Singapore Airlines Rtn to Singapore: PER fr $405, MEL fr $607, BNE fr $673, SYD $685, ADL $719 @flightfinderau


Destination: Singapore
Airline: Singapore Airlines
Valid Departure Dates: July to August 2025
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out

  • Singapore Airlines is a 5 Star rated airline
  • All flights listed below are on wide-body aircraft
  • 25kg checked luggage, meals, entertainment included
  • Credit status and points earned to Velocity Frequent Flyer for eligible booking classes

Perth to Singapore Flights from $405 Return.

24/Jul - 04/Aug $405
25/Jul - 05/Aug $464
26/Jul - 04/Aug $405
27/Jul - 04/Aug $464
27/Jul - 06/Aug $405
30/Jul - 06/Aug $405
30/Jul - 07/Aug $405
31/Jul - 07/Aug $464
31/Jul - 08/Aug $464
31/Jul - 11/Aug $405

Melbourne to Singapore Flights from $670 Return.

25/Jul - 04/Aug $670
25/Jul - 05/Aug $718
26/Jul - 05/Aug $670
26/Jul - 06/Aug $718
27/Jul - 10/Aug $718
27/Jul - 16/Aug $718
29/Jul - 13/Aug $718
31/Jul - 07/Aug $718
31/Jul - 10/Aug $718
31/Jul - 11/Aug $670

Brisbane to Singapore Flights from $673 Return.

24/Jul - 04/Aug $731
25/Jul - 04/Aug $731
26/Jul - 04/Aug $731
26/Jul - 05/Aug $731
27/Jul - 04/Aug $673
27/Jul - 05/Aug $731
29/Jul - 04/Aug $731
30/Jul - 07/Aug $673
30/Jul - 09/Aug $731
31/Jul - 07/Aug $731

Sydney to Singapore Flights from $685 Return.

19/Jul - 04/Aug $734
24/Jul - 04/Aug $734
25/Jul - 04/Aug $734
25/Jul - 23/Aug $734
26/Jul - 04/Aug $734
27/Jul - 05/Aug $734
29/Jul - 06/Aug $685
30/Jul - 11/Aug $685
31/Jul - 05/Aug $685
31/Jul - 10/Aug $685

Adelaide to Singapore Flights from $719 Return.

25/Jul - 05/Aug $746
25/Jul - 19/Aug $746
28/Jul - 07/Aug $792
28/Jul - 09/Aug $792
30/Jul - 07/Aug $792
30/Jul - 09/Aug $792
31/Jul - 07/Aug $746
31/Jul - 10/Aug $746
31/Jul - 11/Aug $719
31/Jul - 12/Aug $719


  • Please take into account any health and travel insurance requirements when traveling
  • Based in Canberra, Flightfinderau is an aggregator of flight prices (like Skyscanner). With any online purchases, do your due diligence!

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Singapore Airlines
Singapore Airlines


  • Which aircraft do they operate on the MEL-SIN route?

    • +3

      Should be a combination of 777-300ER and A350-900. Their low cost arm also operates 787s on the MEL-SIN

    • +1

      we flew out on the A350 and in on the 777 recently over the xmas/LNY holidays

    • If it's Boeing I ain't going haha

      • 777 is one of, if not their safest, type.

  • I've seen enough of these sales on here to know that the advertised sale dates aren't popular times to go to the destination. What's so bad about going to Singapore in July and August though?

    • +1

      Lol potentially heavy haze season…I remember once it was cooked but it didnt stop me from exploring the city tbh

    • +1

      Nothing its actually probably the best time. It's the dry season then.

      FYI really do not bother bringing jackets, or possibly long sleeve shirts or even trousers if you don't intend on going to fancy places (by that I mean bring shorts). It's tops of low 30s year round.

    • It's fine

  • I tried directly on the Singapore Airlines site but I'm getting this error when I try to click through to see my flights.

    We cannot process your request right now. Please try again later, or get in touch with your local Singapore Airlines office.

  • How pricey is Singapore for a family holiday these days? Assume that theme parks and the like are very expensive, but general getting around/food/accommodation costs? Not looking for anything 5 star…..Looks like the conversion rate is getting worse and worse (vs 2-3 yrs ago) which probably doesnt help….

    • Biggest cost we found was getting a 4 bed hotel room.

      Getting around is cheap and food is relatively cheap. Just be aware that most menu prices are quoted ++ which means that the price is ex-GST and ex-gratuity, so the actual price is about 30% higher.

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