This was posted 1 year 7 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Subscription to The Chaser


Fairly soon, The Chaser will be closing off our archives and social media feeds after years of providing free content to you all. We’re sorry it’s come to this – but it sure was fun while it lasted.

If you’d like to get a jump start, you can sign up to become a member of our site now for free – before the paywalls go up, and you’ll likely be spared from having to pay a subscription fee. Or better yet you could not be a cheap ass and sign up as a paying subscriber now to help us weather the storm. Unfortunately, if we’re being honest, at some point in the next few years this site will probably become subscription only, where fans will get to enjoy Chaser content, and everyone else can enjoy whatever the robots churn out. They’ll probably be funnier anyway.

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closed Comments

    • +55

      Cool story bro!

    • -3


    • +8

      The problem with gpt, at least currently, is it has no clue. It just straight up makes up lies. It'll invent fictitious book titles to support its "arguments" and can even try and convince you dinosaurs live underground still.

        • +20

          You spelt capitalists wrong.

        • -2

          Actually you'd be surprised how little explainability we have for AI. We have a few metrics, but with billions of parameters, it's really hard to figure out exactly why it does what it does.

          Also. Troll better next time. Even China is barely communist these days. Capitalism won for now.

          • -7

            @incipient: Wtf 😅 Nice try bot.

            • +4

              @pharcyde: One of the fundamental tenements of communism is communal ownership, "common ownership of the means of production, distribution". China at a best whiff practices that. Essentially its just an authoritarian capitalist country.

              Unless you don't believe my explainability part? In which case you're simply not in AI,which is understandable.

              • @incipient: Na was Maoist communist, where the politburo or whatever they called it, ah well the State, owned the means of production, until it got sick of being no good at it.
                So it shifted sideways to fascism, where the State merely controls the means of production and politically favoured families get filthy rich. And of course, that means at least the trains run on time.

      • Can you give the example where it invented fictitious book titles?

    • +1

      What was the question you asked Gpt? You can get different answers with different questions.

      • +1

        Sumarise this article in point-form, make it snarky

        • +4

          Perhaps it may be fairer if you removed snarky

        • +1

          I thought it doesn't have access to the internet?

    • +57

      Damn dude, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

      • +23

        He's right though

        • +25

          No, it's free for a longer period. If it can save money then it's a deal.

          • -2

            @justtoreply: You can also get free napkins at McDonald’s

            • +10

              @A female dog: ……for the time being

            • +8

              @A female dog: Your comparison literally makes no sense.

              When they declare they'll soon charge money for them, but email subscribers are exempt a bit longer, then you should post it here as a deal.

            • @A female dog: And vegemite, jam and butter.

              I havent paid for spreads in decades.

          • @justtoreply: Yeah I was thinking how this was different to the chatGPT “deal” (Which I negged). This one is very similar but it’s a short term opportunity to get a free subscription, which seems more like an actual deal to save money, unlike the chatgpt deal.

    • +32

      Where's the reading skils

      If you’d like to get a jump start, you can sign up to become a member of our site now for free – before the paywalls go up, and you’ll likely be spared from having to pay a subscription fee.

  • +5

    Signed up, thanks.

  • +3

    Why aren't they on TV?

    • +18

      TV is for boomers. Why aren't they on their own streaming service is the real question!

    • +8

      Federal Government is Labor, their main Schick is satirising a federal Lib government. I think a federal Labor government must be bitter sweet for them.

      • +19

        their main Schick is satirising a federal Lib government.

        That is for a very good reason though (from The Chaser)-
        "The time Joe Hockey declared “the age of entitlement is over” while claiming $184,000 in government benefits to ‘rent’ a house from his wife"

        • +16

          There is plenty of opportunity to satirise Labor governments as well, they just generally choose not to.

          • +4

            @tryagain: Its your chance mate, do it!

            • +2

              @whiskeyjack89: There are plenty of less partial places that already do, Beetoota being one.

              • +9

                @tryagain: I must admit I find the Betoota advocate a far better source to find out what is going on than with the chaser boys, who let’s face it, are a sad elderly version of a university revue.

                The Advocate even has more influence. And the influence is actually useful. The creation of the Betoota Advocate after all, led to the actual pub at Betoota opening its doors again after years of being closed.

                What a bunch of complete champions!

          • -7

            @tryagain: Choose? Not so sure its that much of a choice. When your puppetmaster, the ABC is feeding you copious amounts of dollars who in turn have a never ending supply of tax payer funds under a Labour govt then, its much wiser to continue with their agenda to ensure said dollars flow your way.

            • +8

              @Samdell: No surprises that an Andrew Bolt loving crank doesn't know how to spell 'Labor'.

              • +1

                @JohnHowardsEyebrows: No surprises a nuff nuff thinks making 2961 comments on a penny pinching forum gives him the right to assume anyone who has a differing opinion than said nuff nuff is an Andrew Bolt loving crank but hey, I commend you on your superiority.

          • +2

            @tryagain: What are some examples?

      • -1

        It is because the Labor government starves them of content most of the time lately. For instance, Anthony Albanese's one election promise was that "I'll be a good bloke and better than them". Absolute genius - No need for complicated economics, tax reform or geopolitical banter when people are bored of a government that is in its third term and people are statistically likely opt for change regardless, based on the average intelligence levels in a community that is disengaged and forced to vote. He learnt from his predecessor Bill Shorten, whose achilles heel was that he had the one policy to eliminate negative gearing that went some way to costing him the prior election. Now Albanese is trying to permanently create a third house of parliament by stealth via referendum and telling us all to just go along with it, without any detail or legal opinion, because it is going to be fun and its the right thing to do. Zero transparency doesn't leave much room for jokes about policies or statements, where there is no information made available to enable criticism in the first place.

  • -5

    So they were inting on twitter to get banned in order to position towards paid subs. No deal Lol

    • +15

      What’s inting?

      • +44

        Not much what's inting with you

        • +2

          lol your comment got a chuckle from me, have a like

      • +6

        Serious reply, it's short for "intentionally feeding", a gaming term used where you essentially throw a game to lose on purpose.

        • +2

          They weren't "inting". They closed their own account on Twitter:

          (That's the message you get when you close your account, not when you got banned).

          Presumably it's part of their move to paid-only.

      • +4

        very similar to updog

        • +7

          Whomstve updog?

    • +45

      That's ok Sky News after dark is

      • +1

        There's definitely a price, just not money….

    • -6

      I can't say I've ever found anything they've written to be funny or clever or worth reading at all. They have their fans, though. Mainly on pro-Labor circle-jerk forums like r/Australia. I say this as somebody who politically is firmly on the left. The Chaser is some of the laziest, most predictable satire around.

  • +3


    • +8

      No comedians, but the same general objective of making people laugh.

      • Ok, comedians that could only be employed by ABC

      • +1

        No comedians, indeed.

  • -1

    Is this similar in quality to the Babylon bee?

    • +17

      No, this is actually funny and doesn't bash minorities for clicks.

      • +1

        2000 want the chaser back. Pretty tired. Nobody will miss them.

    • +2

      Hard to compare. Satire is always a bit hit & miss, and humour is in the eye of the beholder.
      The Bee guys mean well, but they are very constrained by their strong conservative politics.

      The Chaser may be left-leaning, come from a time before political correctness strangled comedy in Australia.
      If you see Chas on Planet America, you'll see they are not so partisan.

      • +4

        Disagree with "the bee guys mean well". They literally bash trans people over and over and over again; how is that "well-meaning?". It is mean-spirited and as the guy below said punching down.

        • -1

          If you have evidence of a literal assault, please pass it to police.
          I'm basing my comment on interviews, not the website, which is not at all to my political taste, thanks.

          I'm a bit sick of this "punching down" metaphor (or cliche? slogan?) being used block any criticism of chosen classes.
          By that logic, you shouldn't criticise or make jokes about paedophiles, since nobody is lower or more reviled.

          Anyway, at least we all like the Chaser team :)

          • +4

            @bargaino: i don't know anyone who considers paedophiles a minority in the sense we are discussing and, frankly, that is a bizarre analogy to draw.

            If you're content is - and as they themselves have said - entirely about one joke which is bullying trans people and kids (a group that already has a massive rate of suicide), i think it is pretty clearly punching down. Genuinely bemused what is hard to understand about this; harassing and abusing minority groups that are already so ostracised to the point where such harassment can genuinely tip someone to suicide is pretty despicable and disgusting behaviour. Not sure how you managed to describe that as "they mean well".

            • @Iggemo: There is actually a movement for this sadly.

            • -2

              @Iggemo: You now who else has a high rate of suicide? Paedos! So stop "punching down".
              I'm trying to show how silly the argument of punching down is.

              Just be honest and make a list of people you think we should be allowed to criticise. And I'll say the same thing I say to the religious right who say the clergy and God cannot be mocked or criticised. Blasphemy be damned, no sacred cows.

              If the Chaser started out today, they'd be cancelled in no time by the new guardians of public morailty.

              • +2

                @bargaino: You are equating paedophiles with trans people, LGBT+, ethnically diverse people and other minorities. Stop and think about that for a moment.

                • -2

                  @Iggemo: Equating!? What an absurd accusation. Please reflect on how a logical argument works.

                  What is an "ethnically diverse" person, by the way? Somebody with 2 parents from different cultures? Another example of ridiculous contortion of the language by the PC.

          • +1

            @bargaino: But trans people aren't inherently criminals, when people talk about pedos, we're generally talking about the criminals.

            • @sofasty: Not in this country.
              But in some other countries.

              • @FredAstair: Why would a trans person inherently be a criminal just because they live in a different country?

                • @sofasty: Not sure if you don’t comprehend my comment or just not aware of how in other countries trans are less accepted

      • +1

        I think Babylon Bee is constrained by its politics, its basically like Christian stand-up comedy, which is not necessarily bad but usually a pale imitation of the real thing.

        Nowadays the liberal versions also feel very constrained. A lot of news satire going around. At least a half-dozen Daily Show clones both in the US and here. Stewart used to do mainly yuks and a bit of hand-on-heart liberal editorialising; its safe to say the ratio of editorialising to comedy has increased steadily since. It certainly doesn't feel particularly transgressive any more.

        Bill Maher is probably the best of those out there, suprising he's not doing better tbh, particularly as more and more people fall into the "plague on both their houses" camp.

        • Bill Maher is awesome, I'm a bit of a fan. And yes, miss the Jon Stewart days of the Daily Show.
          I can't fault Trevor Noah as a presenter (loved his book), so it must be the writing team that's not so good now :)
          Good point on the increased editorialising.

          Stephen Colbert was funny as a parody of the right-wing commentator. But now that he is a left-wing chat-show host, he seems a bit too mean and disrespectful sometimes.

          Who is new, that I should see, on US political commentary? There must be some younger comedians.

    • +14

      babylon bee punches down, chaser punches up

      • Is that why the chaser stopping being funny?

        • If you need your satire to punch down to be funny, then I'm sorry.

          • @robeh: It all punches down in some way. Laughter is sudden glory, as Hobbes used to say.

          • @robeh: My comedy doesn’t punch anybody - it’s a joke not battery.

  • +20

    I thought the chaser's war on everything was really funny back in the day… Is there a reason for all the dislike?

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