Free NAIDOC week posters at Kmart.
Kmart and Target are proud to be appointed by National NAIDOC Committee as the Official National NAIDOC Week Poster Distribution Partner for 2024.
This partnership will see National NAIDOC Week Posters distributed to customers free of charge at all Kmart and K hub stores across the Country from early June 2024.
This year’s National NAIDOC Week Poster features artwork by Deborah Belyea, proud member of the Samuawgadhalgal, Cassowary Clan, whose bloodlines stretch to the people of the top Western Torres Strait islands of Saibai, Dauan, and the Bamaga-Saibai community of Cape York. Titled ‘Urapun Muy’, Deborah Belyea’s artwork is a heart-warming piece that pays tribute to First Nations culture, while the fire represents the sharing of cultural knowledge from one generation to the next, aligning to this year’s NAIDOC Week theme, ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud’.
Free NAIDOC 2024 Poster @ Kmart & Target

Last edited 11/07/2024 - 19:07 by 1 other user
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This is NOT FREE! Our taxes paid for it without your saying so. I'd rather have that money put towards saving someones life or fixing a pot hole on a road somewhere!
I'd rather they be spent on education and research into xenophobia and empathy deficit disorder.
‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud’
They could spend it on teaching them how to spell "Black", for starters. Oh wait, then they would be appropriating the white man's language if they learned to speak proper English. They couldn't come up with a motto in an Aboriginal language?
@endotherm: Your couldn't have spelled out your racism any clearer.
English is "white man's" language? In what world is that?
Is that a demonstration of your grasp of "your" language or simply a reflection of your ignorance? Plenty of non-white women know far more about English than you ever will and use it far more fluently and accurately. The language you've been witlessly misusing and misappropriating is made up of numerous other languages based on a huge variety of cultures, none of which you clearly know anything at all about. Had your genes tested yet?
Just had a quick look. Seems your grasp of statistics and logic is on a par with your knowledge of languages. No surprise at all.
govt pays for lots of diverse cultural events, would assume it's all transparent.
Like Australia Day which I'm sure this person has no problem with. But a poster? Noooo
Seems overpriced
what's NAIDOC
something to do with insurance?
“At NAIDOC we got you covered”
National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC)
50th anniversary of being formed by Indigenous peoples.
Celebrated each year - so not new!
I've been to many great cultural events over years.Downloadable NAIDOC Week Poster
Jk on ignorant people. It's ok not to know everything, that's why we have search engines!
@bar gain man: Unfortunately even with a clue, some ppl, still can't get off their arse and search, need to be spoon fed as it were.
I do enjoy a collective humour though.
or "NAMBLA".
If you think this is free you don’t understand how taxes work.
Corporate sponsorship!
…proudly ignorant😝
@rokufan: Thanks. As I knew about this offer - failed to read Deal Description.
Surprised so many read Deal Description.
Seems some were Triggered!Will console myself with the Popular Comment Badge😊
@kubrikates: Hhahahaahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahaha.
Please take yourself out of white countries then if you do not wish to benefit from the advances made by oppressors.
@kubrikates: Right!
The bloody OPPRESSIVE WHITE Irish!
Oh wait….no they have been historically OPRESSED not oppressors ….hmmm… I know!
The bloody OPPRESSIVE WHITE Polish!…
Oh wait….no they have been historically OPPRESSED not oppressors …..hmmm… I know!
The bloody OPPRESSIVE WHITE Spanish!…
Oh wait….no they have been historically OPPRESSIVE AND OPPRESSORS…..hmmm… I know!
The bloody OPPRESSIVE WHITE French!…
Oh wait….no they have been historically OPPRESSIVE AND OPPRESSORS…..Weird, it's almost like WHITE people are a monolith….
Maybe it's not only wrong to say all BLACK people are X all BROWN people are Y…
But also to say all WHITE people are Z….hmmmm
@Eeples: Black people are not a monolith…….
Is Barrack Obarma oppressed ? No ofc not.
Is Michael Jordan oppressed? No ofc notAre some people who have little/no access to basic necessities oppressed? Yes of course.
Do these people have black, brown, white, olive complexure? Yes of course.@TerryJustTerry: Are people who aren't white overwhelmingly more likely to be represented in the statistics of oppression than white people? Yes of course.
@TerryJustTerry: You are the one generalising from 2 examples.
Yes, I’m sure the Obamas have struggled living in a dominant white culture.
because white people have historically been the oppressors, not the oppressed
Wow, did you get a history lesson from watching a tik tok video or something?
@morse: something for father's day, maybe you could send it to the North Pole I am sure he'll get it.
How much does a pie cost?
In business news, Wesfarmers get early ESG runs on the board for FY25
Lol we should get paid to post this virtue signalling promotional crap
What's a naidoc
surgeon who says… nah,we'll wait and see
It's what a Scottish person says when they don't want you to call a Doctor.
A vet who only treats horses.
Some kind of medical issue involving testicles?
A New Zealander saying they have no penis
To me, this is a bargain. The value of learning and respecting Indigenous cultures through the artwork and associated stories of this calendar, all for free. Can we just respect the indigenous peoples having a week and a committee that lets them feel proud of who they are and the rich culture we can learn from without the vitriol, negative and cheap shots. In case anyone wants to take a cheap shot at me, I am NOT an indigenous person, I am from Scottish heritage.
When is the week for other races and cultures?
Does it matter ? Cant we just respect this week for indigenous people. Feel free to learn a new language native to Australia, or look up who the native clan is in your area. Take a positive view.
Feel free to learn a new language native to Australia, or look up who the native clan is in your area.
You talk like a politician. Also completely out of touch, just like a politician. Now back in the "real" world.
@bigmudcake: So you're telling me you are sitting down with the local tribe in your area and learning a new language?
Explain how and why?
They never can. Black people good, white people bad is all you need to know with these types…
@pufffdragon: Yes, let's spend time learning a language that has no written text, that is spoken by maybe couple thousand people. Meantime you could spend time learning an actual language used by a modern society.
Yes it matters.
To do that for one specific race in an advantageous way, to the detriment of all others, is the definition of racism.
Does it matter ?
It does if you think racism is bad.
Feel free to learn a new language native to Australia
Why? Why specifically 'native to Australia' not some other language that might actually have some use? Mandarin or Spanish would be infinitely more useful IMO.
or look up who the native clan is in your area.
Again why?
Take a positive view.
IMO that the most positive thing you can do is be useful. And pretending that stone age cultures are somehow valuable in a modern world is not useful. If anything it is harmful because to continues to perpetuate myths that hold people back from their full potential.
And pretending that stone age cultures are somehow valuable in a modern world is not useful.
Sounds like someone hates museums and history.
Sounds like someone hates museums and history.
What mental gymnastics did you have to do to conclude that?
Here's a simple test, provide some examples of how stone-age culture (any, doesn't just have to be Australian) help you in your day to day life?
Early human history is very interesting, I've travelled the world visiting a lot of the major historical sites and museums. But interest does not equate to usefulness. Just as knowing about space travel doesn't really help me much day-to-day.
Historically, human history gets 'useful' around about the time of the Iron age and the ideas that were documented from that time (eg our legal system is still based on concepts developed from that era, art and philosophy from that era is still being used today). That is useful. Foraging for insects and making stone axes, languages that no-one I'll ever meet speaks not so-much. But happy to be shown examples if you can provide them.@1st-Amendment: This is a poor and subjective argument regardless. This stuff is not useful in your daily life therefore it has no value is silly. The majority of history and culture therefore has no use or worth because they don't influence my day overtly. If art and philosophy of the iron age is useful in expression, so to is Indigenous language in the concepts expressed by it between speakers.
This is a poor and subjective argument regardless
Yet you are making it.
The claim is " Feel free to learn a new language native to Australia, or look up who the native clan is in your area."
Of course this is subjective, and IMO learning a language that no-one speaks has no value. If I'm going to the effort to learn a new language it'll be one I can use such as Mandarin or Spanish. But by all means don't let me stop you. Are you learning a native Austrlalian language? Maybe we actually share the same value criteria, you just refuse to admit it.
If art and philosophy of the iron age is useful in expression, so to is Indigenous language in the concepts expressed by it between speakers.
If they already speak English, which they do, then it adds no value. You can express those same ideas in the the common language you both already speak. The purpose of language is to communicate after all.
Tell me, how many times have you encountered a native aboriginal speaker who didn't speak English? For me it is zero. But for Mandarin or Spanish it's at least dozens of times, On the usefulness scale, that wins.
If anything it is harmful because to continues to perpetuate myths that hold people back from their full potential.
What's holding you back, apart from your obvious neanderthal attitudes to things you know sfa about?
What are these myths you write about and did they hold back people like:
Mabo, Lingiari, Bonner, Roach, Freeman, Bancroft, Goodes, Franklin, Thurston, Mills, Namatjira, Goolagong Cawley, O'Donoghue Pederson, Nichols, Crowley, Dodson, Bellear, Taylor, Beetson, Inglis, Daley, Wyatt, Lambie…….
I hear it's every week at ya mum's house
This maybe the single best executed clapback I've ever seen on OzB. So simple, yet so effective. Genuinely laughed out loud. A true artist.
18 March, Harmony Week.
Can't they just jump on that one then?
There's plenty. Easter, lunar new year, eid, and other established holidays, pride month, deaf people week, interfaith harmony week, older person day, etc, etc.
Yeah, but what about the none that exist in the imaginary problem I created in my head???
Deaf people week rings a bell.
All it takes is to be driven off your land and be mass murdered. They can have one when that happens to them.
All it takes is to be driven off your land and be mass murdered
So pretty much every society in history then?
@1st-Amendment: Well, yeah. But I don't think indigenous North Americans are claiming to be from Australia are they?
@RecklessMonkeys: Hmmm.
Romans conquering the British Isles.
Norman conquest.I guess you are missing that bit!
@RecklessMonkeys: What does that have to do with your original statement?
If persecution is the qualifier, then pretty much every society and culture on earth has a claim. Why does only one get special treatment?@1st-Amendment: Because it occurred in Australia, obviously. You want me to tell the USA what to do?
@RecklessMonkeys: "All it takes is to be driven off your land and be mass murdered. They can have one when that happens to them."
You never said Australia. So does this qualify for the Aboriginal tribes brutally murder by other tribes? Or do we sweep that under the carpet and pretend that never happened? Black man good. White man bad etc…
I'd have no issue with anyone commemorating such an event.
Right, so out of the thousands of cultures that live in Australia, each of them gets a day or a week (or multiple days and weeks as is the case of Aborigines) so it works out to at least 3 per day each and every year where some group is complaining about something in history. And if everyone doesn't kowtow to all of these and all their demands all of the time then they are 'racist'. This is the world you want to live in? Because that is where this is headed.
Or how about this idea. One country, one flag which represents everyone equally, along with recognition for all the thousands of various differences we all have and we all look forward together rather than dwell on past grievances almost no-one was alive for? Oh wait we already have that. It's called Australia Day.
one flag which represents everyone equally
Great idea, maybe we will get that flag one day as it doesn't seem to be an issue of giving a new flag to the current population.
past grievances almost no-one was alive for?
The distant past of 1970.
Great idea, maybe we will get that flag one day
We do.
as it doesn't seem to be an issue of giving a new flag to the current population
This sentence doesn't make sense. Are you saying we should get a new flag? If so I have no problem with that, as long as we all agree we have one flag, not one for everyone, then another for only one race.
The distant past of 1970.
What happened in 1970 that you feel needs billions of dollars in welfare each and every year to address?
then another for only one race
You are free to fly that flag too.
What happened in 1970 that you feel needs billions of dollars in welfare each and every year to address?
A bit of a leap from acknowledging "past grievances almost no-one was alive for" happened not too long ago. Or myths as you call them
You are free to fly that flag too.
But it specifically doesn't represent me so why would I? It's a race-based flag designed to represent a specific race. This is actual racism.
Should all races have a dedicated flag? So we promote more racial division? Or is a better path forward to have the idea of a nation state, where all people regardless of race are represented under a single banner? That seems like a better idea to me.A bit of a leap from acknowledging
I agree it's a massive leap, yet that is the reality. We spend billions of dollars on this race-based grievance industry. And what is the result, more grievance. When does it end? Is there end? Or is the industry too profitable for it ever to end?
happened not too long ago
You forgot to name any of these grievances specifically. It's ok no-one ever does. That is how grievance industries work. Keep the grievance vague and undefinable so it never ends. Its a great scam.
Should all races have a dedicated flag? So we promote more racial division?
Do you think the state flags erode them being apart of Australia?
You forgot to name any of these grievances specifically. It's ok no-one ever does.
Right sorry I didn't mention it here as I thought you'd recall comments two hours prior.
Right sorry I didn't mention it here as I thought you'd recall comments two hours prior.
Which one? You forgot to mention it, again…
@1st-Amendment: Er. No. I never said any of that.
No one is calling for national recognition for a border skirmish anymore than they are for any other regional incident.
One country.
Yeah we got that.
one flag
Albeit with a foreign flag in the corner. There go the states too.
It's called Australia Day.
The date of which commemorates the invasion of Australia. I wouldn't worry though because after that date is changed it will represent looking forward together, which is what you claim to want.
Now I know that last bit will trigger you, so I bid you a good day.
The date of which commemorates the invasion of Australia
History fail. Imagine not even knowing what you are so aggrieved by…
@1st-Amendment: Observed annually on 26 January, it marks the 1788 landing of the First Fleet and raising of the Union Flag of Great Britain
Bye bye.
it marks the 1788 landing of the First Fleet and raising of the Union Flag of Great Britain
So not an 'invasion' then?
Or is all human movement considered 'invasion' in your opinion? Does that also apply to when the various waves of Aboriginals moved to and about Australia? Or is this just the old case of Black man good, White man bad?Bye bye.
Is that you waving bye bye to a logic?
@1st-Amendment: Raising the flag is a sovereign claim over land that was already inhabited. So yeah it was the beginning of the invasion.
Bye bye, as in - I'm really going now, as this is just getting embarrassing for you.
Raising the flag is a sovereign claim over land that was already inhabited
Yeah that's how things worked in the old days. It's exactly what Aboriginal tribes did to each other, so why the double standard? Black man good, White man bad?
Bye bye, as in - I'm really going now
You keep saying that but then don't follow through…
as this is just getting embarrassing for you.
You're the one though said your were leaving but didn't. Self awareness level = 0
How much do you know about the aboriginal nation's land in which you live?
Most people know infinitely more about other countries than the 250 first nations in Australia… If you don't care about that, fine, just be silent, no need to be a hateful dick. Globally other counties respect and appreciate our first nations culture so much more than Australians do, honestly I find it gross and racist to see people being anti naidoc week.I don't live on any aboriginal nation's land, I live on Australian land.
I'm Australian so it is just as much my land as it is anyone else's that is a citizen of this country.Too be fair there is a very good reason we know nothing about the 250 nations (this number is very flexible).
Most people know infinitely more about other countries than the 250 first nations in Australia
A few hundred of stone age people foraging for insects is hardly the modern definition of a 'nation'. By that definition a pack of kangaroos is also a nation. When do they get a flag and a special day?
Globally other counties respect and appreciate our first nations culture
A core part of Aboriginal culture is 'truth telling'. It sounds like you are disrespecting this by trying to silence people telling the truth
I know next to nothing but that is alright because I also don't know anything about that village the Romans conquered way back when.
And normally I want it if it’s free