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Free NAIDOC 2024 Poster @ Kmart & Target


Free NAIDOC week posters at Kmart.
Kmart and Target are proud to be appointed by National NAIDOC Committee as the Official National NAIDOC Week Poster Distribution Partner for 2024.
This partnership will see National NAIDOC Week Posters distributed to customers free of charge at all Kmart and K hub stores across the Country from early June 2024.
This year’s National NAIDOC Week Poster features artwork by Deborah Belyea, proud member of the Samuawgadhalgal, Cassowary Clan, whose bloodlines stretch to the people of the top Western Torres Strait islands of Saibai, Dauan, and the Bamaga-Saibai community of Cape York. Titled ‘Urapun Muy’, Deborah Belyea’s artwork is a heart-warming piece that pays tribute to First Nations culture, while the fire represents the sharing of cultural knowledge from one generation to the next, aligning to this year’s NAIDOC Week theme, ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud’.

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National NAIDOC Committee
National NAIDOC Committee
Target Australia
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closed Comments

      • +3

        If you are judging people with sweeping generalising comments based on their race, and you think that is reasonable, then you are by definition, racist. It’s amazing how many adults still need this explained to them 😂

        • If you think that is what is going on here, then I can't help you.

          • +3

            @Mr BoMBAStiG: The comments here don’t beat around the bush. There is no way to misinterpret the vitriol people are claiming to be “reasonable views”. If you’ve built enough of an echo chamber around you that this seems like normal people with normal opinions, that is highly concerning, because you’re definitely not alone.

        • +1

          Yes. At the same time enacting policy to give more support to a particular race, or having weeks to celebrate the culture of a particular race without doing the same for other races is also racism.

          • @abetastic: We also have official holidays, unlike this week, based on particular cultures. Culturism?

          • @abetastic: Puerile logic. Learn the definition of racism and the history of this country before you embarrass yourself further.

    • +1

      Ozbargain has the worst troglodytes on the internet

    • Imagine someone having a different opinion to you! And did you know, you're not as smart as you think. No of us are. So a lot of your, and my opinions are wrong. So pay attention to other people's ideas.

      • There are objectively racist and wrong views, and some of those are being espoused here. If you can’t see that, and you think “every idea has merit” then go read some books.

        • -1

          I never said what you quoted. So automatically it shows it’s your subjective view rather than some “objectively racist” reality.

          • +1

            @Spets: The two points you claimed are not remotely relevant to each other. Back to your previous comment, even a broken clock is right twice a day. So what? There’s having an opinion, then there’s being a racist prick. I’m not saying you are one of them, just talking about the original comments i was calling out.

  • +1

    Here for the comments, was not disappointed!

  • Go woke go broke!

    • +2

      KMart profits are going gangbusters lol

    • +6

      Now define woke.

      • +1

        Woke is something that identifies as woke.

    • but then you won't need money?

  • +3

    I just like the artwork and the freebie.

  • +1

    Free? They should be paying me.

  • This is the exact image we have on our work lock screens for the week

  • who voted for this?

    • +1

      People exerting their freedom of vote?

      • -1

        They did and it was a resounding NO

  • It's free due to the spelling mistake.

  • +1

    Spare me.

  • +12

    I’m so disappointed by this website sometimes. You all can be so racist …

  • -1

    Thanks OP, this will match the wall in my toilet nicely

    • Pride of place next to the similarly freely obtained portraits of the current & somewhat recently departed monarch’s?

  • +8

    Ah the internet.
    Dont know why I veered into the comments section.

    • +3

      Well the culture wars seem to be progressing according to plan.

  • +7

    Some of the views on this thread are shameful.

  • -4

    this poster should constitute to graffiti

  • -7

    Yeah most people seem to hate knowing this is stolen/conquered land. Or that they may have to give concessions to the indigenous. So there's this over compensating "white pride" or "it never happened" stuff that gets repeated. As a migrant, I did think about doing something to help indigenous people. Over time, I I realized they don't need "help". Over time I think they will self organise and demand more rights. Similar to Canada and New Zealand. Just taking politics out, this is a nice art piece and I like 2021 as well, should have got that framed.

    • +1

      "As a migrant"
      And you are telling those born here, whose forefathers created this society from nothing, how they should live and how they should think.
      Wow. I hope you are wearing your neg proof jocks today.

      • Yeah, just pointing out the hypocrisy. Maybe people will examine their behaviour and see that it starts from fear. Been here for many years and seen the same stuff over again.

        • -1

          How do you know it is fear?
          You could equally say it is a result of too much strawberry ice cream. You need to provide evidence otherwise you are effectively speaking out of your bum.

          • @King Tightarse: Based on some of the comments on this post it’s definitely not strawberry ice cream, no amount of sugar causes that much brain rot and hatred.

            • @morse: You are conflating concepts.
              To suggest certain behaviors are based on fear, is possibly true but also possibly false. Evidence or convincing examples are needed otherwise it has little meaning.

    • +2

      Name one country that isn't on conquered land. All land is conquered - including where you're originally from. You think those tribes living here before British settlement didn't fight for land or resources? Raping, killing each other. But let's gloss over that part because it doesn't suit the "narrative"

      • Australia!
        Australia was settled by the British. Never invaded or conquered.
        This definition is very beneficial to Aboriginal people because lands of a conquered or invaded country would legally subject to be subjugation (effectively total forfeiture) and thus, no land rights and no Mabo type native title claims.
        'The Mabo land rights ruling by the Australia High Court in 1992 relied on the statement position from Indigenous Australians that the continent had been "settled" by the British and not conquered or invaded. This is enshrined in Australian law and provides the blueprint for the many Indigenous land claims in Australia'
        More here:

      • Just because something has happened a lot doesn’t make it okay and doesn’t mean we shouldn’t recognise and try and amend the damage. The British gov and aristocracy were also awful to their own. All those kids the removed from poor families and shipped around the world for labour https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Children absolutely disgusting. And absolutely disgusting what was done to most Aboriginal people by the British in the process of colonisation. We don’t want to emulate or celebrate this, especially what has occurred in recent times.

        • Do you keep picking at scabs or do you let them heal and move on knowing not to repeat the same mistakes?

    • People with tiny brains have a hard time dealing with cognitive dissonance, so they create a narrative that scribbles out the icky part. Helps them justify their selfishness without feeling selfish.

  • They should have free delivery

    • -1

      would probably cut down on wastage, local places always have a stack remaining.

  • +2

    Is it glossyor matt? This will help me decide it its toilet paper or toilet floor use..

  • +4

    One free poster and you get to see the true face of Oz Bargain commenters.

  • +2

    I don’t get what changed in the 3 years since the last such a deal was posted here?


    If you like the poster great, if not then so be it…

    • +2

      I am astounded by the difference as well. To see members coming in here with hate and wanting to attack others. Even my post and myself were systematically pulled apart and attacked just because I want to learn more about our indigenous cultures and found the artwork and stories of value. Even to the point of racial supremacy "So we are better then everyone else and we should be ashamed of that? Yes there are some interesting cultures out there and we should preserve them to study their failings".
      I find it all quite disturbing and wonder how the moderators feel about this.

      • +1

        Even my post and myself were systematically pulled apart and attacked just because I want to learn more about our indigenous cultures

        Someone else having an opposing view to your own, does not necessarily mean you were attacked. Far from it from what I see.

        You put yourself out there, so have a discussion about it.

        • comments like "You talk like a politician" "No need to insult you, you are Scottish, 'nough said, we all have our flaws. ;0"" certainly were aimed as personal attacks and dont add any value to the "discussion". We didnt see any of this in the post @xuqi was referring to. The vitriol (not a discussion) here is so next level and it feels like members joined in with the express aim to abuse others with a perceived personal point of view rather than discussing the poster.

          • -1

            @bigmudcake: If I was insulting and attacking you, you'd definitely know it. That was a bit of light hearted fun to point out how ridiculous some of the stuff you are saying is.

            So now you are here, are you spending time with a tribe and learning a language? Would be a bit hypocritical if you aren't right?

            • @pufffdragon: Well i am, but does that matter really. Why should I be on trial on what I do in my personal life. Why are people offended just because it was a suggestion. If your Dr said you need to exercise more, do you openly tell them they are a hypocrite if they dont. Why is it important whether I am a hypocrite or not. Is it so I can be insulted further? Why do we have to attack in order justify stuff to each other. why is point scoring so important. How does it add value to whether this poster has value ?

              There has been no "light hearted fun" in this thread.

              How was wanting to know and appreciate more about our indigenous culture through this poster "ridiculous" ?

              Not sure why you were voted down either, it wasnt me. Your comments in this thread were probably the least insulting and were valid.

              • -1

                @bigmudcake: Honestly I don't care about the poster. I found it ridiculous because how unrealistic you came across, saying we should respect the week and learn a language etc.

                There's already 12 special days given to aboriginals, not just this one. You have sorry day, apology day, close the gap day and more.

                • -1

                  @pufffdragon: If you dont care about the poster which is what this bargain is about, why are you even here commenting ?

                  I was obviously naive thinking what I was entering into when talking about respect. There has been very little respect here in this thread shown to each other or our cultures in Australia.

        • -3

          I wish the comments in this subthread are not downvoted as I think its important that other's views are still displayed. This is one of the few respectful mini discussions on whats going on here in this overall thread.

  • Many thanks to everyone for contributing to the most entertaining thread I've read in quite a while.

  • Out of curiosity, if the first fleet never arrived would we be speaking Japanese or German?

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