What would you say was the best, most valuable deal that you ever purchased?
Could be in terms of dollar bucks saved or just the amount of value you get out of the item's use.
What would you say was the best, most valuable deal that you ever purchased?
Could be in terms of dollar bucks saved or just the amount of value you get out of the item's use.
These are waiting for my AirPods pro to get lost or die
These were the best deal for me too because they got damaged in transit and Amazon gave me $189 credit and refunded me my $10!
Did you need to ask for the credit, i bought a earphonr on amzon for $40 vyt it broke and they only refubded me what i paid
They originally wanted to refund me but on the help i had to spend ages asking them for the product instead, and they kept telling me it was out of stock and to buy it when it was in stock. I asked if i could have a coupon code so that i could get it for $10 when it was back in stock and they said no. I said i was happy to wait for it to come in stock if i could have it for $10. I had to keep asking to escalate and then eventually they said they would credit me $189 and i could purchase it when it was back in stock.
@PropertyPig: Thats what happened to my situation as well item out of stock they refuse a replacement only refund
@mikeoxlarge: I just kept asking to escalate and saying that i wanted the product. It eventually was resolved that way.
Agreed. I've actually added this deal on to the Ozbargain Epic Deals wiki page a while ago.
Hmm there's been a few of these posted, just trying to find them:
Of course! The Jacobs creek weekender - how could I forget?
We flew from Perth for the White Night weekend in Melbourne. Was awesome.
You beat me to it this time!
Best deal ever.
Can't believe that was over ten years ago!
Me neither. I felt my face wrinkling and hair greying when I saw 11 years ago.
Thanks for sharing that post! I've added the post on to the Ozbargain's Epic Deals wiki page so that stories of these epics deals are all in one page.
I'll add to this with competitions as well:
Instant Win Various Prizes with Coke "Colour Your Summer" - Oh such fun was had over that time! @Hoju @IHateFrasierCrane how's the watches going? :P
Win a $10/$20 Gift Voucher (for Many Retailers) from Optus - Throwaway email account and multiple tabs made for a very good Christmas that year
Win 1 of 6 Prizes from The Body Shop - Not ashamed to say that early in that comp, we were able to just keep refreshing and spinning till you scored a $100 GC. Again, great help to that years Christmas
Win 1 of 5 Bottles of Jack Daniels Holiday Select Every Day - Still have mine :)
Haha that coke comp
Man that takes me back
Ice watches and headphones galore and some guy Troye Sivan
Best comp ever!
Haha Hoju at least you got to meet me on that trip lol
Maaan those were the days! Believe it or not, damn Ice watches are still going strong! It's a pretty good quality watch. Man, great, great times that summer!
mine was the $130 amazon deal of a yakima swing out bike carrier arm - which i posted! and others later discovered as a result the $2 bike carrier that was $1000 normally or so
I know this guy that bought like 800 PS3's from here and sold all of them for a profit..
Another guy found a free BBQ in a public park for a win…
Then there was the guy who bought a Tesla Model S and sold it for a profit.
The list goes on…
Nobody appreciates how the BBQ guy fought inflation. Ahead of his time really.
From memory he made nearly $35k.
Weber decided to fulfil all the orders.
What’s the story behind the BBQ one?
That's the weber guy right?
wait who did the model s?
50% off Pirelli's for the Metro two years ago, paid $268 for four tyres that have a couple of years of life left
Austin metro?
Austin Powers?
Austin Healey?
Mazda, red rocket
Waiting to see all those lucky people that got the Bose soundbars earlier in the year at bargain pricing….missed it by that much!!
Best deal was probably the drone one from bunnings, even though they cancelled my order still got the gift voucher
Yap 250 gift card from bunnings.
Same, I got a free $250 gift card for the Bunnings drone price error
Possibly free Netflix.
Few other potential candidates:
That Netflix deal is a real flashback.
Probably the various Turkey subscription hacks (youtube premium/XGPU/plex etc)
One of the GOAT posts in my opinion - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/784047
The immense effort by OP to figure out how to obtain the deal + the write-up, then the community helping find little optimisations to get the maximum value.
99% of the stuff that comes up on ozbargain only requires monitoring of price drops or offers on emails/apps etc, so definitely pat on the back to the legends who go that extra 100 miles to give us all a good saving.
Do you know if it still works?
seems like it does, just have to bear in mind the latest exchange rate, and can't use oldubil to pay directly as ms blocked it, so have to change payment service to ininial for example:
Moving YT Premium offshore definitely game changer
At first blush probably not the best deal I've got, but when you look at the long tail savings probably obliterates every other deal I've gotten from here. I think I'm paying around $6/month for youtube on an Argentinian family sub and have been on it for YEARS. Hopefully they never cancel, cannot go back to ads
I can't remember what it was, but early on I found a really good deal.
Was it the herbal memory retention capsules?
That sounds familiar.
They may have been recalled because it turns out they were a placebo. (I can't remember)
I did have a gross of 500 cap bottles to return, but do you think I can remember where I stashed them?
I have also exhausted that stash and these rolls but can tell the difference between Quilton and the cheaper generic brands just try and stock up when they are at a bargain price to keep the party going.
You're kidding. How many did you get?
I'm guessing a lot more than the number of covid vaccines they got.
pssstt.. definitely kidding.. that was the joke.. also see comment by 'iforgotmysocks'
What a shit deal!
Agreed, I didn't have to buy TP for a year after that deal. I don't think there are too many Ozbargainers in the area as my local had stacks of these
$500 Roborock Robot Vacuum has probably saved me more than 250 hours of labour on cleaning my floors.
What did you do with those 250 hours?
Sat on the couch and watched the Robovac do its thing
That makes sense. Cheers
This the Q7? I also got this and it's been a life changer.
I bought the Q7 for my parents, but I'm referring to the S6 Pure deal a few years back.
I got the S7 Plus. My little one calls him 'Robbie' like he is a real person cleaning our house lol
when they had that alienware monitor price error and we all sat around hoping.
Never heard of it. Link?
That sat in the back of my Tesla for months untouched.
Definitely the 4 for $40 wine multibuy from Liquorland during covid.
Filled up a cellar with $30-$50 bottles for next to nothing. They must have wanted to clear out a warehouse or something.
Other one was $60 Timberlands a few years back.
Still annoyed to miss out on the Bunnings drone price error and subsequent vouchers
Probably not my best bargain dollarwise but still have fond memories of the buy 6 bottles of Stoneleigh wine, get free return flights to NZ! https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/364123
My six were on special at Coles and counted towards a reward spend, less than $50 all up 😉
Wine was nice and great little trip to NZ flying Air NZ!
When I found out that you could send all you're co-workers free samples of Depend® Incontinence Products without having to login. It helps with all the S%$ i've had to deal with all year. It's the Xmas gift that keeps on giving.
90% off on baccarat knife blocks, for around $60 a set they were great for gifting to friends and family
Ahhh the ol' Baccarat inflated RRP's
That's what I thought when I first looked at the deal but it was actually a decent discount off their "real" RRP
This is the model I purchased
Fake RRP $1,149.99
Real RRP $279.99
Sale price $60.00
Oh that's pretty good
What japanese steel? Most likely 420J2. Which is about right. You can get better quality steel.
And for most people, they just need one chef knife/santoku.
@mbck: They are 420, which is very comparable to what 'go to' Victorinox use in their kitchen knives. So it's hardly an under performer in that aspect.
@havabeer: https://knifeinformer.com/discovering-the-best-knife-steel/
Victorinox mever mentioned their type of steel. The only specific type i saw was from quora. Nothing on their own website. Which leads me to ask, why mask the type of steel you use?
Regardless even if they do use 420 as yoj wrote, it is hardly a great steel as described in the link above.
Global knives uses cromova18 (proprietary steel) which is similar to the vg10 steel. You can find cheap vg10 knives on amazon. So for 60 bucks you could buy 2-3 great quality knives, as opposed to x no of low ones.
@havabeer: Damn, now I kinda regret not getting them. Having two knives would have been pretty good.
Amex deals of old - namely the momentum energy and tango energy credits!
Yeah, cheap ferry ride to/from Kangaroo Island with Amex. Combined with the sale prices they had going at the time too.
A recent one. Cutlery Set which was meant to be only $280 but they price error'd it down to $80. It's a good set and I'm happy with it.
Another one a few months ago was the Breville stand mixer at JBHIFI which was a similar pricing error.
From a savings point of view it would have to be getting two pair of Bose Sports Earbuds for $99.95 in November 2022
Slight regret not flipping them. The case is poorly designed so that you need to re-trigger charging mode (by flicking the bud) in order for it to attempt a bluetooth connection when you take it out.
Toothpaste Squeezer
I've got a friend in Brisbane who 3D prints these for profit! When I heard about that, I thought WTF? Should be able to get something like that delivered from China for around $3 - it would cost him more than that to make, so clearly his customers are loaded if he can turn a profit.
They were selling here for 99 cents
Cashback on Full Purchase Cost (up to $26) as a Digital Mastercard on 4-Pack Smirnoff Fruit Soda/Hard Soda @ Smirnoff used the same receipt like 20 times with a new number from boost + profit. and they approved everytime.
Lifetime Ozbargain Premium subscription before they canned it. Still kept all the benefits
Please remember the first code of conduct for Lifetime OzB premium subscription, you never speak about it!
Definitely the time Tigerair gave away $100 vouchers for each email address you signed up… ended up with around $1500 in vouchers. Flew my wife and i return on the following routes for free:
The Air Asia 'Business Class' deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/135395
Me and the whole family living it up in lie-flat beds in comfort at the front of the plane knowing we paid less than the suckers walking past us to sit in the back.
Now that's living.
Once I stacked five deals together with friends at a high-end restaurant.
$20 off with The Fork booking
Free bottle of wine via CitiBank
25% off with The Entertainment Book
20% off by paying with The Good Food Gift Card
5% off the Good Food Gift Card from 5% off the Wollies Gift Card.
Not the cheapest deal persay… I've had better % off… but it was fun to see how much I could stack! I don't think the waiters had ever seen a group of people high-fiving each other over a bill before lolll
The free Lenovo Credit was a cracking deal too
per se
Hehe thanks. Though, if inventing new words was good enough for Shakespeare, it’s good enough for me too 👍🏼
Nice thought - but you didn't invent a new word, you just butchered an old one.
@Almost Banned: Mate, we say fillet as fill-et here in Australia hehehe. Butchering fancy words is our culture. That said, I appreciate the correction!
I would say mine would have to be the Amazon Echo buds for $10 posted a while while back.
I use these bad boys on the daily, and I would never have splurged on them at anything close to their RRP