Spotify Premium Individual 12 Months US$20.86 (~A$33) via India Subscription Card (VPN Req) @ Vikingsbrothers G2A


Repost of the expired deal (shout out to Scrooge Mcdeal) with some slight changes for 2025.

Important Note #1: You need an inactive account (account without an active premium subscription) to change your region. If you're region is already set to India then no steps involving VPN are needed - you can just paste the key and redeem 12 months. Alternatively you can make a new account.

Important Note #2: Your Spotify account's region will be set to India, meaning the recommendations are localised to that country.


Step 1
Purchase a Spotify 12 month subscription from G2A using the above links. There are multiple sellers with varying reliability. I personally went with 'Vikingsbrothers' who had the most sales and highest rating and received the code within 2 minutes. As of writing, the price is $32.81. There are also other durations available on G2A e.g. 1, 3 & 6 months. The maximum allowable subscription using gift cards is 18months.

Eneba is also another possible seller. I cannot find any Amazon India sellers.

Step 2
Wait until you have received your activation code (typically couple of minutes).

Step 3.
Switch your VPN ON and set the location to India.
When the VPN is activated, go to Spotify( Go to "account" then "Edit Profile", change the country setting option to "India" it should appear.
If it does not appear, check if the VPN is activated correctly . Save Changes. This will now enable you to redeem your Indian Gift Card.

Step 4.
Copy and paste the gift card codes you have previously purchased. If you try to redeem more than 18 months of premium, you will receive an error stating that you cannot redeem more than 18 months of premium in advance.


It may be possible to convert to a family plan as documented by a past deal but this has not been tested. You want to keep the same region otherwise the duration of premium will be reduced.

Price Comparison
Individual (per mo) Duo/2 (per mo) Student (per mo) Family/6 (per mo)
AU 13.99 ~10.00 6.99 ~4.00
IN ~2.73 - - -

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  • +7

    So are the music recommendations Indian ?

    • +2

      Maybe! I didn't think about that!

    • +29

      To begin with they are. But the algorithm very quickly learns your preferences and it goes back to normal.

      It is funny each year to be in to top 0.001% of Indian listeners for the Aussie rock bands I have in high rotation 😁

      • +12

        bit of John Farnham storming up the indian charts now

        • +4

          John Farnham storming up the indian charts now

          "Saanvi, , the Cleaning Lady…"

      • You may not be scrolling down far enough :-) There are still some Indian recommendations (especially when it comes to the charts) but they're fairly low down the list, so for the most part, it's out of sight and out of mind.

    • +4

      You'll get a row of recommendations in the local language. I've been subscribing to Spotify via Turkey for years and there's always a row of Turkish recommendations

      • -2

        You'll get a row of recommendations in the local language.

        Thanks… 💋Kiss Kiss💋…

      • +1

        Yeah but at least it's not in your face and at the very top your the app. That row of in-country recommendations isn't front and centre so it's not a big deal for me. I had Turkey and then moved to India and I had that row for both. I rarely scroll that far down so I don't usually see it.

    • Not that I can see. I'm using this and all recommendations seem to be as normal. When you click search, it will show 'Hindi' or 'Telugu' top hits instead of Australian top hits though.

    • +1

      Bloodywood (metalcore + Indian folk) goes heady

    • +1
      • dang, I actually love this song 😂

    • +1

      Sort of.

      From my experience using non-Australian premium account for years:
      - They always try to push whatever country charts and playlists
      - If you just let it play whatever, it'll play music popular in that country… I got some pretty interesting stuff
      - But they also take into account your listening profile and try to tailor according to your preferences as well
      - You still can't escape from Sabrina Carpenter though, I had to block her

      All in all, not big deal, it'd probably amuse you more than annoy you.

  • +2

    Will I be singing to Bollywood tunes

  • -1

    It's not very useful when recommendations are tailored to India. I really enjoy Spotify's suggestions because they help me discover new songs and artists that I wouldn't have found on my own.

    • +1

      I still get reccs based of my own listening activity and genres. I find there are just some additional sections on the home page for Indian recommendations.

    • They update very quickly based on your listening habits. Within a couple weeks I was back to song recommendations that align with my listening habits.

  • +5

    But Spotify has the worst sound quality of all streaming services…

    • -2

      Wrong. Ogg Vorbis is fine, and at 320 it's basically transparent.

      • +1

        It really depends on your listening setup. For most people, Spotify is fine - especially if you're listening with noise cancelling headphones or TWS.

        If you have a nicer setup that can take advantage of the high-fidelity formats, there is a small but noticeable improvement in well mastered albums when A/Bing between Spotify 320 and Tidal Lossless, for example. Have done a bunch of blind tests with people and they're all able to pick it. Whether or not that such a small improvement is worth it, is another question - but for people who have thrown a lot of money at their hifi setups, it makes sense to try and squeeze every ounce of quality out of it.

        • +1

          If you want quality then don’t stream and instead buy CDs or FLAC.

          Also, surely Spotify isn’t the worst or at least isn’t the worst alone. I assume Spotify is the same and YouTube Music which is the same as Apple which is the same as Amazon.

          • -7

            @sween64: You assume wrongly.

            Also, streaming can be higher than CD. They literally stream the hi-res hi-depth FLAC on other services.

            Glad your spent the time to tell us your uninformed opinion instead of searching it and learning something!

            • @bejahi: Who hurt you bro?

            • -1

              @bejahi: So which is has the best quality stream YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple or Amazon?

              • +2

                @sween64: I want quality and I don't want to bother with changing CDs every time I want to play a different song.

                Apple, Tidal, Deezer, Quobuz and certain tiers on Amazon Music offer some variant of high resolution or "lossless" streaming, which at least in theory, should deliver CD quality or better, if you have a setup that can process and play those formats at those resolutions. Chasing quality beyond lossless streaming doesn't really provide any noticeable improvement, even on high end systems, unless you change formats entirely and look at extremely well mastered and pressed vinyl.

                Youtube Music and Spotify use lossy formats. For most people, this is entirely good enough and moving to better quality formats would provide no noticeable improvement, as the setup itself is the bottleneck, not the streaming format. Beyond that, if the particular album is poorly mastered, jumping between lossless and lossy is going to make even less of a difference, even on high end systems.

    • I tried apple music for a few months but the PC desktop app was absolutely atrocious.

    • +2

      320 is fine tbh

  • +6

    I had zero regrets moving over to youtube music included with youtube premium. 1 less sub

    • No apple watch downloads on yt music otherwise i would

    • +2

      I moved from Youtube Premium for Music, to Spotify because Youtube Premium is just too damn expensive.

      • +2

        Not when paying via Turkey Apple Store

        • debating on whether I set up my iPad with Apple Turkey

        • I was bummed when they booted my Argentinean sub to YT Premium in Dec. But, yeah, iOS IAP under my Turkish Apple ID was the next cheapest available option.

        • That's fair, but I have no Apple devices, so no go for me.

    • Yeah this was me for years until they made it 32 bucks!

  • -3

    That's a lot to pay to still jump through hoops tbh.

    Amazon Music all the way. Doesn't hurt that they've thrown literal years at us for free trials either.

    • Been on Amazon music for the last few months after kicked out of yt premium india. Most of the artists are there but recommendations algorithm sucks - after playing some old soviet anarchist punk it would next play some Mexican salsa or something

  • +5

    Poor Taylor Swift, you’re all just ripping the livelihood out of her pockets

  • +3

    For anyone worried about recommendations being Indian, don't be.

    For the first week or two they'll recommend you Indian music, but once you've listened to a bunch of your usual music, the algorithm learns very quickly and it goes back to normal.

    I've been on an Indian plan for a few years and apart from my yearly summary telling me how I compare to other listeners in India you'd never know it was anything other than a standard Aussie subscription.

    • +1

      The only problem is that they'll still have Indian music in the New Release Mix playlist

    • Yes this is correct. I have Indian sub from last deal (Amazon coupon). No Indian music in my recommendations playlists.

      My wife has Indian sub as well who actually listens to Indian music. Our Daily Discover are totally different.

    • +1

      Same here, few years on Indian Spotify - but I still get recommended Indian music. But usually I already know what I'm looking for, so recommendations don't really matter much in my listening experience

  • if you prefer Apple Music over the Joe Network, it's try400 (~$17.50)/yr over in the gobbles

    • Do you still call it that even though that's over?

    • How do you get that? Did i miss the deal?

    • Do you pay via giftcards? Pretty tempting!

      EDIT - Oh I remember looking into this, and you had to be locked into the Apple Turkey app store to have it work, right?

      • yeah, both have a turkey apple id & use giftcards.

        i only use it for my Amazon Echos & android phone, so I'm not sure how you go on an iphone.

        • +1

          Yeah, its a great option for Android - unfortunately on iPhones, it forces you to sign into the Turkey Apple ID to access Apple Music, which then forces you out of the Australian app store and your Apple cloud account / storage etc.

          • +1

            @poppingtags: ah bugga, that's why I like android I have YT from Ukraine, Disney & Apple Music, Duolingo, MS & other cheap subs from Turkey.

  • Any reason to get Spotify if I already have Apple Music, Amazon Music (via Prime) and YouTube Music (via Premium)?

    I think I have too many subscriptions. But this is pretty tempting!

    • +1

      No. What are you missing?

      PS the Amazon Music is a curtailed version unless you pay for the full version (on top of Prime).

      • Didn’t know that they have a full version as well !

    • You really don't need 4 streaming services for music lol..

      Although Amazon Music Prime is hardly a service and YouTube Music pissed me off recommending random remixes, mashups and skits from YouTube so you only really have the 1 decent one which is all you need.

      • -1

        Not intentional at all. Need prime, for prime video and amazon shopping. Need YT Premium to not watch ads. Apple Music is optional, but that’s also included with iCloud family plan. Maybe don’t need Spotify after all!

        • +2

          for prime video

          which have ads now

    • Maybe, I have never tried Spotify, but I find Apple Music is getting repetitive and just playing the same music lately and Ive had it for about 6 years.

      Was actually thinking of getting rid of it as its just blah lately, like they have lost a tonne of artists.

  • is there an activation deadline if I decide to purchase now for later activation?

    • +2

      This isn't a limited time offer - it's just the normal price for an Indian subscription. Just get it when you need it on the off chance they crack down on it between when you buy it and when you use it.

      • thanks

  • +1


    After this-do I still need VPN when listening to spotify on my phone?

    • +2


    • Nope! You only need VPN for the redeeming part.

    • +2

      No you just need to move to India to be able to use it.

  • +1

    Worked! Already had my account set to India from the last Amaazon deal, so didn't need the VPN this time. Bought the code from the seller recommended by OP and redeemed for 12months no problem.

  • If you want to do 18 Months, do you buy the 12 months GC + 6 Months GC?

    • 12 months is the maximum you can add to your account

      • I added 12+6 months to my account yesterday by buying GC of that amount.
        It was an old acct that had no Prem subscription

        • Oh, really? Spotify must have changed their process. Good to know, cheers.

          • +1

            @KangaDrew: Yes confirming, I added 12 monts and then came back next day and added another 6 months with no issues.

            Thanks OP

  • +1

    Worked like a charm. Added another 12 months to my existing IN subscription.

    • Came here to see that. Perfect. Got 160 days left.

      Edit: added another year.

    • Nice! How did you add another 12 months if you already have an existing sub though? I tried doing that in my account but it's not showing any option to redeem another GC on top of my current sub.

      • My annual sub was about to expire so I added another 12 months on top. Maybe it could be if you add another 12 months to yours, it'll bump you over the 18 months max allowed?

        • Mine expires on 04/07/2025

  • what VPN are you guys using? is there a free one?

    • Tunnelbear

    • NordVPN with 100% cashback (was a previous deal on here)

    • "Urban VPN" works for me, it has India and its free !!

  • +4

    Anyone got a positive result on this for a family deal?


  • AMAZING!!! thanks OP. works with no problem at all.

  • +1

    Had Indian account for couple of years. Recommendations go away after you start listening to your music and change accordingly.

  • +1

    Brilliant. This worked. Thank you!

    Now does anybody have any way of getting cheap YouTube Premium?

    • +2

      $4.50/m on Turkish Apple sub.

      • +1

        Any instructions out there on how to do this? Thanks.

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