’s 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 (from overseas) or 1300 555 135 (from within Australia).

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                            • @The Milk Man: I love how you didn't link the one with Mahdi where he puts Piers in his place by stating pure facts. Also, Piers is owned by Jewish media and is a little puppet to the matrix.

                              • +1

                                @itsmoe: she is lebanese, she grew up in Lebanon, she is a pro-lebanese activist, anti-iranian activist.
                                she is sharing your history
                                you are ignoring your history because you were told by your captors that they are correct

                                Why is Brigitte Gabriel an issue in your opinion? she's your people.

                                i don't care about piers?

                                • @The Milk Man: Yes because one cooked lady represents all of Lebanon. Lol man get out of here.

                                  Did you hear the part where she was exposed for being funded by Jewish organizations? She's clearly bought out just like Piers is, he wouldn't speak out against his handler who is contributing massively against the killing of innocent children in Gaza and now in Lebanon too. War crimes after war crimes.

                                  • @itsmoe: Piers is arguing against her opinions when she speaks about her 'pro israeli' narrative, and he's arguing she's wrong?

                                    you're an ignorant child, just saying literally anything to try and sound right

                              • @itsmoe: OK what are those "pure facts"?

                    • +2

                      @The Milk Man: And you choose to ignore the state endorsed genocidal statements and actions of israel …
                      You're losing credibility with each comment.

                      • @Thejedi: What state endorsed actions? Please bring forward facts.

                      • @Thejedi: By the way here is what Ethnic cleansing really looks like: https://x.com/khalidi79397/status/1841691125150617718

                        I'll wait for you to present similar stats for "Palestinians"

                        • @AncientWisdom: Yeh let me get my information of a meme off X lol.

                          • @itsmoe: OK present counter information then.

                            • @AncientWisdom: I don't have to because that information is only a way to divert from the real issue which is the genocide Israel is doing against oppressed people for over 70 years and also killing children, women and elderly which you seem to be loving.

                              Well done to you too.

                              • @itsmoe:

                                I don't have to because that information is only a way to divert from the real issue which is the murderous Islamist Jihad taking place for over 1300 years and killing/raping/slaving children, women and elderly which you seem to be condoning and supporting wholeheartedly.

                                Fixed it for ya

                      • @Thejedi: what genocide?

      • +1

        Just don’t send them to Springfield in Ippy. We know what happens in places named Springfield.

  • +32

    Cheap easyjet flight from London to Cyprus then jump on this.. what a bargain.

  • -5

    Lebanese are pretty tough and patriotic they may stay and fight

    • +3

      Just like their flatbreads

    • +43

      Nah they'll fly back and riot protest here instead

      • +2

        Hopefully they don’t risk the safety of innocent tourists and families in the city this long weekend!

        • Terrorist cleansings, I think you'll find, which are targeted exclusivley at Hamas and Hezbollah. Carry on!

          Being Palestinian or Lebanese has nothing to do with, other than they pander to terrorists.

  • +3

    This is good because just hours ago on Ten news they said Aussies had to leave at their own cost and that flights were about $23k per person. I thought that was terrible - only the rich could flee.

    • +21

      To be fair the war can be seen from a mile away. This is not a surprise in any shape or form.


      This was August 1st.


      This was October 2023.

      I also remembered an article but can't find it now, it went along the lines of them having gone through so many wars and what not, a new one is of little concern.

    • +3

      Warnings to leave Lebanon immediately have been ongoing for weeks with extra warnings that costa and flight availability would be bad for people that waited.

    • +2

      That’s probably what the government is paying for these flights. It irritates me that Qantas are trying to make it sound like they’re making it free.

    • I just priced it at $4000 if you can wait five days. You’d be paying stupid money in that sort of timeframe anyway.

  • +1

    I don't think the people will want to leave, I hear they are having a blast

  • Anyone fancy a one way flight to Cyprus?

  • +18


    • +1

      i thought the same, although can we fly to Lebanon at the moment?

      paying for a trip there, getting free trip back, honestly sounds like the oxbargain way, lol

  • +1


  • +11

    God Bless my country Australia, I always kiss the ground I walk on today. for my mother country Lebanon, you’ll always have my heart and will always wish for peace for you and the people.

  • +25

    I heard the government has been calling for Aussies to get out for months now. So when people ask what the government is doing, their defence is, "we told you to leave ages ago, but you didn't." (shrug)

    Who knows?

    • +1

      Does it really matter? The situation has clearly got worse now.

      It's not as if people wait for these flights to come about.

      • +29

        I think it does matter that people ignored our governments plea that they come back to Australia but now expect the government to arrange their passage to Australia.

        • expect the government to arrange their passage to Australia.

          How did you come the conclusion that it was expected though?

          • +8

            @illumination: Well they refused to heed the warnings to get out of Lebanon for many weeks. Now they want to leave Lebanon.

        • +4

          I get the sentiment, I do. But some have likely been there for quite a while.

          I think it would be fair enough for the government to require payment from someone who only arrived in Lebanon in the last month and are then taking this evacuation flight.

    • +5

      Sounds right, anyone who didn't get out earlier should sort their own way home and not have to rely on free flights.

      • +1

        Average yearly incomes there are something like $4k. Flights out alone were apparently $1k each or more.

        Western govts like Canada at this time were suggesting these people take out loans to pay for it. Many of these non-chartered commercial flights out were cancelled anyway (10 years since MH-17 and all).

        While these western govts are of course part of the collation that is providing Israel with the incredibly expensive bombs they are dropping on Beirut, making their own citizens unsafe. While also spending on protecting non-citizen Israelis (the US fired 12*SM-3 interceptors at up to 27mil each on Monday), not to mention Ukraine.

        But yeah, providing their own citizens a flight out is a bridge too far when it comes to the priorities, spending limits, and organizing skills of advanced western govts.

        • +2

          They presumably didn’t have trouble finding the money to fly there. And, as a citizen of another country you intend to return to, surely the cost of the return journey would be factored into travel arrangements prior to travelling to their homeland…

          Or is that a bridge too far?

            • @xtremehell: That’s the trouble with these kinds of conversations.

              After a while they stop being about what someone says, and becomes about what the other person suspects they believe.

              Give it a rest, champion.

    • +3

      Just Ozbargainers waiting for free air fares.

  • +15

    There's been plenty of government warning for those in Lebanon to get out. I have very little sympathy for those who makes the decision to stay and then expects the government to bail or rescue them. If the situation worsens, it's on them. Same as those who ignore bush fire warnings to evacuate and choose to stay - you wanna stay, why should others risk their lives to try and save you for being an idiot?

  • +6

    On a serious note that’s not a deal… it’s not a product for consumption

    • I mean… limited time offer is technically a deal 🥴

    • On a serious note that’s not a deal…

      Why isn't it?

      it’s not a product for consumption

      So the people in Lebanon shouldn't accept the offer?

      • +3

        I doubt they're checking ozbargain while in Lebanon to hear about 'deals' like this.

        • +2

          I'm in Greece and I'm checking Ozbargain daily. Certainly possible someone in Lebanon is checking too.

          • @EBC: As far as I remember, Greece isn't in a war situation. It would be odd for someone to care about deals in Australia while sitting in a country under attack

        • I always check OzBargain on holidays. Doubly so if there's not much to do and the tourist locations are shut, as is probably the case in Lebanon atm.

  • +7

    No cost to the people who didn't listen to the government or weren't smart enough to anticipate that there was going to be a conflict. After all, they had to be aware that Hezbollah was firing rockets into Israel on a near daily basis and that it was a matter of time until Israel attempted to put an end to that scenario.
    The cost is once again born by taxpayers. Qantas aren't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.

      • +4

        This rubbish again? How do you think the US government would respond if Mexican cartels were firing rockets at El Paso and San Diego on a daily basis? Or if they crossed the border and raped and killed 1500 people?

        • +6

          The difference being that mexican cartels haven't occupied and terrorised the entire US population.
          Don't you pay any attention to what is going on in the world?
          Even though all credible news sources have shown most of the rape story to be israeli bollocks, some people still bang on about it.
          I guess you'd be hurling hate and contempt at the poles trying to break out of the warsaw ghetto in WW2…. saying they crossed the barbed wire border that WW2 germany ringed around the last traces of "unoccupied" poland.
          Are you a blind zionist… or simply someone who can't comprehend the effect of being under illegal occupation for over 70 years by a brutal inhumane regime?

          • +1

            @rooster7777: Please enlighten us to how Israel has been occupying Hezbollah's lands? In fact pretty sure last time I checked it was Hezbollah that was occupying the south of Lebanon…

            • @AncientWisdom: "last time I checked' israel was a nation that has repeatedly invaded and occupied lebanon, and hezbollah was not a country, but a group of people.

              Considering the duplicity of one who shares your views, and that questioned my links/motives, while failing to declare that he's spent a year and a half in israel and is thus likely jewish….I'll declare again that I am australian of british ancestors, of no religion…. thus bringing no baggage into this discussion.

              It's not something I'd normally ask, but given your user name, do you bring any ingrained views or bias to the discussion?

              • @rooster7777: Where did you see I spent a year and half in Israel?

                Logically you can be just as biased as any one else whether from Israel, Palestine etc. But you would be a lot less educated about the situation and your knowledge would not be first hand knowledge. Have you ever even been to Israel?

        • +2

          If the US responded by killing 40,000 Mexican civilians including 16,000 children, I bet people wouldn’t be happy with the US’s response either.

    • +7

      The government needs to get their wits together and stop funding dangerous rescue missions as all it does is breed foolish citizens. Once they stick to a policy of no rescues, natural selection will weed out the idiots and the IQ level as a whole will rise nationally. Also as a taxpayer I don't agree with using tax dollars for rescue missions. I'd rather they use it to fix potholes on the road.

      • +3

        People expect to be bailed out these days. Don’t buy travel insurance, just set up a go fund me. Ignore travel advice, if it gets bad enough I’ll get a free trip home.

      • +1

        So citizenship should be conditional on not being foolish or an idiot?
        I'm on board if it's also applied to smokers who get lung cancer, speeding drivers who crash etc etc.
        It's going to a long list.
        But the money we save hospitalising those morons will fix all the pot holes and a whole lot more.

        • Citizenship itself doesn't have to be conditional to that but citizenship AID certainly should! Why should we fund search and rescue for people who ignore warning signs and wanders off beaten path who then needs rescue, or smokers who receives a lung transplant, only to resume smoking again?

  • God save the King

    • -4

      Your comments are very on beat and rythemic with the anti israeli / Jewish narrative, I see you are very open for dialogue, with an open mindset accepting peace and tolerance? 😍

      • -1

        Me? When there is conflict and illegal occupation of a people's lands…. with an imbalance in military power and violence meted out on the respective populations… I can see grave injustice.

        Would you be promoting peace and tolerance of the WW2 german regime, knowing that they had occupied the territories of other people, and were carrying out massive brutal inhumane actions?

        Or do you believe that israel doesn't occupy any land not formally designated and granted to israel when western countries "gifted" the country of israel, after several years of the mandate protectors (britain) having their soldiers and civilians assasinated by terrorists (terrorists, not resistance fighters)

        Or do you believe that israel doesn't carry out brutal inhumane illegal violence against occupied civilians on a massive scale, suppressing and assassinating any attempts at independent journalism on a scale never seen in modern times, by a nation that claims to be civilised?

        • +1

          Which history is your true history? the one that begun 70 years ago or the 3000 years old one?

          Because your Quaran also acknowledges israel is the land of the Jews, and the Jewish monarchies at its time.

          Military and developmental imbalance?
          as like, when a country invests in itself to grow and prosper rather than designate 90% of its resources for multiplying and issuing terrorists to ruin anything nice the west ever tries to accomplish?

          You're brainwashed, you only care for your narrative of the loud majority which inevitably is the work of repeated Muslim occupation of European and Western continents. throughout time all that the Persian countries and monarchies tried to achieve was world domination and greed, time after time, Judaism and Christianity stands in its way, now that they've infiltrated Western society in the guise of humanitarian aid, we're filthed with protests and centrelink mooching cases.

          • @The Milk Man: hopefully iran turn tel aviv into a parking lot. israel is a rotten country and a terrible ally. i don't want them dragging us into a war on their behalf to have young australian men die

            • @WinstonWithAY: lmao
              rotten country that gave you the processing power to write your degenerate comment.

              Iran can barely build a powerplant, to imagine they'll take them a world leading military with their army arsenal of Russian and North Korean rockets is a joke worth of an Oscar for best comedy

              get (profanity), pinky promise by next weekend Iran will sit in eternal darkness wondering how come all of its resources blew up in an evening.

            • @WinstonWithAY: Israel is an ally is something I often hear…. but I honestly don't know of any alliance israel has with a western country…. I wonder if someone can clarify that…..

          • +1

            @The Milk Man: You're an idiot.
            "My Quaran" doesn't exist… my heritage is english and irish, and before I lost faith in the whole god theme, I was raised as a catholic.

            Even a halfwit can understand that if every person on earth claimed the piece of land that their ancestors of 10,000 years ago walked on…there would be complete chaose. But somehow it's ok in some people's (and your) mind that the concept should apply to jews.

            WW2 germany invested in itself to grow and prosper…. in much the same way as israel… by attempting to annex the lands of others. That is not a legal, moral, or applaudable strategy of moral people.

            You call me brainwashed, with a narrative of the loud majority….. a pretty dumb thing to say considering the voting patterns of this page.

            It's bizarre that you write about the repeated muslim occupation of european and western continents… when anyone with a fleeting grasp of history would be that rome and britain are the two most well known expansionist nations. I presume you've got no knowledge at all of the crusades of medieval europe.

            You like to use emotive words in the place of logic, which doesn't put much meat in your case.

            If western countries had acted differently historically, starting from the balfour declaration where britain decided to give the lands of one people to an entirely different group that didn't live there in any significance…. and had suppressed the european jewish terrorists like the stern gang and the menachem begin (the lovely man that went on to be an israeli pm) and irgun…. the history of the middle east would have been very different.

            If israel wasn't given such massive military, financial, and political aid by some western nations, there wouldn't be a case for humanitarian aid. There wouldn't be the massive displacement, slaughter, and occupation of palestinian lands. Western countries, primarily the US, enabled israel to create this massive humanitarian disaster.

            • @rooster7777: You're ignorant. You spit random words and convince yourself they're facts.

              The crusade was to reclaim what the Arabs TOOK. not whay they had.
              The lands of the middle east were Jewish and Christian.
              The Arabs showed up. killed. took.

              The crusades took back.

              You represent the ideoly I oppose. you are it. whether you believe in the Quaran or in the PLO, couldn't give 2 shits as you represent the same degeneracy fueling this political climate.

              You talk about voting patterns?
              you're surprised people Neg you for spewing racist, antisetmitic filth?
              or you are confident that using the words "Jews" and "Zionists" in angry comments doesn't make you antisemite?

              WW2 Germany was taking by Force.
              Israel is forced to take. there's a huge difference.
              Israel time and time offered to settle and give up, to meet in the middle and coexist.
              The greed on their opposition hasn't stopped.

              Israel wasn't given things, Israel made those things of itself.
              Ever since its birth it was the victim of the hatred of the Arab world, who continuously failed to understand the potential of coexisting, as they refuse to coexist with themselves now.

              You do understand that if Israel wanted to wipe out the Palestinian people, they could.
              More than enough bombs to carpet the literal whole of Gaza. don't kid yourself, you say military imbalance and disproportion time and time again but you forget that they are literally a nuclear nation with the means to do as they please.

              • +1

                @The Milk Man: You and rooster have fun beating each other up, but the claim that "Israel time and time offered to settle and give up, to meet in the middle and coexist" just ain't true.
                Likud has been in power around 39 of the last 50 years, and their charter explicitly says there will never be any land for the Palestinians, ever.
                And Netanyahu has been caught on camera saying he deliberately sabotaged the Oslo peace process.

                The Arabs & Palestinians aren't angels, but neither are the Israelis. At all.

                • @Roddi: Roddi I understand that it appears the Israeli patience has reached its wits, and when busses explode in your suburban neighborhood I'm sure your mindset may vary.

                  The Centre-Right parties were not in control for a long long while.
                  Prior to their reign there was a political climate of peace, negotiations and understanding.

                  Peace was offered multiple times between 1947 and 1990.
                  Land was offered.
                  Understanding was possible - it was only met with declarations of their failed wars, leave or be made to leave was their response.

                  I don't understand your response and how it only addresses 40% of Israel's political narrative.
                  Why do you expect them to be a punching bag of the nay-sayers that are their neighbors?

                • @Roddi: For what its worth, in the very limited 1.5 years of voting rights I had in Israel, the vote was always towards the Left political climate.
                  However you cannot blame patriotic citizens for fearing for their potential when every time they reached their hand out for peace, it was blown off of their arm.

                • @Roddi: I can understand why you point to the Likud's current charter but you need to understand it did not come out of nowhere, the current charter I believe is a result of prior decades of Israel trying to resolve the situation peacefully. In fact it was the government ran by the Likud party that has unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005 in an attempt to give the Palestinians what they've been asking for (even without a prior peace treaty) with a sincere belief/hope that it might work out - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_disengagement_from_the…

                  Seeing how that turned out (Hamas winning the election and militirising Gaza) has made most if not all of Israel's right wing change direction away from a two state solution. You might disagree with it, but surely you can understand how that could happen.

              • @The Milk Man: Sorry…. my mistake. I should learn history as taught by the milkman…. where the countless crusades were actually actions by local christians and jews in the middle east, rather than what other sources tell us, being invasions by europeans into the middle east.

                You clearly have a different idea than me about the bloodthirstiness/ slaughter of civilians of a different religion during the crusades. You indicate "the arabs showed up, killed, took"…. With the implicit meaning that the christians were compassionate and tolerant of different religions in areas they overcame.

                You describe my comments as "anti semitic filth"… apparently because I use the words jews and zionists. Were there things in particular I said to raise your rage, or are those actual words anti semitic filth?

                "taken by force, and forced to take… a huge difference". Your logic gets more and more obviously bizarre.
                Israel time and time offered to settle and give up, meet in the middle. Could you give me a few, or even one…. example of where israel agreed to a two state solution, which I reckon is about the only result that could be described as "meeting in the middle"

                I do agree with you that "israel wasn't given things"…. but I'd say when you take something that belongs to others, it's taking… not "made those things itself"

                I do understand that israel could wipe out the palestinian people in the region if it wanted to. I believe the only reason they don't is because israel understand the massive international outrage and reaction that would occur if they did. Israel only became a nation because of massive support of parts of the western world, and still only survives because of that support…. but that support is rapidly fading because of israel's most recent atrocities.

                Israel has transformed the outlook of much of the western world from sympathy…. to utter alienation, as a result of israel's recent actions. You may have noticed that most nations of the world have recently voted in support of palestine, blocked only by the US, australia, and a few tinpot island and african nations. The world demands a semblance of moral behaviour, and people of the world have become so outraged that western governments can no longer affort to turn a blind eye to israel's actions.

                I'm well aware that israel is a nuclear nation. As a matter of interest, how do you think that a nation of 2 million people (at the time) managed to get the technology? I suspect they didn't even need the mossad's help to get it. Makes a bit of a joke about the US's position on non nuclear proliferation.

                Most people of the world, though perhaps not you…. are aware that no nation on earth can "do as they please" in terms of nuclear weapons, without massive and potentially terminal effect. Because israel hasn't nuked any unfriendly neighbours doesn't make israel a fine nation… it simply means it has a basic understanding of reality.

                • @rooster7777: I'm genuinely tired of responding to your paragraphs, every time I do you blaze past my points and write a new fanfiction.

                  There has been repeated offers for peace from the Israeli governments, including giving up lands, many, many, many many many times, including in recent history - even as early as the year 2000.

                  I doesn't matter, dude, even if I showed you these articles and documents, all the proof, would it change your mind? would you think you're wrong?

                  Or would you call it zionist propaganda? would you say they only offered it because they knew the PLO will refuse? or did you just ignore the fact the PLO always refuses?

                  Its not about peace, its about bloodthirst.

                  • @The Milk Man: In what year was it that israel agreed to a two state solution?

                    • @rooster7777: Israel had previously, many times, voiced its agreement to a 2 state solution. It cannot, however, unilaterally agree "okay 2 state now" without the PLO agreeing also, so I'm struggling to come up with a response.

                      Can you rephrase your question in a more realistic, contextual manner for me to address?
                      Happy to try and debunk

                      • @The Milk Man: In what year was it that israel agreed to negotiate a two state solution?

                        • @rooster7777: Please, just let me know why the following historical agreements are irrelevant.
                          You won't like it, but its as early as -

                          Nov 29, 1947

                          UN Partition Plan
                          The UN General Assembly passes Resolution 181 calling for the partition of the Palestinian territories into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The resolution also envisions an international, UN-run body to administer Jerusalem.

                          (Israel agreed)

                          May 4, 1994
                          Arafat, president of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) shakes hands with Israeli Premier Rabin

                          The Gaza-Jericho Agreement
                          The Israelis and the Palestinians sign the Gaza-Jericho Agreement, which begins implementation of the Oslo Accords. The agreement provides for an Israeli military withdrawal from Gaza and Jericho, a town in the West Bank, and for a transfer of authority from Israeli administration to the newly formed Palestinian Authority. The agreement also establishes the structure and composition of the Palestinian Authority, its jurisdiction and legislative powers, a Palestinian police force, and relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Arafat returns to the Gaza Strip after a long absence.

                          Sep 28, 1995
                          U.S. President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Jordan's King Hussein, and Arafat

                          Oslo II Accord

                          Israeli and Palestinian negotiators sign the Interim Agreement, sometimes called Oslo II. It gives the Palestinians control over additional areas of the West Bank and defines the security, electoral, public administration, and economic arrangements that will govern those areas until a final peace agreement is reached in 1999.

                          At the Annapolis Conference in November 2007, three major parties—The PLO, Israel, and the US—agreed on a two-state solution as the outline for negotiations. However, the summit failed to achieve an agreement.

                          You could read more here;

                          Or just ask a local historian idk

                          • @The Milk Man: Thanks…. though a bit of irrelevant stuff there

                            So in 1947, when jews had no formal status or rights in palestine, a proposal was put forward that 600,00 jews (mainly jews from europe arriving in the previous 20 years) should create the state of israel, having 56.5% of all the land, and 1,200,000 arabs should have 43% of all land.
                            Curiously, the jews agreed to the proposal and the arabs refused to negotiate on this proposal.

                            Once israel was declared a nation state in 1948, there was no further interest in israel agreeing to palestine existing as a state until 2007. There were a number of proposals for palestinians to live semi autonomously under israel's ultimate control, but no two state solution.

                            Since 1982 palestinians have agreed there should be a two state solution.

                            In 2007 israel agreed to negotiate regarding a two state solution, and there were ongoing negotiations but no agreement. In 2009 israel invaded the gaza strip, and has not agreed to a two state solution, or negotiations towards a two state solution, after the 2009 gaza invasion.

                            In recent times israel's position continues to be that it does not accept a two state solution.

                            Thanks for your help clarifying that.

                            By the way…. in earlier posts where you suggested I wasn't impartial, and I pointed out I was of british descent and catholic as a child…. the honest thing to do would have been to state that you had lived in israel for one and a half years, which likely also means you are jewish.

                            • @rooster7777: I have no beef with you lol

                              I am of Jewish descent, not practicing or considering myself anything but a homosexual atheist, literally married to a man
                              I grew up in Israel, it is not what you're portraying it to be.
                              It is a country of forward thinking individuals who are all seeking peace, some are frustrated with the repeat failed attempts, some are optimistic it is the only way.
                              I do lean towards the latter, but I am no pushover.

                              Our mentality has always been the same, peace will be answered with peace, prosperity belongs to everyone, we wish for all of our neighbours to thrive and be happy.

                              Our governments through time tried to give a fair chance and the whole consensus of our current political climate is - we'd rather be the ones to kill than be the ones killed. Essentially survival, which we would all choose.

                              It is so easy to be an observer my man, its so easy to sit somewhere else, read political headlines and be like "dang, those pesky zionists" , when zionisim in itself is believing in our right to exist -

                              we were there with the palestinians. Technically, the palestinians and modern day israelis are of the same 12 tribes written about in every variation of the bible / quaran

                              to say the land belongs to them mroe than it belogns to us is actual theft, as it has always been, through history, shared between 3 ethnicities, with peace thriving in jerusalem.

                              In recent times, there is very little patience to the PLO as the PLO keeps doing some of the following;
                              Issuing salaries to people who had murdered civilians, the more you kill? the more you get paid.
                              Inciting its young ones for hate and actual terror acts through its UNRA programs.

                              Who are our partners for peace?…

                              in the meanwhile, we reach past our region to other arab countries, other gulf countries, and establish successful peace agreements.

  • +9

    I think this belongs in the forums. What's next Oznewsbargain?

    • +1


    • +2

      I agree. What sort of individual is actively in Lebanon during this period and instead of fleeing they jump on ozbargain to see if eneloops or oled tvs are on sale in Australia.

  • +8

    They were warned to leave Lebanon by our gov since early 2024.
    And they chose to stay.
    It's not an unpredictable earthquake or tsunami.
    why are we taxpayers paying for their bills now?

    Two days ago a partner of an Australian plead for help on a 7 news interview because her husband is stuck in there.
    The interview was done in Sydney, but this female speaks in a foreign language.
    I wonder why we should pay for his ticket when she can't even speak in English?

    Deport all the pro-Hezbollah protesters from our land first, then we will talk.

    • +14

      I wonder why we should pay for his ticket when she can't even speak in English?

      One simple sentence tells so much.

      • -8

        You're right, it says, Why does a country feel like it's their responsibility to damage their locals economy, quality of life and livelyhoods to be able to make a meaningless statement that they'll overturn in a few weeks time?

        do you think it's fair Mortgage rates should go higher so your children can't afford a house, because it was so dear to a questionable figure in-office to house a different country that couldn't care less about your way of life? 🥸

        • +1

          When your country cares more for outsiders then it's own it's a real problem. The West does this openly

          • -3

            @mr_asstight: Consider Germany, France and the UK, cultures demolished and wiped out in the name of fake empathy, "volunerable" figures made the locals the volunerable demographic, cry about ethnic cleansing 😂

          • +1

            @mr_asstight: The US is an interesting example, where it spends far more per capita on grants to israel than it does its own citizens.
            And quite openly, reporting over $300 Billion dollars in US aid to israel, while israel has grown from less than 2 million citizens to its current size.

            • @rooster7777: Grants being military aid? Yeah I would hope they would spend more money on military aid in a foreign country then their own. Would make no sense otherwise.

              • @DogGunn: Military and direct financial aid…. but…. let's think about this.

                Military aid is US government funds spent making military equipment, then given to external countries (with israel the biggest benefactor by a huge margin).

                So are you hoping that the US spends more government money making and sending equipment to other countries, rather than equipping itself…. or are you hoping the US spends more on israel per capita than its own people in non military matters?

                Neither of those options make much sense to me, but it seems one of them does to you… could you clarify?

                • @rooster7777: Are you surprised a nation of like minded people support the like minded nation they believe should thrive and survive?

                  I haven't seen you criticise Iran for fu ding Hezbollah, but why didn't you my man?
                  all the billions of dollars of rockets, terror infrastructure, instead of thriving to Iranian Persian economy?

                  can you explain how is that not a concern for you but only when a country supports israel it really, really bothers you?

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