• closed

Win 1 of 6 Prizes from The Body Shop



Closing Date 08/12/2019


Description 1 of 6 prizes
No. of Prizes 6

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit Limited
Entry Methods Website
Prerequisites n/a

Vote for your dream to empower girls and win instantly. Can vote 3 times a day and claim three prize vouchers per day per store


Gift 1: The gift is $100 off the customer’s next purchase from The Body Shop voucher.

Gift 2: The gift is a 30% off the customer’s next purchase at The Body Shop voucher.

Gift 3: The gift is a 250ml The Body Shop Shower Gel with next purchase at The Body Shop voucher

Gift 4: The gift is a 20% off the customer’s next purchase at The Body Shop voucher.

Gift 5: The gift is a free 30ml The Body Shop Hand Cream with next purchase at The Body Shop voucher.

Gift 6: The gift is a 15% off voucher for the customers next purchase at The Body Shop.

Referral Links

Referral: random (11)

Referrer and referee get $10 off $50+ on their next order.

Related Stores

The Body Shop
The Body Shop

closed Comments

  • +3

    Won 30% off, hand cream, shower gel and the big fish $100 voucher

    • +1

      What am I missing? I hit "vote", and nothing happens :/ Multiple browsers

      Edit - Working now

  • +1

    Buttons to vote don't appear to be working on my phone

    • Also not working for me on Chrome on Windows.

  • +1

    Won $100 put my number in and never received the text

    • Same here, put my email in but nothing received.

      • +1

        It might be in junk or spam for the email did you check if it might be there

  • 0.85% chance of getting the $100 :o

  • Thanks for posting kosh

  • What's the min spend on the $100 voucher?

    • I spent 101$ and it took off 100.

    • +2

      $109 to use the voucher it would not let any less than that

  • +1

    i got a 100$ off instantly, seems like u can keep doing it

    • I accidentally did 2 orders both the same code and it worked but when I went back to the body shop page it said not processed but the money came out of my PayPal and no confirmation did you get a confirmation

      • ive gotten an email saying thanks for your order and all

  • +7

    Won a $100 gift voucher. Used it with the 50% off any second gift pack to save an extra $24. Ended up getting 15 gift packs and 3 soaps for $22 delivered. Thanks so much for posting. 😊

  • +2

    Won $100 gift card!

  • +2

    Won $100 promo code as well. Thank you @kosh52 for posting.

  • +2

    Won $100 giftcard as well!

  • +1

    What are the odds? $100 voucher here too. Cheers kosh52!

  • +1

    $100 here too and my mum and sisters won the same! thanks so much

  • +1

    Won a $100 voucher, already redeemed on a $133 spend :) Thank you OP!

  • I hope they don't go into voluntary administration next week haha they have 2740 $100 vouchers to give out over four days

    • And $20k to the charity. It's all just included in general marketing costs

      There will be people who maybe buy more than they intended as a result of getting a 15-30% off voucher as well

  • +1

    Won a $100 voucher! Thanks for posting

  • +1

    Won a $100 voucher! Thanks!

  • +1

    Sat there for 30mins last night while kinda watching Netflix and scored $500, so thanks OP, a few Christmas pressies sorted :)

  • +1

    won $100 voucher, thanks

  • +1

    won a 100$ voucher

  • +1

    Way too easy to keep doing it until you get the $100 voucher…
    Oh well, I got one also.

  • +1

    Won $100 voucher…winner winner chicken dinner…thanks Op ;)

  • Wow, I have been going and going and going and nothing besides percentage off vouchers
    Edit: it now tells me I can only vote three times a day and can’t play anymore

    • +1

      Edit: it now tells me I can only vote three times a day and can’t play anymore

      Lol yeah they've finally worked it out. You'd now need to constantly reopen incognito windows

      • +1

        meanies ha ha

  • +2

    Winner of a $100 voucher here as well!
    Thanks so much for sharing the comp, kosh52

  • +8

    A wonderful ozbargainer sent me a code that they had won. I will mark myself as a winner even though it technically isn’t my win.
    We have a great community here.

    • that's very nice of that person. kudos to that ozbargainer!

      • Totally, I won’t ‘out’ them because they sent it privately. Hopefully good karma comes their way.

  • My 30% discount codes don't work, I can't hit the Apply button. They are all 1 character too long. Anyone else?

    • +2

      Delete the last letter and then type it on again it will work

  • @Those who tried again and again till they won, any tips and tricks to win the $100 voucher? Do you choose the same dream all 3 times?

    • +2

      The dream doesn't matter to winning stats (the one that gets the most votes gets $20k, so vote for what you believe in). It's just the usual luck of the draw and good timing

  • +1

    Scored a $100 voucher too! What an amazing competition. Thanks heaps OP, this will come in handy so much for Christmas gifts!

  • +1

    won $100. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Whooo finally $100 voucher!

  • Scored free 30 ml hand cream with next purchase.

    • Won every prize except the $100 voucher.

  • +1

    Got the $100 voucher thanks OP

  • +1

    Got a 100 voucher, thank you! I just tried to complete my order online ($101 worth of stuff in my cart) and it's making me pay delivery

    • Same here, might use it in store to avoid delivery…

  • +1

    I did it 3 times and only got 15% off each time. Then tried in incogneto mode and got 20% off.
    I didn't 'save for later'…. should I have?
    Giving up now doh. I miss body shop products as there is no store close to me…

  • +1

    Yay $100 voucher!

  • +1

    15% off :)

  • +1

    Got the $100 off! That's a few xmas presents sorted :)

    I have a few 30% off codes too. If anyone wants one just msg me.

  • +1

    Took me 45 minutes to finally get the $100 prize… Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Just tried it for 60mins, looks like they have exhausted $100 allocation or at least it is harder than people are saying.

  • +1

    Scored free 30 ml hand cream with next purchase.

  • +1

    Got a good range of discounts but spent 55mins refreshing and didn’t come across the $100 off.

  • They are onto us. Isn’t as easy as everyone is saying.

  • +2

    Looks like its instore redemption only? Still reasonable but not worth it.

  • Spent 45min and didn't see the $100 off. Bit of a time waster unfortunately.

  • didn’t come across the $100 off. giving up

  • Seems that they have exhausted $100 voucher. Time waster.

  • There seems to be a great range of discounts but I spent far too long refreshing and I didn't come across the $100 off either. For me this isn't that easy to do.Maybe too old

  • Just worked out you can;t share codes OzBarginers

    • why not? I was going to share the next one if I won

  • +1

    45min to get the first, 20min to get the second $100 off
    one for me, one for the missus

    not sure if they're unlimited, but i'll leave the rest for the whoever needs them
    plus I should probably do some work at work

  • How do I use this online? I don't have a code.

    • You should've received a code via email or mobile (whichever you entered in 'save for later').
      It can take a little time to receive via mobile i found.

      • No code in the email, says Your a winner then redeem in store now.

        • I had an issue with email, I only got prizes by SMS

          • @Sargexxxx: Must be in-store only now. I live nowhere near a store though.

  • +2

    I had a few goes at this today, just got the $100. Looks like it is in store only now.

  • Seems that they have exhausted $100 voucher. Time waster.

  • Played all day and won all the prizes except the $100 one..

    Hope others have better luck! I'm out! ☺

  • Wuna huna

  • It does seem like the terms and conditions have been changed. They no longer reference playing online from their website.

  • I have been trying literally all day - I'm assuming they have run out of the $100 vouchers. Has anyone got one today?

    • I think you're right to be honest

  • All I'm getting is 15% off

  • I’ve been playing for 3 days times 6 times a day on different devices and have only successfully got 20% off - defiantly rigged or just super unlucky ;P

  • -5

    It does nothing, tried several times, automatically chooses vote then discount. Definitely rigged, scam.

  • Anyone know if you can share codes? Or even why that wouldn't work - is it linked to your email address or mobile no?

    I have a few extra codes for the shower gels and hand creams that I can share. If anyone wants to give it a go, message me.

  • $100 OFF Voucher (type 1): https://dreambig-thebodyshop.com/winner/?code=&type=1

    FREE 30ml Hand Cream with your next purchase (type 2): https://dreambig-thebodyshop.com/winner/?code=&type=2

    FREE 250ml Shower Gel with your next purchase (type 3): https://dreambig-thebodyshop.com/winner/?code=&type=3

    30% OFF Voucher (type 4): https://dreambig-thebodyshop.com/winner/?code=&type=4

    20% OFF Voucher (type 5): https://dreambig-thebodyshop.com/winner/?code=&type=5

    15% OFF Voucher (type 6): https://dreambig-thebodyshop.com/winner/?code=&type=6

    It appears the info after code= is not required all you need to do is change the number after type=

    • +1

      This has the potential to work IF the staff member doesn't click the word 'validate' which appears at the bottom of the image after you've clicked 'redeem in store now'

      Becuase once they click validate they will see that the voucher is invalid. Really depends on the staff member though.

      • Oh I see.

        • +1

          Still a great pick up though! I reckon it will work for some people :)

        • This actually worked for me so thank you for posting! I used your link, got myself the email, took it in store and they pressed "redeem in store", it came up as "voucher invalid" and they didn't even read it. Scanned some barcode they had behind the counter and I got my goods!!

  • +2

    Won on Friday with a few spins like everyone else and went instore to redeem my prize yesterday. It was absolutely awful the way the service assistant treated me to redeem it! She insisted it was a duplicate, didn't scan the code anyway and went on quite a loud tirade about the fraudulent codes for the competition.
    I legit spun up a code and she said they would only accept them if they were spun in front of the staff members.
    In the end I did walk out of their store with my goods after insistence on my side, but didn't exactly feel like a winner at the body shop :(

    • I find the sales assistants at the Chadstone and Melbourne Central more pleasant compared to the Bourke Street Store.

    • +2

      Sorry to hear that. I think they didn't think through the competition properly and maybe wondered, that so many $100 prices went out quickly.

      I understand that there might be people who cheat the system, but on the first day(s), there was no restriction how many times you can vote and people got the $100 promo code after a while of voting.

    • +2

      That's sad, it's not like it's coming out of the retail worker's bank account.

      Put through my order online, hopefully it's smooth sailing

      • The terms and conditions also say that you can claim three times in store but they only let me use one voucher. I hope my two online orders go through and that they don't get cancelled.

    • +1

      You should have spoken to the manager about the appalling attitude of the sales assistant! Shocking behaviour!

    • +1

      Which store so we can avoid?

      • +2

        Fountain gate. Maybe have to keep out of the burbs and stick to the city stores !

    • Which TBS store was this at?

      • +1

        Fountain gate

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